East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 01, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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eight pages.
Groceries for Harvesters
Either Staple or Fancy
Best grade Teas and Coffees, Hams and Bacon,
Mountain Potatoes, Relishes, Vegetables and Fruits
A large line of fresh eatables for
Harvesters and Campers and at
Right Prices
Standard Grocery Co.
214-216 East Court Street Phone Main 96
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
Official Weather Report.
Maximum temperature S9.
Maximum temperature 42.
Marriage License Issued.
A marriage license was issued to
day to Harrison Rose and Marie Mul
key, both of this county.
! IV Caprto Is Here.
lienor A. DeCaprio, director of the
j De Caprto band, which played for the
, district fair on two occasions, has been
'' In the city today. He is soliciting the
1 contract for playing for the fair this
year. It seems that owing to a mis
understanding between the musicians'
union of Portland and Director Ruzzi
to whom the contract was awarded,
that contract has been rendered void.
So De Caprio is seeking the contract
and has already signed up with the
management of the Walla Walla fair
which occurs the week prior to the
Pendleton fair. He has a band of 25
pieces and a talented soprano soloist,
Signorina Bettlni, who has been wide
An Action for Money.
A ailit in i n 1 1 ii.i o ..a i line
was Bled today in the circuit court 'l? Pra.isd for her beautiful singing.
against Harry Huvali by the National
Credit association.
More 40-Bushel Wheat.
Another good yield of wheat from
the light land section is reported by
James Jones, who resides 8 miles
north of Pendleton. His entire crop
of wheat is averaging 40 bushels per
I Thus far the fair board has made no
second contract though President C.
E. Roosevelt says that he understands
the Ruzzi contract is now off. Di
rector McElroy, who played here for
two seasons, is also an applicant for
the contract.
Chief is on Duty.
After an enforced vacation of a
month. Chief of Police Gurdane went
on duty this morning. Since return
ing from Portland, where his eye
was operated upon, he has been rest
ing up.
Browne on Trial Again.
Chicago, Aug. 1. The second trial
of Lee O'Neil Browne, charged with
bribery in connection with the elec
tion of Senator Lorimer to the senate
began today before Judge Kersten.
The entire session was taken up with
New York. X. Y., July 30.
The month of August is usually too
hot for the sovereign voter to get ex
cited over political matters, but, not
withstanding, the spellbinders and lit
erary lights of the Grand Old Party
are going to try to liven things up. In
the St. James building today a force
of men are putting things In shape
for the opening of the national head
quarters of the republican congres
sional campaign committee. On Mon
day a force of clerks will take pos
session ana the fight for the control
of the next congress will be on.
While headquarters will also be main
tained in Washington and Chicago,
New York will bo the center of ac
tivity this year.
Constantinople has the reputation
of being something of a dog-center,
hut it is unlikely that it can compare
with New York in this respect. While
there are iu adequate figures nn whlrli
to base an estimate of the canine pop
ulation of Gotham, it is safe to say
that no other city can equal it. With
in the last year about 55,000 bow
wows, homeless tramps and hoboes of
dogdom, have been asphyxiated In
this city, without causing any appre
ciable diminution of the numher of
canines roaming at large. With the
arrival of the "mad dog" days, the
humane officers are redoubling their
efforts, and as many as 300 animals
a day are sent to the dog heaven. Gas
tanks render their passing from this
vale of tears painless if not pleasant.
If the new state automobile law,
effective Monday, has the expected
effect walking i the big town will
become less dangerous. Incompetent
and reckless chauffeurs, bv the op
eration of the law, are finding them
selves minus an occupation and will
have to engage In a "walk" of life
gagement, when she will make an
extended tour of the United States
Deft pounders of the organ keys to
the number of "several hundreds will
go out to Ocean Grove next week and
take part in the national convention
of organists. Mine, Schumann-Helnk
will open the convention on Tuesday
with a .song recital, and on Saturday
next Mme. Bernice Pasqunli, Dalton
Baker and other Metropolitan Opera
songbirds will be heard in a concert.
Speaking of singers, the members
of the Arion society are preparing to
day for one of the moBt ambitious
trips ever taken by an organization of
warblers. The party will leave this
city Tuesday next with the Yellow
stone National Park as their destina
tion. Brazil, which is a little South Am
erican republic about the size of the
United States, will get some free ad
vertising next week, when Hermes
Fronseca, the president-elect of that
nation, arrives in New, York on an ex
tensive tour of the world. The Brazil
ian dignitary sailed from England to
day on the Mauretanta, ana Is due
here next Friday. After his recep
tion here, he will go to Beverly to
meet President Taft, thenco to Valley
Forge, Pa., for an Interview with
Secretary Knox and will then visit In
Philadelphia, Washington, Boston,
Pittsburg, Chicago and other cities
before sailing for homo on Septem
ber 2.
