East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 27, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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ooni PAGES.
f ;t:lud I 'ally. Weekly Dd Scml-WMklj
at PtDdletoB, Orwoo, bj tta
oc. jnr, bj mall 15.00
ii m.intna, by mall 2-50
I-alir, tor nontht. by mall 125
rtlij, oae month, bj mall 50
oo year, by carrier T.oO
l!y. all oioDtha. by carrlr 1.75
4 ally, tbr months, by carrier 1.93
I ally, one mooth, by rarrlr 65
"' :y. on year, by mall 1-&0
ki li monttia. by mall .T5
? tk','. (our mouth, by mall B0
tal-Weekly, one year, by mall.... 1.50
trol Wk:jr. tli monuia. by mall... .75
(tm! V,rrl:.v four montba. by mall.. JW
The Dally East ureKonlao la kept aala
tbf Orvcon Newa Co.. 147 tttb atrwt,
fordand. Oro.
orthtrrat News. Co.. Portland, Oregon.
Chicago Kureau, C.'9 Security Bolldlog.
WaahlDFtoD. D. C, Korean, 501 Four-
ttantb atreet, S. W.
Member t"nlted Preaa Aaoclatloo.
Entered at the poatoiflce at Pendleton,
racoa. aa aecond oiaaa mall matter.
lepbooe Main 1
Official City and County Paper.
One saw an artist o'er his self-
appointed task
Toil patiently through many
months, and stopped to
"Art thou assured that to thy
work the gods will give
Such beauty as through all the
years will make it live?"
"Ah. no! 1 know not ir the work
on which my hand
Xow tries its skill shall e'er
with works immortal
But this I know: that striving
ceaselessly will bring
The power to do in time some
far more worthy thing."
Strive on! Days in themselves
may unavailing be,
And cherished schemes may fail,
but trust and thou shalt
How work repays itself. Xo ef
fort Is in vain;
In God's Great Book each loss
is balanced by a gain.
Katherine Qulnn.
A Portland man named Lafferty is
tiyiag to run for Congress against
Judge W. R. Ellis and he attempts to
pose as a "progressive."' But some
of his utterances show him to be a
peculiar sort of a progressive. Listen
to this: ' The present forest reserve
policy is un-American. Our resourc
es can never be conserved from
Washington. The forest reserves
should be conveyed in trust to the
If he holds such views as these Mr.
Lafferty differs materially from the
progressive leaders of the senate and
house Most of these men uphold the
conservation policy of Roosevelt and
Pinclnt. That policy calls for the
conservation of natural resources by
the national government. In the view
or the leading advocates of the con
servation policy it is the only plan
that means anything. The plea for
state conservation 13 made for the
most part by the men opposing con
servation in general. If effective state
conservation were probable those same
men would be deriding state control
ai.d calling for national conservation.
As for Mr. Laffetry if he wants to
run for congress as a progressive he
should first make sure he belongs
with that wing of his party. At pres
ent be has little to show for it. He
hails as a progressive but regarding
Connervation he talks like a stand
patter. In other worls he is traveling
like a "saw horse" and It is hard to
say wlu-ther he is going or coming.
Caroline Hazard, who has Just
retired as the head of Wellesley col-leg--,
struck a popular chord when
he declared it to be the duty of
school to promote the good health
of young women anl to fit them to
b":nm good wives. mothers and
Commenting upon Mrs. Hazard's re-!
tirlng address the Evening Telegram
had the following:
G)oi health is the basis of every
thing In human life. It can easily
and pleasurabiy be acquired. Right
eating, right sleeping, right clothing,
ple-nty of exercise and plenty of fresh
air will do it for any girl, no matter
h-iw delicate she may be at the start
Every one of these- thing, deserves
erlous consideration, not alone be- eoma bank clerk using a modern ad
caune of Its individual effect, but for 'lin- mn chine In casting up a long
the vast Influence it will exercise up-1 crA" of figures. The Jap with his
ivsroban did the work In thirty see
on the coming generation of men and n,ls wlll:e the bank c,Prk w,th hlg
women, ; Ming midline took fifty-four sec-
It Is surprising ho-w little thought'"1'1" obtaining a total. The Jap.
