East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 18, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    What Mrs. U. Pecliham a
Prominent Bedford Lady
Has to Say About the
Fer-Don EMical
Fer-Don s Medical Experts OfiHcesjLo
cated at 637 Main St. Pendleton, Ore.
I take great pleasure in testifying
to the successful results of the treat
ment of the Great Fer-Don's Euro
pean Medical Experts. My son
Frank Schofield, had Deen a vicum
of catarrh for a number of years,
had been treated by a number of
physicians and taken nearly all rem
edies known to the public, and all
without satisfactory results. He
called on the European Medical Ex
perts at Pasadena, Calif., and was
told he could be cured. He had little-
faith but was induced to make a
last effort. Much to his, as will as
his friends' surprise, he was cured
and has had no return of catarrh
for nearly two years. I earnestly
suggest that any one suffering from
chronic catarrh or any other chronic
disease call on these doctors and
place themselves under their treat
403 South Fir street, Medford, Or.
The reputation of the European
Medical Experts Is now established in
Albany, Eugene, Pendleton, Medford,
Salem and vicinity.
To Whom it May Concern:
Nearly five years ago I was struck
with paralysis of the entire left side
of the body, being unable to move
even a finger. I have been under
the care of three doctors and have
taken a. oreat deal of patent medi
cine, but was not cured. Three
weeks ago I began treating with the
European Medical Experts and the
effects of their medicine and treat
ment are very wonderful, for I have
Improved more under their care In
the three weeks than I did all the time
before and I take great pleasure in
recommending them to all sufferers.
I walked over seven miles bunaay.
May 15, the first time since I took
down sick five years ago.
Junction City, Lane Co., Or.
Fer-Don's European Medical Experts
Effect Wonderful Cures Testi
mony of Those Benefitted.
Reports concerning the wonderful
success of the European Medical Ex
perts in Medford, Eugene, fcaiem,
Roseburg, Pendleton and Albany,
grow more encouraging every day.
Testimonials from men, women and
children whom the European doctor
have treated during his stay In these
cities are readily forthcoming, it is
claimed, and those beneftted and cur
ed seem anxious to tell otners 01 me
good done by the European doctors.
The Great European Expert has
written proofs of cure3 performed by
the European Medical Experts In
California and Oregon and among
them is that of Mr. J. G. Lowe, of
Vallejo. Mr. Lowe suffered excruci
atingly from stomach trouble and had
gone to several physicians for treat
ment, but without relief.
' - Case of Mr. Txwe.
Mr. Lowe heard of the remarkable
skill of the Eurorean Medical Ex
pert, and attended the talks given
nightly by the great Fer-Don. At
first, like many others, he did not
believe In the European doctors, but
when his friend told him of the bene
fits derived from the treatments
given by the latter, and when he saw
with his own ryes the almost miracu
lous works of the European Medical
Experts he became convinced. He
then consulted the European doctors.
He was given a dose of medicine for
a tapeworm. In three hours' time he
had the monster in his home.
"I think," said Mr. Lowe, "that the
treatment received is the greatest In
the world, and that the remedies of
th' great European Experts are the
bos, ever prepared for suffering man
kind." I
Mr. I.-.ve i a reputable business ,
man In this community and is ready;
to tell others of the benefits derived ,
from the treatoment of the European
Helical Experts.
There in rothin- so painful, so
dreadful. ! i F'.id, as cancer, Mrs.;
J I. McKittrick. of Coellnga. Cal., '
suffered for yer-.rs with cancer of the
mr.u'.'i i-n! iiwp, and tried many
rer:,.-.. s, i,u'. failed t, fir.U relief
from tm ., she endured. She
a y.'j' ' --n-in and has many
frier.. is :.' ..aintanees in Coal-
In-... '-.:'.-'.
-;r '. f Hie in'irvelou" work
;'.'.. i: r.; Medial Experts
and KjiKi'md l.r ci.se to the-n.
