EIGHT PAGES. DAILY JKAJST OHT3GONIAH, FErSLKTOH, OKBOOH, MONDAY, JULY 18, If 10. PAGE SEVEN. EXCITING RUN ON DUH STREETS TEAM, LEFT IIITCI1ED, IS BADLY FRIGHTENED jti'lngx up Against Telephone Pule No Puniuge Done Tomatoes are Blighting Short Pergonal Items. (Special Correspondence.) Milton, Ore., July 18. An exciting runaway took place here last even ing. While A. Looff, the butcher, was hitching hla big bay team to a light wagon, they became frightened and started at a fast pace down the road, tnking the wagon to which they were bitched only by the neckyoke. They made for the central part of town, ron down Main street and circled ar ound, when one horse got loose and stopped. The other one with the wa gon brought up against a telephone pole near the new college building. Nothing was damaged about the wa gon or harness, which was dragging the ground. Mr .and Mrs. It. D. Edwards visited In Walla Walla last evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cherry and chil dren were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miner of Sunnyslde. Misses Irene Stone, Fannie Wilcox Delia Danner and Katherlne Duffy were among those who visited the Garden city today. Mrs. Chester Shaffer of Portland, and little daughter, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph New man. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brown of Walla Wnlla, visited at the Marsh home near Milton Sunday. Miss Katherlne Maloney has return ed from n visit to friends In Athena. Mr. and Mrs. Frak Wright of Walla Walla were the guests over Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Chns. MeKenzle. Miss Florence Miller of Walla Wal la, visited at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Miller over Sun day. Tomatoes are beginning to Might In this section. INSANE YOUTH SHOOTS LITTLE SCHOOL GIRL Paris. A little girl, Renee Boyer, was on her way to school a little after 7 o'clock the other day. when a gro cer's apprentice suddenly darted out of the shop where he was employed and fired two revolver shots at her. She died almost Immediately. The murderer then rushed back Into the shop and bolted upstairs to his room, whore he locked himself In The people who followed heard other shots, and bursting open the door found that the boy had Bhot himself dead. IIk did not know his little victim and had never spoken to her. The tragedy was witnessed by the little girl's mother, who was watching her child to see that she got safely across a busy street. Men's oxfords cheap at A. Eklund's CASTOR I A For Infant and Children, Ilia Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the dgnatoxvof Miracle home Cure for Treatment The world know Chinese doctors, with powerful and wonderful C h I -ncse remedies, cure all diseases successfully. If you are out of health, unable to regain It, write us today and de scribe your symptoms. We ac cept only curable cases. York A York. Chinese Medijlne Co., 110 W. Main St.. Walla Walla, Wash After suffering with rheumatism for many years, other doctors not curing me, t wrote Drs. York A York for treatment. Their won derful treatment cured me within a month, and now I am perma nently cured, for which I write this true testimonial. If any one suffering, wishes to know more about their treatment, they, can write me. J. M. ASiriYORTn, Weston, Oregon. i Milne Transfer i Phone Main 5 CALLS PROMPTLY ANS WERED FOR ALL BAGGAGE TRANSFERRING. PIANO AND FURNITURE MOVING AND HEAVY TRUCK ING A SPECIALTY. LEHMAN The Health and Pleasure Resort. Frank L. McNeil Mgr., Strongest test mineral water in the Blue Mountains QJ Camping privileges free, water piped right to the grounds. Good hotel, Ji thoroughly renovated this season. Good meals. Cottages rented by the week or month. Fine large swimming pool and private baths. Fishing, hunt ing, dancing every night, bowling, etc. Just the place to rest and regain your health, enjoying yourself at the same time. Automobile stage from Pendleton Auto Co. to Lehman Hot Springs, every TUESDAY THURSDAY and SATURDAY, Returning Same Day. Round Trip $8.00 Thompson's mail stage connects with Umatilla Central Passenger at Pilot Rock every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday Returning following days. Fare $3 One Way or $5 Round Trip Freight $1 Per Hundred Special trips may be arranged with either stage line. Board and room per day $1.50, by the week $9.00 Special rates to families. NEWS OF THE NORTHWEST e .....a I'nriiHT Shoots Himself. Chehalis, Wash. Frank Gordon, a highly respected farmer living across the river about three miles from Che halls, committed suicide early Satur day by shooting himself In the fore head with a rifle. Temporary men tal aberration following a nervous breakdown recently was the cause. The lifeless body was not found for about three hours after the tra gedy. Mr. Gordon had gone to the barn to hitch the team and the fam ily presumed that he had gone to Cen tralis. No Inquest was