East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 09, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Bankers, Merchants,
Given Up
Congressmen and Above All, Others
to Die, Whom They Saved
From Death
Fer-Don's Medical Experts Will Locate Offices at Hotel La Fontaine, 633
Main Street, Pendleton, Oregon, Monday July 11th
Stories Tola Here Were Related By
Those Whom Per-Don's Medical
Doctors Cured After Others Had
Given Them Up.
Pendleton will be entertaining some
of the greatest medical experts that
ever earned the gratitude of the sick
by restoring them to perfect health.
The great Fer-Don and his European
Medical Experts and bloodless surge
one will locate offices at Hotel La
Fontaine, 633 Main St., Pendleton,
Or., reception rooms and offices up
stairs, and will begin a record of
cures that promises to equal those
worked tn Los Angeles, San Francis
co, Medford, Eugene and Oakland the
past four years. From all these cities
come letters and telegrams telling
Just what kind of men the Fer-Don's
Medical Experts are; what they are
and what they have done. To all in
ture was normal, I was able to sit up
and eat my meals. I have been tak
ing treatment of the Fer-Don's Medi
cal Experts for five days now and I
am cured. I eat regularly and my fe
ver is gone. I owe my recovery to
the Great Fer-Don and his European
Medical Experts.
The Great Fer-Don requests the
readers of this paper to write to Mrs.
F. Fintel, living on Sunnyside street,
Melrose, Cal., and let her tell you how
these skilled doctors cured her little
daughter of blindness.
Orovlllo Man Relates Experience,
. Possibly the most remarkable fea
ture of the peculiar power of the Fer
which is arousing much interest in the
principal Oregon cities, is the fact that
quiries addressed to the cities where '.these doctors drive out from the hu
th r lrnnwn the rer.lv everv time man system all parasites of every de
ls that the Fer-Don Medical Experts acrlption. The latest proof given was
are wonderful healers by means of
their new European method of treat- I
ment, not a complaint that they have
ever broken their word or failed to do ;
everything they promised. Not a sin
gle statement that these medical ex- j
perts ever undertook a case that they
At a nnt i,ia it .urnhlp And who are !
their manhood, their power and their
kill in which they cure disease? The
obscure, the unknown, the irrespon
sible? Not one of them. Bank pres
idents, mayors of cities, editors,' bus
iness men, housewives, who have
known what it is to look death
squarely in the face the patients
they have saved. These are the best
vouchers any man can have and the
Fer-Don's European Medical Ex
perts have them by the score. A few
of these recommendations are given
herewith, and the history of a few of
the rundreds of cases that have been
cured are published below:
monster tape worm. 1 was so glad
that I hurried back to tell the Euro
pean Medical Experts what had hap
pened and to show them what their
wonderful treatment had accomplish
ed for me. I can recommend the
European Medical Experts to. every
body, as they cured me when all other
doctors failed, and I am not the only
one the Fer-Don Medical Experts
have cured in Orovi'.le. There are
hundreds of prominent people here
who owe their recovery to the skill
of the European Medical Experts.
They cured me, and I know they can
cure everybody who goes to see
Jack I'luT, Paralysed for Years; Two
. .Treatments by the Fer-Don Medical
Experts Worked Wonders.
"I just want to thank the Fer-Don
Medical Experts," exclaimed Jack
Sick and Discouraged, Was Carried
From Hospital to These Wonderful
Men of Science Wonderful Story
From the Lips of Mr. Mike Kaso
Tltch. i "
"Down sick in bed, burning with a
raging fever, which seemed to scorch
my very entrials and body each day,
wearing away my strength and vital
ity; so sick that for fifteen days I
was unable to eat a morsel of food;
lying there in the hospital in a hope
less condition with a death-dealing dis
ease which baffled physicians which
were attending me, friends gave me
up to die, and at the last moment,
when I was taken from the hospital
and carried up to see the great Fer- ,
Don s European Medical Experts, and
how they restored me back to health,"
Is the simple story of Mike Kasovitch,
who lives at Quir.cy, California,
"These medical experts are all
right," exclaimed Mr. Kasovitch 8s he
was getting ready to go out for a
walk. "They certainly saved my life.
