EIGHT PAGS& DALLY EAST OllEGONIA-N. PENDLETON, OREGON. TI IISD.W, ,11I.Y 19, 1910. PAGE THREE MOTHER'S FRED A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL USE. One of the most viable qualities of Mother's Friend is that it safe-guards the future health of the mother. It is a liniment to be applied externally to the body, the use of which lubricates the miiRcles and tendons, softens tha eland and duds, prevents lumps forming in the breasts, and relieves the pain, nervous ness, nausea, and other troubles from which so many expectant mothers suffer. When Mother's Friend is used regularly it fits and prepares the system for an easy and natural consummation of the term. Women who massage with this great liniment are always saved much suffering when baby comes, and recover more quickly, and without 111 effects. Mother's Friend Is sold at drug stores. Write for our free book for expectant mothers. THE DRADFICID CO., ATLANTA, OA, SOME SHORT NEWS NOTES FROM WESTON (Special Correspondence.) Weston, Or., July 18. E. L. Withers returned Saturday from his trip to Welser, Idaho, where he was in attendance to the district confer ence of thu Dunkard church, of which ho Is a member. J. M. O'Harra's outfit started up this morning for a season's work In the grainfields. The barley now being threshed by a combine on the Price Brothers' place east of town Is Indicating a yield of about 65 bushels per acre. Mrs. W. E. Drlskell returned Sat urday from her several weeks' visit at her daughter's home In Spokane, Wash. Miss Stella O'Harra Is at present visiting friends In the Garden City. Miss Grace Gregg from the Brlgg on neighborhood, la a guest at the home of the Misses Lula and Zllla Simpson. ) li)Y IWIXS IXTO I5AIXOOX. Vontli HrfHks All Records by prop ping t'lt'tir Through Gasbag. Los Angeles. Within 2'J seconds and 50 feet, Roy Field, an amateur, broke all balloon records of the kind Saturday. He fell In at the top of im immense captive gasbag and was taken out of the appendix nearly as phyxiated, but not otherwise Injured. Incidentally he liberated 80,000 cu bic feet of lifting fluid, which cost his employer, J. M. Burns, $64. He landed in such a way, too, after his long tumble, that the balloon had to be cut to extricate him. This is supposedly the first time a man has fallen clear through a bal loon, Field had cllmed to the top of the rigging to straighten out a wrink le In the silken envelope. His foot slipped and made a rent, and down he went through it. The rushing gas affected him so quickly that he could not reach to the cordage.. It was like falling on a feather bed, however, for when he Btruck the silk had not brok en. He was limp for an hour. DOCTORS OPERATED THOUGH HE D NO APPENDICITIS Sacramento Man Tells of Experience Lost Many Friends--Now He Is Cured by Fer-Don's Medical Experts Who Are Now Located at 637 Main St. Above French Restaurantt Pendleton. TO "I would not have had that opera tion for appendicitis for a thousand dollars," said Mr. J. T. Miller, living nt 719 E. street, Sacramento. Some time ngo the doctors operated on a pica that he was suffering from ap pendicitis. "I did not have appendi citis at all, and the operation did me no good and now I have pain all the time from the incision. That opera tion was utterly needless." Mr. Mil ler has lived in Sacramento for sev eral years, and is well known in that city. Sick for Two Years. "I had been sick for two years," said Mr. Miller. "I think malaria Is what began the trouble, and from that my liver got out of order, my digestion' was bad. I became chronic ally constipated, nnd one thing brought on another until I was mis-, era ole most of the time. Finally the doctors decided that I had appendi citis nnd that I must undergo an op irHtlon. Of course, I did as they told mc, and endured the pain and danger. Well, if I had appendicitis before the operation, I had It afterward, for It never made any chnnge In my condi tion except to add to my pains. Lost Many rounds. "I was sick nt my stomach, could not eat what I wanted without great pains and was In constant torment. I was losing weight until I was really thin. Then one day I read In the Sacramento papers that some new treatment was given bv Fer-Don's Medical Experts and Bloodless Sur geons, and that they were curing lots of cases even worse than mine, I de cided that If they could cure others, they could cure me. So I went down to their offices here In Sacramento, and asked to be placed under treat ment. Well, there Isn't much more to be told. Fer-Don's Experts cured me In Just a few treatments, remov ing some gall stones from me with out an operation. No knife was used no pain was experienced. T hnve no more pain no more sickness, I eat whatever -I want and as much as I want, nnd I feel perfectly well. My strength Is coming back, too. A month ago, he slightest exertion tlre'd me dreadfully. Now I can walk and work and go about as I please without any HI effect,'' The reporter, with a nose for news, heard the story of little Minnie Drummond of Oakland, who lives at 771 Twenty-second street. This lit tle girl was suffering from an Inter nal goitre that was fast effecting her eyesight to the effect that glasses seemed necessary. "My little daughter Is about well again," said the happy mother, and she has had only four treatments." Another'Oakland man, D. Ranfers, of 3913 Opal street, said: "I have suffered from stomach trouble for a long time and have tried many remedies, but received no benefit. I heard of