considered ne cessary Gordon was an only son of A F. Gordon, a well-known pioneer or mis vaney, ana naa reiuea nero since boyhood. He loaves a widow I and three young children, his father . and three sisters. Mrs. Ida Waterbury or roruana; airs. j. j. uusn ui.u Mamie Gordon of Chohall besides many friends. Con lost Causes Ruction. Moscow, Idaho. The Latah County Development league filed suit Friday In Spokane against C. C. Clark, of Moscow, who, for a time at least, was . canuiuuie in a imium iwimuvnu , i Snukune iaier to prevent the con- vevunco to him of the capital prize, said to be a small house and lot in Hpokano. until matters between the ( er. iv. Dcnnam; directors, J. vt . uid league. Clark and the paper shall have . lnson, John Klingnamer, Charles been adjusted. It is said the league and air. uiai'K j nter. d Into a contract outlined t hem lv agents, in a scheme to win j .i,.. ,-.ri.. fr tho lcaeue. Members ot i the league say they were deceived , by ther Dersons into aoanuoillllg u.o, , tforts after the other persons knew j Clark had already securea e..oU(u otes to win the prize. Clark Friday evening said he would. any the case to the highest courts ( to secure his title. Bride's Name Forgotten. Salem, Or. When J. J. transoms. IS years olil. apppHreu ui w Ink's Mffice to pocure a marriage u- .. . o.i Unmimrlv nnlil oi-iipp, inings wi-iii pv. ....... ...0- f.Tffot the prospective untie s ,..,,1 mlnntao lipflirp .,.,!. it wrw Nritll I1MIIUHO " - - - h!. ,-onl.l master his memory suffi- iently to give a full answer to the leputy's query. finally remembered that she Is lle i. t i.io M Carter. 35, a resident or Salem. Strnnburg came here irom .Mis souri purposely to Claim u..,. . When they were young they were sweethearts, but wore separaieu u pometrlvlnl 'overs' quarrel ana e.uu of them married, passing irom ..- another's sight. Not long ago Strans- luirg learned Mrs. Carters wi.e.e- abouts, and as tney nan -'- lively, wife and husband by iieani. ne came to uregon n- , . tl,e Md af- fection. Spark Tires i joining. . . ... i. rrtrt Wat- North xaKima, num. kins the daughter n rancner living near this city, was burned so severe ly In nn attempt to ngni ivw-...-lamp at the home of her uncle In Toppenish Friday nigh' that she died Saturday as a result oi ner iuju. ..-. Mis Watkins Is a girl of 18 years. had been visiting at the home of her uncle. Will Jenkins, of Toppenish Earlv Friday evening her cries at tracted attention, and before help reached her her clothing was a mass of flumes. Ignited by a flying spark from the head of a match. She had completely lost her head and was frantic. Some effort was made to ex tinguish the fire, but her clothes were practically burned off beiore help ar rived. She died Saturday morning after suffering terrible agony. The body was removed to North Yakima for burial. HOT rijrln May Got New Road. Elgin, Or. Word has been received from Dan Sommers, now tn Boston, that all papers necessary to construc tion of the railroad from Union by way of Elgin to Walla Walla have been signed and the dream of years of a competitive road and one across the mountains will soon be realized. This news is appreciated by Walla Walla as well as Elgin, as it should make fuel famines In Walla Walla a thing of the past, and reduce the cost of lumber. This advance information has caus ed property values in Elgin to ad vance. Sharks Crowd Into Ray. South Bend, Wash. Word has just been brought to this city that at least 100 sharks have followed a big run of sardines into the harbor and are now disporting themselves in the wa ters of the bay. In tliA mpmnrv nf thp nlriAQt InVioV, Uant no more than a dozen sharkg were ever before known t0 en u.r this ba. at one tlme Many per. sons are gong down from nere tQ ylew th remarkable sight One huge shark shot from a boat yesterday made fiercely for the craft, but a second shot finished him and prob ably prevented a tragedy. I Brick Company Incorporates. Elgin, Or- incorporation of the Silica Fire Brick & Manufacturing company, has been completed and of- ficers elected as follows: President, J W. Robinson; secretary and treasur- lYiiiigiiaminer anu iugo iviinsnam- nier. mis company is incorporaieu at 3104.000. Plans are being drawn for the erection of a plant at Elgin. ordered Killed. Vnnnniivi. Wnh nH. . L-ill cyery bUes anj. . . . secrist. ,.hif.f of police t0 hig 0ftlcers. "Ask ., ., ,. .... . h,jg bU(en & on sh tne d ,. said the chief. During the past two days four reports have been received at police headquarters of dogs biting persons. (ilil struck hy Train. Oregon City, Or. Miss Ivan Har rington was injured by an electric car at Gladstone this morning, about S:30 . o'cloc. She was crossine the track at. the Gladstone depot to take nn Or j cgon City car. when the car from I'orlland threw her heavilv to til ground She was rendered uncon scious, but as able to walk home short ly afterward. Byers' Best Flour