AGK BIX. AILT RAW OREXWXIAX. iggWW, OKXOOK, MOVDAY, JtXY 25. ibiq. II ANOTHER II S 1 Better v than ever, ' 1 OF COMBINE TEAM ECHO NEWS AND PERSONAL NOTto , Bhla For Wood. The County Court of Umatilla county will receive sealed bids for 80 cords of red fir wood cut from green timber to be delivered at the Court house yard on r before Nov. 1st, 1910. Bids to be filed with the County Clerk on or before 19 o'clock August 4th, 1910. Bids must be accompanied by a check of five per cent of the mount of bid. The county court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Dated July 16th, 191. FRANK SALING, County Clerk. NOTICE FOR RIDS ON SEWER. Netlce is hereby given, that the Common Council of the City of Pen dleton on July 13. 1910, adopted plans and specifications for the construc tion of a sewer system In the City of Pendleton and proposes to construct said sewer system in accordance with uch plans and specifications, and proposals are hereby invited for fur nishing the material therefor and the construction thereof, bids to specify the price for which said improvement will be completed, and to be itemised on blanks to be furnished by the City Recorder, to embrace the following Items: For furnishing all material and all labor to complete sewer, as per plans and specifications. For furnishing all pipes to be used upon said work, F. O. B. Pendleton. For furnishing all material except pipe and all labor to complete sewer, as per plans and specifications. Which .bids shall be accompanied by a certified check for five per cent 1 of the amount bid, payable to the Mayor of the City of Pendleton, and the Common Council reserves the tight to reject any and all bids; all bids to be filed with the Recorder of the City of Pendleton on or before the 27th day of July, 1910. Dated July 14, 1910. THOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. 2 MILES DASH DOW X , 111 LI, WITH IUU MACU'vr E. A. Dudley's Outfi' Suffers From' AevtJrnt Wulla Walla Auto Party Eri-rY.uto to WciihIih Stopped ty Break Down C. A. Lovelace Not Fined. (j!pcial Correspondence.). Athena, Ore., July 24. Yesterday evening E. A. Dudley's big mule team composed of thirty-two mules, became frightened by an accidental noise and ran away down a steep in cline. The separator man dropped a boxing and it made a noise like the report of a big gun, which soared the whole team and they started on the dead run. Mr. Dudley's son. Glenn was driving the team and when they began to run he swuni; onto the two lines bravely. The machine had not gone but a short distance when the header broke thus cutting off the sHpily of grain to the cylinder and making the machine much more light er to pull along. The harvester was just going down a steep Incline when the animals started so it was useless to try to stop them until the bottom was reached. The mules raced for about 75 yards and by quickly ap plying the brakes the machine was chocked at the foot of the grade. Con siderable damage was done however, and It was sometime before the big combine was again cutting the gold' en grain. Attorney Sharpstein and his brother of Walla Walla accompanied by their wives and their mother, made this city their destination instead of the Wenaha springs as they first planned, The cause of such a sudden change in plans was due to the fact that their Chalmers-Detroit auto was not in shape to go ahead. They met with an accident close to town and came here for repairs. Virgil Zerba repaired the machine as best he could in a short time and the party went on, only to return again in a few min utes as they were afraid to risk going ahead with the machine In a disabled condition. Mr. Zerba then gave the auto a good over-hauling and the Sharpstein company returned to the Garden City. In reference to the trial held here (Special Correspondence.) Echo. Or.. J 25. Mrs, Al Mors wJii't il to Wucton this morning to ImVa some dental work done. Ur. LeouavJ Alters of Pendleton, Vft a business visitor here Saturdady. Mayor Louis Scholl is in Walla Walla on a short business trip, Mr. una Mrs. F. T. George left yes terday for Seaside, whore Mrs. George will remain all mUhmer. Mr. George expects to ivlurn in a couple of weeks. Wm, Reeves, who has been having some serious trouble with his hand, ii now out of danger, although he Is still confined to his bed. T. !. Tubbs returned this morning from n visit to Walla Walla. J. Frank Spinning, proprietor of the Echo Drug store, left Saturday for Prineville, where he will be met by several friends and together they will Ko with pack horses to Crater Lake for an outing. Mr, Spinning expects to be away six weeks or more. