FIGHT PAGIA DAILY EAST OKfiUONlAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 19, 1910. paoi Firm A , Will I Mm! CLEAN-UP SALE OF 5 HOES Hundreds of pairs of $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Tan Oxfords and Pumps now $2.45 All black $3.50 Oxfords or Pumps $2.85 All black $4,00 Oxfords or Pumps $3.15 All black $4.50 and $5.00 Oxfords or Pumps $3.45 Children's $1.50 Oxfords and Pumps $1.20 Children's $1.75 Oxfords and Pumps $1.35 Children's $2.00 Oxfords and Pumps $1.65 Children's $2.25 Oxfords and Pumps $1.85 Children's $2.50 Oxfords and Pumps $2.15 Don't by all means Forget the Big Dress Sale F. E. Livengood & Go. The Ladies' and Children's Store. AUGUST Ladies Homo Journal Patterns Ready. LOCALS Pastime pictures pleas 1L flare money by reading today' ads. Men'i oxfords cheap at A. Eklund's. Automobile for hire, day or night, l'hone Main 74. See Lee Teutsch about ihe Joe Leezer place at Echo. For Sale Plana and household fur niture. Phone Red 2932. For life, fire, accident and grain In surance, see J. S. Kees. Joe Lcezer place for sale. Sea Lie Teutsch for terms. More moving pictures shown than any other theater In the city th Pastime, Mark Putton, the barber. Main street, across from Alexanders. "Com fortable shaves." J ie Leezcr pUi'u an be bought at a bargain If you et cjuUk See Lee Teutsch or Mr. and Mrs. I.eezrr at Lcho. Try one of those careful, sanitary shaves at Mark Pattun's barber shop. Old Prlvett stand. Phone Main 427. For sale A Westfield driving mare weighing 1100 lbs., works single or double. Abe Molstrom, Adams Ore., R. R. D. 2. Wanted, girl or woman to assist with general house work. Apply at 401 Aura street or phon Red. 2398. Competent steam engineer wishes engagement with farmer or thresher min for the threshing season. Ad dress Chas. Weston, Celllo, Ore. L-st Mining Transit Book No. 363, on 4th of July between Eugene M'Cu'iley'a house on North Cold Springs and the Dave Carglll place on Middle Cold Springs. Finder please leave at this office and receive reward. Irish thought in the United States and In their Itinerary will be guarded largely by the wishes of their Ameri can friends. Mr. Redmond Is watching closely the developments of the conference which is seeking to find some way out of the British constitutional mud dle. Ho Is not hopeful, but If the nritlsh leaders should reach nn agree ment which Is not inimical to home rule he will support it. If any at tempt is made, however, to sidetrack homo rule, there will be trouble. Mr. Redmond does not, like some parliamentarians, siese upon any ex cuse to get upon his feet, but rarely rises unless he has something to say. And he says it with sledge-hammer emphasis and diction that Invariably attracts all the shirkers back to the "gieen benches." He first figured prominently in the I political history of Ireland In 1880, when he accompanied Mr. Parnell to the famous meeting at Ennlseorthy, when they were nearly murdered by a hostile mob. Mr. Redmond entered parliament Kiion afterward as the member for New Ross. Unlike most new mem bers, he delivered his maiden speech on the night he took nis seat, and lie holds the record of being suspend ed before the close of the sitting. He is a fine billiard player, a prac ticed hand at the foils, rides well, as frequent visitors to Hyde park have many opportunities or observing; is a good shot and can still g ve a good itieuuut of himself in front of a wick et. His football days are past, but he still takes a deep interest in the game. The love of the drama, fos tered In his school days at Clon govves, when he was looked upon as the crack performer In their Shake productions, nas never left him, and, when in London, If duties permit it, is an enthusiastic first-nighter. IKHII PATRIOTS WILL COME OVER TO V. S. Dublin. John Redmond, T. P. O oiinor and Joseph Devlin are making preparations for their American trip. Willie the date of their departure has not been definitely announced, they probably will sail late in August and will remain In the United States sev eral weeks They are In constant communication with the leaders of Wounded In Political Duel. Vienna. Austria. A political duel, fought with swords, took place in Vienna between Dr. Stoelzel. a Her man student named Wagner, who had passed unfavorable criticisms In pub l; upon Dr. Stoeb.el's political activ ity. Tn the s xth bout Herr Wagner was slightly wounded in the arm and face Dr. Stoelzel was untouched. PERSONAL MENTION Douglass Bolts of Pilot Rock, re turned home this morning after tran sacting business In Pendleton over 1 night. O. W. Treat is up from Coe for a brief business visit. John Attebury of Echo, was in Pen dleton last evening. L. Gates of Umatuia, is registered at the Hotel St. George. C. D. Conner of Pilot Rock, is a Pendleton business visitor. Mrs. C. K Bland of Hermlston, is the