Other pl-.y-' i-'ir;-; rr-nnun-e-l her ail
ments iri' urai.Ie, i ut within n few
tnctm-nts at the hxn.is of the E'iro
lnn I. .-tors she is willing and ready
at frr.'s to tell the rufforln:; pub
lic ; b'ji-t her case.
!" i'.y the number of patients wilt
Inj? for treatment by the Ketropean
doctors grows.
A few minutes r"nt In the wait
ing room of the European rtoetor, at
637 Main St., Pendleton, Oregon, will
prove to the most skeptical the truo
merits and healinsr powers of this
wonderful doctor.
The Great Fer-Don says: "What
makes this European Expert so much
in demand is that he has cured and
benefited so many. He has filed in
his office testimonials from hun
dreds who have been treated and
greatly benefited by him, and who
are glad to let others know of the
good done by him.
"I will give the names and ad
dresses of certain citizens of Red
ding, Chico, Los Angeles, Oakland
and Sacramento. California. Rose
burg, Eugene and Medford, Oregon,
cured and benefited by the European
"I stand ready to post $10,000 that
these names and addresses are genu
ine. T want the nubile to go and see
these neoDle who have been suffering
from stomach trouble, liver complaints
tapeworms, gall stones, tumors, can
cers, and other ailments and hear
from their own lips what our doctor
has done for them."
Cancers Removed.
Hon. H. A. McKeen, Oakland,
Mrs. J. L. McKittrlck, Coallnga,
Mrs. Brocco, St. Helena.
Master Evans, Chlco, Cal.
Henry Heck, Pasadena.
frn Thnrber. Valleio.
Mae Tolbert, 229 Georgia street,
Albert Christ, Parker nouse, ios
Mr. C. Roberts, 1990 East iain,
Los Angeles.
Mrs. Galli, St. Helena.
.T n T.owc. Valleio.
J. G. Gardner, 2120 I street, Bak-
Richard Tiff, Oil Center, Cal.
Tumor Removed.
Peter Dowling, St. Helena, Cat I
F. C. Clark, 611 Cover street, Los
F. A. Miller, Vallejo.
Mrs. Weyland, 124 North Broad
way, Pasadena.
Mrs. Jack Rowell, 303 Central ave
tinp T.o9 Aneeles.
i P. L. Fenwlck, Orosi, Cal.
I Gallstones.
Mrs. W. X. Collins, Coallnga, Cal.
A. J. Morley, St. Helena.
1 Mrs. Newton, 918 Pine street Red
1 ding, Cal.
1 Mrs. Innes M. Coe, corner Fourth
'and Oakdale streets, Medford, Ore.
Mrs G. P. Brown, imco.
Mrs. C. R. R"ck, 408 East Main
Mrs. M. Leonard, 84 1 jua...
street, Stockton.
618 South
1 1 llnPo T-"tn
tT... T nm AtIITO PH.
norvtoin vfvinn Edwards. FOTirtn
street and Towne avenue, Loa An
geles. . .
Mrs. I B. Stewart, iui w .vw
Pan Bernardino.
w can finhriel. Cal.
t Tlrnard. 106 West
I . I- Aw- ,
t- : vAnt "pflsndena.
pimpr MeClintock. 809 Stevenson
t net A rtcrctlfl
Mrs. J. H. Miller, 1512 H. street,
J r.estler, oil fields, Bakersfleld.
J. L. Platte, Visalia. Cala.
! p rorenson. 436 Thirteenth East
'fait Lake.
Mr . Ratswell. hus'm-.
Mrs. .Stanley Orley, 923
Fourth West, Salt Lake.
E. T. Carol, Provo, Utah.
i r,. torso... Z'i li11"1
Salt Lake.
Goldson, Junction City, or.
Harer. McOIU. Nev.
Stomach Trouble.
Hen Johnson, Redding, Cal.
j King, 665 North Sevonm ""i
Salt IVtkC.
Mr. A. L. V-ldgU-y, proprietor. Bi
jou theatre. Medford. Ore.
