EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGOXLVN. PEXDLETOX, OREGON, TIESBAY. JII.Y 19, 1810. PA6H TWO. 20th Annual Clearance Sale Buying Clothes Cheap Any time you buy a Hart Schaffner&Marx suit you are spending your clothes money eco nomically, but when you get a chance to buy these famous clothes at less than the regular price, you ought to lay in a stock of them. This is the time when we are getting ready for fall business; it's the time when you are ready for summer clothes; we want to clean off our shelves, and it's your chance. The prices we are making on summer suits would almost make you think the weather was cold, you know it isn't and we know that these clothes are using room and money that we need. c-v.i jiwn" ni.'.;; ilJflVi "''!! li!i'.p.'! ;!(' V V ' B Li-- tii . .ri. Copyright Htrt Schifnef V Mir Come in while the stock is well assorted; you will be pleased with the values we' 11 offer you, for example Mens Two Piece Suits will go at Exactly 1-2 Price ill-US follows : $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 S16.50 $17.50 $18.50 $20.00 $22.50 SS23.50 "-piece Summer Suits will go ai Suits. Suits, Suit, Suits, Suits. Suits Suits, Suits, Suits, Clearance Clearance Clearance Clearance Clearance Clearance Clearance ('lea ranee Clearance Price $7.35 Price $S.65 Price $11.78 Price $13.25 Price $14.60 Price $15.45 Price $16.75 Price $19.25 Price $19.75 $25.00 Suit?, Clearance Price ... $20.95 $26.50 Suits, Clearance Price .. . $21.95 $27.50 Suits, Clearance Trice $23.65 S2S.50 Suits, Clearance Price $24.45 $30.00 Suits, Clearance Price $24.95 $32.50 Suits, Clearance Price $25.90 WE APK SALES AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS CAIJIIAIMT OVERALLS, THE PEST IX TILE WORLD, UNION .MADE. Men's Shirts at a Saving Kvcrv kind you want is here. W Lave a lot of l'O dozen blue oxford shirt-, regular 50 values, well made, good color, Clearance Price, choice 3 for $1.00 Men';; Oxford, Madras and Sateen Shirt-, Di iuilar make, extra full cut, iriies-eted to prevent ripping, faced sleeves, full SO-inelK-s long, ninillv sr. Id for 65-, Clear. Pr. 50c The ho.-t work shirt in America. 75C Shirts of all kind-, stripes, blue-., hla-k Clearance Price 650 S1.00 Shirts f all kinds, Clear. Pr. SoC SI. 25 Shirts of all kinds, Clear. Pr. 95o S1.50 Shirts of all kinds, Clear. Pr. $1.35' $1.75 Shirts of all kinds, Clear. Pr. $1.50 S2.00 Shirts of nil kinds, Clear. Pr. S1.S0 S2.50 Shirts of all kinds, Clear. Pr. $1.97 Men's Extra Pants Reduced Xinv's voiir time to buv an extra pair of pi nt-. Your others will last longer and look better if ymi change off and let them hang in the closet for a week oecasionallv. $1.50 Paiit-, Clearance Price . $2.50 Pants, Clearance Price . $3.00 Pant,, Clea ranee Price ... $3.50 Pant. Clearance Price ... $4.00 Pants". Clearance Price . $4.50 Pant,, Clearance Price $5.00 Pants, Clearance Price $6.50 Pant-, Clearance Price $7.50 Pants. Clearance Price $8.50 Pants, Clearance Price $1.25 $1.95 $2.35 $2.80 $3.80 ...$4.3j ..$5.60 ...$6.45 ...$7.3i THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Where it Pays to Trade MILTON PEOPLE ARE 'IT.AI. ilt MK I1II.IUKX viii:x r.vniKis i.kavks slit-ll lloikin Clmi-ues Tlinl .Mr. anil Mr. .liilm WimkW Took HI, ( liililn-n Away from 1'iimilv Willi Wlilili lli llinl I.-ft TIiimii rrois r,. Mailt- Trial Xi-l Siiiurilay. (Spt-i-lal lori-nmloMro. Miltmi. Ore.. July 19. Warrants were .ivniu mit tlii morning Inl'uro Justin- J. L. Miller, charsln? Mr. und Mrs. John Wooils with kllnaiiiuK. The ih:irj;o was uref. rred by Phell Hopkins, a son-in-law. t soenis that Mr Hopkins. hos,. n ii is ilertil went away to harvest anil hi fovo fio inif left two of his children at the Nels Mcti;ukeii home and two with Paul Young at the- power plant. As soon as he had gone Mrs. Woods went and took the former two and also tried to Kt the two at Young's, but was re fused. As soon as Mr. Hopkins heard i; he returned to Milton, secured Con stable Torwilliger, went to the Woods home and got the children. The ar rests followed. All th parties live up the Walla Walla river. Trial was set at Milton next Saturday in Alliance hall. Prose cuting Attorney Pheps of Pendleton having charge of It. Miss Sumniei vilie of Pendleton, is a guest at the H. M. Cockbum home in Milton this week. Mis. M. Maloney and daughter. Kutherine have gone to Athena to be absent several weeks. Mr. J. K Cherry left for La Grande this morning on business. The families of Drayman