1. hi. i.nnnrtnt .k. l,'nP!" hn,i 'he total correct at the
J'Ht. It Is true of men as well as of
vonn'n Nobody pays any attention
to the study of his own physical struc
ture until there is evidence of break-
In d )n or deterioration. As a mat- ; him.
ter of fact most of the Ills from which l -Vr. Rndcliff relatis a story' of men
humnnlty suffers from middle life on-,:iI calculation on th part of a .local
vard. are brought about through ig- ,Ch,"M' who h? bM",n'" "l '?
" ibank. He came In one day and brought
norsn-e, carrlewnees or callous in- exchange on sercral points in the
difference to the penalty that must be
p.. id sooner or later.
s. far as pleasure is concerned and
the keen enjoyment of life, they come
ir. their helghrst expression to those
vlio most nearly obey nmnre's law.
One time it was thought that the
mere mention of nature's laws involv
f .. such a giving, up of rational pleas.
uvi that nobody but an anchorite
c uM tackle the job. It Is now be
ii.g teamed that choicest pleasures of
life come from their observance.
"Know then thyself is one of the
world's greatest commandments. Tour
sunt asset Is your health, which is
in. l t' be nursed and co3d!ed, but
promoted by certain simple physical
rules which every rational, red-blooded
individual will enjoy putting in
It is pleasant to hear fr -m the hend
of n great woman's college that tho
purpose, of the college is to train
young- women in perfect health and to
fit them for motherhood and as
household heads. We fear both of
tbese features of education are being
largely lost sight of in the cases of
young women. College training very
frequently has evolved something
fearful and wonderful to behold with
ii'e.Ts of life and its duties so novel
that experienced people simply gasp
ed to hear them. But if the college
4ic;n and will seriously undertake this
great labor, they will furnish theft
pvofoundest Justification for exist
ence. ins cornsE is plain.
In a cartoon yesterday the Portland
On-gonian pictured Average Voter as
sadly perplexed over the numerous
county division bills that have been
filed and upon which he must vote
in November. The questions Involv
ed seem as "clear as mud" to him.
But "Average Voter" need not wor
cy much over the division bills. His
course In the matter should be plain.
The people who have initiated the
numerous division bills have done so
iu abuse of the initiative privilege.
Division questions are local questions
and they should be settled by the
people of the counties interested. A
law calling for such a method of solv
ing division issues will be passed. The
divisionists are afraid of such a law
and they ore trying to railroad their
schemes through this year and hope
the people will vote blindly for their
Initiative measures.
Average Voter should get ready to
vote "Xo" upon every division bill
upon the ballot. This is the only
safe course for him to take. He can
not hope to pass intelligently upon the
merits of the various bills and so the
logical thing to do is to insist that
those measures be held in abeyance
until the state devises a more satis
factory way of settling such issues.
It is possible that the "regulars"
will allow Garfield to take the gub
ernatorial nomination in Ohio in
hepf-s that Harmon will defeat htm.
By the sudden death of W. Roy
Saxton Vmatilla county lost a young
man who was so universally beloved
that the news of his death came as
a tragic shock.
Judging from the expressions of
state papers of all political faiths, the
r-sem'oly has widened Instead of clos
ed the breach in the republican party.
Those people In the hot states of
the east would appreciate the "00I
eastern Oregon nights.
High and low he searched for the
hnsr 1 f c.nf-tt: he had brought home
--. the previous evening for his son
.-nd heir, but his efforts were not re
warded with success. Where on
eirth hid he put It? What had be
come of t? With every minute he
became more irate, till finally he rang
for Bridget. "Rr'dget!" he exclaimed
t .'.!. "did y-.u see that bag of con
fetti I brought home last night for
".S'iure. an Oi did. sorr!" brogued
' tit Brldg-t. "But Oi didn't know It
w?.s r.niy for Mas'hr Fred. Thnrs's
but half av it left now "
"Only half of It?" he cried. "What
on earth have you d ne with ,he rest?"
