East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 08, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    page an.
Monster Parasite Ex
pelled From System
WasForty Feet Long
Mrs. W. E. Mills Tells of Her Experience
With Horrible Monster Also Large
Tumor Removed from Mr. Chatf ield
The Fer-Don's European Medical
Experts Did the Work
To arrive In Pendleton, Monday,
July 11th. Offices will be located at
Hotel La Fontaine, 633 Main St.
Many remarkable cures have been
performed by these doctors. The
cripple has been made to walk and
the deaf to hear. Many cases that
were given up by other physicians
have been cured right before the
eyes of the public. The Fer-Don's
European Medical Experts' reputa
tion in Oakland, San Francisco,
Sacramento, Redding, Roseburg,
Eugene and Medford is of the best,
and he and his medical experts come
to Pendleton highly recommended.
All manner and form of diseases of
men, women and children are now
treated scientifically by new methods
which are unknown to other physi
cians. These experts accomplished
gTeat work in Eugene and Salem
where they are visiting now. We print
below a clipping from one of the Re
no, Nevada, papers, which reads as
Monster Parasite Expelled.
"Saturday afternoon an unusual
occurrence took place at the offices
of the Fer-Don European Medical
Experts. Mr. W. E. Mills, who lives
at 227 Maple street, Reno, came
rushing into the room holding in his
hand a package, and exclaimed: "1
want to see the European Medical
Experts quick, as I have something
here I want them to see." The crowd
that was also waiting to see the doc
tors became deeply interested and they
began to gather closely around Mr.
Mills, all eager to see what was the
cause of so much excitement. Just
then one of the Medical Experts ap
peared upon the scene, Mr. Mills
aid: "I have something in this glass
Jar I wish to show you, doctor. I have
hurried here as quickly as I could.
Tou see my wife called here to see
you this morning about 10 o'clock.
She had been sick for a long time.
and tried in every possible way to re
gain her health. She was very ner
vous, her appetite was irregular, her
siomach would bloat, and she would
belch gas; weak spells with hot and
cold flashes would come over her. ac
companied with headaches and dizzy
spells. For 12 years my wife has
doctored without any benefits what
ever, 10 different doctors treated my
wife and couldn't cure her. Now
Just think of it. The European
Medical Experts treated my wife Just
one minute. They gave her a dose
ot peculiar medicine, then sent her
home, and in less than two hours'
time this awful thing you see In this
glass Jar passed from my wife's sys
tem. "The crowd in the room pressed
up so closely that Mr. Mills was taken
Into another room, where the nature
of the parasite was explained to him.
The Great Doctor said. In speaking
of the matter: "There is nothing re
markable about this occurrence, as
hundreds of these things are brought
t- us." Just then Mr. F. W. Chatf ield
who lives at 351 N Virginia street,
ceme to have a tumor removed.
Bloodless Operation Performed
upon him. "For 16 years I have had
a large tumor in my head. I heard
of the European bloodless surgeons
and made up my mind to have it re
moved. The bloodless surgeons re
moved my tumor In five minutes'
time no pain whatever. In fact, 1
was surprised that it could be remov
ed so easily. The European Medical
Experts are so wonderful," exclaimed
Mr. Chatfield. as he went out of the
door back to his work at Nelson &
Peterson's grocery store, where Mr.
Chatfield has been employed for over
two years.
"I have been a sufferer from hem
orrhages for months, experiencing
the most Intense pain and agony,"
says Mrs R. H. Herman, living at
623 Twelfth utreet. Sacramento. "I
was treated by ,i local physician for
one entire month, but experienced no
relief. One day In perusing a dally
paper, I noticed an article about the
European Medical Experts and con
cluded to call and see what they
could do for me, as i had made a
miHtake In selecting my physician he
fore I felt satisfied that as they had
cured others, they certainly could
cure me.
"I called at their offices, explained
my condition to one of the experts,
and after an examination placed my
s If in their hands. After only 48
hours- treatment I was perfectly
cured, and am today as hale, healthy
and hearty as I ever was In my life.
I cannot speak too loud In praise of
their wonderful cure In my case, and
can heartily recommend them to all
who suffer as I was doing.