Smith. A. K. Melvnight and X. T. Manela will go to the mountains tomorrow for the summer. Mrs,. Jack' Kai'olt was .taken to the sanitarium at College Place to have an abscess removed from her s tie. IP!! coz -- - -- M rrocr r WDM AX CLAIMS TO 151'. l l!S. JACK JOIIXKOX New York. A new scheme has been devised to separate Jack Johnson. heavyweight champion, from his coin. Mrs. John Arthur Johnson." a young white woman, now staying at the Hotel Albany, is preparing to enter suit for divorce and $ri,oort "heart balm" against the champion. Te woman, who says she was formerly Hattle McCrav of Philanelphia, Is having her hoard paid and cnu-i championed by George Little, John son's former manager, who fell out with John.on. The woman has not produced any marriage certificate. Johnson declared It Just anoltier of Little's efforts to injure him. The McCray woman Isn't the one who was IK mi tsfilr .ALCOHOL 3 PEK CENT AVcgclablc Pit paration forAs-sirailatinUtlwFoodaiitlRa'iiti lingUie Stomachs andBowck of Promotes Digcslionf htetful ness and RestJTontalns neittw OpiuTu.Morphiac norMiacraLI OT NARCOTIC. Jtrript efOJdcXMmmm ftmpkio SrrJ" jILcSana fbnmnii- . IhCarkmkSA HrmStrd- IIMIIjpill Tknr. Anerfecl Remedy forConsfina Hon , Sour Sloro.-Kh.D!arrtm Worms ,CoitMilsions.rcTrisu ncssaiidLoSSOFSLXEP. Facsimile Signature of neWyork. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AW In Use For Over Thirty Years rv-ul TiM-l!AMKteMim U U tola f- M H B Pi II 1J Exact Cojiy of Wrapper. T-f elNT,UB eo.,,T, , to eirr. office ran In Sydney. Then along came tho Prince of Wales (now King George), to find all the New South Wales receptions arrangements in the hands of this cool tactful secretary. There wis no hitch of any kind. nd the prince asked if he would enre to take royal service. The following year the Aus tralian was made a groom of the bed chamber, and now he Is the right hand man of a queen whose forceful ncss and energy will surely give him scope for his executive capacity. AI.I AI.I'A IS CI KF.-ALL. (iinilcnsiil Healing lllciiicnt Soothes Tired "crves. Los Angeles, Cal. Alfalfa, hither to holder of a plebeian piace in the f od scheme, is des'lr.ed to become a tornprt hensive medicative and reme- fries and drowned his sorrow In so many tall ones that the cobras came to get him. The condensed-hay ex pert heat 'em to It and cured the vic tim so effectively that now he Bhud ders at sight of even a dog. If the Aof Is a growler. Tobacco chewing, gloomy thoughts of suicide, insomina and a host of other undesirable things fade away like the mists of the morning under the soothing Influence of a few fork fuls of nifalfa done up In a tablet. I'AitritKwsKi (.i:ts mcir. Pianist's Neurit N mils Hani on In surance Comtuinlea. London. Paderewskl will receive 12.0(h) pounds from the Insurance companies on account of the attack of neuritis In his right arm. which has obliged him to cancel his London mmnt, wn uim S FROM TIE SPORTING WORLD Vernon 3. I -on AiiK'l' - ' L - Angeles. Cal., July 18. S. -a'fer who broke two ribs In a c. ::in with Hill ftapp? of the Ba-:-r squad, started to pitch his full gjn yesterday afternoon In the fi ll game between the Villagers and A --gels. Happy Hogan caught. Thor--'-:. and Waring were the batteries for home nine. The final Hcore was: n h. e. 3 10 1 Ljs Angels 4 2 Ami-rican Ix-ague. At Boston R- H. E. L-i -.roit 4 8 4 nton 9 12 2 P. ateries Mullm. Woiks and Stan-r.?;-: Collins and Carrigan. At Philadelphia: R. H. E. Cli ?ag'j 2 6 2 Philadelphia 5 8 1 lotteries White nd Pa.ne; Co Jinbg and Lapp. . At New York R- H. E. S: Louis 4 8 3 T.w Tork J 9 1 National League. At Pittsburg First game: R. H. E Boston ;-4 10 3 Dir. churn. .....2 9 0 Batteries Mattern and Graham C'amnitz and Gibson. .Second game: U. H. E Boston 0 S 0 Pittsburg 4 11 0 Batteries Brown, Ferguson and Graham; White and Gibson. At Cincinnati R. H. E. New York 3 10 5 Cincinnati 13 15 3 Batteries Drucke. Marquard. Ray mond ond Meyers. Schlel; Gasper and McLean. Clark. STIKKNTS BO HARVESTING. College Men In penmark Make Lark of Work In FleliH. Copenhagen. Copying the example of Western American students, am bitious young Danes have of late yars, undertaken harvest work In the summer vacation. ut this year they hove a step further In organiz ing a bureau at the University nf Copenhagen for regulating the sup ply and demand. No longer the student tramps from fxroi to farm in search of work. The farmers send In their statement of the number of hands required