East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 19, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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ciuur PAGES.
tt rd)on. Oruon. br tb
a!.', tliv jr, bf sail $5.00
J it. n awtiii. Dj mm ....
itrr mooUm, b mail..
olj. oae OioottL, bj null
Iit uot yrar. by carrier....
t.lj. tlx mootbi. bj rmrrlr...
tviif. three motub. by rrlr.
b:ij. ooe m.oto. by crrir...
!. 4 jer, bj mil
"eiT. tlx oiooth. by sail...
-. f.mr month, br oatl...
T 60
1 M
1 50
ani W id yrr. by Ball.
omti:j. u mvoiiM. by sail...
Ii9i riy, fcmr nootba. by nail..
Tt Dally ilaat Oregoouuj la ktpt oa aala
t t!. Vrrton Nw Co.. 147 6th Itrctt.
Portland. Olrnm.
jrtbt Newi. Co., Portland. Oretoo.
( tararo Hurras, t SJ Security Holldlnf.
Mhltift oo. D. C. Herein. 501 fcrnr
(MQtb (trett. N. W.
Member lotted ITeaa Aaoclattoa.
Entered at the poaOMflce at Oodletoo,
rv. aa aecond claaa Ball Batter.
;pnoae Mala 1
official City and County Paper.
'; ' -. i - e i v
L-t me live .n a house by
Ride of the road
Where th- nice of men
The nw-n who are good and the
men who are bad,
Aa good and an bad aa L
I would not sit in the scorner's
Or hurl the cynic'a ban
Let me live In a house by the
aide of the road
And be a friend to man.
I see from my house by the
side of the road
By the side of the highway of
. i
The men who piess with the ar- !
dor of hope.
The men who are faint with
the strife.
Eut I turn not away from their
smiles nor their tears,
Uoth part-? of an infinite
Let me live In a house by the
Hide of the roa-l
And be a friend to mm.
Sam Walter Fosa.
abusixc; the ixmvnvK.
Ti e initiative privilege is a valu
able right and the people of Oregon
are f rtunate in the possession of the
ame it is a right
houM be uxed with
though that !
discretion. '-.If '
the Init'atlve is Invoked Indiscrimi
nately it will be of Injury rather than
of benefit.
t, the nature of- things the fnltl
a'ive should be used for the settle
men, of questions that are of general
tat Interest and questions upon
which the people at large are capable
of Juiging. It was proper that the
direct primary law be enacted under
trio Initiative. The law could not
have been enacted In any other way.
Legislatures elected under the old
convention system would never have
passed the direct primary' 'aw' It
was proper that the corrupt practices
act enacted under the initiative , eating fact that he has not been re-
n-l referendum. That law pertains moved from office despite the fact
t-- political morality and the peopte : that he testified against Secretary
were able to Jud;re of the merits of j Pallinger during the recent investiga
th law. It Is alright to f-eftle the ( tion. Neither has Direr-tor Newell
norma; school problem under the In
The legislature has utterly
Hit! 10 namie me quej-uon.
3ut measures have been ubmitted ! for months. He has predicted their
for consideration at the coming elec- . removal yet they are still at the head
tion 'hat are plainly "out cf order." j of the service. What will the out
For instance both the manufacturers J Mme r,e? It )s possible that Ballln-
n 1 the labor unions have submitted 2er v !!! go Instead. Wouldn't that
!! for th creation of employers
liability acts. Now It is evident that
ea-.h bill as proposed is designed to
hen.'fit the element proposing It. The
manufacturers bill Is probably unfair i
to hbor and quite llke.ly the labor
union bill Is unjust to the inanufac-(
tur"-s. Poth these measures should
be voted down and the subject left
with the leglnlature. In the legls
lure the matter may be worked out
and doubtless
a compromise meaaur
aitr"" upon. J
Put the most glaring abuse of th i
Initiative Is on the part of those who
Iisve proposed county division meas
ures Right bills have been filed ak
Ing for the creation of new counties
or for the changing of boundary lines.