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Clark of Mon mouth, who have been visiting with C. 11. Bonney una family the past week, left this morning for their wheat ranch near Helix. Mrs. Nellie Horton spent Sunday in Pendleton with her mother, Mrs. Sar ah Blue, and returned home this morning. , Ann . . . . " "vn's,ehurst. which ex- .wX 80me 20 miles un- Mr. Sharman, the Inventor, re-! mained on the hill above the entrance to the caves, while a small party went! .nearly three-quarter, pf a mile un der the earth along the tortuous un derground passages carved out iTi."ny hundreds of years ago bv ,ha ' V" Druids, " "v -""" ..iere an operator set up a similar portable Instrument attached merely by two works stuck Into the earth. Conversation was established with. In a minute or two between those in the cave and Mr. Sharman above the earth, and maintained until every one of the spectators had experienced the novel sensation of talking through the earth, , EIGHT PAG1 Chamberlain's stomaek and Liver Tablets gently stimulate the liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter, cleanse the system, cisre constipation and sick headache. Sold by all deal ers. MRS. KKPPFJi SARCASTIC AIIOIT C.KOUfiE'S REIGN FRESH MEATS I SAUSAGES, FISH AVB LARD. Always pure and delivered promptly. If you phona the Central i Meat Market 108 E. Alta St.. Phone Main SI. 2 Milne Transfer Phone Main 5 fT CALLS PROMPTLY ANS XI, WERED FOR ALL BAGGAGE TRANSFERRING. PIANO AND FURNITURE MOVING, AND HEAVY TRUCK ING A SPECIALTY. several days ago, In which Charles Grant was arrested for an alt Ration with C. A. Lovelace. Mr. Lovelace wishes to state that he does not nor never did owe Mr. Grant: also that the $7.50 which he had to pay was not as a fine as was stated, but it was for court costs. A Golden Wedding means that man and wife have lived to a good old age and consequently have kept healthy. The best way to keep healthy Is to see that your liver does Its duty 365 days out of 365. The only way to do this is to keep Bal lard's Herbine In the house and take it whenever your liver gets Inactive. 50 cents per bottle. A. C. Koeppen A Bros. PARIS FTXDS KEVGS ARE COSTLY GFFSTS D A Til Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en tertaining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three timea each week. Be sure and see the next change. Adults 10c. Children under 10 years, 5c Paris. Paris has long been a fa vorite resort for kings, whether in exile or merely as visitors. They are, however, rather costly guests and, of course, taxpayers have to foot the bills. The recent visit of the king and queen of Bulgaria cost Paris more than $20,000. However, King Ferdi nand is really a reigning king and perhaps worth the expense. Further more, he is half a Frenchman, for his mother, the old Princess Clemen tine, was a French princess. The expected visit of the king and queen of the Belgians will also cost Paris a round sum. The kaiser will entertain the new Belgian monarchs as they are on their way to Paris, for King Albert and his queen will visit Berlin. Great festivities will attend the royal host. When the late King Edward died France had to send her minister of foreign affairs to -represent the re public, at a cost of $5000. Paris has Just entertained a Chinese prince and a deputation from Morocco at another cost of $5000. Colonel Roosevelt cost Paris as much again. Even the ex-queen of Madagascar is a drain on the taxpay ers. On her last visit to Paris the government presented her with a cost ly gown made by a fashionable dress maker in the Rue De La Paix. London. Mrs. George Keppel has recovered in some measure her old time gaycty, as -was evidenced by her latest witiclsm.- which has spread through social London. " At a recent tea where were gathered many of the late king's intimates, she was asked what she thought the new court under King George would be like. Shfl answered instantly: "There is sure to be a slump In Castles and LIptons and a boom in ba bies ana Bibles." Meanwhile society is agitatea at the news that the king ana queen will hokl but one court in November. While the principal object of a court is the presentation of debutantes, there would be no presentation this season. Many believe this is for the purpose of showing London hostesses Just who is who in the royal circle. Consequently there is fear and trembling, particularly as it Is known that Queen Mary is slighting many well-known names from the invita tion lists. The king, who is inclined to be le nient. Is overruled by the queen, who has decided objections to certain women prominent in the courts of the last reign. Two women, favorites of the late king, have had their names erased. The Lord Chamberlain at present is a most unhappy man. He is receiving endless visitors who are anxious to learn whether they are on the black list, while various grand dames who abjured the court during Edward's reign because he violated the Victorian traditions are announc ing their willingness to again enter the royal crcle. NICK LOXGWORTH MAY YET BE A GOVERNOR Columbus, Ohio. As the date for the republican state convention ap proaches, and there has been no man definitely agreed upon for governor, tho name of Nicholas Longworth comes more prominently to the front. As the son-in-law of former President Roosevelt, and a strong administra tion supporter, there are many who think he is the man to bring the war ring factions together. The question that Is bothering the leaders is: Will he run? He says he will not. He is credited with being firmly fixed in his seat in congress, and of no desire to exchange it for the governor's chair. However that may be, there are others who say that Mrs. Longworth, who was the "Prin cess Alice" of the Roosevelt admin istration, would not be averse to be ing the mistress of ..the State House. She is said to have been thinking thA matter over recently, and if Long worth does run It will be due as much to her social aspirations as to the persuasions of Mr. Roosevelt and President Taft. James A. Garfield is making the fight for the nomination, but, as he is nn opponent to President Taft, the leaders consider :it would be political folly to support him. DRINK UP! 