EIGHT PAGES, DAILY EASTT OIlBOONIAIf, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JtXY 27, Itl. PAGSTBBZI I CrAJ- , ft- fei.J I r71 vr?''vh'1 The Best Stories by the Best, Authors, and all the News the Day it Happens GOOD SUMMEIt READING Two Extraordinary Offers Special Offer A Pacific Monthly with Daily E. 0. One Year Paid in Advance, New Subscribers or Renewals Regular Price Pacific Monthly $1.50 Regular Price Daily . O. by mail $5.00 $60 Special Olfer B The Pacific Monthly and Semi-Weekly E. O. One Year Paid in Advance, New Subscribers or Renewals Regular Price Pacific Monthly Regular Price Semi-Weekly . O, 35.50 III $2.00 $1.50 $1.50 $3.00 The Pacific Monthly is the leading magazine of Western America, published on the Pacific Coast, edited by Western men, and its entire contents are Western. The East Oregonian, as you all know well, is the leading paper of the Inland Empire, and is the official paper of Umatilla Co. and City of Pendleton. No home can afford to be without It. This is a Short-time Offer PLEASE STATE IF NEW OR RENEWAL East Oregonian Pub. Co., rendleton. Ore. Enclosed find $ . . . .for which please send your premium offer to the following address: Name Address CUT OUT AND MAIL US TODAY. BOAK APPARENTLY HAS CLEAR TRACK HOOKED IX11 KE-F.I.ECTION AS HEAD CONSUL OF W. O. W. KxiMvted 0i-iiloii Has Nut Ma terialized Election of Head Bank er Will be Stout Exciting Contest Drills Will lie Exceptionally Fine. The bulk of the Woodmen of the World business will be transacted In their convention sessions today and tomorrow, says yesterday's Portland Journal. At 10 o'clock tomorrow morning the trienniul election of of ficers will tuko place, and while it is considered a matter of greatest Im portance, the expected fight has not materialized. There will apparently bo no opposition to the reelection of I. 1. Boak as head consul. The most exciting contest will come In connection with iho election of head I anker. This office has the power of depositing and controlling the $3,000,000 and more of Woodmen of the World assets. The candidates are P. E. Snodgrass, present banker of Eugene; F. P. Rcvelle of Seattle, and A. E. Sunderland of Fresno, Cal. Some excitement promises to attend the election of a board of five head managers. Captain W. C. North of Portland is a leading candidate for the chairmanship of the board in op position to Congressman W. C. Haw ley who now has the position. One of the big events of the con vention will be the prize drills to be held this evening in the Armory, where companies from San Francisco, Fresno, Boise, Seattle, Eugene and other cities will take part. The drills are open to the public. lrlttw for Visitors. From eight to ten companies of the uniform rank will participate. Local companies will drill and their drills are said to be exceptionally fine; but the cash prizes, of which there are several, will go, ns a matter of cour tesy, to I he visitors. The -drill has been arranged for under the direction of Colonel William Reldt of Portland, who Is an entluiflast and an expert in such matters. The feature of this morning's ses sion was the report of C. V. Benson, heitd clerk, showing In brief the fol lowing farts for the past three years: Appllentic ns recelvod, orlgl nals 33,88? Applications received, chargo of beneficiary 8,331 Applications received, for In crease of amount 350 Applications received, decrease of amount 918 Totnl 43,48 Total number rejected 1,181 Totnl number In suspense 23 1,154 Certificates Issued 42,332 Number of death claims paid during the term of 1907-10.. 2,292 Amount of death claims paid during the term $3,981,197.50 Average payment on account of each death claim $1,737.00 l.ogi-lalhe Committee' TtoMirt. Other reports to follow during the day are of the head banker, P. E. Snod grass; head auditor, F. "P. Bertschy; head physician, T. A. Hughes, board of five head managers, of which Con gressman Hawley is chairman. Great Interest attaches to the re port which will be made by the legis lative committee, of which A. E. Sun derland, Fresno, Cal., is chairman. This committee during a week in Portland considered 160 constitution al amendments. One of the most fun- damontal of these amendments is a provision for doing awuv with the accumulation certificate which per mits the payment of only 50 per cent of the policy If death occurs within the first year, 75 per cent of the policy If death occurs within the second year. The plan Is to make the policy pay able at its face at any time after It Is granted. The Woodmen of the World have found that theirs Is the only fraternal organization which has held to the old fashioned accumulation certificate. Honk's ItecniuniPiHlnt Ions. In the report of I. I. Boak. head consul, which was made yesterday afternoon, the following recommenda tions were made: That paid firemen In smaller com munities bo admitted to membership In the order receiving certificates of not more than $500 each, Investigation having shown that mortality among firemen Is not greater than among any other class. That all future convention be held lit Denver. The Woodmen of the World being a financial institution has Its records In vaults at the head offices In Denver and meeting