Fer-Don and the Europenn medical experts. I called at his office and was examined. After taking one dose of a peculiar medi cine, a few hours after', the ta;wepm! left my system. W,pn nuked what effect the taVorm had on his gen eral hCi'itli, Mr. Rahfers said: "1 iePmed to be tired and dull much of the time, t bad little energy and often my Work was a burden to me. t was hervous and restless at night and my sleep did mo little good. I would be as tired in the morning as at bed time. I usually had a bad tnste In my mouth In the morning and a heavily coated tongue. "I suffered greatly from lndlges. tion. I had heartburn, palpitation of the heart, dizzy spells and frequent and severe headaches. Often when moving quickly from one position to another, black spots would appear be fore my eyes and I would get very llcht-hended and dlzry. "I think I owe Fer-Don and his European medlcai experts a great debt of gratitude and to show my ap preciation I want the general public to know that I am marvelously bene fited through their methods." Miss Carrie McKay. 14 years of age, daughter of Mrs. Eliza McKay of Colevllle, Mono county, has been mentally nnd physically afflicted ever since birth. She also has been a great sufferer from nervousness. Her sister, Mrs. Powell, residing nt 302 Eleventh street, Sacramento, says: "Carrie Is here with me. She has been a constant care to mother and my sister, and I have seen the time only recently, when she was as help less as a little baby, being unable to even dress or undress herself! Her mind was In such a condition that we could not trust her alone, as she talked Irrational and acted so queer. We heard about Fer-Don's experts when they were In Reno, and wanted to go and see them, as Reno was only a short distance from my home. Cole- vmic. nut we Kept neglecting our visit to them until it was too late, as Fer-Don and his medical staff had gone. "Next we read about them In the Sncramento papers. Although we were over 260 miles away, we decid ed that the best thing to do would be to take Carrie to Sacramento to them. This we did, and one of the Medlcnl Experts told us, a short time after our consultation, that Carrie's mind was undoubtedly affected, and her nervous condition was a great af fliction, but he thought tlnt with proper attention, enre and treatment, p cure could be effected. We placed her under their care, and she took the first treatment that same day. That was about two weeks ago. Since then a gradual Improvement has been no. tired. Pay after day we watched her carefully; day after day her mind appeared to grow brighter and clear er: the clouded brain seemed to awaken as If from n troubled sleep Now, two weeks after our first visit ,r tJiese wonderful physicians, her mind Is almost normal. She runs and plays like other children, nnd appreciates and loves the sunshine, tiees and flowers. "Yesterdny. Tuesday, February 15, we placed her In the St. Joseph con vent, between F and G street, nnd I think she will soon be one of the brightest nn'd best scholars there." Busiest Office In Pendleton. At the offices of Fer-Don's Euro pean medical experts and bloodless surgeons, at 637 Main street, many gnther dally from nil parts of the county. These physicians treat ,i I .1-. VAX W1XKM: KKCAI.I.S rOl'XTUY IX KARIV DAYS Return Willi Wil'c and Four lillilii n and Have Picture Taken In Same Room In Whli li He and III), ISriilu Wen- Photographed 1 Vein- su l uttier Was 1'jirly Settlor. (Special Correspondence.) Athena, Or., July 18. A very un usual thing happened here last Sat urday afternoon, July 16, when I. L. Van Winkle and his wife stood with their four children and had their pic tures taken In the same room of the same building in wfilch they went through the same performance Just a few minutes after they were married nineteen years ago. Mr. Van Winkle and his wife have been over all of the Inland empire since they were pho tographed the first time together in the building known as the Umatilla Art Gallery. i I. Li. Van Winkle came to this part of the country with his father In 1S68. Mr. Van Winkle's father set tled up several hundred acres around here, among which was what Is now known as the Do Graw place, the Key ranch and other lands very close to the present location of this city. In an Interview today Mr. Van Winkle said: "When I first came here with my fcther this whole country lay vacant and the wind blowed so much of the time that the land seemed too dry and barren to raise anything. My father at one time came and looked at what Is now known as the Tom Kirk ranch but he thought it too dry to raise anything. We thought that we had to be near water in order to raise our stock as we did not believe that we could strike water here. When I was a boy I used to herd sheep all over this whole townsite. when all you could see was bunchgrass. My father was the, owner of quite a body of land and was considered at that time one of the biggest farmers In this country. He was broken up in busi ness by the Indian wars of 1878 and was one of the heaviest losers. He never did get anything out of the government for his losses, although all of the papers were made out nnd we had the vouchers. This loss caus ed my father to hunt a new location and thus abandon what Is now one of the richest farming countries In the world. There were no railroads at that time and the first one I ever saw was that one built from Walla Walla to Wallula by Baker & Boyer. The railroad was one of the crudest as the rails were