I owe them a great deal of gratitude.
I was almost in when brought before
these master experts. For days and
days I was in the hospitaf suffering
untold misery, taking different kinds
'of medicine, night and day and Just
: I .. . V l
v i y.i, 5u??-
' II
Miss Tlntcl of Elmhiirst, California, Cunnl or Hlliidncss hy Fer-Hon's .Meil-
leal Exicrt8.
this morning and just look what
can do." And as Mr. Uher said this
he raised his paralyzed arm above
his head. "See!" he exclaimed.
can raise my arm, something I could
not do before I saw the European
Experts. If anybody had ever told
me that the European Medical Ex
perts could have done me so much
good, I would not have believed it.
But it is a fact. I am getting better
every day. See, I can also whistle."
And Mr. Uher began whistling a tune.
"When I was first paralyzed it took
away my speech also. And I am so
Bind I am getting well. I can feel
new life coming back. I can feel the
blood coursing my paralyzed side."
The crowd having heard Mr. Uher's
story and seen with their own eyes,
became convinced that the European
Medical Experts deserved great credit
in the case of Mr. Jack Uher, of Oro-
Mr. C. B. Eagnn, Living at 15 Mitch
ell Avenue, Undergoes Woodless
Oicrntlon Xo Knife Was Used, Xo
Mood, Xo Pain Experienced Fer.
Don's Medical Experts Did It.
Many Prominent Shakers on Five.
Day Program Many Features of
Irrigation Will He Discussed by Au-tliorlllcs.
when Mr. E. H. Eicher, living in Oro- j Uher, of Oroville, last Saturday, as
ville, an old resident well known by he walked up the stairs of the Union
U citizens and one of Uncle Sam's , Hotel building leading to the offices
mail carriers on a rural route,-iold
think, I couldn't eat a bite for fifteen , that he had Wn carrying around a
.,... c . tA. r-A in v,o monster tape worm for several years,
uij. cuuic vi ...... .Uo u,l m., r.hv.lMana - hill
Oroville papf-rs about the Fer-Don's
Medical Experts and the wonderful . " ' "u ""'" l" '-"""
cures they have made, and I made up .horrible mons er.
mental agony, my appetite was irregu
lar, dull feeling, tired at times,
bloating of the stomach, dizzy feel
ing and no one knows how I felt
and what a great chaTige came over
nin .. - V. v T u-nnl in no. TT.rrinn ami
so my friends ' '
in HI" .ill'UlCill r.A )tl 13. llirr.iu uui-iuia
my mind then and there to go and see
these experts. Mv nurse told me I
took my life in my hands if I attemp
ted to li-ave the hospital, as I was In
a dangerous condition, and was not
able to be moved. I said I might as
well take the chance
Immediately made arrangements
take me to the European doctors. I
was then carried to the Union Hotel Rw' me:
and there given a room. These ex
perts examined me carefully and
knew what ailed me as soon as they
They gave me just one dose
of peculiar-looking and tasting medi
cine, and told 'me to go home, and
when I got rid of the tape worm to
Don's Medical Experts over disease bring it back to their office, ell, 1
found my fever was 104. .These doc- followed their advice and went to my
tors watched my case closely, and af- house, and I was not home over two
ter two days' treatment my tempera- hours before I was relieved of the
of the European Medical Experts.
large crowd was waiting In the re
ception room, each person waiting his
or her turn to Bee these doctors. Just
then the Medical Expert himself came
out, and met Mr. Uher, and told him
to take a seat for a few minutes
"But," said Mr. Uher, "I Just came
up to tellf ou how I am getting along.
The crowd gathered closely to hear
what he had to say.