"Ciok'-d It, av course." re-tort ed
Bridget, "an' it's for yer own break-
U: 7. v'lth cr''im,' ' 11 rtin marn-
in'!" r'ro!t Free Press.
One story from the Tacoma Ledger
nnd one toll by W. R. Ri Icllff of
I the Bank of Wn'sonville tend to show
that the oriental method of caleula-
" i-, not to be sneezed at.
At a recent meeting of the Tacoma
I Chapter of the American Institute of
T'lt-.V PlerVa a TnrinneRO Mr.rlr n.
jln, a "saroban" nut it all over a Ta-
'irst trlnl, wbllc the bank clprk ms-le
nn f-rror. The J,ip snld h once
v.orkffl In a hank in Osaka whf-re this
mlf-nt device was used, and that he
iv.- nr;t fi-inM--rd fnst at all, as
Ortent. The rate is different In many
place and In several is In odd cents
and even half cents. Mr. Radclift
started figuring out the total, when
the Chinese asked for five dollars'
worth of dimes, or a package of fifty.
Spreading these on the counter he
manipulated i'nem for about a minute
and announced the total, which was in
d. liars and odd cents.
A revision of his figures later show
ed he was riitht to a fraction.
The little old-fashioned, machine
used by both Chinese and Japanese
is what formerly designated in this
country as an abacus. Watsonville
The first grade teacher in a down
town school was explaining to her lit
tle scholars the meaning of the word
"unit" and was trying her best to
make the explanation comprehensible.
"This is a unit" said she. taking up
a pencil. "This is a unit," touching a
bo.k on her table. "This is a unit,"
pointing to a orange that lay on her
During recess one of the youngsters
produced an orange in the schoolyard
and half a dozen of them ate it joy
ously. When the bell rang to call the
children back to the classroom one
little boy was meditatively chewing a
piece of orange skin.
"What is that you have?" asked the
teacher, a little sharply. "Children
are not allowed to eat oranges or
anyth'ng else in the classroom." The
boy looked at her rather puzzled for
an instant. Then he said, brightly:
"This I'm eatin'? That ? the skin
of a unit teacher!" Philadelphia
"Over the hills and far away!"
It's as true today as yesterday; -For
Love comes In and Love goes out,
And wonders what we are weeping
"Over the hills!" My heart, my
What is it breaks when loved ones
Oh! the haunted eyes and the swim
ming mist,
When we seek in vain for the lips
we kist!
When Love came first on fragrant
We forgot Love's self amid Love's
sweet things,
With never a thought of the bitter
When Love should greet us from far
Over the hills and far away!
Oh, it' easy to weep and hard to pray;
Let Love came once and he came to
Tho' the ocean severs us twain today.
T do not like this idea of having custom-house
officials, to whom most of
us have never been introduced, write
our tariff laws. It hurt my pride to
start with. I can conceal it from trie
public, but you cannot conceal when
you are at home. Those who know
you begin to see what a bubble this
senate business is; that its majority
does not represent anybody's Ideas,
which my friend from Oregon (Mr.
Bourne so well says Is tho one potent
thing there is in this world; that its
debates have no significance; that
v.hen you want to get anything done
send out to the custom-nouse and get
an expert that we have had flittering
can to fix It up.
Well, I am tired of it, and I will
tell you why. The veteran experts
THERE Is really no necessity!
for depriving yourself of certain
TockIs bocause tlio stomach N
weak. Strengthen it nt once
and aid (ligation by taking I
course of
!t-ii) ;i
for More
; nm
V ? is I
J A picture of the right kind is
worth more, as a tradc-puiier,
than a whole page of type.
It attracts sttention, and
this is the first cssertial in
successful publicity
Our engraving department
is producing cuts for the high
est grades of commercial
printing, including three- and
four -color process pistes.
engravings that will give your
booklet, catalog, mailing card
or other advertising mailer
added selling power
Write for estimates.
lacorporr.tt i Atvervvm i
ii i i i. Accnt '?
