EIGHT PAGE. rAGB TWO. DAXLT EAST OREGOX1AX, PEXDIiETOX, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, Jl'LY 20, 1910. n 20th Annual Clearance Sale Big Savings in the Shoe Department WK ARE OFFEIUXG OUR ENTIRE LINE OF SUMMER SHOES AT GREAT LY REDUCED PRICES. Mm'- Oxford, ?4.00, 4.50, $5.00 value-. Clearance Price $2.9S In Patent, Gun Metal. Tan and Oxblood. S3. 00, S3. 50 in the different leathers. CU-aranee Price - $1.9S Men- Canvas Shoos, Clearance Price S1.4S ViovV and Youth's $2.50 and $3.00 Ox t'ords. Clearance Price $2.15 Y...h. n's $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50 Ox fords and Pumps, Clearance Price S2.9S Ail leathers, with high and low heels. Women's tan oxfords and pumps, Clearance One lot women's tan oxfords consisting of suedes. Russian calf and kid, Clearance Price 1 - $1.00 Mi." and Children's Oxfords and Pumps: Sizj from S 1-2 to 2. Clear. Price $1.55 Values $2.00, $2.50. Size- from 5 to S, Clearance Price $1.23 Values $1.75, $2.00. Size- from 1 to .", Clearance Price 9S Value? $1.23. $1.50. Child's Patent Leather Shoes, with gray, ehampaame, tan, red and white tops, sizes 1-2 to S. Clearance Price ...7S Values $1.50 to $1.63. Sizes 1 to .", Clearance Price 48 Values $1.25. Notions at Clearance Prices 25c and 35 Fancv Ribbons, Clearance Price - 1G? G5c un.il 75 Fancy Ribbons, Clearance Price - 36 12 l-2c and 15 Embroideries, Edinnas and Iii-ertions, Clearance Price 8 l-3 20c Kiabi-oideries, Edgings and Insertion, Clearance Price 12 1-2 . POOu yards of fine Val. Lace ami Inser tion. Clearance Price 3 l-2r S1.00 Ladies' Corsets. Clear. Pr -47c 82.50 and $2.00 Corsets, Clearance Price - $1.47 SI. 75 Long Silk Double Tipped Gloves, Clearance Price - $1.05 -5c Roys' Ribbed Hose. Clearance Pr. IOC 20 Mis-es' High Grade Hose, Clearance Price T) pair for 50c 5c Safety Pins, Clearance Price 4 5 Cube Pins, Clearance Price ,4c 10 Cube Pins, Clearance Price 7 2."C Curling Irons, Clearance Price 17c 25 TKitli Brushes, Clearance Price 16c Common Pins, Clearance Price, G pkg. 5c1 3c Card Buttons, Clearance Price 4 10 Card Ruttons, Clearance Price 7 15c Card Buttons, Clearance Price H 20c Card Button, Clearance Price 14? 23t Card Buttons, Clearance Price 17c 33 Card Buttons, Clearance Price ....23 33 Emb. Handkerchiefs, Clear. Pr. 21 2.C Emb. Handkerchiefs, Clear. Pr. 16 75 Belts, Clearance Price 45 S1.25 Belts. Clearance Price 80 $1.00 Belts Clearance Price 65 &1.50 Belts, Clearance PrW 98 Table Linens and Towel' ing at Clearance Prices $1.00 72-in. Fine Weight Table Linen, Clearance Price 63 75c tU-in. Fine Table Linen. Clearance Price - 49 $1.25 72-in. Fine Weight Table Linen, Clearance Price - - 8S S1.50 72-in. Extra Fine Weight Table Linen, Clearance Price 9S 20c India Linen. Clearance Price 14 1-2 25 India Linen, Clearance Price 17 35 India Linen, Clearance Trice 24 20 White Indian Head, Clear. Pr 16 25 Cotton Bans. Clearance Price 21 12 1-2C Crash Toweling, white, Clearance Price .1 10 15 Cra-h Toweling, white. Clearance Trice - 12 IS Crash Towelimr, white, Clearance Trice l. 14 1-2 12 1-2 Red Online; Flannel, Clearance Trice - 9 12 1-2 White Turkish Towels, Clearance Trice, each , 8 15c White Turkish Towels, Clearance Trice, each 20 White Turkish Towels, Clearance Trice, each ' 16 25 White Turkish Towels, Clearance Trice, each 18 25 White and Fancy Oil Cloth, Clearance Trice .' IS Summer Dresses must go Xot likely to Ik? any of these later on so if yen want a pretty summer dress or wash suit at an uin-qualled saving you must hurry your selection. $1.75 loiie Dresses; Clearance Tr. $1.39 S2.00 House Dresses, Clearance Tr. $1.53 S3. 50 Ilou-e Dresses Clearance Tr. $2.75 S3. 00 Lingerie Two-Tiece Dresses, Clear ance Price $3.60 $6.00 Lingerie Two-Tiece Dresses, Clear ance Price $4.70 $15.00 Lingerie One-Piece Dres.