In each ens the question Involved
Is f a purely loral nature; not of
tot Interest. It will b Impossible
for the people of the state to Judge
Of theso measures with Intelligence.
II division disputes should have been
rild In abeyance pending the passage
of a law calling J"or the settlement
Of nu'h disputes by the people di
rectly concerned. The county dlvls-li-nisfs
however, have refused to
wait They have submitted their
bills In hopes the people will vote
Mindly for them. They have abused
th Initiative privilege and they
should be rebuked for doing no.
Rvery county division bill should he
votd down.
'Insist that th Initiative be us1
only when It may be Invoked with
Out on the Umatilla reservation,
I l:v. J. it. Cornel. son, Presbyterian
missionary among the Indians. U prac-
ir.g "dry firming" and is succeeding
xhlt yer he has a garden in
iRhlch he is raisir.g .weet corn, pota-
t . t'jiah. vanu;ou;.e and water
melons. He is using ordinary' land
MKh as l. u-ti eiclu.-iveiy for wheat
raUir.g by his neighbors. He has not
,iristtt-d his garden lit all. He raises
vegetable rr.ereiy by careful tillage
or the -i; an I by :he use of fcrti
liirrs that are available. He raised
a g.-'M garl-r. Ir-". y-ir in j.it ,,f
the fJc: tha". it w.if a dry season.
The )..s.--f Rev. Orne'.l.son In
this iine Indicates the possibilities of
this section of the state when the
l.r;.er efforts are put forth. This
country is go-id for southing better
1'iar. the ra':ng of a crop of wheat
every other yenr. Ey proper tillage
and by sr.:l '.e rotation of crops an
annual yield may be secured through
out mo-t . ' the county.
All th: ,y -dry farmin?" If the
ln.!o r. rs -.v-iuM bu: make use of
tV-ir opr o:-tur.!t!. s to water their
Irinl. through water pumped from
C; ar.d through using the flood wa
ters of the Umatilla and tributary
s.re.-.ms they .-.-.u-. .! mu:h r.tter.
On flood irrigated land, so it is esti
mate', enough alfalfa may be raisej
annually to pay interest on $500 per
acre. That would be better than
wheat raising even when bumper
i crops are harvested and sold at high
Some day the farmers in this vi
cinity are going to make use of the'.r
opportunities. They will not sit by
t,"ieei jui h;h.i ine water to now
; to the sea while the growing crops
; n'-c-.l moisture.
; Men like Rv. Cornelison ten! to
hasten this day because they po'.nt
lout the poslbII!tie3 of the country.
It Is good work too. The man who
"makes two blades of grass grow
where but one gr-,v before" Is of ser
vice to humanity.
F-r.I!i:nnl PInney Eirle. the art!t
'. affinity fnrr.e. says he will reform
and have no more- "afflrfty" wives
It matters little to the world whnt
F'rdinan! pjr.ney Earle may think
or do. H-- Is of as mj"h importance
a a wart on a to;t l. Xo more. It
i' of sie-nificanre though that this
Mlo-.v has found tlmt it does not do
to disregard the conventional rus
oon'-r-rnin-i dcpn"v and mnrtnall'v
"thera haye learned the same lesson,
fome of them are of the class of
v hi' h E -rle i a part or waas. Others
are of a lower strata and they are
designate J by terms more repulsive
tban those use, when pevp!e speak
j of the elite who have taken the prim
i rose pr-th. The world has many
j faults, but It la sound of heart and
i gives promise of always remaining
j that way. This is a truth that all
Isl.ou'd know but which some. at
times, forget.
snix ON" DECK.
The presence in this city yesterday
: A. P. Davis, chief engineer of the
'-clamntlor. service, recalls the Inter-
who also gave damaging testimony
against the secretary.
Against these
two men Balllnger has been storming
be tcrrib: after njl the whitewash
that has ben use- upon him?
Speaker Cannon Is out defending
PrnMor A:,1.-t-l,
' nator
ba ler of the sen-
jate - But from appearances Uncle
Jr e 'il; l.ave about all he can do If
answer the critics of the speaker
of ,h" llT hou";-
j What
! when th
v.!" happen to
those slates
the work of
people "revlsa"
tr,p assembly?