Mrs. nlltoyle, St. Helena.
Why He W Siioce-.'-fitl.
fi.e.e :ire nnlv a few names and
Washington. Shonlil fhnrlpa V..
Hughes resign the governorship of
New York to become chief justice of
the United States It would prove that
history, which repeats itself, also re
verses Itself, for John Jay. first chief
justice of the United States, resigned
linn i,..iivi .iL.ir . . . . . in nrnai. , 1-1 n n -
cept the governorship of New York.
nun was oacK m 1T5.
While thotalk of Hughes in connec
tion with the appointment is mostly
iaoiauie, mere Is also some opposi
tion, one objection to Hughes is bas-
till tha nl.iim that Via lank, avnaiL
ence in the supreme court, having
mea oniy one case Dciore mat groat
tribunal. His friends, however, point
out that this should not bar hi from
consideration in view of the fact that
Chef Justice John Marshall, whose
decisions gave life to the constitu
tion, hud tried only one case In the
court before he was chosen as Its pre
siding judge.
When President Taft names the new
chief Justice he will create a world
figure. Thn nositlon will confer that
distinction on the man even though
he be not renowned for his own tal
ents. The appointment will place
him .-it th. head of nn of the three
co-ordinate branches of the govern
ment, a station more exalted in tn:
minds of many men than the presi
dency itself.
The term of office will be subject
to the pleasure of the chief justice.
He may retire at the ace of 70 yours
cr continue in the service until death.
Whether active or retired he will re
ceive full salary, wheh under ex
isting law, is $13,000 a year.
A duty prescribed for the chief
justice, aside from those pertaining
to the court, is that he shall preside
at the Impeachment of a pres tlent.
That experience came to Chief Justice
Morrison 11. Waite, who was called
urjon to preside at the impeachment
of President Andrew Johnson.
A salute of 17 guns is accorded to
him hv the military regulations.
He Is a central figure every four
years when, in the.presence of count
less thousands of his countrymen, ne
ndmtnisters the oath to the Incoming
president of the United States. His
presence there helps to dignify the
in.iiiimrn.t1nn ceremony but It is not
essential. An oath taken by the pres
ident before a notary public would De
as binding.
Honors come to him In many ways.
He Is chosen to arbitrate controversies
teiween nations and to assist in 'he
negotiations of treaties. Great in
stitutions feel honored by his patron
The oath subscribed to by a ch ' v
justice of the United Sta.es at ..us in
sinuation is as follows:
"I do solemnly swear that I will
administer Justice without respei. to
persons and do equal right to the poor
and to the rich, and mat i win uh.i-
fully and Impartially discharge anu
nerform all the duties incumbent on
me as chief Justice or the United
States, according to the best ol my
abilities and understanding, agree
ably to the constitution and laws of
the United States, so help me (ioa.
Tt i an interesting coincidence
that several of the chief Justices have
ontere.t nnon their duties at times
when new questions of the greatest
Imnortance confronted the country.
In the time of Marshall who became
chief justice In 1801, the great prob
lem was the construction of the con
stitution and his decisions shaped the
course of the republic. It developed
upon Marshall to place In effect tne
Intentions of those who made the
constitution Some of the men who
assisted In the construction of that
great instrument differed with the
turlffe as to what the intention of the
constructors had been but It was
Marshall's opinion that counted.
Tt. was Marshall who first asserted
the right of the supreme court to de
clare invalid acts of congress tnac, in
the opinion of the court wete in con
flict wiili thp constitution. He cre
ated the American system of juris
prudence and assured the permanency
of a government that until his time
was an experiment.
Roper B. Taney of Maryland, be
came chief justice in 1S36, a time
when the country was about to ex
perience a wonderful development.
Railroads had begun to succeed wa
gon transportation, coal mines were
being delevoped on a large feale and
puHie works of Importance were
i, Iur.d tinder way. Aside from new
,, ue,-ti..n.s arising in connection with
those- matters, however, laney nan u.j
d.-al with the troublous matters that
i.., i the civil war. He was the
author of the Ire,l Scott decision
,. i,i, h l.eearrie a burning issue.