Art'iti Plur? Hr.ir.vr-, iWr.1-
rirt Ave. at Union 5!., SPflTTLH '
Vtv SI
'.H.c3:ST,:..Ar&Vyl' i' 1-
Weak? Tired? Run-down?
Ti.cse conditions come from overwork, a weak stomach, overtaxed nerve
or feelno blood. When you feel "all in" hardly abla to drag about, no
energy, i- an-.bitlon, easily exhausted and can't sleep take
PA na BS
Z...I r.iu v.-h.U a difference they mal e hi
fir, t ,r.u!lunnn.) T.' 1 ......
ghm a mm n o
fcove'4 a:id bt'e work regularly, the blood is cleansed, and
The vthota system -responds "to the tonic action of Reec
tV-re is the b'uoyaat fueling of returning hsalth,
resh Strength and New Life
Box.;a 10c. and 25c.,
that are given carte tlanche to fix up
our laws do not appeal to me as they
used to. Behind nearly every veter
an expert that fe have had flittering
around here In recent years is the
veteran manager of the enterprise
that is to be fixed.
How long does the "senate of the
I'nited States propose that these great
Interests, affecting every man, wo
man and child in the United States,
shall be managed with brutal tyranny
without debate and without knowl
edge and without explanation by the
very people that are engaged in mo
nopolizing the great Industries of the
world that propose to Impose Intol
erable burdens upon the market
place of the United States?
He valkedinto a newspaper office
confidently and took a seat.
"Are you the manager?" he asked
briskly. ' .
"What can I do for you?" replied
the newspaper man in a non-com-mit'al
tone. i?
! . Scio.".:!a ia a blood disease manifosted usuallv hv an ulcnratlnn nf th
glands. It is almost en.ircly hcreJitaiy in its origin, being the needs or dregs of
Rcti-'O s.ccil.c blood poison which lia3 becu transmitted, in modified form, to the
oSunring of diseased parca'.ase. Where the blood is specially vitiated Scrofula
attacks o'.her portions af Uie system besido the glands, and wo see Its effect!
fre"'.'.ca'.'.7 in v??.lc eyes, poorly developd bodies, running sores r.nd ulcers, skin
diseases Mio Fci'tlhcad, catarrhal troubles etc. Whilo tho young are the usual
Eai...Cw . .cm scio-iuj;is troubles, It is true that i. U yir.-.'I-ass held in check
until micit io life is leac'ied, or passed, and then, as the physical system begins to
decline, clier persons are at'acked b7 the disease. S. S S. U tiiu one real and
certain cu:e for Scrofula It is a blood purifier without an etiii.nl and it cures
this destructive blood poison by removing the germs from the blood and so en
riching and Building up the circulation that tho discas can not remain. S. S. S,
searches out every taint end inipuriiy from tho blood; it givc3 to the blood the
richness and povrcr necessary to tho healthy growth of children, and it strength
ens and invigorates the constitutions of older persom, by i's flno tonic effects.
S. S. S. i3 a pare i7 ve-ctablo medicine, perfectly safe for yo.i.ig or old. Scro
fula being a blood disease can only be cured by a blood puriSer liko S. S. &
Book on the blood fcee to ell who write and request it
TSia First National Bank
Report of the Condition, June 30,
1 9 1 0 to the Comptroller
of the Currency
i Z
? r
Loans and Discounts
Overdrafts . .
U. S. Bonds (at par)
Other Bonds and Warrants
Banking Building .
Cash and Exchange . .
Capital Stock .
Surplus and Undivided Profits
Due to Banks .
Deposits . . .
I, G. M. Rice Cashier of the above named bank do
solemnly swear that the above statement is true
to the best of my knowledge and belief.
G. M, RICE, Cashier
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 1st day of
July. 1910.