"You see," he said, "I am the man
who came to you. doctor, when you
first came here. I was all crippled up
with paralysis and could hardly walk
my arm and my hand, also my left
side, were so cold as if tn the clasp of
death no reeling or sensation was
apparent. For years I had been un
able to get around or work. Well, I
have Just received two treatments
from your experts, and am so much
benefited that I walked three miles
The people of Oroville perhaps saw
fur the first time the wonderful meth
od of bloodless surgery demonstrated
in public before the very eyes of ex
cited thousands who attended the
great Fer-Don and his European Med
ical Experts' public demonstration
great deal of talk had been going ar
ound that the European bloodless sur
geons were going to remove a tumor
in full view of the public, and In fact
the whole city turned out to see for
themselves. As the European Medical
Experts, stated, no knife was to be
used, no blood to be seen and no pain
It seemed, almost impossible to do
such a thing.
Different Strata of Society.
Consequently a large crowd of peo
ple turned out. It was a good natur
ed, motely crowd, mixed here and
there with different stratas of human
ity. You could see the merchant and
his wife, the banker and hard-work-
ng man standing side by side, all
eager to see. One professional man
was heard to say, "I have read of
Professor Lorenz, the great Austrian
bloodless surgeon, but I never saw the
work, and don't believe any tumor can
be removed without using a knife."
Mr. C. B. Eagan, who lives at 15
Mitchell avenue, took a seat In front
of the public, submitting himself to
see. A tumor on the right side of
Mr. Eagan's head was exposed in full
view of the audience, and then ap
peared the European bloodless surge
on and without using any knife, he
removed the tumor in less than five
minutes. Not one drop of blood was
shed. The tumor was passed out In
to the audience for public Inspection.
The large crowd stood dumfounded
for a moment. Then you could hear
remarks "Isn't It wonderful?" "The
European Medical Experts are wonders."
After the operation Mr. Eagan was
surrounded by many excited people,
all eager to ask him questions. One
woman said: "Didn't it hurt you, Mr.
Eagan?" "I should say not," replied
Mr. Eagan. '.'In fact, no more pain
than getting a shave at a barber shop.
I am glad I am cured now, and I
can hardly praise the work of the
European Medical Experts."
Spokane, Wash. Arthur Hooker,
secretary of the 18 th National - Irri
gation congress, says In a letter to
the Spokane chumber of commerce,
that the convention at Pueblo, Colo.,
September 26 to 30, gives promise of
being the most Interesting In the nifl'
tory of the organization. Among the
speakers will be representatives from
various parts of the northwest, where
irrigation Is practiced. Dr. E. Mc
Queen Gray, foreign secretary, ro
ports that foreign countries will be
represented by delegates.
The opening exercises are scheduled
for the morning of September 28,
when an industrial parade will move
through the principal streets as a
prelude to the national Irrigation ex
position. R. Insinger of Spokane,
chairman of the board of governors,
will call the congress to order at 2
o'clock In the afternoon and intro
duce P. J Dugan, chairman of the
Colorado board of control, who In turn
will present B. A. Fowler of Phoenix,
Ariz., president of the congress, who
was secretary at the Spokane meet
ing. Governor John F. Shafroth will
welcome the delegates and visitors to
the state and Mayor A. L. Fugard
will do the honors for the city of Pu
eblo, the response being by President
Fowler. There will also be addresses
by western Irrlgatlonista, among
them being Alva Adams, former gov
ernor of Colorado; Frank C. Goudy
of Colorado, Dr. George C. Pardee of
California and George E. Barstow of
Texas, former presidents, and Major
R. W. Young of Utah, second vice
president of the congress.
"The session on the morning of
September 27 will be devoted to Ir
rigation by private enterprise," Mr.
Hooker writes, adding: "There will
be five or six speakers, Including sev
eral from the far western states, the
plan being to cover as nearly as pos
sible the Irrigated districts of the
country. Other speakers will be
United States Senator -Francis G.
Ncwlands of Nevada, Joseph M. Car
ey, former senator from Wyoming and
father of the Carey act, and United
States Senator William E. Borah of
Idaho. William E. Smythe of Utah,
father of the National Irrigation con
gress, will speak at the evening ses
sion." Drainage, irrigation, agriculture
and industrial conditions will be fea
tured on the pmgram arranged for
September 2S. James Jr-IIlll, chair
man of the board of directors of the
Great Northern railway; Edward P.
