East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 18, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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20th Annual Clearance Sale
The Sale Where You Will Get Genuine Bargains
Grab Baskets
Men's Shirts at a Saving
Even- kind you want is here.
We have a lot of 20 iloz. blue oxford shirts,
regular 50 value?, well made, good color,
Clearance Price, choice, 3 for $1.00
Men's Oxford, Madras and Sateen Shirts,
Pissimlar make, extra full cut, guesseted to pre
vent ripping, faced sleeves, full 36-inchcs long,
usually sold for 65, Clearance Trice only 50
The lest work shirt in America.
75 Shirts of all kinds, stripes, blues, blacks,
Clearance Trice 6o
at Clearance I i-00 Shirt of all kinds, Clearance Tr. S5
1.25 Shirts of all ginds, Clearance Tr. 95
1.50 Shirts of all kinds, Clear. Tr. $1.35
1.75 Shirts of all kinds,, Clear Tr. $1.50
$2.00 Shirt of all kinds, Clear. Tr. $1.80
$2.50 Shirts of all kinds, Clear. Tr. $1.97
You will find many useful articles here, the
assortment is so large that space will not per
mit us to mention what you will find in this
basket. You will find articles up as high as
$1.00. This basket is very large, its about 4
feet square and piled full to the top.
$S.OO Turses, Clearance Trice $5.25
$7.00 Purses, Clearance Trice .. $4.05
$6.50 Purses, Clearance Price
$6.00 Purses, Clearance Price
$5.00 Purses, Clearance Price
$4.50 Purses, Clearance Price $3.25
$4.00 Purses, Clearance Price
$3.00 Purses, Clearance Price $2.10
?-.ou rurses, clearance rrice .-. i in I " L.
S2.00 Purses, Clearance Price $145 Model GfOCery and LrOCR-
$1.50 Purses, Clearance Price $1.19
$1.25 Purses, Clearance Price - $1.00
$1.0O Purses. Clearance Price 89-
75 Purses, Clearance Price 60
$3.00 Dress Trimmings. Clearance
$2.75 Dress Trimmings, Clearance
$2.50 Dress Trimmings. Clearance
82.25 Dress Trimminss,
$1.75 Dress Trimmings,
Great Reductions on Dress
MINGS. $3.50 Dress Trimmings, Clearance Price
- ..!....... $2.20
Clearance Price
Clearance Price
.. $1.16
S1.50 Dress Trimmings. Clearance Price
L $1.06
SI. 25 Dress Trimmings. Clearance Pr. 97
$1.00 Dress Trimmings, Clearance Pr. 48
Big Savings on Hosiery
The same good grade we always sell, in all
all shades, all stvles. These values can
ii.'it be beaten anywhere.
50 IIr.?e. emb. black and raanv shades, Clear
ance Price 8
75 65 Hose, emb. black and many shades,
Clearance Price
25c Misses' Hose, Black, tan, red, pink, blue.
Clearance Price - 18
20C Medium Ribbed Hose, black only. Clear
ance Price 14?
25? Infant's Hose, all shades, Clearance
X 1 x.u
ery in the Basement
T. P. W. Special Blend Coffee, the best 25?
coffee in the world.
Minced Clams. 20? regular seller, at per
can - - 15?
Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple, large cans 25?
C for : $1.40
American Sardines, 10? values, T. P. W.
price - - - 5?
Srlid Pack Tomatoes, 2 cans for -?
illend of Maple and Rock Candy Syrup,
quarts 35?, 1-2 gallon, 70?, 1 gal. $l.Jo
Fre.-h Coeoanut, bulk and packages.
Sole Agents for Ehman's California Olives
and Olive Oils.
Knit Underwear at Low
est Prices
All perfectly knit goods, full size, elastic,
.ii . i iv..: A' ..l.
coiuioname ana easv mmm. .u sine guuu?
but our regular, staple linos at lowest prices
ever quoted.
50? Ladies' Vests. Clearance Trice ?
75c, 65? Sleevelet T.i-d" lace trimmed vest.
( lea ranee Trice 41?
35C Seamless Lace trimmed vests. Clearance
Priee 19?