in other places causes constant embar rassment since It Is not possible to produce these records whenever de manded. That the Woodmen of the World purchase a farm where old members and widows may be cared for at small cost. Mr. Boak's report snowed that the order was In sound and healthy con dition. Twenty years ago, he said, the order started with no resources. Today the resources are $3,134,990, with a per capita fund of $31.67. NEW WORD TO ENGLISH. EscNlntort, First Onlled Latin, Tliniiirlit to Hnvo Come from V, S. London. A committee of the house of commons was considering n bill re ferring to the construction of a sub way under Oxford circus and Regent street. Bonner Maurice appeared for the bill and called the engineer to ex plnln the principles of n proposed moving staircase. Mr. Maurice re ferred to It as an eseulntort. "Whit language Is that?" asked the speaker's counsel, "Latin, I think," said Mr. Maurice, but. Sir Oeorge Qlbb explained that It was American, and Mr. Maurice re marked that extraordinary words en me from America. SOME SHORT NEWS NOTES FROM ATHENA (Special Correspondence.) Athena. Ore., July 26. Hon. C. A. Barrett has returned from the re publican assembly at Portland. Though not a delegate Mr. Barrett looked on the assembled body of the republican party with the eye of a progressive member of the G. O. P. Miss Lela Norvell of Helix is a vls lior at the McEwcn home tn this city. Big green watermelons are In the market from the Walla Walla valley. On Monday, July 17 was borti to Mr. and Mis. M. Egleston, a boy. J. Lieuailen. a blacksmith of Wes ton, was in this city on Thurflay. Reports are to the affect that the huckleberry is on the mountains In profusion. The hoboes and bums are much In evidence in this vicinity this harvest season. They all claim to be looking for a job in the harvest field but you couldn't push snme of them there with a traction engine. Ed E. Koontz and S. F. Wilson have returned from Portland where they attended the republican state conven tion to which Mr. Koontz was an ac credited delegate. Mrs. Koontz accompanied the trio to the metropolis and visited rela tives. A yield of U bushels of wheat per acre in some fields Is reported but the general average is about 35 bush els. Mrs. Wilbur of Li Grande was a visitor with her brothers J. A. and Chns. Kirk, last week. Mrs. Win. Wlnship and two little daughters were visitors at the Jarman homo in Weston last week. Miss Yelma Wilkinson and Carrie Sharp went to Pendleton on Wed nesday last. The weather is Ideal for the har vester and (very rancher Is hugging himself over his grain prospects. Pete Pnmbrun is painting and pa pering his log mansion. Messrs. Kemp of Weston, and Watts or Athena, wire Pendleton visitors on Friday last. Mr. Johns a former sesident of this city, now residing in California, is n town looking after property inter ests. Railway Agent Smith who. left this cily a few weeks ago with his family for some point In Crook Co.. has re turned and rumor has it that he will resume his former duties at the sta tion In this city. DANGER IN DELAY. Kidney Diseases Arc Too Danserons For Pendleton People to Neglect. The great danger of kidney trou bles Is that they get a firm hold be fore the sufferer recognizes them. Health is gradually undermined. Backache, headache, nervousness, lameness, soreness, lumbago, urinary Empire Carnival Co. 5 Big Free Acts Daily Dare Devil Diavolo at 9:30 every evening will slide by his teeth 500 feet through a mass of flames in his famous fire slide .. NOW SHOWING: Professor Strange will perform on the high wire at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. 1 3-BRASSBANDS-3 j 1 rj U lL If Show SEE! Professor Zino who rides an incline of 343 feet on a bicycle and leaps a 20 foot gap Positively nothing said or done in thess shows to offend the most fastidious Refined Entertaining and Instructive Every Day (( Rain or shine, 2:30 and 7 p. m. ner i 0. R. 5 H. DEPOT Si troubles, dropsy, diabetes and Bright's disease follow In merciless succession. Don't neglect your kidneys. Cure the kidneys with the certain and safe remedy, Dean's Kidney Pills, which has cured people hight here In Pen dleton. J. D. Morrow, 617 Marie street, Pendleton, Oregon, says: "For about three months I had backache and If I did any work that required stoop ing, sharp twinges darted through my loins and over my right kidney. The secretions from my kidneys were un natural and Irregular In passage and pained mo intensely when being void ed. On a friend's advice. I used Doan's Kidney Pills and they cor rected my trouble. 1 gladly give this preparation my endorsement." For sale by all dealers. Price B0 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the I'nlted States.. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Tho East OrcoiUo. U Easjeru Ore gon's rcM-csoiitatlve paper. It lenrii and the people appreciate It ami show It by tlirtr liberal patronage. - -,fy v -T1' .liJf-;P- iVr : iM :,?v U''. v --.;. ; ..vir"--' ,-;-. i! Hoi.. Oregon, liHtitod cornei of Sen-mii nod Murk Streoix, eiteiwtlsa through the Moek to lnrk sirtN-t. Portland Oregon. Our uew lnrk Street Aaaex Is absolutely fireproof. Kates $1 per Day and Up. European