"My husband, kindness itself, was
anxious and nervous about my condi
tion at first, but now joins me in ail
I have said, and is more than pleased
a( my rapid and complete recovery.
He, like myself, was willing- to grasp
at anything promising a cure, as a
drowning man would grab at a
straw. It is almost useless to des
cribe my condition, as it is the same
old story dragging pains, constipa
tion, torpid liver, backache, and
worst of all, nervousness. At times
I could hardly drag one foot after
the other, and words can hardly des
cribe my sufferings. But thanks to
the European Medical Experts, I am
now a well woman."
TER is a xrnsE ix toe hos
For a long time this tumor growth
had caused him much pain and worry
and the dread of the surgeon's knife
had prevented him from undergoing
an operation.
He came to the European Medical
Experts and placed his case in their
hands. No knife was used, and ac
cording to Mr. Fenwlck's own state
ment, he suffered not the least pain.
There was merely an application of
one of the secret preparations and
in five minutes' time the tumor was
lifted from the head and it was all
"How did you do It?" this Great
Doctor was asked. The European
Medical Experts do these things with
the aid of their secret and powerful
preparations. At their office they re
move many tumors and cancers;
they cure appendicitis (in cases
where the pus has not formed in the
appendix) and perform many other
wonderful cures with the syarthgil
and other treatments. The knife is
never used by these men, as their
system of bloodless surgery does away
entirely with the painful operations.
The European Medical Experts
will arrive in Pendleton. Monday,
June 11th, their offices will be located
at Hotel La Fontaine, 633 Main St.,
office and reception rooms on second
floor. They charge J 1 .00 for con
sultation and examination.' Office
hours from 10 to 12 noon, 2 to 4
and 7. to 8 p. m. Sundays from 10
to 12 noon.
(Continned from Page Tiro.)
take care of their grievances and
remedy all wrongs.
"The men returned, but nothing
was done for the people, and the
owners of the plantations evidently
took another course to drive the peo
ple Into submission. It started with
the arrest of their three leaders, A.
vasllieff, Biloff and Surupoff, who,
charged with vagrancy, were sen
tenced to three months imprisonment;
then came 10 more arrests for alleged
vagrancy, and six of them were sen
tenced to. six months' Imprisonment.
"At the time Vasllieff was arrested
the people rose in indignation, de
manding an explanation for the ar
rest of their leader, but they were
brutally attacked by the police, bru
tally wounding many of the men. as
well as the women and children.
Rumors have been spread through the
press dominated by the planters, with
a view of overawing the peasants and
forcing them into submission that the
police commissioner of Honolulu had
ordered the police to shoot to kill."
A Frightful Wreck
of train, automobile or buggy ma;
cause cuts, bruises, abrasions, spralm
or wounds that demand Bucklen'i
Arnica Salve earth's greatest healer
Quick relief and prompt cure re
sults. For burns, boils, sores of al
kinds, eczema, chapped hands and
lips, sore eyes or corns, it's supreme
Surest pile cure. 25c at Tallman A
London. A bomb-dropping com
petition for airmen Is likely to be one
of the attractions at the forthcoming
Midland flying meeting at Dunstall
Park race course, Wolverhampton,
v hich opened' recently.
It Is hoped by this means to go a
considerable way toward settling the
problem of how much damage could
le clone by men in aeroplanes dropp
ing bombs on a town or dockyard,
nn army, or a fleet.
Somewhere near the center of the
course a space will be provided and
indicated to competitors and specta
tors by a white sheet or other suitable
material, into which the "bombs'
nitty be thrown.
Competitors, while circling above
will drop "bombs" Into the sheet and
the prize will be awarded to the com
petitor scoring the greatest number
of points.
Valuable evidence Is expected to be
obtained as to the possibility or oth
erwise or a straight aim under such
conditions, and as to the weight of
bomb which can be most easily dealt
The bombs. It need hardly be said,
will be "dummies." The prize will
be 1500.
Dally East Orefoataa by oarrto
only IB cents per week.
............. i
The 1 4i Grande Chautauqua.
La Grande, Or. Mrs. Unrlnch,
the noted W. C. T. U. lecturer, and
Professor Cordlcy 'of O. A. C, were
the central figures in (he third day
of the La Grande Chautauqua Tues
day. The crowds are large. Monday
Judge Stephen A. Lowell of Pendle
ton delivered the oration of the duy.
bxxl Twice Victor.