-es, Clear ance Price $12.85 $18.00 Lingerie One-Piece Dresses, Clear ance Price $15. SO $20.00 Lingerie One-Tieee Dresses, Clear-, ance Trice $17.80 $24.00 Lingerie One-Tieee Dresses. Clear ance Trice $21.60 $27.00 Lingerie One-Tieee Dres.cs. Clear ance Trice $23.85 The Cleanest, Coolest Grocery in Oregon Our Pare Food Store in the Basement We wi-h to call your attention to our Crockery Department in connection with nr grocery. Plain and Fancy Dinnerware, Hand Painted Imported Good, Than and Cut Glass, Silverware, Our Celebrated OXE MIXUTE Coffee Tots, Lamps, Lamp and Lantern Fixtures, Mops, Brooms, Wash Boards and Baskets. Buy your fruit jars, fixtures and jelly classes here, we can save you money on rhe-e articles. Xoriee display of the very latest white Dinnerware in small show case in front of store, next to the big south window. FACTS FOR FARMERS IMIso More Mtirket Poultry. It has been asked, will the fancy eventually be driven to the wall by the progress made in growing market poultry? Certainly not. We need fanciers real fanciers. V'e want nun to create breeds and to perfect the old ones. But the speculator and huckster Is fast peeing his finish. The man with a string of breeds Is not a fancier. lie is a speculator. It would be next to Impossible for him to give each of these breeds his best attention. To thoroughly know a breed and to get out of It all that Is good In It would require an ordinary lifetime. Amateur fanciers will often buy culls from a breed well advertised and then advertise eggs for hatching from so and so's strain. The man is a worse enemy of the fancier than the man who breeds dunghill fowls. A wonderful Interest has sprung up in poultry matters. T,arge sums of money are being Invested, and poul try farms by the score are started. These new farms are on the look out for utility stock. The man who can advertise big egg records gener ally gets the trade. They want car casses and egg records business poul try. So the best advice to the begin ner is to join the utility ranks and raise poultry and eggs for market. Then, in after years, he can, If he feels so Inclined, gradually creep up Into the fancier's fold. It Is a step that cannot be hastily taken. Michael K. Royer. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Where it Pays to Trade cmrujo woman's rwx i.s. in Told Turkish Fnvoy in Berlin Hu Would Soon Ot Constantinople. RerKn. Diplomatic society In Ir h:i ;s busily 'I-fcijsHlng the amazing faux pas recently committed by a prominent Chicago society woman nti-1 h-lrcs to a cn'ownl American f r-.nnr. She is vimtir.g Berlin with her husband, who Is conspicuously i.l-ntifd with gitnt American Indus t'ial combines. The couple arrived in Derln with mny Influenzal Introduction!) aid a .p of ex'luivf invitations came to thin In their fortnight's sojourn in zaml. Pasha, who was presently flab i l,f-ra.isf with the observation: j "It's only a qu'-stion of a few yeatj !,r.f,,;-e Constantinople will belonar to Flti'sla. Osman is not only n diplomat, hut a Young Turk patriot and soldier. His ii'iii k eyes flashed In visible resent ment at this humiliating suggestion. He rememberr-d however, that he was the lady's hot rind atrowefl the re ninrk to pns without offering a con trovernl rejoinder. The subject, however, was immediately changed. The Chicngonn's omniscient dip in to foreign politics was heard by half a dozen others. Including some Turks who v.err. present. Through them the fie ka'sr's capital. Among their) incident has baked out and has caus hot was Ocman Nizainl Pasha, the : d some uncomplimentary references Turkish ambassador at the German , :o the inexperience and tactlessness of nurt, who en'ertained th-m at a evn- American women even of the highest nor party. social rank when they venture to In- Afur dinner when the guests clus- vade realms more pretentious than