25f" Sleeveless Lace trimmed vests, Clearance
Trice - 17
$1.25 Ladies Union Suits. Clearance Tr. 97?
50 Ladies' Union Suits, Clearance Trice. 39?
35c Ladies' Pants, lace knee trimmed. Clear
ance Price 19?
20? Vests, plain effect, Clearance Priee 10?
Gossard Corsets
The Gossard Corset is recognized as the best
front lacing corset in the world.
One doz. $5.00 Grade, Clearance Pr. $3.35
One-half drz. $S Grade, Clearance Pr. $4.37
Where it Pays to Trade
Jensen and Lewis; Maaton, Mc-
Camment ami Byrnes. Umpire
Spokano Tnkes Two.
Spokane, July 17. Seattle's two
cravk pitchers, Zuckcrt and Chlnault,
w ere unable to stop the Indians today.
By hitting both effectively Spokane
was able to win two games by deci
sive margins. In spite of the heavy
hitting and wealth of Incidents In each
game, both were played In rapid time.
The first took an hour and 35 minutes
and the second about the same, being
called at 5:30 to permit Seattle to
catch the tralan. Cartwright got six
hits In he wo games, one a triple.
First game K. H. E.
Seattle 3 9 6
Snokane 9 11 1
Washington, One of the chief
functions of the federal government
In this country Is to disseminate
knowledge. In bill after bill that
passes congress, special appropria
tions are made for this purpose.
When an American citizen desires
information concerning industries,
commerce, or agricultural conditions
of the country, his natural habit is to
write to his congressman or to one
of the government departments.
Seventeen thousand letters a day
ure sent out from one department
alone to answer nuestlons of the tax
L.ivHis. Agents are maintained all
over he country In order tha far
innia un.i investigators may be kept
Zarkert. Henkle and Hemmenway; ' ,iuieil as to croD conditions, bo-
Holm and Shea. L.mifi,. Investicatious are contnuauy
Second game R. H. E. i)(,jnif curried on that the farmer may
Seattle .. '.,
Spokane . . .
Chlnault and
and Brooks.
6 2
...5 8 1,
KinxAPPKKs F.nrt n
Tacoma, Wash. Mistaken for the
adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Seth W. MacDonald, Margaret Faw
cett. the 10-year-old daughter of
Mayor A. V. Fawcett, was stolen out
of the mayor's yard Thursday morn
ing by an unknown man, thrown Into j are no( o citia,ens
better hla crops; tha health may do
improved and that even the house
wife mav reduce her bills.
There is not an Important port n
the world where there is not an Anv
erlean asrent to dig UP facts concern
lng the local market in any line for
any manufacturer.
Constantly Uncle Sam works to In
crease the Information of American!,
For the first time Russia has now
established a bureau to spread in
formation for the benefit of Its Indus
trial and commercial life. The fasts
They must
an automobile and whisked away. At , . , ., . ,,,. them
intervals unui two years ago kui.. An ordinaI.y im,uirv wiU be answer-
Ruth MacDonald's mother, Mrs. Lizzie
McCabe. has sought to get her away
from her foster parents.
The MacDonald girl and the mayor's
daughter, dressed alike, were playing
other flags, patched and wind beaten
may appear at the mastheads of the
various buildings, at least until New
Mexico and Arizona are admitted of
ficially, when all departments will bn
supplied with new flags of 43 stars.
London. A rock python from In
dia plays an Important part the title
role In fact In a new play produced
at the Adelphl. The orpnldlan actor
Is Introduced In "Thn cpeckled Band"
a melodrama adapted from Sir
A. Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes
storv of the same name.
"Mystery" that Is the snake's
name has to climb through a venti
lator into a girl's bedroom, and down
the bell rope, but Is foiled by Holmes.