Ilipley, president of the Santa Fe
system; U. S. Lovett, president of the
Southern Pacific system and Solom
Graves, chief forester of the United
States, have been Invited to deliver
addresses, and In addition there will
also be representatives of western
states to discuss problems In Irriga
tion. The day's program will close
with an illuminated parade.
Water and its uses will be discuss
ed the morning of September 29, the
chief speaker being W. K. Cavanaugh,
president of the Lakes-to-the-Gulf
Deep Waterway association, gover
nors and senators and engineers of
western states will also deliver ad
dresses. Members of President Tart's
cabinet will discuss the conservation
movement at the afternoon session,
and matters of legislation will be ta
ken up at the evening session, among
the speakers being Senators Hughes
and Guggenheim and Representative
Martin of Colorado.
The convention will close with the
election of officers and the selection
of the next place of meting. San
Francisco, Chicago, Rochester, N. Y.,
Milwaukee, Kansas City and St. Louis,
Charleston, S. C, anrt possibly sever-
ted gently reared, women will find la
all tne seasons of their lives, as maid
ens, wives and mothers, that the one
simple, wholesome laxative remedy,
which acts gently and pleasantly and
naturally and which may be taken at
any time, when the system needs a
laxative, with perfect safety and real
ly beneficial effects, is Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna.
It has that true delicacy of flavor
wbjch is so refreshing to the taste,
that warming and grateful toning to
the stomach which responds so favor
ably to Its. action and the laxative ef
fect which is so beneficial to the sys
tem when, occasionally. Its gentlt
cleansing Is required.
The genuine, always bearing the
name of the California Fig Syrup Co.,
may be purchased from all leading
druggists In original packages of one
size only, price fifty cents per bottle.
al cities In Texas and other southern
states are contenders for the 111
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets gently stimulate the liver and
bowels to expel poisonous matter,
clanse the system, cure constipation
and tick headache. Sold by all deal-en.
Torrid Heat in Vienna.
Vienna. Vienna has been suffer
ing from almost tropical heat The
thermometer at mid-day registered aa
high as 101 degrees Farehhelt, and
the evenings and early mornings are
abnormally hot Many cases of pros
tration are recorded, and there ap
pears to be little prospects of any Im
mediate change.
Teething children have more or leas
diarrhoea, which can be controlled by
giving Chamberlains Colic and Diar
rhoea Remedy. All that is necessary
Is to give the prescribed dose after
each operation of the bowels more
than natural and then castor oil to
cleanse the system. It la safeand
sure. Sold by all dealers.
aching or watering, f you have fre.
quent headaches, If the newspaper
page occasionally seems to dance,
Have us test your eyes to deter
mine Just what sort best suited for
you. Buying glasses without pre
vious expert examination Is a dan
gerous proposition,
With A. L. Schaef er, Jeweler
The Great Fer-Don European Med
ical Experts will arrive In Pendleton
Monday, July 11th. their offices will
be located at Hotel La Fontaine, 833
Main St.. Pendleton, Oregon.
A charge of one dollar is made for
Office hours, 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4
and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays, 10 to 12,
noon. Reception room upstairs.
1 BE
State Board Meets in HcrmlMnn to
Consider Complaint that O. R. &
X. facilities Are Xot Adequate
Company HiiliinLtx Plan Settlors
Quarrel Over Ditch Privileges.
(Special Correspondence.)