made of hoop Iron and fastened to wooden pieces along the way. We used to haul our wool and other product- to Walla Walla, as it SEASON OF 1910 NOW OPEN WEN AH A SPRINGS THE POPULAR BLUE MOUNTAIN SUMMER RESORT COOL AN An Ideal Place to Spend Tents and cottages rented furnished or unfurnished. Special Picnics, Parties and Banquets arranged on a few hours notice. ATHFUL Your Summer Vacation Good fishing and hunting. Hot mineral water baths that will tone up your system. Swimming pool and other amusements. SPECIAL RATES MADE TO FAMILIES Excursion rates to Gibbon, Oregon, and Wenaha Springs from all O. R. & X. points in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Stage Line Connects With O. R. & N. at Gibbon. P. A. McPHEE, Manager I IN A RESTAURANT. Sapphedd I guess that's my soup. Bharpe I reckon you're right. Ths waiter said It was Noodlv's soup! was tho nearest trading point In this country." Mr. Van Winkle Is engaged in the photography business here, having come to this city from Chehalis, Washington. Soreness of the muscles, whether Induced by violent exercise or Injury, Is quickly relieved by the application ot Chamberlain's Liniment. Thii liniment s equally valuable for mus cular rheumatsm, and always affords quick relief. Sold by all dealers. The worlds most successful medi cine for bowel complaints Is Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It has relieved more pain and suffering, nnd saved more lives than any other medicine In use. In valuable for children and adults. Sold by all dealers. KlXti GFOIMU: AFTER XICE IIOMK MAIXI.Y London. King George has. since he became king of England, only ex pressed one wish that he may be given a decent London residence -In which to receive royal guests from other countries, many of whom, and especially the kaiser, were always teasing King Edward about the ugli-ne.-s of Buckingham Palace, "lloyal complaints of unfitness of the dirty old palace as a residence for the representative of the English nation are of very old date. "I have come." said the late Queed Victoria once to a certain duchess, "from my house to your palace," and sho was not exaggerating at all, for the severclgn of the world's greatest empire Is Indeed lodged worse than quite a few of his subjects. Buckingham Palace, in its squat and gloomy ugliness. Is an eyesore to all Londoners and the laughing stock of all foreign v'sitors. It looks a great ilea! more like a barn than a palace an,i its interior arrangements are about on the level with the average Xew York tenement. Certainly no well-to-do American would consider it a fit place to live in. Sir Aston Webb and others have from time to time made various sug gestions for the Improvement of the palace, but with its hideous allegori cal figures, more suitable for a cir cus than for a royal residence, one fails to imagine how it could possibly be improved except by a fire, which it would be impossible 'o check if it ever started, for the old palace is one of the most dangerous firetraps in Europe. Save money ty reading today's ads. The happiest memories of later lifer are the happy moments spent at and over mother's knee. JDally East Oregonlnn only IS cenbi r week. by carrier. Sarsaparilla Cures all humors, catarrh and rheumatism, relieves that tired feeling, restores the appetite, cures paleness, nervousness, builds up the whole system. Get it today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs i Every Business Institution Uses Stationery of some sortsuccessiul tirms demand CORRECT PRINTING Australia Similes Forestry. Sydney, Australia. Much attention has been paid to forestry recently. The Victorian department this winter will plant a million young pines, spruces, nnd hardwoods, and will sow 12".,Ono immediately. Frobably 4,000, 000 seedlings will be available in 1911. The Xew South Wales govern ment now Inserts reforestation claus es In Its leases. It Is taking this step to prevent undue destruction of the valuable pine nnd Iro.bark belts when the Pitllga s.rub Is thrown open . . - ' cure all curable chronic nd nervous complaints, renr- , ; wvp tumors, cancers and gall tonos without the use of a nlfo. Thousands of cured patients testify to the powers of the Euro pean experts to really cure when others hnve failed. A number were waiting this morn ing when n reporter colled, and while standing near the door witnessed the bringing In of the sick and afflicted. No exhorbltant fees are asked, merely the nominal charge of Jl gives one a thorough examination nnd consultation with this wonder ful man. Office hours 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays 10 to 12 noon. Nnsnl Catarrh, an Inflammation ot the delicate membrane lining the air- passages, is not cured ty nny mixtures taken Into the stomach. Don t waste time on them. Take Ely's Cream Balm through the nostrils, so that the fevered, swollen tissues are reached at once. Never mind hof long you have suffered nor how orten you have been disappointed, we know Ely's Cream Balm Is the remedy you should use. AH druggists, 60c. Mailed by Ely Bros. D6 Warren Street, New York. Does your present printing satisfy you? Do you think that it will create the impression with your correspondents that you wish it to? LOOK IT OVER. THINK IT OVER If you want suggestions or of samples up-to-date printing, phone the An old adage might be revised to read: "Better be alone than marry someone whose temperaments are In compatible with yours" Phone Main 1 Largest Job Printing Plant in Eastern Oregon