When they meet In conventions the
Irish are known as Hibernians.
Pendleton bns. never had a fatal
auto'r.ccldent We don't want any.
rRrisixo IV THE AIR.
"Z. Ill sailing at 3 p. m. for Mann
helm." Th alr-h'p's orders were
mor like a fancy of Jules Verne 'han
reality to the writers In the summer
of 1S09 at Frankfort-on-the-Maln. It
-is (-. ,-.! of Count Zeppelin's fi
nal testa before beginning regui-ir
tj-.iffi'- I'll-. .ummer. A throng of
Placid Germans srnnned the bulletin
board as 'bey would a railway or
steamship table. "What about the
weather?" A st .rfl- l Teuton glanced
wi'h surprise ,v the skopt c. saw he
was from America, and replied "If
you are going, be her: Zeppebn haii-i
wether or no -'-ith'r," That had
the convincing sound of near air-navl-gstlon.
At 2:.'!fl a ctronir wind swept over
the "air-harbor" a long massive bull-ling
like a steamship pier, that held
4i feet of airship. The morning had
been breezy, and heavy gust g-lffen--d
the flags Rilloons on the ground
v-ere nklng from side to s;d and
i ha spectit irs held on to their hats.
Fashion arr v.-d in touring tarn. Those
who were "bo-iked" for the alr-voy-1
age aeernod to be famitfar with sea- I
travel. The men wore yachting caps,
the women long storm coats and hats
b.tte-e, doWn by v,il!t Marine bi
r.ocu'ars ani small cameras were
slung frJm the shoulder.
Ti-. s rsuticial atmosphere deepened
Inside of the air-harbor where a large
c-rp cf -air-men" made ready for
he --y;iB. Ore immediately lost all
Idea tha- the Rlunvnu-n skeleton of
this mammoth hull encased n c,nh
was simply stowed with great a
chamber, ar.,J float-! i:ke a balloon.
A c.i'n ,.f anchors htin? from the
'... .-..:. of r.,p lay along the
''.cks of tj, f re an.j a,, car
r. ...rob; rz rnm !aunch In s;ie and
?! pesrar.-e. Thes were of soli, nlu-tn!'u:n-
Punwales having side-
r v r-n! cangways for going aboard
Narrow footways of th same mitf.
r:al ra-d between both cars and the
ciih'n spnee and amld-hips. Twenty
seven no'sy passengers and friends
who were seeing them off. clambered
along a slender rail toward staring
mica ports of a seml-clrcular door
set in a bow-shapd companlonwav.
which cuts the win-l so It doe, not
imped the ship's flight, and prevents
drafts from sweep'ng the lone cabin
whh h Is provide, with leather divans
along the sides. Thoueh this enclos
ed spiop j, on!y ,Pn fect w(1(?t t wag
like walking along the passageways
from salon to smoking room on "a
steamer. The imr.re.sion was inten
sified by ;de port.. In sponsons. con
verting the cabin, amidships Into an
open promenade d- ck. in fair weath
er. Hven mor,. c--nvinc!ne were pas
sengers" voice, from remote parts of
the craft From "Mak'ng a Business
of Flying." in August Technical
V.'orld Micazine.
Senator Derew. In his Washington
residence on his 7th birthday, told a
reporter that his health was perfect.
"You do. in lee 1. sir." said th re-1-
-rter. h. artily. ":0ok the picture of
"Tes" s .id the senator -j shouldn't
have s-.iI I was wU if my appearance
;"',n 1 h"nr " "Ut- A ce'f.contradic
b.ry statement Is merely ludicrous
lou have hear al,out the census ta
ker? "A r,"-n''i" taker rang th bell of a
I..l;yer place residence the other day
and an elderly gen-k-man ornd the
M ,T - ...
, i n iiko to see the head of the
house.' ai, ho rensus taker
'f-sh: Xot so loud" whispered
the elderly gentleman '.Vow, what is
it? I'm the head of the house'"
P.-troit Free Press.
