PAGE root DAILY K.VST OREGONI.VN, PKXDLKTOX. OREGON, SATl'ltDAY, JILY 9, 1910. EIGHT PAGES. AN 1 1 K I ' K X Lt T KEWSPAPKK. Tvh.lBhei Umllj, Weekly and 8ml-vMkl tt Pendleton, Oregon, 6t to ASW ORBUUN1AX l'UBLIBHIXQ CO. SIHSCRIPTION RATES. Pally, onv year, by mall 15 00 ally, its mnib. by mall 2.50 iMJij, tnrte muuiha, by mall 1.23 ally. Pic month, by mall 80 "ally, oue year, by carrier T.B0 lly. all montha. by carrier 1.75 Dally, three montbe. by carrier 1.95 IeJly, one mouib, by carrier 65 ekly, una year, by mall 1.50 weekly, tlx montha, by mall 75 WekiT. four montbe. by mall 50 ftenil-Weekly, one year, by mall..,. 1.50 ml-Weekly, alx mom tie. by Ball... .75 fcaml-Weekly, four montha, by mall.. .50 Tb Pally Eaat Oregonlan la kept aalt at the Orcson Xeira Co., 147 th street, Portland, Ureyoa. orthweat News. Co, Portland, Oregon. Chicago Hureau, 8j9 Security Building. Waahlnfrton. D. C Bureau, 501 Four tnth atreet, X. W. Member United Preea Aaoclatioo. Entered at the poatoiflce at 1'ecdleton, Oregoa, aa second claw mall matter. WeJephone Main 1 Official City and County Paper. Don't let the song go out of your life; Though it chances sometimes to flow 4 In a minor strain, it will blend again With the major tone, you know. 4 Don't let the song go out of your life; Though your voice may have lost its trill, Though the tremulous note should die in your throat Let it sing in your spirit still. There is never a pain that hides not some gain, And never a cup of rue So bitter to sup but what in the cup Lurks a message of sweetness. too. Then do not despond, and say that the fond Sweet songs of your life have flown, For if ever you knew a song that was true, Its music is still your own. Kate R. Stiles. Till: OM.Y SOLUTION. Voters of Oregon will be compelled to pass upon 32 legislative measures when they vote this fall. The number U entirely too large and many of the measures are of such a nature that voters simply cannot hope to judge intelligently as to their merits. Conspicuous In this class are the eight county division bills that have "been filed. Each of these measures pertains to an Isjue that is strictly lo cal in character. The people of the state at large are not interested in county division disputes. The average voter cannot hope to judge of the merits of these division bills. From one side he will be showered with literature favorable to division; from another quarter he will be implored to vote against division. Of'.n peo ple residing in the proposed new coun ties do not want division to carry. This is most assuredly true with re spects to "Orchard" county. The towns of Weston and Athena are strongly opposed to the creation of that county although they are includ ec within the boundaries of the em bryo county. People living In the country tributary to Weston and Athe na do not want division. They know 1: would injure them. Now what is the poor voter, to do? In the view of the East Oregonian there is but one logical way to settle county division problems. All those problems should be held in abeyance until a law has been enacted leaving the settlement of such disputes to the people who are directly Interested In them. It is pretty certain that such a law will be pasM hy the next legis lature. Such a law was passed by the last legislature but for some un . known reason was vetoed by .Gov ernor Chamberlain following the close of the session. In nrd-r to hold these division meafures until they can be settled with a proper degree -of intelligence It will be necessary to vote down the Initiative bills that have been filed. Vote "No' upon every county divis ion bill. To do so will be to Justly re buke the dlv'.sloniFts. Those men ar abusing the initiative law. They have taken advantage of an oppor tunity to cover the ballot with division bills, thinking the people will vote blindly for them. Show them that the people are not to be imposed upon In this manner. THE SCHOOL IS NEEDED. In a communication published In a Portland paper Clark Wood of Wes ton makes a very able argument for the support f the Eastern Oregon Normal School. He points out that "single normal schools are contrary to the educational trend of the age and are the policy of seven states only. Thirty seven states have more than one normal school, ranging tn number from two to 18. These are Rxnerally found In small towns. State superintendents in the ratio of five to one favor small normal schools." In the same article Mr. Wood also sj:vs that no state has appropriated less money for its normal schools than has Oregon and shows that Washington has always given S5 to Its normals where Oregon has given $1 for normal purposes. This is the right sort of campaign material and much more along this line should be done In behalf of the Fastern Oregon normal. The normals j are not properly understood by the people. They have been libelled