guest of Pendleton friends. Mrs. L. L. Rogers of Adams. Is In the city today on a trading trip. George Watson of Pilot Rock, came In yesterday to transact business. Dr. Cllse returned this morning from a visit to his Vansycle farm. George Robblns left on a business trip to Portland on the noon train. Mrs. R. B. Stanfield and two chil dren came up this morning from Echo. Mrs. Frank Frazler left this morn ing for Lehman springs to enjoy an outing. Willard Bond and wife left on the noon train for a visit In California cities. W. H. Bell, the well known rancher and fruit grower of Cabbage Hill, Is in the city today. ' . H. G. Castel of Pilot Rock, came In yesterday afternoon to care for busi ness Interests. L. Gates of Umatilla, Is registered up yesterday from the town by the Columbia. Ward Manker and Lloyd Perham leave tomorrow morning for Mea- chnm. They will drive up. R. H. Irwin, the Stanfield manager of the Columbia Land company, came up from that place last evening. M. J. Moran, section foreman at Cayuse station, is in the city today for the transaction of business. Miss Sarah Cunnlnghaam was a passenger on the Northern Pacific train from Pasco this morning. Miss A'Llllyan Stanfield came up from Echo yesterday and is the guest at the home of her grandfather. William Scott, the well known He lix wheat raiser, Is In the city today from his home at Walla Walla. Lee Teutsch, the well known realty dealer, has returned from a sojourn of several days In southern Idaho. Clyde Cheshire of the W. J. Clark Hardware company, is spending the day In the west end of the county. J. E. Montgomery has returned from King Hill. Idaho, where he went as one of a party headed by Lee Teutsch. Miss Sarah Cunningham came over t!rs morning from Pasco and will be the guest of l-cal friends for a few days. Miss Charlotte Ogllvy of Pilot Rock spent yesterday in Pendleton. She has been teaetvng up at the agency Indian school. R. L. Hunt, traveling salesman for the Wood ward-Oak company of Port land, left for the fest end of the county this morn!ng. Thomas Hunt, the well known trav eling salesman who makes his head quarters In th's city, is spending the day in the west end towns Walter Rose nnd family will arrive tonight from The Dalles to make their home In this city. Mr. Rose Is cash ier in the local O. R. & N. freight of fice. E. E. Kirtley of the Alexander de partment stoe. accompanied by his wife and son. leave Wednesday morn Mi? anl will drive overland to Che halls and the sound cities. Mrs. William Edwards and son, NYwcll Edwards, returned this morn ing from Meaoham, where they had been since Saturday. They brought back a quantity of huckleberries. S. S. Butler, the O. R. & N. loco mo; ive engineer, will leave Sunday with his family for southern Idaho points. They will make the trip by automobile and expect to be gone a month Charles Bond returned tlMs morn ing from a trip through California. He brought with him some genuine photographs of the Jeff-Johnson fiasco wlii. h lie will display In the windows of his clothing store. HINTS FOR THE OUTING A few things you might forget before leaving and may need before returning, so lets anticipate a possible annoyance and lay in a full supply, However should you forget, a mail order will receive the care and attention as were it given over our counter The useful and sometimes necessary Alcohol stoves, bathing caps, drinking cups, hand brushes, playing cards, Ingersoll watches, $1.00; fountain pens, soap boxes, tooth brushes, hand mirrors, hair brushes, lather brushes, shaving mugs, shaving annus, stationery, cloth brushes, Chamois skins, face and toilet, combs, cork screws, complexion brushes, bnth towels, atomizers, curling irons, emery boards. Ink, Jewel boxes, knives, manicure scissors, nail flies, powder puffs, souvenir post cards, razors, raxor strops, sponges, wash rags, Peroxide Hydrogen, cold cream, Arnica, Denver Mud (an tlphloglstlne), alcohol, boric add. bandages, bay rum, cotton, adhesive plaster, paregoric, liquid court plaster, court plaster, poison oak remedy, witch hazel, faco powder, freckle cream, glycerine, Jamaica ginger, headache remedy, liniment, carbolic salve, toothache remedy, quinine, shampoo preparation, vase line, tooth powder, tooth pnste. The Drug Store That Serves You Btti. CLEAN-UP Clearance Prices IN OUR- SHOE DEPARTMENT We must have more room for our new goods and new de partments to be added soon. Prices reduced on every pair of shoes none reserved Women's $5.00 Patent Colt Shoes., lace or button at $3.95 Women's $4.00 Tatent Colt Shoes, lace or button at 83.45 Women's $3.50 Patent Colt and Kid Shoe.-, lace or button 33.15 Women's $3.50 Pumps and Oxfords, nil leathers at $3.15 Women's $3.75 and $i.00 Oxfords at $3.35 Misses' $2.25 Slippers, tan and black, sizes 11 1-2 to 2 at $1.7i) Misses' $1.90 Slippers, tan and black, sizee 8 1-2 to 11 at 31.59 Old Ladies' Comforts at $1.19 15 per cent off on all Boys', Youth's and Little Gent's Shoes. 