tfred around the ambassador over . drawing-room small talk Turkish coffee and cigarettes, the Chicago woman, who has traveled much and prides herself on more thin a passing acquaintance with In ternational affairs, ventured on the thin ice of European politics. She laughed boldly into a discussion of th Turkish problem with Osman Ni- KircnrM:i: visits kiixaknky Say It Was 10 Years Since Ho Last Saw Lake Hcglon. . Dublin. Lord Kitchener enjoyed his trip through the lower, middle and upper Lakes of Klllarney Immensely. He state, it was 40 years since he had been in Klllarney last and ho .nei rely hope.l to be able to visit It ore frequently in future. He was charmed with the scenery and the weather was Ideal. His lordship add ed h's signature to the distinguished roll already hung up In the lounge "f the P.oyal Victoria hotel, and, by special permission he was photo triphed before leaving Dereen, the residence of the Marquis of Lands ilowne. en route to Cork via Glengarff. Proprietary Medicines Preeri lod Ily Doctors. Examination of the formulary de partments of leading drug stores throughout the country has proved that a very large precentago of the prescriptions filled for doctors are for proprietary medicines. This Is because the average doctor of today is unable So devise prescrip tions equally as efficacious. .Such standard remedies as Lydla Fl. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound are prescribed over and over again by fair-minded physicians throughout the country. The Care of Horses. Every stockman knows how incon- I venlent a stiff new rope halter can j be. New rope may be made as pliable as old It Is claimed, by simply boiling it for two hours In water. Then hang It in a warm room and let It dry out thoroughly. Sometimes a feed of cabbage just before using a horse that slobbers from eating clover will prevent the unpleasant loss of saliva. On the appearance of any lump about the legs of a horse, it should he bathed diligently with water as hot as can be borne. What might develop Into a spavin may sometimes in this way be checked at the start. For lice on horses, take half ti pint of kerosene In two gallons of water, nnd wash the horse with this twice, with an Interval of two or three days between the applications. To cure mange rub on oil of tar one ounce and whale oil two ounces or one-half pound each of tar and sul phur, and one pound each of so:ip and alcohol. In all cases boil all blankets and treat with a strong solution of caus tic potash all woodwork, harness, brush combs and whatever can be affected with the germs. To cure a horse of the habit of pawing far-ton a short piece of log chain say five or six links by means of a light strap to his leg. Just above the knee In the stable of course and see how quickly he will leave off the habit. Select Ins n Brooder. In buvlng a brooder. the chief Iiinis to be observed are: A good lamp, a heating device giving off the heat from a central drum, and an ar rangement which . facilitates easy cleaning. The brooder should be large, hav ing not less than nine square feet of floor' space. The work demanded of a brooder Is not as exacting as with an incubator. The heat and circu lation of air may vary a little without damage, but they must not fail altogether. The greatest trouble with brooders In operation is the uncertainty of the lamp. The brooder imp should have sufficient oil capacity and a large wick. Drooder lamps are often exposed to the wind, and, if cheaply constructed or poorly enclosed the result will be a chilled brood of chicks, or per haps a fire. The chief thing sought In the Inter nal arrangements of a brooder is a provision to keep the chicks from piling up nnd smothering each other as they crowd toward the source of heat. Hrenkiiig I'p the Broodier. It Is natural for hens of the sitting breeds