and abused so persistently for political purposes, that many people are un justly disposed against them. At the last legislative session the normals were jobbed, for political reasons, by a combination of which Jay Bowerman, president of the senate, was the mov ing spirit. That action disgraced the state f Oregon and this state now stands discredited in the eyes of the educational world. If the Initiative measure providing for maintenance of the Eastern Ore gon normal is passed that school will be taken out of politics. It will be given a fixed sum each year and the sc hool will no longer be a football for legislators to kick around every ses sion. The people of eastern Oregon should stand solidly behind the bill to pro vide maintenance for the E. O. S. X. S Our normal school is needed if the standard of the public schools of eastern Oregon is to be maintained. IT IS KXCOCRAGIXG. Umatilla county will have a good harvest this year and the fact is en couraging, in some sections the c rops have not been up to the stand ard for two seasons owing the lack of moisture. Yet as though wishing to make amends nature has been un usually kind to the light land region this year. Proportionately that sec tion will make the best showing this summer, so it is now predicted. With good crops in the light land sections business conditions In Pen dleton and in the other towns of the crunty will be further improved. When crops are good farmers are able to pay their debts and move to the city so that their children may obtain the benefits from the schools. It will be surprising if the local school at tendance is not increased to a con siderable extent this fall, the increase being due directly to the good wheat yi . '.1. When the farmer is prosperous most ether people share In the prosperity. "DIFFERENT." Though the administration papers have been loud In proclaiming the friendship between Roosevelt and Taft it is apparent that upon political sub lets the two men hold Ideas that are different in some respects at least. Not long ago the news was flashed over the country that the president was displeased with Senator Bever idge and with the Indiana progress ives. To show his displeasure It was announced that upon his westward trip he would "pass up" the city of Indianapolis as though It were off the map, just because Beverldge lives there. But the colonel of the rough riders, who does not take advice from Frank Hitchcock, John Hays Hammond and others of that class, Is openly In fa vor of Beverldge and will make a speech In his behalf this fall. All this regardless of any differences there may exist between Senator Beverldge and the president. Here's hoping the army engineers that are to pass upon reclamation projects hereafter will undertake a speedy campaign for the taming of the arid land In the west end of Uma tilla county and in, Morrow county. There is land that is worth fighting for. When they arrive at the new depot some returning Pendletonians are liable to imagine they have gotten the wrong town. These are the days when the street sprinklers should work overtime. After I lip Carouse. First Reveler I say, old man, your wife won't do a thing to you when she smells the whisky. Second Reveler When I'm near her I hold my breath. First Reveler You won't be able to It's too strong. Koston Transcript. Millionaire (at a "cure" resort) Se here, doctor, I want to get thinner, my wife wants to get fatter, and my daughter wants to remain as she Is. Just arrange this, will you? I've plen ty of money; don't care what It costs. A Reliable Remedy FOP CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm ll quickly tbtorbed. Civet Relief at Once tt cleanses, soothes, beaU and protects u,o Orane resulting from Catarrh and ttrivet way aColJ in the Ilead quickly. Resunei iie 8-uses of Taste and KmelL Full hm JO eta. at Druggists or by mail. Liquic iJmnra Balm for use in atotniaers 75 cts. Cly Brothers, 00 Warren btreet, Kew tfork. LIFE IS ONK. In the firm twilight of the waking world, when life in blindness wrought. And savage tribes in the uncleared land for food and freedom fought; There rose a singer among the clans, in the blare of the desert sun, And he found his home wherever he strayed for he knew that life is One. He dwelt with the tribes of the marsh and moor he sat at the board of kings; He tasted the toil of the burdened slave, ami the joy that triumph brings; Put whether to jungle or palace hall white walled tent he came. He was brother to king and soldier and slave his welcome was the same. There has risen a singer out of the enst in the clatter and clash of strife; The babble of markets nnd blur of print the turmoil men call life He came to the task that was set for him, and scarce was that work begun When he knew that the world Is a building yet and the . power that builds is One. He knew by the spirit's countersign that Teuton and Celt and Greek, Kaffir and Pathan and Rajput king; the self-same language speak. Face to face he has talked with each they have given of their best, He has made his home on the sea and the land, and brought the east to the west. O singer of men and the hearts of men,- you have called the soul by name.