Hood River, Or. The Hood River
Heights baseball team won a dou
ble header Monday at Stevenson. The
score In the morning game was 1 to
0; the afternoon game 3 to 1. No.
hits were secured off Hart of Hood
River In either game. Hood River
defeated The Dalles by a score of 11
to 2.
Handle Factory at McMlnnvillp.
MCMinnville. Or. McMinnvllle's
newest manufacturing Industry, a
handle factory, began operations last
week. A. C. Ahrendsen is at the
head of the factory. B. K. Haveland
of Newberg is foreman. The capacity
of the plant will be about 250 handles
per day. Mr. Ahrendsen received his
first order for shipment today from
Notarial Commissions.
Salem, Or. Notarial commissions
ave been issued to James McT.
Wood, Portland; P. J. Glaunz, Ham
mond; William Ulrich, Medford;
Oliver S. Brown, Grants Pass; J. J.
an Kenlen, Adel; M. E. Pogue. Sa
lem; H. F. McGrath and J. G. Rich
ardson, Portland; Henry Henderson,
St. Johns; B. M. Lombard, Portland:
Percy A. Cupper, Salem; J. E. Goyer,
Baker City.
Attack Newspaper Office.
Laidlaw. Or. Last Thursday night
an ineffectual attempt was made with
stones to wreck the building housing
the plant of the Laidlaw Chronicle.
Later, between 2 and 3 o'clock in the
morning, an attempt was made to
set fire to the building, but the In
cendiary was frightened away as he
was applying the match. The build
ing occupied by the Chronicle is the
largest In Laidlaw. For the past two
months threats have been made to
burn the Chronicle office.
Fir eat Long Creek.
Canyon City, Or. The most serious
fire that has swept Long Creek since
1S95 destroyed fully half of the busi
ness part of that town Monday after
noon. The fire originated In Non
untal Hotel, and in addition to de
stroying that building consumed the
buildings and stocks of the Long
Creek Drug company, the Ixng Creek
Mercantile company, the Long Creek
Hotel, meat market and Masonic hall,
the loss will reach $25,000, only par
tially covered by Insurance.
Vancouver Yonth Drowns.
Seaside, Or. Elmo Myers, 20 years
old, of Vancouver, Wash., was drown
ed Monday afternoon while surf
bathing In front of the Moore pier.
The drowning was due to heart fail
ure it Is thought, superinduced by ex
haustion caused by the swimmer's at
tempts to reach the shore after going
too far out.
Myers was an employe of the firm
of MacSween Brothers, Vancouver
contractors. He was spending the
Fourth here.
Price of Deer Goes Up.
Medford. Ore. Beer Is no longer 5
cents nor whisky 10 cents a glass in
Medford saloons. Hereafter the
thirsty will have to pay 10 cents for
beer and mixed drinks, and bottled
goods will be IS cents. This raise in
the price of wet goods, the liquor
dealers claim, is due to the J 1000 li
cense now to be paid by the saloons
as a result of an Increase ordered by
the city council, the annual license
heretofore being $800. Medford now
has 10 saloons. The only other "wet"
towns in Jackson county are Jackson
ville with four saloons, Gold Hill with
four and Woodvllle with one. Two
years ago the county voted "dry" but
the courts declared the election ille
gal. Tire prohibitionists are prepar
ing to have the question voted on
again at the election this fall.
"Strangler" Smith Loses.
Roseburg O r. The feature of the
Fourth of July celebration at Oak
land was a wrestling match between
"Strangler" Smith and Emmett Hall
both well known In the northwest.
With each man having a fall to his
credit, Hall was awarded the match
In the third round by Referee Green
land of the Multnomah Athletic club.
Hall won the first fall in 24 1-3 min
utes. Smith captured the second in
8 minutes and 60 seconds. In the
third round Smith began using his
strangle hold, which was barred, and
Hall struck him. Greenland warned
Smith sharply, but hardly were the
wrestlers at It again before Smith fas
tened his strangle hold once more,
and Hall was promptly declared the
winner, two minutes after the round
had opened. The match was for a
purse of $100 and a side bet of $200.
Wheat Free From Smut.