to become broody after she has finished laying a "clutch" of eggs. They do not deserve to be ducked or otherwise abused because they fol low the course nature has laid down f .r them. If the hen begins to show sigr:: of broo.l'to ss and is not needed for hatching it Is very easy to break her up If immediate action is taken. Shutting her In a box with a slat ted bottom, the box being supported a foot from the ground, will usually cure her in a day or two. The slatted bottom furnishes a per fectly easy place for the hen to stand or sit but Is not conducive to the kind of sitting that comes with the fever of broodiness. Brood iness is a sort of fever and the slatted bottom of the box allows the air to circulate under the hen and soon cools the fever and the hen Is ready to go to work sooner. It is doubtful if rearing n brood of chickens decreases the egg record of a hen in any way. If the hen be. comes broody she will waste fl lot of time If allowed to sit around until she gets ready to quit, hut If she Is broken up at once It is doubtful if she will begin laying again 'any sooner than she would If she had been al lowed to hatch and rear a brood of chicks. good bread will bring to her husband an accomplishment more valuable than the girl who has learned to play classical music on the pano. You enn breed the nubbins out of the corn just as easy ns you ran breed the setup cows out of the dairy herd. tv a w seen millers In Illinois dump the bran Into the "eek because nobodv wanted to but It. But that thlrtv vears ago they don t do It now. , ,t The gasoline engine, valuable as it is. will never entirely take the place of really good horses on the farm or anywhere else. The hired man who shlrks or dodges ,: work to save n backache will nev er be anything but a h'red man. It Is not good policy to Keep u ,t. farm If he has the ability to earn the wages of a dozen hired men In the city- Let him go. If your best brown mare Is rtn $200 to the man over In the next township you may be sure she is worth more than that to you-keep her. Fort Worth CHlzen-Star. vni r-ainrrli nn inflammation of j. -" - the delicate membrane lining the air passages. Is not cured by any mixtures taken Into the stomach. Don't waste time on them. Take Ely's Cream Balm through the nostrils, so that the fevered, swollen tissues are reached at once. Never mind hot long you have suffered nor how orten you have been disappointed, we know Ely Cream Balm la the remedy you should All druggists, buc. " 66 Warren Street, ic use. Ely Bros York. Poor Digestion? This is one of the first signs ol stom ach -akness. Distress after eating, sour eructations, sick headache, bil ious conditions are all indicative that it is the stomach that needs assistance. Help it to regain health and strength by taking BEECEWS PILLS for they are a stomach remedy that never disappoints. They act quick ly and gently upon the digestive organs, sweeten the contents of the stomach, carry off the disturbing elements, and establish healthy con ditions of the liver and bile. The wonderful tonic and strength ening effects from Ikecham's Tills, make them a safe remedy they Help Weak Stomachs la Boxet with full direction, 10c ud Sc. Sleeplessness. You can't sleep In the stillest night, If your digestion Is bad. Tako Hood's Sarsaparilla It strengthens the stomach and estab lishes that condition In which sleep regularly comes and la aweet and refreshing. KILLED OX EVE OF WEDDING. Stat of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lncaa Cooav It. aa Frank J. Cheney make, oath that be ka Bride , senior partner of tba firm of V. J. CW nt-T ftCo.. doing boalDaaa la tba Cltjr a Alpine Culde Had Tromlsed m . mm I I ... V . 1ni Geneva. Swltzerland.