1 I ' 1 4 ' EIGHT PAGE& DAILY KAOT OltEGONIAN, FEXDLKXOH, OREGON. SATURDAY, JULY , JB10. PAGE THIUEX Power for Pumping, Irrigating and anufacturing M f II THE undersigned companies are prepared to furnish MJ electrical power, under proper contracts, for pumping and irrigating throughout all territory now served by their present power lines, or by lines which are under construction or to be contructed. This district embraces the Yakima Val ley from North Yakima to Kennewick, the Columbia Valley from Beverley to Wallula and the Walla Walla Valley from Walla Walla to Wallula, together with adjoining areas. Power will also be furnished for domestic, manufacturing and industrial purposes. Write, telephone or call on represen tatives of these companies at North Yakima, Mabton, Sunny side, Kennewick, Pasco, Walla Walla, Freewater, Pendleton and Portland. COLUMBIA POWER LIGHT COMPANY YAKIMA-PASCO POWER COMPANY Vacation Trips Around (he Circle Ticket sold from all station! In the Inland Empire going via Spokane, Macleod and Calgary, through the Canadian Rockies, touching Banff, Lake Louise, Field and Glacier, returning via Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, and Portland, or vice versa. $40 Tickets on sale dally, June 1 to September 1. Final limit October 31. Unlimited stopovers. ALSO SHORT TRIPS THROUGH THE KOOTENAY AND NARROW LAKES Write for literature and de tailed Information. O. M. JACKSOX, T. P. A. GEO. A. WALTON, G. A. P. D. 14 WALL ST., SPOKANE. ADAMS FARMER HAS A NARROW ESCAPE LEONARD LABODORE FlGl'HKS iN RUNAWAY ACCIDENT Fort St. James On Lake Stuart, BRITISH COLUMBIA This Is destined to be the Portland of British Columbia, on a navigable river and deep water lake with two tralna running In next fall. Letters pour Into our office all day with applications for lots. To those who cannot come in we would do our utmost to make a good selection. Price 1100 and 1200 each. Cash $25.00, balance $10.00 a month. A few 40 acre farms Joining Fort St James townslto and Lake Stuart, $50.00 cash and $10.00 a month. You need not bo a Canadian Citizen to Hold Tills. You need not Improve it, nor you need not reside on It. All this land Is on or near the railroad. Grand Trunk Pacific, Alaska Yukon, and Canadian Northern railroads. Rich farm lands, $8.60 per acre, $3.00 cash, and balance $1.00 per acre per year until paid. APPLY CANADIAN; NORTHET, LAND COMPANY, 804, 805 and 800 Lewis Building, Portland, Oregon. MEN AND WOMEN. Vn Bis fnr unnatural dliH'hariiM,lnOiminMini;i Irritation, or ul-rtlunt of inucoD. tnmbraitr Palnlaia. and not aitrlu avHSUHMI(itltO. gnt or pomonoua. . OINOINMTl, Thrown from Hack By IYIghtened Horses But Escapes Serious Injury Several Adams People Ioave for Vacations Short Newg Items. (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Ore., July 8 Leonard La bodore, one of Umatilla's farmers, had a narrow escape on the Fourth when his team became frightened at a camping outfit and ran for some dis tance, throwing him out of the hack. He retained his presence of mind and held on to the lines, but being unable to stop them after being dragged some distance, he let go of the lines. They were caught by Q. L. Lleuallen. Mr. Labodore received no Injury beyond ; slight bruises on the arms. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lleuallen and family started for tho mountains Thursday to camp out for a month. Mr. and Mrs. E. Tale and family went to tho mountains Wednesday for a week's outing. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Marquis went to the mountains Wednesday for a week's outing. Mr. and Mrs. Doung of Helix were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lewis Tuesday. They all went to the river for a day's outing. Mrs. E. Ferguson visited In tho city of Pendleton Tuesday. Dr. McKenny returned to his home In Adams Tuesday after visiting friends and relatives In Condon for the past week. J. J. Ruulstone of Walla Walla, Is the guest of Rena Green for a few days. Miss Hilda Rice of Milton, is vis iting her aunt, Mrs. L. L. Lleuallen, thlp week. Dr. McKenney was called to Helix to attend to T. Collins, who had an other bad spell with his heart. At last report ho whs resting easy. Mrs. C. Blake, manager of the Pa cific Telephone & Telegraph office at Adams and daughter Helen, tran sacted business in Athena Thursday. Earl Errlngton mndo a business trip to Athena Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Adams went to Athena Thursday to so some shop ping. Miss Lvta Garrett of Grass Valley, was the guest of Miss Mable Mcln tire this week. Miss Mable Mclnllre was an Adams visitor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Murelman of Helix, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. King this week for a few days. Mr. and Mrs, Dunnington and Mrs. R. L. Blake and baby Irene, past 1 through Adams Thursday from Wal la Walla on their way home to Helix. Mr. Cox of the Home Insurance Co., of Portland, was an Adams business visitor Thursday. Mr. E. Koonts of Athena was an Adams visitor Thursday. Joe Bergevin of Meachnm was an Adams visitor Thursday. Mr. Semington visited in the city of Athena Thursday. Miss Lolo Burhman was a Pendle ton visitor Thursday. Mrs. J. King visited in the city of Pendleton Thursday. The Holdman brothers, Will, Wade and Ora, Mrs, E, C. Bowling and daughter Aleene and Mr. and Mrs. F. Holdman, left Saturday for Lehman Springs to camp out for the summer. Mrs. E. Turgeson returned to her home In Adams Thursday after spend ing a few days In Walla Walla visit-friends. FINDS liONG LOST MOTHER. JF la I to ar.3 m J 0araolr4 Ta 4 atllaatrlrt'n. We If"! Void T rarini , l i or aant in piaiu wrapr"'. I tr aiaraaa, prepaid, tol 5&Tl SI .00, bottlfa J.t. "V Clroalaf rat ea nauMt Important Notice On account of my dwelling hous burning, I will only be at my office In the John Schmidt building THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATUR DAY Each week till further notice Dr. F. A. CLISE Eye Specialist. Sou from Russia Meets Parent After 10 Years' Separation. New