15 per cent off on all Misses' and Children's Shoes. WOHLENBERG DEFT STORE "Better Goods for Less Money" AT THE PICTURE SHOVS Tlio Orplieuni. 1. The Midnight Cupid. Biograph, 1000 feet. In which a tramp is the central figure around which is woven an interesting love story. 2. His Child's Captive. A Lubin drama. This Is another of those pic tures showing the powerful Influence of the Innocent little child . 3. Caesar in Egypt. Pathe. An Egyptian scene representing an event in the life of Caesar. The principal feature Is a marvelous reproduction of the burning of the palace. 4. i-ove Me Like I Like to Be Loved. The Pastime. New ' program for Tuesday as fol lows: The Purgation Biograph, drama, 1000 feet. In this Biograph subject is shown tthe moral influence of love over an unfortunate misguided youth. A Honeymoon for Three Essany, comedy, 1000 feet. This Is one of the classiest comedies, with a hearty laugh in every foot. White Fawn's Daughter dramatis, 1000 feet. A most exciting and thrill ing story of a very interesting character. WANTED! Several four horse teams Will pay $8 per day Apply to TWOHY BROS. at Walters Flouring Mill Estray Notice. Strayed From my ranch at Hold man. Ore.. July 9, one brown mare 5 years old with roached mane. Branded J. T. on right shoulder and S7 on left shoulder, a liberal reward will be given for any Information as to her whereabouts. Write J. T. Thorn, Holdman, Ore. Attention, Daphne Circle. During my absence from the city, the collection of circle lodge dues will be attended to by Mrs. S. J. Mo rrian at her home or at the cigar store on Main street. MRS. ALICE O'PAXIEL. Clerk of Daphne Circle. Men's oxfords cheap at A. Eklund's Orpheum Theatre J. P. MEDERNAO H, Proprietor HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children SEE PROGRAM IX TODWS PAPER. Program Changes on Sundays. Tuesday's and Friday's. I HAS lli:i.l MANY OFFICES, lord Kllohener Has llpcn Shunted About by Politics. London. Few men have been shunted about in public offices as a result of politics in the same degree that has fallen to the lot of Lord Kitchener. It has been the ambi tion of the famous !nldier for years to bec.jnif' chief (if the Imperial gen eral staff nnd now. after many trials and disappointments, ttiat high of fice looks to li.j nearly in his grasp It Is not nt al unlikely that Oeneral Sir Xeville'leton. O. C. rt. com mander in chief of the forces In Ire land, may desire to lefre at an early date and that his successor may be Oeneral Sir William Nicholson O. C. P , ehhf of Imperial gnrnl general staff. Should .these changes take place the way would be clear for the appointment of Lord Kitchener to the offve ho could so ably fill and has so long sought. Speaking of Lord Kitchener, the famous soldier Is an enthusiastic gardener. Recently when he was looking about for a house near Lon don ho specified that It must be sur rounded by fields so that he could raise practically all the vegetables ne cessary for the household. In Calcutta when Lord Kitchener was stationed there, he could be seep at work in his garden morning nnd evening. Itcliins F.eMMim Washed Any. Is it worth 25 cents to you to stop that awful, agonizing itch? Surely, you will spend 25 cents on your drug- gist's recommendation, to cool nndj heal and soothe that terrible Itching, eruption? By arrangement with the D. D. D.j Laboratories of Chicago, we are ab'ei to make a special offer of a 2R-ceiti bott'e of their oil of wintergreon com pound, known as D. D. D. Prescrip tion. Call or wrlti? or telephone to; Tallman Drug Co. j Wo absolutely know that tl.o Itch; is stopped at once by D. D. D. Pre-! he permanent. j scription, and the cures all seem to! American Club Roasted Coffee in Cans A Blend of old crop coffees which has proven ex tremely popular with the best class of trade 1 Pound Cans . 40c 3 Pound Cans $1.00 'S GROCERY T Unlloou KotKc F.xplodes. Freldtiehshafen, csermnny. duly 19. The Hvdvoiren plant' of the Zep pelin balloon bouse exploded today and a number of employes were se verely injure 1. The cause Is un known. Structures nearhy were wrecked. When You BUILD, BuSId to STAY! MSSiiinHS) Re-enforced concrete and concrete blocks 'ltSMC: are cheaper in the end; are prettier, more " ,:- vV 1 s . . I , e , . . suDsrantiai ana Tar more comfortable in either cold or warm weather. : ""aV-.C- Dnlly Fast Oregonlan by wrier, only 15 cents per week. Concrete stands unsurpassed for"" Basements. Fourula. tions, Walls, Fences and Curbing. It looks better and lasts longer than stone See my many beautiful designs in concrete blocks DeTore you buildjyour home. I will furnish your estimates for anv class of worK on application. D. H. MHY Contractor and Builder Cor. Railroad amd Willow'Sts. Pendleton. Ore