Walla Walla. Smut and barley are
prevalent in wheat in a much smaller
degree than ever before, according to
the best posted formers of the valley.
The loss In dockage this year will be
almost entirely due to weeds, and the
fact that the crop In the Walla Walla
valley is not marketed at 100 per cent
l.i due to this cause alone.
Smut usually causes more or less
troublo In the valley, and has been
responsible in some years for explo
sions destroying threshing outfits.
This year, however there will be lit
tle danger from anything of the kind.
H. l. (. Cox, one of the best known
farmers of the valley, says the per
centage of smut will be small com
pared with other years.
Dally EM OmronUn k
oly 15 cents per week.
Congregated Near Mission Station for
Five Iays Service Held Each
Duy With Much Enjoyment ne
tween Times.
(J. M. Cornellson )
The Indian congregation of Tutullla
has Just closed what Is conceded to
have been one of the best July en
campments ever held by them. Their
big tent was erected In the shade near
Mission station, four miles from the
church, and the tents and tepees of
the people and missionary encircled
It for there were "the upper springs
and the nether springs" of the finest
water, and Ideal weather prevailed
throughout. The encampment lasted
from June 30 to July 4. and there
were from 120 to 150 people present
all the time. Since the dates coin
cided with the quarterly communion
.season, the first days were spent in
preparatory services before commu
nion with preaching each morning and
evening by Rev. James G. Dickson,
the Indian minister. Rev. j. B.
Touel, the pastor evangelist of the
presbytery, Bpoke also at this time
and assisted in the singing. Mr.
Dickson's preaching was evangelistic
In tone throughout the services. Sab
bath morning he mado an Impassion
ed appeal for all to follow Jesus who
had suffered so much for all. The
communion service was conducted
I by the missionary. Rev. J. M. Cor
neiison, who also administered the
broad, and Rev. J. R. Knowdell, su
perintendent of Oregon Anti-Saloon
league, who was present, administer
ed the wine. There were 60 com
municants present to partake. The
individual communion set which was
recently presented to the Tutullla
congregation by the Calvary Presby
terian church of Portland, was used
for the first time and highly appre
ciated by all. Though It was regret
ted that Dr. Thomas H. Walker, pas
tor of the Calvary church could not be
present to assist In the first service, as
had been hoped. The non-Christian
and Catholic Indians are encamped
at Cayuse station about seven miles
up the river. On Sabbath afternoon
the missionary having made previous
arrangements with the leader of that
camp, took Rev. J. R. Knowdell. with
Mr. Dickson and about twenty-five
good singers of men and women and
conducted in their dancing booth a
religious service. There are about
100 camps and over 500 people pres
ent with many visitors from neigh
boring reservations. When the
Christians arrived the-"cryer" rode
the rounds of the tents and announc
ed our presence and Invited all to as
semble at the booth. The singers
sang lustily a number of gospel
hymns, and the people gathered in
number over 200. After prayer led
by Elder Robinson Minthorn. Mr.
Knowdell was introduced by the mis
sionary who was acting as leader for
the service and he made a strong
temperance address, illustrating same
with maps, and showed all their duty
this fall If the Baloon is to be driven
from Oregon. Mr. Dickson was In
terpreter, and later Mr. Dickson ad
dressed the people before the service
was closed. There were hearty hand
shakes by all at the close. It Is at
this camp of non-Chrlstlan and Cath
olic Indians that the "and other
wise" than a safe and sane Fourth
fs transacted.
With over 600 people present, and
many that are "undesirable" citizens
from this and other reservations much
drunkenness. Immorality, racing and
card playing and gambling on same,
and dancing and other things not to be
mentioned are Indulged In during two
and at times three weeks of this pro
tracted Fourth. During this time the
bears fleece the lambs and the same
lambs make a howl If any effort Is
put forth to keep them from being
fleeced. On the other hand the safe
and sane was written all over the
Christian camp. Besides the happy
communion season, and the Impas
sioned temperance appeal of Mr.