York. After a separation of sixteen years, Mrs. Frlda Droder of No. 120 Stuyvesnnt avenue, Brook lyn, who came to this country after the death of her husband, leaving her two children behind In Russia, saw the elder child last week. About ten years ago she sent money for him to come to America, but the troubles between the Russian peasants and the Jews prevented his coming. Later his mother, who had married again and had a new family to look after, was unable to continue her search for her boys. Six months ago the elder, Nathan Fish, who had married and became the father of a boy and girl, came to the United States and settled In Bal timore. Soon after his arrival he asked tho postmasters of New York and Brooklyn to help him find his mother, but they were unable to givo him any assistance. By a fortunate meeting In Baltimore with a resident of Brooklyn he learnea of tho where abouts of Mrs. Droder, and ho wrote to her. It didn't take long to prove the re lationship, and Nathan came on to Rronklvn last Mondnv to visit his ! mother. He returned to Baltimore yesterday, his mother, step, father and a new half-brother and half sister go ing to the train with him. Soreness of the muscles, whether Induced by violent exercise or Injury, Is quickly relieved by the application ot Chamberlain's Liniment. Thli liniment s equally valuable for mus cular rheumatsm, and always affords quick relief. Sold by all dealers. SOME SHORT NEWS NOTES FROM WESTON (Special Correspondence.) Weston, Ore., July 8. The auction of horses held here yesterday re sulted in the sale of -11 head. They brought very fair prices considering size, weight and conditions both as to the horses and the financial matters. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Proebstel, who have been in Portland for the past several weeks, returned last eve ning. W. M. Gerking, late c!ty marshal, returned from his visit to his daugh ter's home at Starbuck on this morn ing's train. He reports Starbuck as a very busy place and very noisy too, owing to the many trains passing dally. Earnest Geessaz of Portland, Ore., la here on a short vacation, visiting a; his mother's home, Mrs. W. A. Graham. Mrs. Sim Culley and little daugh ter left for Chelan, Wash., to visit at her sister's home, Mrs. L. W. Barnes. Walter Carlile, son of W. W. Car lile, former residents of Weston, but now of North Yakima, Wash., is here on a visit and also to work in the harvest fields. Carl Ray, a former Weston raised toy, but now living with his parents in Portland, Ore., Is here on a visit at his grandmother's home, Mrs. Martha Van Winkle. Mrs. C. T. Fulfinch, who has been at the Walla Walla hospital under treatment for the past few weeks has returned and is at her old homo with her daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Lleuallen have returned from their visit to their son, J. A. Licuallen of Walla Walla. Mrs. George W. Proebstel, jr., and children, who have been here with her husband for the past few weeks, leaves for Pendleton on this afternoon's train to her home. Earnest Walden, oue of the grad uates of the Normal school, Is hero from Wallowa county. Ore., visiting at his uncle's home, Mr. J. E. Wald en. Ira Staggs, who has been attending the state university at Eugene, Ore., has returned and will remain during tho harvest. He expects to again take up his studies at this Institution this fall and hopes to be able to fi nally graduate. Mr. Staggs gradu ated at the normal school at Weston last year. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas Com tj, . Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be I sector partner of the firm of F. 1. Cb nor &Co., doing business In the City Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the snm of ONI HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cored bj the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK i. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed Is my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1866. A. W. QLBA80N, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internallf and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimo nials free. F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O, Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hairs Family rills for eonstlpa tlon. "My husband laughed at me this morning till I got as mad as a hor net." "Why?" "Just because I heard him talking of wash sales and asked him to get me a tub suit at one." Those Pies of Boyhood. How delicious were the pies of boy. hood. No pies now ever taste so good. What's changed? the plest No. It's you. You have lost the strong, healthy stomach, the vigorous liver, the active kidneys, the regular bowel sof boyhood. Your digestion ij poor and you blame the food. What's needed? A complete toning; up by Elecfric Bitters of all organs ot digestion stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels try them. They'll restore your boyhood appetite-and apprecia tion of food and fairly saturate your body with new health, strength and vigor. 50c at Tallman & Co. Dally East Oregonlan by carrle--, only IS cents per week. Men's oxfords cheap at A. Eklund's. A Golden Wedding means that man a,nd wife have lived to a good old ago and consequently have kept healthy. The best way to keep healthy Is to see that your liver does its duty 365 days out of S5. The only way to do this la to keep Bal lard's Herbine In the house and take It whenever your liver gets Inactive. 50 cents per bottle. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. At the M. . Church Friday July 1 5th Fitzpatrick and Norwood Present- Tho Pa In Mary (Violin) Suzanne (Piano) Dorothy Cello Auspices of M. E. Church Sunday School Musically and Intellectually a delight to all who hear them. While in Europe they gave thirty-four concerts in Berlin alone an achievement never before accom plished by any group of American artists. From begin ing to end the audience is held by that spell which only the master performer can cast. Real Music by Real Artists Admission 50c i -