- You have followed its path through the changing world. Is it not forever the same? And whether you travel to northern snows, or the southern sea and sun. You will find as you found in the ages past, that the heart of the world is One. Kipling. FIXING IT CP An amusing story is being told in social circles in London about a young American woman who was anxious to be presented at a certain European court. Of course the high officials had to make inquiries about her so cial status in her own country and pronounced their veto, says the New York Herald. It could not be done. The daughter of a man who sold boots and shoes could not be received by his majesty at a royal court. The girl was In great distress nnd promptly cabled home to her father. Next day she received the following reply: "Nonsense. Its not selling." Am simply giving them away. See ad vertisement." The cablegram she duly presented In the proper quarter and although the ending did not seem quite clear to the official mind it was held to solve the difficulty. She was present ed at court as the daughter of an American gentleman who was noted as a great philanthropist. MAYOR OF POSEX. The Mavor f Rosen is a resource ful man. The other day he was seek ing a subscription of $1250 for some worthy public purpose from a rich citizen. The rich man did not see his way clear to part with that sum. The mayor was persistent, and the rich man finally said (In German, of course): "Get along with you! You will as soon get the money from me as stand on your head!" "Then I shall not wait long," re marked the mayor, and suiting ac tion to words he dropped on all fours and right before a crowd of amazed fashionable people he then and there stood on his head. He followed this with an amplified display of versa tility when he walked on his hands across the room. Heretofore the ability to stand on one's head and to walk across the room on a mayor's hands has not beon counted as needful official qualifi cations. The mayor of Posen heads a revolutionary movement In this di rection. The procedure worked with the millionaire all right, but would it work as a ritual in the campaign for "votes for women?" We should say no, but we pause for reply New York Mail.. Whites who kill or attack and in jure negroes merely because Johnson licked Jeffries prove themselves worse citizens than the negroes. he rorxTF.n. Mark Tulley, state treasurer and candidate for re-election, was a trav eling salesman for twenty-five years und hais a fund of good stories of the road, says the Kansas City Journal. He tells that one time he was in a town In central Kansas where a pro tracted revival meetings was going on. One of the residents of the town was named Toby. He was a tall, gaunt man, with long whiskers and was very fond of whisky, of which he frequently Imbibed beyond his imlt. This man was attending one of the meetings, and the revivalist was busy scoring every form of vice and call ing down drastic condemnation upon them. "Woe to the drunkard! Woe to the drunkard! Woe to the drunkard!" he shouted 4n doleful tones. Old Toby got on his feet and tugged at his whiskers and the fact that he stuttered only made his Interruption more marked: "O-g-guess th'th'that's m-m-e! I-I-I I'm p-p-present!" The preacher went on: "Woe to the liars! Woe to the liars! Woe to the thieves! Woe to the thieves!" His voice was dolorous and sepulchral. Again old Toby got on his feet. He motioned around the room, swinging and pointing with his arms and fin gers. "Q-g-get up," he ' commanded. "G-g-get up! He's callin' on s-s-some of you fellers! I've answered p-present MOTHERS FRIEND A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL USE. Baby's coming will be a time of rejoicing, and not of ap prehension and fear, if Mother's Friend is used by the expec tant mother in preparation of the event. This is not a medi cine to be taken internally, but a liniment body, to assist nature in the necessary physical changes of the system. Moth er's Friend is composed of oils and medicines which prepare the muscles and tendons for the unusual strain, render the the expanding or the skin and flesh fibres, and strengthens all the membranes and tissues. It lessens the pain and health to the mother. Mother's Friend free book, containing valuable information for expectant Mothers. It's your turn now. S-s-stand up and be c-counted." EVEN' ONES DIDN'T COl'XT. They tell in London a story of an elderly American lady who, while sightseeing.