SEAL Notary Public for Oregon
i m Mainiiim irr" -. i 1 1 ""rM-rrtrilnn-hi iim
Chickens! Chickens!! Chickens ! ! !
All kinds, sizes and colors, young and old
Kor cliolce dressed ones plioue your order night !cforo. We
dress none except for orders so If you like cold storage poultry
patronize the other fellow or store yourself.
7? 1?ril rVsot Telephone
Re. Phone B.
T',10 fctoiuach U the
gestioii is strengthened;
. and I lie nerves rested.
Heecham's Fills. Soon
with full direction!.
"I'm a patent medlcino manufac
turer. Your paper has a pretty wide
circulation lias it not?"
"Wide!" The newspaperman swung
round in his chair. "Wide! I should
say so. We have a circulation great
er by two to one than any other In
the country a sworn circulation, sir,
of 100,000 copies dally and it's a paid
circulation, too.and we reach the fam
ilies, sir. Our paper Is read by l.200,
000 persons dally, and when you con
sider that our advertising rates are
well, they are so low that we are go
ing to ndvance them 80 per cent after
the first of next montn. I don't ex
aggerate In the least, sir, when Iay
that we offer positively the best ad
vertising medium In the whole coun
try. Why, you can see for yourself
what tho results must be from an ad
placed before 10,000 000 people every
week, and where are you going?"
"Oh round the town a little," re
plied the stranger, putting on his 'hat.
"The article I make Is a nerve medi
cine, and I came to sell you a bottle,
but I see you don't need any."
your condition,
1 .1.. A'....
. 250,000.00
U ,875.25
Main 536
Headquarters For
Toilet. Goods
We are Sole Manufacturers and
Distributors of the Celebrated
Tallman & Co.
Leading Druggists of
SURANCE. Indiana & Ohio
Live Stock Insur
ance Company
Of Crawford rille, Indiana,
Has now entered Oregon.
Policies now goo a in every
state in the Union. Organ
ic J over 25 year ago. Paid
up Capital $200,000.00. As
sets over $450,000.00.
a Mutual Live Stock Insur
ance company,
Mark Moorhouse
Agent, Pendleton, Or.
Ill Kast Court St.
Phone Male .
wbwvy uk, inT a
International Stock Food
the old reliable
The best for your stock
Try it
127-129 E. Alta
Cus La Fontaine, Prop.
Best 25c Meals in North
west First-class cooks and service
Shell fish in season
La Fontaine Blk., Main St.
Tou make a bad mistake when yoa
put off buying your coal until th
Fall purchase it NOW and secure
the best Rock Spring coal the mines
produce at prices considerably lowsr
than thoH prevailing In Fall an
By stocking up now you avoid A1X
dansr of being unuble to secur It
when cold weather orrlves.
Phone Main 17S.
rZTt t'.J.'-ptJ TRAP' PlARKfi
''nl'1 CopvniGMTS i-.c.
AnroflP Iwllttg n kkftrh ftTHl i1.rrr!ll.MI Ii, ii
Onlf'klf ,if ..rlnllt fur iiiil. ri fr.io rrli.-tlu'r m
lliViMl.,ti im iinihni.tr itw.,i j.i.io. r,iiMniutiirf4
IL.tia al rlrllr ' ..iiii.i .:,l. (I fl IIJH IPX oil I'mnilt
H4.nl Iri-o. I il.l-t 4i)("!ii f t.iff "lirliid I'lllcni..
I'nlvn'14 tuki'ti I liriii.-li ,M,iiii f, .
fyffial nnttct, wlf hiiiit chnri'i., ti tho
Scientific HmtiKn.
h rmt.rlpinmHr lllnnlriiiiwl wroMf. I.nromil i,
Ptilnlliitl i Hiif m li-iitilHi iMiiriml. 'I rnia. .
iV.'.I'J'." """"I' l. Sulvl bj ll tiwlil.r
Ucaiirb lim. .. r!a r HL. WMhlngtuii. J O
vV'vM 60 V EARS'..
tape the coUtt ftnvl Ungf