A court order by a chief Justice Is
practically final, but one issued by
Taney was a.n exception to the rule,
perhaps the only case in which a
(h ef justice was ever overruled. A
man was arrested on tho charge of
treason in Baltimore, where the ope
ration of tho vrits or Habeas corpus
had i. en susp M.ted by the ar.ny. The
facts wore submitted to Tanev. who
Issued an order that the prisoner be
produced in court. The officer in
command refused to surrender the
man and Taney demanded peremp
torv eomnliancA with trie order Th
troubled officer put It up to the war
rienartment nnri tha Hennrtment nsko.1
President I,lneoln tn declrtA. TJn-
coln held that under the conditions
that rjrevailed In Baltimore at that
time it would be unwtse to release
prisoners on writs of habeas corpus
or any other writs, especially in trea
son cases. As Taney had no army
with which to enforce his order he
was obliged to submit to the president
who was DacKed up Dy tne military
Dower of the Kovernment.
Big problems presented jto the
court when Morrison R. walte be
came chief Justice In 1874 grew out
of the "war and were Involved In
changing conditions The court was
called unon to construe the new
amendments to the constitution and to
rule upon the liquor question, poly
gamy, federal control of elections
and fho rleht of states to regulate
; railroads. It was in Waite's time
that the court decided that a woman
was a cltiren but without the right to
The new chief justice will take part
in the settlement of questions grow
liis out of tho corporation tax and the
Standard Oil, Tobacco and Sugar trust
cases. In which the neclsions of the
court, in the minds of many men, may
have a most Important Influence on
the future of the country.
The supreme court was established
In 17S9 with a chief Justice and five
associate justices. The number of as
sociate justices was increased to eight
in 1S37.
At the first session of the court
there were no records, no forms and
no cases for trial. The place of chief
hiatiee was not an attraction to in
fluential men, but from Marshall's
time It has been regarded as one or
the very highest honors m tne coun
Cntnrrh. an Inflammation of
zioiieate membrane lining the alr-
M!rPii. is not cured by any mixtures
taken into the stomacn. uon t nn
nm. nn them. Take Ely's Cream
Balm through the nostrils, so that the
fevered, swollen tissues are reacneu
at once. Never mind hof long you
have suffered nor how orten you have
been disappointed, we know Ely's
Halm is the remedy you should
use. All druggists, 50c. Mailed by
Ely Bros. 56 Warren Street, New
m.riinrVT Ol' liltAZlL WILL
MAKE CA1.1, II-vj.- i
About 1 5,000 Acres of
Sherman County,
now under Crop Leases in
varying sized parcels re
newable or subject to can
. cellation at buyer s option.
Price about $40.00
Per Acre
(Crop rental 1910 reserved)
Part Cash Part on Time
Apply to
Eastern Oregon
Land Company
Care of Balfour, Guthrie & Co.
Board of Trade Building
Portland, Oregon
Wnahinirtoii. A fellow president
v,Q nenernl Hermes da Fon-
BlHlll-lM-ui " - fT..
seca of Brazil, will drop in on
wn earlv in August to get a
few points on the art of keeping peo
ple happy white taxen , .
things that go with theJob of chief
executive. . .... ,
Generala da Fonseca will be In
augurated November 15 1910. He has
been making tne rounu ...
and has been well-received by the
heads of governments, espec... .y
llam of Germany, wnose peu,..v-
, iCrts in Brazil. The gen
eral will round up what he has learn-
ed in the lands or rojauy
formation about "this perfectly gov
erned country." He will visit Chi
cago, Buffalo, Philadelphia, Boston
and other large cities whore the clyle
authorities and commercial bodies
w-m entertain him. The State De
partment Is working for better trade
vith South America and the tour of fla
Fonseca may have a helpful Influ
ence toward that end.