Chickens! Chickens!! Chickens!!! All kinds, sizes and colors, young and old For choice dressexl ones phono yonr order night before. We drew none except for orders so If you like cold storage poultry patronize the other fellow or store yourself. East End Grocery Res. rlione B. WJISMISJ1IL.J1JIS.JJ SPRINGS Wastclmsket Not Good Safe. Springfield, Or. Alex Grey, keeper of a cigar store and soft drink parlor here has learned that the wastepaper basket Is not' a good substitute for a steel 8tafe which to keep his cash A thief, who entered through a win dow in the rear Friday night, found the hiding place and stole the money on hand, 224. SS. Don't wait to throw flowers on the coffins of the dead. Throw verbal bouquets while they may bring hap piness to the recipients. NOTICE FOR BIDS ON SEWER. Notice Is hereby given, that the Common Council of the City of Pen dleton on July 13, 1910, adopted plans and specifications for the construc tion of a sewer system In the City of Pendleton and proposes to construct said sewer system in accordance with such plans and specifications, and proposals are hereby Invited for fur nishing the material therefor and the construction thereof, bids to specify the price for which said Improvement will be completed, and to be Itemized on blanks to be furnished by the City Recorder, to embrace the following Items: For furnishing all material and all labor to complete sewer, as per plans and specifications. For furnishing all pipes to be used upon said work, F. O. B. Pendleton. For furnishing all material except pipe and all labor to complete sewer, as per plans and specifications. Which bids shall be accompanied by a certified check for five per cent of the amount ild, payable to the Mayor of the City of Pendleton, and the Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids; all bids to be filed with the Recorder of the City of Pendleton on or before the 27th day of July, 1910. Dated July 14, 1910. THOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. FRESH MEATS SAVSAGES, FISH LARD. AND Always pure and delivered promptly. If you phone the Genfral Meat Market 10S E. Alta St., Phone Main St. Do you tuke the East OregonlanT Is made from the choicest wheat that "row.. Good bread is assured when BVKRS' BEST FLOUK is Bran, Shot tji. Strum Rolled Barley always on hand. Pendleton Roller Mills Fendleton, Oregon. Telephone Main 536 1561. t WANTED. WANTED Lace curtains to laundry. Work dona with especial ear. Phone Red 1621. WANTED Clawlfled ads, sach as help wanted; rooms or houses I rent; second hand goods for sale; In fact, any want you want to get filled, tho East Oregoniaa wants yonr want ad. Rates: Thre lln one time, to cents; two times, SO cents; six times, 70 cents. Five lines one time, SO cents; two times, 46 cents; six times, tl.lt. Count six words to the line. Send youi classified ads to the office or mall to the East Oregonlan, enclosing stiver or stamps to cover the am ount. FRED EIFFERT, AUCTIONEER, Freewater, Ore., R. F. D. 1; Walla Walla Walla, R. F. D. 1, phone F. L. IX or Freewater Times. CARPETS CLEANED on your floors new vacuum process no wear, no dust. Prices reasonable. Leave orders at the Alta House. ATONE, ANYWHERE. CAN START a mall order business at home. No canvassing. Be your own boss. " Send for free booklet Tells how. Heacock. 2708, Lockport, . T. Classified PHYSICIAN'S. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D., HOMKO- pathlc physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephones: Office, black 2411; residence, red 1833. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRO nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro- theraputlce. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence 'phone, Main 654. DENTISTS. E. A. MANN, DENTIST, urfita Main street, next to commercial Association rooms. Office 'pnone. black 3421; residence 'phone, red 3472. KERN & BENNETT, DENTAL SUR- geons. Office, room 15 Juaa duhq- Ing. Phone, Red 3301. DR. THOMAS VAUCHAN. DENTIST, Office in Judd building, fnone, Main 73. VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB. LOCAL. SlAis Stock Inspector and member State Veterinary Board. Office at residence 916 east Court St. Res. 'phone Main 69. ATTORNEYS ssMssawsWsasM RALEY & RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT i rtrrirs tn American National Bank building. FEE & SLATER. LAWYERS, flee In Despaln building. CARTER & SMYTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In American auon- al Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTOR.NbJ Al law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. LOWELL &NTER ATTORNEYS; and counselors at law. Office in. Despaln building, GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wins, aeeas, . i mortgages ana contracts urawu. vur lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. PETERSON & WILSON, ATTOR neys at law; rooms 3 and 4 Smith Crawford building. PHELPS & STEIWER. ATTORNEYS at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. CHAS. J. FERGUSON. ATTORNEY at law. Office in Judd building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2. 