In his deadly work of Intended mur
der. Colled up In a box, the python Is
brought each evening from his own
er's menagerie in the East End to
the theater. He seems quite satlsflej
with his part, which he performs ex
cellently, and never threatens to strike
for better salary. In case he is sick
there arefive understudies ready to
take his place.
ed l i Russia for $155 If It is concern.
lng an Industry or conditions In the vi
cinity of St Petersburg. If. liow-
I ever, It Is in the remote parts of the
empire It costs $2.5.'. This Is the
. 1 . 1 W I t
in me mayor s yaru. i cltarge for injulrles that require no
mobile containing two men and two , IU, , ,nvcsl!gation. when
oi..e., Ulme u,,. . . " j, ths Is necessary, special rates ire
mayor s house; one man goi out
came Into the yard, spoke to the chil-,
dren and grabbed little Margaret sud
denly and rushed out of the yard. j
Evidently the would-be abductors :
,i tcnm'aftiA Via; Kiun1.v for bv
the time the police had arrived little j 'Ju'rer-
Margaret came wanting dsck, ner
nose bleeding and her face cut and
scratched by the rough handling. She
. i , . - 1, ,. 1 . . Vtnw nnf t 1 1 nil-
I ? " : ".V r.:r Washington. - A striking exa-nple
"T-uT" economical reform in the run
i . . I ning expenses of the government was
was In hysterics and the neighbor- i q
1(1 (til
ths Is necessary, special
quoted according to the service de
manded. This bureau has regular
subscribers who pay a contract prica
to learn facts which the American
government for nothing gives to every
The kidnapping Incident happened
a few hours before the mayor was
crushed in the city hall elevator. The
Th accident to Mayor Fawcett hap
pened as he undertook to step into
the elevator from tne third floor of
the city hall when the machine sud
denly started upward. The mayor
was "thrown from the passenger plat
form of the elevator to the freight
platform below.
'a "patched" United States flag flnat
! lng from the roof of the department
i of commerce and labor This demon
stration of the methods which the of
' fiats in the departments are Instltu:-
Ing to reiluce the current expenses
has uttracted widespread attention.
' A general reform from the metli
i ods of the "days of plenty" is in pro
j sress and has resulted In the re
! tteiu'hment in pens, pencils, paper
and all office necessities. Some of'i
1 clals In the government service ar
growing so cautious that In order to
. eliminate the careless use of such
Berlin -Another socialist victory , nrt,- c Jh take the name of each
at Vriedberg some three weeks ago. al'' ""te on which the 5en,
has aroused the greatest political ex- , Pencil .or whatever It may be Is Is
ctiement Germany has seen for years,
because it was here made plainly evl-;, unl"ush oth" ''e eck. arc
t-iw niif roan l. thrnno-rirtiit rhc ,Unn t
dent that many National Lioerais voi- " V
ed for the socialist candidate. That " lks, at present, as though
the radicals join hands with tne so-
Cass Matlock, Prop.
and illiutrated songs in
the city.
Shows afternoon and eve
nings. Refined and en
tertaining for the entire
Aj to Frrnch Restaurant
Entire change three times
each week. Be sure and
we the next change.
Adults 10c. Children
under 10 years, 5c.
ciallsts is now taken ns a matter 01
course, but that nlso the voters of
the National Liberals have gone over
to the enemy shows how bitter is the
' frtnitnty nmonir the people against the
present government.
The public IS so emimiereu uei m-r
"Blue-Black Bloc," which is now the
' ruling factor in Germany and Prussia
over its financial legislation ana us
general reactionary policy, that sup
port is being given and will continue
to be given on all hands to socialist
candidates as the only means of de
finitely scattering It.
-How many more defeats will be
required asks the National Zeitung.
before the conviction Is arrived nt
that a change of system Is an abso
lute necessity? Whether the policy
or the Liberal parties or helping tne
socialists with the object of under
mining the power of reactionaries will
benefit themselves Is anther matter.
The ground they now relinquish in
favor of the socialists will be recover
ed with great difficulty, and there Is
a possibility that after the general
election next year there will be the
extreme Conservative and Agrarian
parties on the one side of the Reich
stag and extreme Radicals or social
ists on the other, with tne center
again predominant through beinz In
a position to form a majority with
either the right or the left, as the.
occasion may demand.
Pacific Coast League.
W. L. P. C.
Pirlan.l 52 44 .542
Sa.i Francisco 59 50 .541
L-i Angeks 58 51 .532
Oakland ... 56 53 .511
Vernon 52 52 .500
Sacramento 38 66 .365
Standing of Clubs Including Games of
July 17.