Ti:i:orr.n run meadow.
The .summer sun -was soft and bland
As they vent through the 'meadow
land. ,
The little win-l that hardly shook
Tiie silv-r of th sleeping brook
nien- the gold hair about her eyes
A mystery of mysteries!
So he must often pause and stoop.
And all the wanton ringlets loop
Behind her dainty ear, emprise
Of .'.-- ev-nt and many sighs.
Af-ro.- t
-And yet
:e ptr-ani was scarce a step,
she f..:,rd to try the lean-
.n, ne to still her sweet alnrm
Tust lif; her over on li s arm.
She could not ke. p the narrow wav,
For still the little feet -om strav, -And
ever must he l,en.i t' undo
The tangled grasses from her shoe
From dainty rosebud lips In pout.
Must k'ss the perfect flower out:
Ahl little cofiuette: Fair deceit!
Some thing are bitter that were
Wii'lam Dean Howells.
China's capital. Peking, has sup
planted its Insanity wells with a
i thoroughly modern water works sys
tem, including a filtration plant.
There are more than 400 wireless
stations on the coast of the maritime
The adulteration of food in France
is said to result in a profit of J100,
of.,i.(M,o a year.
Although Aberdeen is the homo of
S"tch gr mite, a shipment of 350 tons
recently was exported to that city
ffom South Caroline quarries to meet
a demand for a variation in color from
the native stone.
Cadets at the United States service
college at Windsor. England, are
taugh the principle, 0f aeronautics.
Following Philadelphia's example,
New Y'-rk has established a free per
manent exhibition of building mate
rials. The olive tree pro-luces alternate
crops, a full yield generally being fol
lowed by a scanty one th" next year.
A new sanitary mouthpiece for tel
ephones is made flush with the trans
mitter case to avoid Merni catching
- o!-Me-.
TIIE DENTIST I. A I (, 1 1 1 il).
At a r'-ront dinner of the Authors'
clul, iu London to Owen Sfamnn. the
editor of Punch, Walt, r Emanuel an
other member of the staff of Punch,
referred to the fact that the man with
the largest sense of humor he had
ever struck as an Englishman a
"I had a friend," said Emanuel,
"who hud suffered agony from a
toothache for two days and nights be
fore he could got the courage to visit
a dentist and have the offending mo
1 ir extracted.
Rernea3r,e CATARRH
Ely's Cream Balm RgS
It quickly absorbed. fen COtO
Oi,e, R..M . Once. MfeyWM
1 1 cicun -es, soot Iii-s, g."i rtvcn W?
heal an l j-ioteeU GV, cAic
the (ii-e-m ,f ,,,,. W S&WA
Wane resulting from
Cut .mil U!ni drives
iw.iy u CnM iu the
tores 'L Senses of I! AY FEVER
i-M.e.uil II. Full six 50 eta. , at lint.
f.-u"r ' I" li'iui 1 form, ,.; ents.
1.1 .: Uci i, 5'1 Waireu Utrect, Kew York.
Women's Secrets
There is one man in the United States who hat perhaps heard
more worn-. n't secrets than any other man or woman in the
country. These secrets are not secrets of guilt or shame, hut
the secrets of suffering, and they have been confided to Dr.
R. V. Fierce in the hope and expectation o( advice and help.
1'aat (ew of these women huve been disappointed in their ex
pectations is proved by the fact that ninety-eight per cent, of
ell women treated by Dr. Fierce have bc-cn absolutely and
cltojether cured. Such a record would he remarkable if the
cjiics treated were numbered hj UunJreik oi ly. But when
that record applies to the treatiient of m-.:rc than half-a- mil
lion women, in a practice of over 40 years, it ia nhcnomenal.
ajd entitles Dr. Pierce to the f-ratituje accorded h.ra by women, as the first of
ap.cia-iits in the treatment o! women's dbeaes.
i.cry sick woman may consult Dr. Tierce by letter, absolutely without
c!iar4e. -V!! rcplie are maiit-J, sealed in perfectly plain envelopes, without
t-.y p; ir.tini or advertising whatever, upon them. Write without fear aa with
cut ftc, to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R. V. Pierce, Prest.,
LuiTjIo, N. V.