Lieut. Frederick E. Humphreys, of
the engineer corps, who Is now in
New York on leave of absence, will
go on the retired list of the army next
Monday. He was one of Wilbur
Wright's pupils In the aeroplane tests
last fall and became enamored of the
flying game. Since his duties did not
permit him to follow his chosen vo
cation, he decided to quit the army
and devote his future to experiments
in aerial navigation. He is one of the
wealthiest officers in the service and
has sufficient money to carry on any
experiments he may undertake.
Drivers of motor vehicles who have
ever been convicted of careless or
reckless j radices, who use alcohol
(Continued from page 1.)
Two Births Reported.
Dr. R. E. Ringo reports the birth of , his victim's wife flee with him.
two exceptionally lusty boys to swell ; Gibson is the wife of the superintend
the population of Umatilla county. On ent on the farm where Walker work
Saturday evening a 12 pound son was ; ed. The negro lured her from the
born to Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Weber at ! house by telling her a neighbor had
the home of Mrs. Weber's mother, Mrs. ! diel. A short distance from the
Bryson, in this city. Last night a 10
pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
I R. Lawrence of Ukiah.
New Telegraph Superintendent. -
Local Manager G. B. Gillette has
been formally notified that E. Boeh
lng has been appointed to succeed R.
T. Reed as district superintendent of i accompany him.
nouse he sprung upon her. Her little
brother heard her cries and ran to
her assistance, but the negro slashed
the boy with a razor. Walker left
the woman dying and went to the
cottage of Jesse Brown, colored, and
fired through the window wounding
him, and then forced Mrs. Brown to
The mob found
the Western . Union Telegraph com-!"aiKer hiding in a swamp. The
pany, with headquarters in Seattle. j Brown woman was not with him at the
Reed has been connected with the tlme-
telegraph business for nearly a quar-I Negro Under Girl's Bed.
ter of a century and during his in- j Cairo, 111., Aug. 1. The screams
cumbency as superintendent has en- , ot tne young daughter of john Wade,
deared himself to every operator and ! V7ho ives ten miles northeast of this
other employe in the northwest. He ,' P'ace, resulted in the capture and
recently resigned to enter business for 1ncnlng 01 a ncsro who had entered
her room and was discovered at her
bedside. The negro had no time to
escape and dived under the bed. He
was dragged from his hiding place.
A Dody of men quickly gathered
Wenaha Is Popular.
Yesterday was one of the busiest
Springs this season and the crowd i The negro was Placed in a wagon and
that was present shows the popular- i ene end of a rope was tie1 about hls
ity of that Blue mountain resort un- neck and the otner fastened to a limb
der the management of P. H. McPhee. of a tree" The waS" was driven from
There are many Pendietonians at the un' aer hfm and his bo,3y was riddled
resort. Among thnge returning last j wlth bullets.
night or this morning after ' spending
the day at the springs were Mr. and
Mrs. George Hartman, jr., Cress Stur
gis. Elmer Storie, Gail Sturdivant,
Roy Alexander, John Dickson Har
old .Warner, Miss Iva H!II, R. B.
Stanfield who returned th:s morning,
and Fred Lampkln.
T is a mistake for any
merchant to assure him
self ' that his store is so
Well known that it does-
nt require newspaper advertising
that trade will naturally drift his
way anyhow. There isn't a store
world that has so
that not a
anywhere in the.
secure a footing
single store and in any field sales
can be increased by the right kd
of newspaper advertising.
(Continued from' page 1.)
City Jail is Full.
Frances Bonifer, Bazil Parr, John
Sanderson, John Tecolla, Jacob Em- wound
DrusK, j. tsootn, rred Gibson and
George Waters are all doing time in
the city jail, having been arrested
Saturday evening and Sunday on the
charge of being drunk. When ar
raigned this morning they did not
have the money to pay their fines.
and '56. The family claims that there
i still due for this beef more than
SlO.OOO from the government.
j Guyer Is the Indian who is alleged
! nave atiemptea suietae, two or
I three years ago. by shooting himself
in tne stomach with a revolver. Tha
did not prove to be serious
and Guyer Insisted that he did not
try to end his life, but thai he had a
hunch of fire-rraekers inside his shirt
and that another Indian played a Joke
or, him by setting fire to the crack-
It was said at the time, that Lucy
hhorty Saunders forfeited $10 bailsmen, a Umatilla belle, was the cause
for being drunk and disorderly wffile ; . the attempt at suicide. Cover had
oeing;been In love with her for some timP
an Indian forfeited $5 fer
crunk. E. P. Wittenberg is being!
tried this afternoon on the charge of I
interfering with an officer and sleep- j
ing In the depot. I
Many a land lubber is looking for
his ship to come In.
but a Yakima Indian who had mm
over for the Fourth of July celobra
tion had won her heart. The alina
ation of affection, if there was any,
was apparently temporary for Guyer
and the woman were seen together
Saturday afternoon.