Club W. L. P. C.
Philadelphia 52 24 .684
New York 4 31 .597
Boston 46 32 690
D troit 44 36 :550
Cleveland 33 39 .458
Chicago 31 45 .407
Washington 30 47 .390
St. Louis 23 51 .311
Standing of Clubs Including Games
of July 17.
Club. W. L. P. C.
Chicago 48 28 .632
New York 43 61 .581
Pittsburg 19 32 549
Cincinnati 40 37 519
Philadelphia 36 18 .486
Brooklyn 33 43 .434
St. Lous 83 44 .429
Boston SO 49 .3H0
Angels Win.
Los Angeles, July 17. The Angels
tied Vernon in the morning game of
the dou'.deheader today. 2 to 2, and
won the game this afternoon. 5 to 2.
The morning game was called at the
end of the 10th inning on time limit.
Morning game R. H. E.
Vernon 2. .4 0
Los Angeles 2 10 2
Batteries Willett. Brown and IIo
gan; Criger and Waring
Afternoon game R. H. E.
Vernon 2 6 3
Los Atigeks 5 11 2..
Batteries Carson and Bi'own; To-Z'.-r
and Smith.
Oakland 2, Portland 1.
Portland, Ore., July 17. Portland
lost the final game of the series with
Oakland today by the score of 2 to 1.
"n the throw in. after Llvely's hitch
in the fifth inning, Olson hit Wares
who was between second and third.
The ball caromed to the grandstand
and, when retrieved, Wares had scor
ed and Lively was on third. A single
served to score Lively. Krapp, In the
eighth went to first on an error and'
made the circuit of the bases on a
double and single which followed.
Score: R. w. E
Oakland 2 4 2
Portland 1 5 1
Batteries Lively and Thomas;
Krapp an.l Fisher.
Urcuk Even.
San Francisco, July 17. The Seals
and the Senators broke even in a
double header here and In Oakland
today. The locals took the morning
game In Oakland, 3 to 0. Sacramento
won, 5 to 4, In a 12-innlng struggle
here in the afternoon. A violent dem
onstration was made against Umpire
Van Haltren at, the close of the sec
ond contest. He had called Danzig
safe In the first half of the 13th and
the run won the game for the visitors.
Friends rushed him away before any
of the angry throng reached him. Bo
die made his 21st home run of the sea
son In the morning game The score:
First game R. H. E.
San Francisco 3 8 0
Sacramento 0 3 1
Browning and Williams; Whalen
and La longe.
Second Game R. H. E.
Sacramento 5 16 2
San Francisco 4 11 2
Fitzgerald. Baum and Lalonge;
Hartley, Miller, Stewart and Berry.
Vancouver 3; Tacoma 0.
Seattle, July 17. Jensen held Ta
coma to three hits and won by a score
of 3 to 0. Vancouver's errors did not
count. Rockenffleld's plty at second
was the feature. Score:
R. H. E.
Vancouver 3 5 3
Tacoma 0 3
Pally East Oregonlan by
only 15 Cfint -r week.
Men's oxfords cheap at A. Eklund's.
You don't have to think up a thirst it
comes frequently enough these hot days.
Just think of our thirst-quenching fountain
drinks try one and the thirst is forgot
ten. Pure, delicious, sanitarily served
soda water just the right degree of flavor
just the right coldness. Plain or fancy
drinks. Ice cream and fruit combinations.
The Invigorating Thirst-Quencher
The Pendleton Drug Go.
The Mark of Quality.
When You BUILD,
Eiffl'UI" Re-enforced concrete and concrete blocks
a.ic Liicauc ii lilt e n ra nrm-
: r- - -i- piv-iiici, iiiuie
substantial and far more comfortable in
either cold or warm weather.
-- S Concrete stands unsurpassed for? Basements, Founda
tions, Walls, Fences and Curbing. It looks better and lasts longer than stone
See my many beautiful designs in concrete blocks -Derore
you build your home.
I will furnish your estimates for any class of
work on application.
D.H. Tl'RY
Contractor and Builder
Cor. Railroad amd Willow'Sts. Pendleton. Ore