IVtxl.o Woalt Womoi: 'T't-oii,-
Slolt Women V oil.
"Finally he found himself In the
dentist chair. He refused to take gas.
Tlie dentist pulled the tooth, which
seemed to have been bed.ded in ce
ment, so hard did it pull.
My friend lay back In the chair
writhing- in two kinds of pain and
the aching tooth pounding harder
but it mimmm
mce eu3 m?'m
Si ; .---
CREATE OR CRUMBLE. Every man should create a
foundation for success before old age crumbles his earning
powers. A small savings account started today, NOW, will
start you on the road to independence. The farther you travel
,n this road the less you will wish to turn aside.
We will pay you 4 per cent interest on the money you put in
our bank and compound the interest everv six months.
American National Bank
Pendleton. Oregon
The First National Bank
Report of the Condition, June 30,
1910 to the Comptroller
of the Currency
Loans and Discounts ,
Overdrafts . .
U. S. Bonds (at par) .
Other Bonds and Warrants
Banking Building
Cash and Exchange . .
Capital Stock
Surplus and Undivided Profits
Due to Banks .
Deposits . .
I, G. M. Rice Cashiei of the above named bank do
solemnly swear that the above statement is true
to the best of my knowledge and belief.
G. M. RICE, Cashier
Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 1 st day of
July. 1910.
SEAL Notary. Public for Oregon
than ever. Meanwhile the dentist
held up the extracted tooth and
laughed uproarously.
" 'What's the Joke' groaned my
"Why, I pulled the wrong tooth,'
said the dentist In another spasm of
.-r ' -.
T;V r-tj r "
. 250,000.00
Headquarters For
Toilet Goods
We are Sole Manufacturer and
Distributor of the Celebrated
Tallman & Co.
Leading DruggldU of
8CRAXCE. Indiana & Ohio
Live Stock insur
ance Company
Of Crawfordnrllle, Indian.
Ha now entered Orogon.
Policies now good in every
etate In the Union. Orsan
ted over 25 yean ago. Paid
up Capital 1200.000.00. Aa
ets over $450,000.00.
a Mutual Lire Stock Insur
ance company.
Mark Moorhouse
Agent, Pendleton, Or.
Ill East Court at,
Pfaoue MaU .
? 9
I International Stock Food
.i ii t . it
tne old reliable
I The best for jour stock
Try it
127-129 E. Aita
Gus La Fontaine, Prop.
Best 25c Meals in North
west First-class cooks and service
Shell fish in season
Li Fontaine Blk., Main St.
Tou makeVnad mlxtukc when you
put off buyln your Con until the
Fall purchase it vnw nn.i
the bent Hock Spring conl the mine.
produce at price connlderahly lowar
than those prevailing In Fnll an4
By stocking up now you avoid ALI
danger of being unable to secur It
when cold weather arrives.
Phone Main 178.
'tfW' COPVUiiMTJtlo.
AnT(-.ll.'"f:.ii'"- a .'.:irh a:, 3 ,1.- .. , ; (, ., ,
q:ilcklf i,.f-irtit'n inr ,miii:.ti fi..,. n iti-lttor r.
r,i,M.ll,.n ;. !. i i"f .- , :,,,..,,'
ttiiiKlrlsllreilili,lKiill!i. I'l'I'TnK nil l-nlnn.
-"I '" "I'teM ii. ' - ir.a p.ii..:ii.
r.-ltriitfl tnkivi tlir'.iu.-li M..i .1 r-. ri-i'iil
:f l.tl W'.fKT Villi. .(It li. -... it. ' .,)
Sclcniiflc Jiiitfiican
ChIhLh.h of mif n'MMidili J iiiriuil. 1'ortti kb $
. inr ; lour muntlit 1. tioidbvall new ! er
aflliSS Co New Tort
Prmicb onica. ca IT WailiiLuiou. u C