'You don't have to mink up a thirst1 comes frequently enough these hot days. Just think of our thirst-quenching fountain drinks try one and the thirst is forgot ten. Pure, delicious, sanitarily served soda water just the right degree of flavor just the right coldness. Plain or fancy drinks. Ice cream and fruit combinations. JUST TRY "Fruit-Malt," The Invigorating Thirst-Quencher Tho Pendleton Drug Co. The Mark of Quality. Read the "Want ads today T Dyers' Best Flonr la made f rori the choicest wheat that prows. Good bread is assured whsn BYETiS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon. Teething children have more or less diarrhoea, which can be controlled by giving Chamberlains Colic and Diar rhoea Remedy. All that is necessary Is to give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to cleanse the system. It Is safeand sure. Sold by all dealers. AMERICAN WOMEN ARE REST OPERA PATRONS FOlEYSHOmTAR Cures Coldai Prevents Pnran Paris. American women residing in Paris are the very best patroness es of Italian opera. The season at the Ch.itelet has been most brilliantly represented by the American colony uf Paris. I happened in there the other night and my opera . glasses lighted on the Marquise de Talleyrand Perigord formerly Miss Bessie Curtis of New York; tho Countess Stanisla de Castellanee, formerly Miss Terry; the Marquise de Ganity, formerly Miss RSdgeway of Philadelphia; the Prin cess Edmand dc Polignae, formerly Miss Davis of New Tork, and many others. In a box I saw Mrs. William B. Leeds, Mrs. Frederick Bell and Mrs. Pete Larson, the miner's widow, who la said to be worth $10,000,000.1 have heard she is going to marry a young American gentleman now resid ing in Paris. ' State of Ohio, liij of Toledo, Lucas Cooa ty, km. Frank J. Cheney makes oatb that be U enlor partner of tbe firm of F. 1. Che ney &Cc, doing builDeaa in tle City w Toledo, Couuty and State aforesaid, aa4 thnt said firm will pay tbe imn of ONE HUXLiHEI) DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cored by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK i. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed la my presence, tbia 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. . A. W. GLEA80N, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Core ia taken Internally and acta directly on tbe blood and macoua surface of the litem. Send for testimo nials free. F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, 0 Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hail's Family I'illa for constipation. TELEPHONE TAIJv INTO DEEP CAVES ACHIEVED When You BUILD, Build to STAY! Re-enforced concrete and concrete blocks are cheaper in the end; are prettier, more substantial and far more comfortable in either cold or warm weather. Concrete stands unsurpassed for Basements, Founda tions, Walls, Fences and Curbing. It looks better and lasts longer than stone See my many beautiful designs in concrete blocks Derore you buildyour home. I wrll furnish your estimates for any class of worK on application. D. K. MHY Contractor and Builder Cor. RaUroadamd Willow'Sts. Pendleton. Ore London. TTo-.v conversation can be carried on half a mile or more be neath tho earth with those on the surface was demonstrated with per fect success by means of the Holsby wireless telephone in the subterran- JTOBODY SPARED. Dally Eaot Oregonian by carrier, only 15 cents per week. Men's oxfords cheap at A. Ekluad'a. Kidney Troubles Attack Pendleton Men and Women, Old and Young. Kidney ills seize young and old. Come quickly with Httl e warning. Children suffer In their early years, Can't control the kidney secretions. Girls are languid, nervous, suffer pain. Women worry, can't do dally work. Men have lame and aching backs. The cure for man, woman or child Is to cure the cause the kilneys, Doan'g Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys Cure ail forms of kidney suffering Pendleton testimony proves It. Mrs. George Bargett, 1413 W. Webb street, Pendleton, Oregon, aays: "A member of our family suffered from attacks of backache and occasionally was laid up for a month at a time. Stooping or straightening caused shnrp twinges ia the loins and there was also a distressing kidney weak ness In evidence. The use of Doan's Kidney Pills was adviBed by a phy sician and a supply of this remedy was procured. , After Doan's Kidney Pills were taken, great benefit was received and there has been no se rious cause for complaint since. I have also taken Doan's Kidney Pills and can recommend them strongly." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United State. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. "Keep Your Money in Pendleton" MR. MERCHANT We Are Prepared to Furnish You With Loose-Leaf Ledgers Loose-Leaf Bilinlg Systems Sheets lor the Loose-Leal System You Are Now Using Sales Slips With Leather Holders NOT only can we furnish you with a complete new outfit, but we can supply you with new sheets for the system you are using at present and at the same price you would pay by sending away. "It, Costs Nothing to Consult Us!" 4&?t IS it 1