and th bureau allots the men ror me work. The Danish harvest lasts about a month, and the farmers have found tlo: lusty college men nre just the help they need for speedy crop lift ir.jj. At first only the students with nr .coin In their jeans undertook the work; now there Is a rush for health and harvesting by all grades of cel- Uge men. ThTe is the more favor shown to the bi?h (lass farm help because a big thieving scheme has Just been ex se.l at Aarhus, where the. grain trade is handled by lower grade workers. Two foremen and several assistants of a local grain company are awaiting trial for wholesale rob btry. The plan was to run an Inde pendent concern to which they sent wagons of stolen grain evey day. For a long time this did not excite sus picion, for the grain entrusted to them amounted to a big total. The In vestigation is still continuing, but It l.i clear a huge sum Is Invllved. fiifcanc Man Attacks; Pi-loHtrians. Modrld. At Canillas de Aceituno the other day a man named Antonio Jimenez suddenly went mad, and at tacKed people in me street with a large knife. He killed an old man, a woman carrying a child and a young girl, and he Injured many others. The greatest consternation prevailed, and people fled In every direction. He was not overpowered until after a most desperate struggle. Anyway, the man wno chloroforms you and cuts out your appendix doesn't stab you In the back. Men's oxfords cheap at a Eklund's. WrWPssW!sJJJf fJFJ ' JBa MMIAu n PACK ilUir IN VMVni.l.V ((UNIV. with hlni at Reno. She Is still with him. I The woman In support of l or e!,i!a; thut Johnson is her lawful husband, showed n, rare collection of photo graphs of the "Big Smoke's" letti : j and telegrams. 1'nforttinatclv the wedding certificate, she . -. J ,hi on cruelly carried off who li" deserted I her. The woman declares she met J ihn- son in August. i:oi,. at .m.imihuh; Cafe, Philadelphia. She went with him to Atlantic City where t'-ev wr : married September ;s. siie says sh" ! lived with Johnson until D.cemb'-i- 30, 1909, and saw all his fights. In cluding the battle with Burns. Then he deserted her, she nvuvs. As fur ther proof of her love, sli- say she "hung uf" family Jf we'.s and plate to send Johnson abroad when he was "broke." ii i! (l.-meui 'hat will put all others In tile sht'de, according to Dr. Marian X Clarl;. ' 'ho anti'iUlK-i-s the ilis.nv ", y of k il'lf mr.itlve prop.'itie n. the phmt and blossoms. it. i' I'l Ii;.i:y i.imed out on a snii'i! scale and suggested by the ' !'i(!ustvy. Is to electolyze tho Ph'.-ii!'!! aval con li n:-e its healing ele ments to vest-pocket size a haystack ot ;-:ed!cinc In a tiny tablet. In-. Clark prldefully recounts many ll. stances of cures with the minions- alf ;!fn juice many nervous ailments from deliruin tremens to "that tired feeling." fnc- of these was the aggravated case of a Reno sport, who bet on Jet- enga. an iits 'i ll.- great pianist's health l nlw;iy s . unreliable that he is he ivliy Insured both for "life" and against pen et l.ii-incss. His hands alone have l.e.-n "c,i' ered" for as much as Iu.imhi pounds. Apart fr in iiis chronic neuritis, P.nb i' .v-kl lias l.e a extremely un fortunate in the matter of ill-health. ) Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver J Tablets gently stimulate the liver and j bowels to expel poisonous matter, i cleanse the system, cure constipation j and sick headache. Sold by all deal ers. ., Read the "Want" ads today T RISE HAS BEEN It PI1. Qneon Mary's Si-crotnry Come o Front I-Yoiii Olcoiirlty. London. When King George mad" his famous tour of the Brtish colonies he came across a smart organizer In Australia named Edward Walllncton. and made n note of hlin. Tod ly Wall ington in installed as private secretary to Queen Mary, a billet that heeds plenty of tact and diplomatic finesse to make its running a success, Born 66 years ago. he Is compara tively new to court life. It was while Earl Carrlngton, the new Lord Cham berlain, was governor-general of New South Wales that Walllngton started his private secretarial experience, for Carrlngton saw there was grit in him and gave him confidential work. Af ter that he was private secretary in succession to Lord Brassey. Sir Thom as Fowell Buxton, Lord Tennyson and Lord Hopetoun, when their periods of ? Just Arrived Quality Toilet Soap, fine floral odors, 10c cake, 3 for 25c. Look at our window. SPECIAL. Duroy's Claret Soda, 6 cents. Delicious and refreshing. F. J. DOXALDSON, RellaU Pr- sgtot W