.0 11 s
Never come back when cleaned by the
wet, chemical and steam (leaner. We call for and deliver any
Phone Main 46. JACK WEBSTER. Mer. 32 E. Court St.
ViVi Hi -
Just Dirt
or a bad soil It's the same to us our
work Is sufficient In cleaning and
pressing particular people's garments,
yet our charges are rrfodest to a de
gree that'll please the most economi
cal. Pendleton Dye Works
206 H East Alta St., Phone Main 169.
Ies3 perilous to pedestrians. .,
Vice Chairman Henry Loudenslager
representative from New Jersey, will
be In charge of the offices. It Is now
practically certain that the campaign
will be fought out on a "stand pat"
program, despite the wails of the In
surgents to the general effect that
that way lies ruin and a democratic
New York will Berve as a clearing
house for literature if the stuff sent
out by campaign committees may le
gally be called that and also for
spellbinders. AH of the Patrick
Henrys, the Daniel Websters anil the
Robert Ingersolls of the country are
flocking to town in the f"nd hope of
finding a market for their silver-
tongued eloquence.
Representative WilFiamMcKinley
of Illinois, a millionaire trolley mag.
nate, Is in charge of the task of fill
ing the republican barrel and it is ru
mored that he has already met with
success. The New England mill in
terests are said to have come across
handsomely and the New York rep
resentatives of the Interests have not
lagged behind. In the democratic
camp, however, there ts something
resembling weeping and wailing and
gnashing of teeth and the campaign
managers are not viewing the finan
cial situation with any marked degree
of optimism. So far, the democrats
have no barrel, a very small keg serv
ine; to hold the collections.'
Manufacturing money would seem
to be a pleasing p.-cupatlon, but
Kingsbcry Foster, superintendent of
tfio assav office of the New York
mint, h:is tired of the Job and will
leave It today. On Monday a new
face will be seen at his desk, said
countenance belonging to Daniel Par
ish Kingsford. He Is a native of New
York, was educated In England, and
has had a long bu moss experience
New York.
Mile. Polaire, who glories in ' the
title of "the ugliest woman In the
world," but who doesn't look It, will
shake the dust of Gotham from her
pedal extremities next week ana re
turn to her beloved Paris. She has
made a decided hit in New Tork and
her admirers will hear with pleasure
that she contemplates a return en-1
or morphine, or who may have any
mental or physical informities which
interfere with the proper management
and control of automobiles, are un
der the ban of the new law.
A sham battle between American
and European aeroplanes is one of the
features now being arranged for the
aviation tournament on Long Island
next October. A committee of avia
tors and military tacticians are now
working out the plans for the maneuvers.
Aukeny lirenks the Record.
All records for slow time between
th:s city and Wenaha springs by auto,
were broken last night by Nesmlth
Ankeny of the First National bank and
Brooke Dickson of the Domestic
laundry. They started from Wenaha
springs at 7:30 last evening arriving
in Pendleton at 4 o'clock this morn
ing When one of the tires blew out
after they had proceeded a consider
able distance they thought little of the
accident but when the performance
was repeated soon after and then re
peat. 1 again, the amusing side of the
situation wore off. It was necessary
ror tnem to pull the tire off four
times on the Journey.
nrnlvnl Was Attached.
me empire carnival company
which played in this city last week Is
evidently in sore straights. Two at
taehment suits were riled Saturday af
ternoon and still a third was filed
this morning on some of their para
phernalia which they were unable to
get out of town. Only a part of the
show was able to go to La Grande to
fill the engagement there.
My young nephew was reading his
lesson to me one day, wnen he sud
denly exclaimed: .
"I'm English!"
"Why, no, you're not," I answered.
"I am so! My teacher said so," re
"Your teacher meant that your fore
fathers were Engllsn," I said.
"Forefathers! Did I have fo ir
fathers, Auntie?"
The Busy Boston
Now Located
725 Main Street
West side between Alta and
Court Sts.
(Continued From Page One.)
Notice is hereby given that tha
School Superintendent of Umatilla
county, Oregon, will hold the regular
examination of applicants for state
and county certificates at Pendleton
as follows:
For State Papers.
Commencing Wednesday. August
10, 1910, at nine o'clock a. m on
wireless operator, knew that the two
were Dr. Crlppen and his girl com
panion. The service rendered by newspapers
In England and America in publishing
accounts of the dlsannenrnnea uHlh eontlniilncr until o.i,,..in . 1. . .