- visited Westminster Ab bey, says "Harper's Weekly." After going about for some time with an ar of eager curiosity, sho approached a verger. "I wonder If you can help me?" she asked hopefully. "I am Not Sisters Now and again you see two women pass ing down the street who look like sisters. You are astonished to learn that they are mother and daughter, and you realize a woman at forty or forty-live ought to be at her finest and fuirest. Why isn't it so? The general health of woman is so in timately associated witli the local health of tlie essentiully feminine organs that there can be no red cheeks and round form where there is female weakness. , Women who have suffered from thin trouble have foupd prompt relief and cure iu the uo of Dr. Pieroc's Favorite Prescription. It fives vigor and vitality to the orgins of womanhood. It clears the complexion, brightens the eyes and reddens the check. No alcohol, or habit-forming drugs is contained in "Favorite Prescription." Any sick woman may consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. Kvery letter is kald as s-.icrediy confidcntiul, and answered in a pluin envelope. Address: World s Dispensary Medical Assrciation, Dr. R.V. Pierce Pres., Buffalo, N.Y. JLi SPOT Never come back when cleaned by the BERLIN DYE HOUSE Dry, wet, chemical and steam cleaners. We call for and deliver any- where. Phone Main 5. JACK WEBSTER- MoT. 2 K. Court St. 840-A CRE S--840 Rich, Mellow, Foot HSU Lands-Plenty of Water It Is producing 3 to 5 tons to 100 bushels oata per acre, 35 to 60 bushels wheat per acre, It b growing fine crops of fruit and all kinds of berries now. Von can buy 20 acres or all of It. You cun pay 1-4 cash, balance easy. Its only 4 1-2 miles from market Its up to you. We can make good. C. H. JORDAN, THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Pendleton, Oregon United States Depositary Statement at the close of Business June 30, 1910 Resources LOAN'S AND DISCOUNTS , SECURITIES AND 'WARRANTS BANKING HOUSE OTHER REAIj ESTATE UNITED STATES BONDS (at par) , CASH ON HAND Liabilities CAPITA U STOCK SURPLUS ... UNDIVIDED PROFITS CIRCULATION RE-DISCOUNTS DEPOSITS I hereby certify that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.! T.'G MONTGOMERY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of July, 1910. CLAUD HALE. Seal Notary Public for Oregon. fit if 7 to be applied to the ligaments supple and clastic, aids in J danger at the crisis, and assures future is sold at drug stores. Write for our THE BRADFIELD CO., ATLANTA, GA. am looking for the grave of King Ed ward II." "Sorry, ma'am," said the verger apologetically, "but we 'aven't got Edward Jt." "Rut," protested the visitor, "I un derstood that the abbey was the burial place of kings." "So It Is, ma'am, in a way," return ed the verger, "but we only 'ave the od.l numbers 'ere." Men's oxfords cheap at A. Eklund's. nlfalfa, 2 1-2 to 4 tons Timothy, 75 La Grande, Or. 9228 .SI. 002. 1 80.95 17,132.11 00,000.00 22.527.50 101,000.00 . 220,987.05 $1,513,8:13.61 .$ 100,000.00 109.000.00 77,834.95 100.000.00 7 1,310.89 1,001.657.80 (net) $1,513,833.61 OLD LINT, LIVE STOCK IN SURANCE. Indiana & Ohio Live Stock Insur ance Company Of Crawfortlavlllo, Indiana, Has now entered Oregon, Policies now good In every state In the Union. Organ ed over 26 years ago. Paid up Capital $200,000.00. As sets over $460,000.00. REMEMBER, this la NOT a Mutual Live Stock Insur ance company. Mark Moorhouse Company Agent, Pendleton, Or. Ill East Court St. Phoaei II ola IS. Headquarters For Toilet Goods We aro RnlA MnniifnotMPOM aiwt I Distributors of the fnlnhratMl F4S TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM Tailman & Co. Leading Druggists of EaaUra Oregon. COLESWORTHY'S International Stock Food the old reliable The best for your stock Try it COLESWOR.THY 127-129 E. Alta The QUELLE Cus La Fontaine, Prep. Best 25c Meals in North west First-class cooks and service Shell fish in season La Fontaine BIk., Main St. Tou make a bad mistake when yon put off buying your coal until th Fall purchase It NOW and secure the best Rock Spring cool the mines produce at prices considerably lower than those prevailing In Tall aM Winter. By storking up now you avoid AIiL danger of being unable to secure It when cold weather arrives. HENRY KOP1TTKE Phono Main 178. 0 VPARft EXPERIENCE Ml . '1M,W . . - Deb-gns rf1,, Copyrights Ac. Snrnne in!lng s nkelch itd rtonorinllnn mm qnf'Lly rwprtiiht our ci ii 1 1 it froo wIioMut an InrpMtinn Ifl prohnhif tmicimihle. 'tnitniinir. tlnilntrlcl!;!.li.utlnl. !.".'.'iltlOOK r" I'atmitl iliN.e frpfl. rifcnrv fur f- 'in u.rf iMtiMifn. t'ntqiii taken t lironuli Mmiti tt Co. recelM ifexrtal notice, wlitmut t :lfirt.j, m tl.o sckmwc jiiiicrican. "t ncifiwHMT j'liirmii. 'J ernn, js ynnn four mnnt hi L Bold by all tiewriealr 1 i i "" i"""'u u com of mil iionoir Uranch tm(. 625 " St. WMhlnmoo. li O FOLETSHONEYTAR tops tHm cougli and hala lung o