General da Fonseca is 65 years old
-i.it j a statesman of marked
a soiuiei iiu . .
anility. He Is accompanied in ...
travels by Dr. Jose arios
editor of the "Journal do Commer
cio," the principal newspaper of Rio
de Janeiro.
b f Ohio. Clt of Toledo, Lucas Cona
ty. . w. nsth fhst fas 1
Frank J. L-nenj, . 7 J. Oh
senior partner oi "hv -
ney Co,, aoing ....- ,"-.,,,
Toledo, County n? nl,ll'" .i nm
that said firm will Py .
the oie ol usus ""VS'i'VnKNET
. . L .'sn1 anhacrlbed i
nP-Vce. ttU tb da", of December. A.
! 1880 A. W. OLEABOS,
.,, Notary Public.
llall s Cfitsrrh Core Is taken Internally
.a lltm rtlrectlT on the blood and mneouf
XXS m' .yum. Bend for te.rmo
Dials free. cnENEY CO., Toledo, O.,
"Anrmi for eonstlpa.
United States
'A Monster Military Spectacle"
In tho Immense Opon-AIr Stadium.
A Solid Week or Military Drills, Manoeuvre, Contests and Un
usuul Military Feats.
the i
rut th. y will f-erve 10 !
yi. of the Kkeptlcal. of j
I.-.. ,rvimr "take," Hon- (
l,.-si p'.lhy and that Is
o F-1 Hllff 'f 111.
,V;n not accept the ir. urnhlo
jr.. will not take a penny from
;ns h- cannot cure or benefit.
!;. false Hatr-m. Ms to no one
1U. !v honestly with all wno con-
.u.t him. .
TV F,-r-I)in European Medical
Kvp.im have their offices ot 637
Mr. In t., above French Restaurant,
rcii.l'.'ton. Ore. Offiee and reception
rooms upstairs.
Tnev .-hnrge 1.0f) for consultation
.... i ,.,.nifinn r.ffice hours: rrorni
10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 6 p.
m. Sundays, 10 to 12, noon.
Tie Kast Oregon I m tastcrn Orepron's representative paper. It
leads and the people appreciate it and show it by their liberal patroa
Djp. It ia the advertising medium of this ectioc
To Taeoma and return, July SO and 29.
Full particulars gladly furnished.
WALTER ADAMS Agent, Pendleton, Oregon
A. D. Charlton, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent.
Portland, Ore.
Save Your Health Iron With Electricity
Why don't YOU ,
try s::e
II, ,-iin The "Orenzhoten." the well
known periodical In which TVfmnrrk
,rd to tako preat interest. publNh
an nrt'clc on rilpmarck and Finland.
It summarizes ni-'nnr. k's well known
v'ews on KnKland. and pays that n no
wro alive today th.. prcat chancellor
wu.l prohahly plaeo the following
s.lfrni.tlve clearly before, "nervous
"Eith.T they submit to the Inevit
able and treat us Germans au pair,
i,y r.coKnl.ins that the rapid ln
, reft-.- of our armaments is absolutely
mvi-arv for the maintenance of tho
flornian" Empire and ItH healthy de
velopment, or they must risk .war
which in HP't" "t H-rtha von Sut
tn. r ; still the ulMma ratio.
l.'-ivc years at,'..," continues the
c.rcnzl.-ten, "the Englifii inigni avC
check- d Germany's development; to
dav. thinr.H arc .liffeient. ..-.ermatiy
has l.a.l time to-arm and with the
fleet ho now pOHHesHOH she will be
nblu not only to ilercivt ner
but to prev nt, to u certain extent, the
Hriti.sh piracies thnt are ta be ex
pected In case of war."
Men's oxfords cheap at A. Eklund's.
THTf . i.t
.'.."w-,.f,l ' I'
fVt Don't turn your home
into a veritable bake
oven on ironing day.
Gel a
octrio iron
and enjoy comfort with your
work and less expense
An electric iron added
to your home will make your
electric current rate lower.
For sale by all electric