. ...... ....... .. a uxx. t'o.ui unjr, AUKU81
descriptions and pictures of Dr. Crip- 1910, at four o'clock p. m.
pen and Mme. Leneve are recognized Wednesday Penmanship,' history
as the principal factor in the arrests spelling, physical geography, reading
while the usefulness of the wireless psychology. '
is not underestimated. When Inspec- Thursday Written arithmetic
tor Dew boarded the Montrose at first theory of teaching, grammar, book
he was uncertain the man was Crip- keeping, physics, civil government
pen as the suspect, had shaved his Friday Physiology, geography
broad moustache. composition, algebra, English lltera-
Woinnii Is Wreck. ture. school law.
Mme. Leneve is a nervous wreck Saturday Botany, plane geometry
and efforts are being made to per- general history,
suade her to incriminate Crlppen. In-; For County Papers,
speetor Dew who Identified the couple ' Commencing Wednesday. August
Is not satisfied with the security of 10, 1910. at nine o'clock a. m., and
the cells and ordered them trans- continuing until Friday, August II
ferred to dungeons in the parliament 1910, at four o'clock p m
building. Crlppen was talkative on Wednesday Pennmanship, "history,
the river journey but became sullen orthography, reading, phvslcal geo
and silent after he was imprisoned, graphy.
The girl wrung her hands, moaned. Thursday Written arithmetic,
and rolled on the floor cell and did theory of teaching, grammar, physl-
...-i otj uuung una rouowing tne Ology.
arrest aboard the Montrose at; Friday Geography, school law.
Father Point. She was a pitiable sight civil government. English literature
and it was with difficulty the police' FRANK K. WELLES
persuaded her to land while the! Superintendent Umatilla County,
thousand were watching. She re- -
rused to enter the automobile and was I Dnllv East Orenlftn ,r
j - - - - -
...,.-,, , le parliament building only 65 cents per month,
in a cab. The girl was astounded !
wnen she learned she
and Crlppen I
oiTunni oi muraer, and entirely
forgetting she was playing a boy.
fainted when Chief McCarthy of
Quebec arrested her. When searched
she was wearing a canvass harness to
conceal her figure, a soft shirt and
loose trousers and cap. Her hair
was short and parted in the middle.
Everybody aboard knew she was not
a boy but none suspected she was
Mme Leneve. After her nrrest she
was given a loose gown and led down
the gang plank, but fainted when she
reached the prison. Inspector Dew
expressed the belief the woman was
not a participant in the alleged mur
der. According to British law, suspects
may not be questioned except per
functorily regarding the crime of
which they are accused and they are
warned that anything they may say
will be used against them. This does
not prevent Mme Leneve from turning
king's evidence if done of her own
free will. Dew believes Crlnnen h.
kept her ignorant of the charges
against them. i
Crlppen wore a canvas belt contain- 1
ing several women's diamond rings,
ear rings and stickpins. I
Although the passengers did not
recognize Crlppen and his companion,
and although the pair were unaware j
their identity was known to officers
of the ship, the captain, mates and
wireless operator knew them. Officer
Mowatt claims the credit of being the !
first to arouse Captain Kendall's sua- '
pirion. None of the officers knew a
reward was offered. i
No revolvers wem found on either.
After Mme Leneve had revived after
the arrest sho rushed to a porthole
and threw what Is believed was Crip- !
pen's revolver overboard. An enve-1
lope containing powder, found in !
Crlppen's effects, prove to be analyzed. !
Dnlly East Oregonlnn
only C5 cents per month.
by' carrier
12 Room Lodging House
well furnishsrj can be
bought very cheap.
House and Lot can be
bought for $800 this prop
erty is a bargain only re
quires $250 to Handle
I have for Sale some 5
and 10 Acre Tracts
very cheap
The Real Estate and In
surance Man
550 Alain St. Phone M. 5
n Will Bri
. ;?S?TYJ-rnriB-I i Your
Back to Business Again
Dr. F. A. CLISE wishM tr.
that he can be found at his office In
the John Schmidt building, Pendle
ton, Ore. Eyes carefully examined,
and glasses ground to fit. 30 years
practice fitting glasses. The only ex
clusive Eye Specialist in Umatilla
ghten Un
Home Vi
Can be used on wood or met
al floors, woodwork, furni
ture, picture frames, etc. Comes
ready mixed. Easily applied
quickly dried. For sale by
Murphy Bros.
A man that would blow his brains
out hasn't any. I
To every purchaser buying a boxful of our Wun
derhose, in either Men's, Women's or Children's, we
warrant these goods to wear four months from date of
purchase without having to be mended in the foot, or we
will replace them free of charge.
- For Men, Women or Children, $1.00 a Box
Main and Court Stmt,