Hermlston, Ore., July 8. At 8:30
o'clock this morning the state board
of railroad commissioners met In the
Hermlston depot for the purpose ot
considering the complaint made to
them by the Pitts-WIed Lumber corn
pan, saying that the yard and depot
wacllltles at Hermlston, Oregon, were
Inadequate. A numoer of witnesses
were called and gave testimony set
ting forth the plaintiff's allegations
sikI fully showing the commission that
the facilities are not up-to-date. At
torney W. W. Cotton represented the
O. It. & N. company and in Its be
half called Division Superintendent
W. Rollons, who submitted numerous
plats showing the company's plans
for rr-mo'lollng the present station
an, building on a 40 foot extension,
find said that these plans have been
undc-r way fop the past year, but from
the faet that money had never been
appropriated the building was never
ilarted, but he would assure the com
missioners that work would be start
ed within the next few weeks and that
before 90 days the building would be
completed at a cost of over $2000. He
contended that the trackage was suf
ficient for the present needs of Her
mlston. The commissioners looked
over the ground very carefully and
secured all the Information they
could on the subject. It Is likely that
a ruling will be made within ten days
or two weeks.
The party consisted of C. B. Alt
rhesen, Thomas K. Campbell of Sa
lem, Ore., and O. West of Portland,
and their stenographer, C. A. Flag
man. The railroad parly came In
private car "03 and consisted of Di
vision Superintendent W. Bolons,
Attorney W. W. Cotton and Hr. Hill,
private secretary for Mr. Bollons.
War has at last been declared be
tween II. It. Lmighlin and his neigh
bors. Campbell, Robb and Longly
over the use of certain ditches water
ing their respective places. The troui
ble started over a year ago when
Loughlln and Prann (the owner of
the land now being farmed by Camp
bell) met In a fistic battle and from
then until yesterday numerous dis
putes came up but did not causo any
serious worry until Laughlin presented
himself at the reclamation office
Wednesday and demanded the arrest
of all his neighbors for placing an ob
struction In his ditch, but upon In
vestigation It was found that Lough
lln himself had given permission to
place a board In the ditch and In fact
requested them to do so as he had
more water than he wanted. It la
not known at this time what action
the reclamation officios will take, but
Loughlin has laid himself liable ta
arrest for falsely accusing his neigh
bors and ' ordering obstruction to be
placed In government ditches.
Tr. H. W. Coe and Frank Sloan
came down yesterday from Stanfleld
to transact business.
D. C. Brownell of Umatilla, spent
the past two days In Hermlston look
Ing after the redisricting of the vot
ing precincts.
E. Fralllng of Eugene, spent Wed
nesday In looking over the Hermlston
district with a view to locating. Mr.
-Fralllng spent a number of years In
the Yakima valley In early days and
assures us that the Hermlston coun
try looks better to him at this stage
than did the Yakima country wnen
they were starting.
The Ui'-le daughter of J. Green, who
has been ill for the past few days,
died very suddenly Wednesday eve
nlng from an attack of brain fever.
The funeral was hold Thursday rore
noon at 10 6'clock and the remains
were taken to the Echo cemetery,
where they were Interred.
Always pure and delivered
promptly, If you phone the
Central Meat Market
101 E. Alt St. Phone Main St.
You Can Have a Model Kitchen
as cool and white as a dairy. No smell, no smoke,
no heat, no dust. No old-fashioned contrivances. The
Oil Cook-stove
is the latest practical, scientific cook-stove. It will cook the most
elaborate dinner without heating the kitchen.
. Boils, bakes, or roasts better than any range. Ready in a second.
Extinguished in a second. Fitted with Cabinet Top, with collapsible
rests, towel rack, and every up-to-date
feature imaginable. You want it, be
cause it will cook any dinner and not
beat the room. No heat, no smell,
no smoke, no coal to bring in, no ashes
to carry out. It does away witb the
drudgery of cooking, and makes it a
pleasure. Women with the light touch
for pastry especially appreciate it, be
cause they can immediately have a
quick Are, simply by turning a handle.
No half-hour preparation. It not only
is less trouble than coal, but it costs
less. Absolutely no smell, no smokes
and it doesn't hcr.t the kitchen.
The nickel flnUh, with the turquoise
blue of the enameled chimneys, makes
the stove ornamental and attractive.
Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners ; the 2
and 3-burner stoves can be had with
or without Cabinet.
you get this ttove e II
Kltt It
redi Nw Perfection.'
Bvtry dealer every wncr ; If not at yours.
write for I)emcrlptiv Circular to the nearest
agency otth
Standard Oil Company