3, and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS, ETC P. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks. stone walks, etc. Phone black Si 88. or Oregonlan office. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed emhalmer. Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral care. Calls responded to day or night. 'Phone main 76. AUCTIONEER. COL. F. G. LUCAS, LIVESTOCK Auctioneer, Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers' Bank of Weston. Farm sales a ureclalty. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN SECOND- 1 Wan hand goods. If there is anything you need in new and second-hand furniture, stoves, graniteware an4 crockery, call and get tils prices. Nc 212 East Court street. ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATIONS wedding announcements. embosee private and business stationery, etc Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonlan office and see samples. Ms FOR SALE. USE DR. O. W. ROGERS' Stock. A Poultry Remedies, Positively guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by C Bowlsby, 111 West Webb street, Pendleton, Oregon. FOR SALE Good second hand range with water heater attached. Pendleton Furniture Co. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES. IF you want to subscribe to mags tin or newspapers In the United States or Europe, remit br posts,: note,, cheek, or send to the EAST ORB GONIAN the net publisher's prlea of the publication you desire, aa4 we will have it sent you. It -111 save you both trouble and risk. II you are a subscriber to the HAM ORBGONIAN, In remitting you ea leduct ten per cent from the pub lisher's price. Address I AS? OREOONIAN PUB. CO., Pendle ton, Ore. r OK SALE Old newspapers wrap ped In bundles of ISO each, suitable for wrapping, patting under car pets, etc Price ltc per bundle, two bundles tic. Enquire this flea. Do you take tl.e East Oregonlant Directory INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO.. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans oa city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pars taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Write fire, life and acci dent insurance. References, ' any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. W. S. HENNINGER, Vlce-Prea. C. H. MARSH, Sec. BENTLET & LEFFINGWELL. REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. New location, 816 Main street. Phone Main 404. LTV EH Y AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE, THOMPSON street, Carney & Bradley, Props. Livery, feed and sale stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line In connec tion, 'Phone main 70. RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT, NOODLE4 and chop suey, Urtg D. Goey, prop. At the old stand, Alta street In rear of Tallman A Co. MISCELLANEOUS, i ! PENDLETON IRON WORKS RB- I nnU vnnwl. n nil t.l - I , structural Iron work and machine . """S ' ul uun ana juw 'streets. Marlon Jack, Phop.; A. F. May, manager. let jj.l.euihicity do YOUR : work It's clean, reliable and eon- venlent Electric Sad Irons, guaran- teed, 35.25. Electric Hot Water and Curling Iron Heaters, Electric Coffee Percolators, etc. 'A complete stock of Ga, and Electrlt. fiTture. Flrst-claas wlr, of home. etc. j. L vaushan. 815 Main street. SLQM CHINESE LAUNDRY, . w. . , . mending free; goods called for and delivered. 403 East Court street. FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE No. It A. F. and A. M., meets the first and third Mondays of each month. All visiting brethren are Invited. DAMON LODGE NO. 4, K. of P., meets every Moa j v ' . day evening In I. O. O. F. vj 'r hall. Visiting brothers cor- dlally Invited to attend. W. I. Gadwa, C. C: R. W. Fletcher. K. of R. & S. The East Oregon Ian Is Eastern Ore gon's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate It and show It by their liberal patronnge. It Is the advertising medium of the section. Dnily East Oregonlan by carrier, only 13 cents per week. PENDLETON TRAIN O. R. & N SCHEDULE. Westbound Oregon division Portland local 10:16 a.m. Ore. & Wash. Express.. 1:25 a. m. Portland limited 12:16 p. Fast Mail 11:45 p. Motor 4:35 p. I'ilo; Rock Mixed 9:05 a. Ea.tbound Oregon division Fast Mall 1:60 a. Ore. & Wash. Express.. 5:15 a. Chicago Limited 5:16 p. Motor 10:20 a. Port, local, ar. 5:10, leaves 5:40 pm Pilot Rock mixed .... 3:00 p. m. Washingto-i Dlv. Leaving Pendleton Wa'.la Walla local 5:26 p. m. rendleton passenger .. 7:00 a. m. Spokane local 2:15 a. m. Washington Dlv. Arriving Pendleton Fendleton local 1:30 a. so. Walla Walla local 10:05 a. m. rendleton passenger .. 6:00 p. m, NORTHERN PACIFIC. Leaving Pendleton Passenger 3:00 p. Mixed train 8:30 a. Arriving rendleton Passenger 10:00 a. m. Mixed train 7:30 a. m. m. m. m. m. m. ra. m. m. m. m.