-A pathetic ,Vat aald firm .III w tlx earn of ONI Alpine tragedy happened on Sunday . humjKED DOLLARS for aacb and ararj on the Jallouvre mountain. "000 feet case of Catarrh that cannot ba enrad by high, which is situated In Geneva. In the uae of Uall'a Cauirrt ,n-cnKNgT Savoy. Emlle Husar. a young Pole gworn Mon bm aad sobacriaam ' Is residing in Geneva, and a good climb- mj prntac(, tbla (Jth day of December, A. er, promised his fiancee that this . D. 1888. QLRA80N would be his last climb, as his mar- , (gM( 'Notary Fn'bile. rlage was arranged for the morrow, j uall'a Catarrh Cora la taken Internally His fiancee objected to his climbing, but Husar was enthusiastic and at tempted to climb the sheer unknown peak of Jallouvre. He fell 700 feet and was killed. Members of the Alpine dub trans ported his corpse to a hut, which they buried In Alpine flowers. The body was carried down to Geneva on Manday. and acta directly on tba blood and mncooa ' itirfarea of tba system. Bend for teatlmo nlala free. i F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, 0 Hold by all DragR-lata, 75c. . Take Uall'a Family I'll Is for conatlpev tlon. Men'a oxfords cheap at A Eklund'a. Wclgii Yourself Before Vslng. Weigh yourself before commencing : t use s-iamose, the great flesh forming' food. The wonderful sale on thla preparation since first Introduced In j Pendleton and the remarkable re- j suits following its use have mado Koeppetis such enthusiastic believers 1 In the great value of Samose that they have given their personal guaran- tee to refund the money If Samose , will not make thin people fat and re- j store strength and health to those who use It. This Is a strong guarantee, but Koeppens have, seen so many of their customers who a fe wwecks ago look ed like walking skeletons become plump and well solely through the use of Pamose that they foel they cannot say too much to Induce people to try It. i This marvelous flesh-forming food 1 1 assimilated as soon as It Is taken Into the stomach, makes good rich blood, tones up the wenkened system, ' helps to assimilate tVe food and makes the user plump, well and rosy. i riie Well Known Chlnea Doctor w Curea any and all dla eaaea that the human fleab la hotr to. la wonderful and powitlil roota. Lerba, remedies are compoaod o f Chinese buda. b a rka and vegetable that are entirely unknown to medical science of tba present fiay. They are harmleaa, aa we uae no polaona or druga. No operations. No knife used. We cure etomach trouble, liver, kidney, catarrh, lung, throat, asth ma, nervoua debility, female com plaints aad rehumatiam and all dlaordera of the blood. We cure to atay cured, and guarantee to cure all klnda of Pllea and Private Diseases of men and women. Call and see him or write. Consulta tion free. If you are unable to call and aee htm. aend two centa In stampa for symptom blank. Address: THE L. CTTIXG WO CHTVEfiK MEDICINE CO. SOU W. Ttooe. Kt. Walla Walla, Wn mm Just Arrived Quality Toilet Soap, fine finral odors. 10c cake. 3 for 25". Look at our window. .'PECIAL Duroy's Claret Soda. 5 cents. Delicious end refreshing. F. . DONALD SO, Rellall Tr jfirt. m O o- Deep Furrows. Isn't It a shame tnat the wheat lands of this country produce an aver age of only about 12 Bushels per acre? The man who sells his calves for veal and his young steer for other people to breed U robbing his own family. The girl who has learned to make Byers' Best Flour Is made from the choicest wheat that prows. Gooi bread is assured whn BYERS" HKST FLO UK is uckhI. Bran, Short, Srpntn Rolled Biirlcy always cn hand. Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon. fc-vi,;--!. s.-k TTTTrmnraj Chickens! Chickens!! Chickens!!! All kinds, sizes and colors, young and old For choice dreaand one phone your order night ttrfnre Wb drew, none except for orders so If ,,, 0 ,,,, h,, patronize the oilier fellow or storn yourself. East End Grocery 23ft! Itoft. phone D. 1381 ne 536