Knowdell and good talk of others,
the booming of giant crackers, and
streaks of fire from rockets and can
dles after midnight m the wee hours
of the morning announced to all
asleep and those who wished to
sleep that the glorious Fourth of July
was already a reality. All morning
each camp was n beehive of activity
for the committee had distributed to
each Its quota of the 100 pounds of
salmon and S00 pounds of beef to he
prepared for the big public dinner
About $50 worth of other good things
were purchased from the bakers with
lemonade galore. Strong men Were
preparing four large tables In the
tent which seated 140. In all 202
Tn'llans and white people partook and
t -.,k of the feast, for what each one
can't eat he Is at liberty to carry off,
and what was left the committee In
charge distributed to the different
Model 67
is very popular.
homes. In the afternoon the games
began. There was some baseball, but
what caused the most merriment was
the climbing of a slick pole, bag
races by the little boys, searching for
a pole blindfolded, and searching for
money In a deep pan of flour with the
mouth. These spores furnished bo
much fun to both young and old and
made all laugh so much that any bad
effect from so hearty a dinner was
offset. We wish to note here that the
missionary was the only one who suc
ceeded In climbing the slick pole. He
went to the top some 20 feet and was
disappointed when he felt for more
pole to climb, -nd found none.
Prizes were given to all who excel
led In these games. The last service
was held Tuesday morning at an early
hour, and the big tent was removed
and returned to the mission and the
people went to their homes and their
work which they had left, happy in
their effort after such a Fourth to
counteract the bad influence of the
other camp and to keep the Christian
people away from it. And all are de
termined to make It still better next
Napoleon's Grit
was of the unconquerable, never
say die kind, the kind that you need
most when you have a bad cold,
cough or lung disease. Suppose tro
ches, cough sydups, cod liver oil or
doctors have all' failed, don't lose
heart or hope. Take Dr. King's New
Discovery. Satisfaction Is guaranteed
when used for any throat or lung
trouble. It has saved thousands of
hopeless sufferers. It masters stub
born colds, obstinate coughs, hem
orhabes, la grippe, croup, asthma, hay
fever and whooping cough and is the
most safe and certain remedy for all
bronchial affections. 60c and $1.
Trial bottle free at Tallman & Co.
Colorado Springs. P. J. Carrlgan,
a seaman and former Alaskan miner,
who is here searching for a former
mining comrade, said that he had as
cended Mount McKlnley In Alaska
and had there found the records
which Dr. Cook, the discredited Arc
tic explorer, claimed he left on the
summit of the mountain.
Carrlgan says while placer mining
In the Mount McKlnley district In
June, 1907, he struck what he thinks
was (he Cook trail and followed It to
the top of the mountain. Carrlgan
claims that he had a letter from Cook
while a passenger on the steamer on
which Cook was returning after the
failure of his first Mount McKlnley
expedition and at that time had sug
gested to the explorer the feasibility
of the route by which Cook says he
afterward reached the summit.
According to Carrlgan's story,
which John R Bradley, the million
aire and former backer of Dr. Cook,
Is inclined to believe Is true, he
found, on reaching the summit of
Mount McKlnley, a copper tube con
taining records and an American
flag, sticking out of a crevice In a
boulder in such a way that It would
attract the notice of anyone coming
7 lWlW'W'l'JLWlil'MIlMWiw,Jw,M),w
EFqdif1- siD
About 1 5,000 Acres of
Sherman County,
now under Crop Leases in
varying sized parcels re
newable or subject to can
cellation at buyer s option.
Price about $40.00
Per Acre
(Crop rental 1910 reserved)
Part Cash Part on Time
Apply to
Eastern Oregon
Land Company
Care of Balfour, Guthrie & Co.
Board of Trade Building
Portland, Oregon
Cured by Lydia E. Pink
ham'sVegetable Compound
Milwaukee. Wis. "Lydia E. Fink,
ham's Vegetable Compound has njada
me a wen woman,
and I would like to
tell thcwholeworld
of it. I suffered
fromfemalc trouble
and fearful nainsia
my buck. Ilindtlio
bent doctors and
they all decided
that I had a tumor
in addition to my
female trouble, ami
advised an opera
tion. Lydia E.
rhikhani a Vegetable Compound made
mo a Avoll w oman and I have no more
backache. I hope I can help others by
telling them what Lydia E. rinkham's
Vegetable Compound has done for
me." Mks. KmmaImse, ttt3 l irstst.,
Milwaukee, Vis.
The above is only one of the thou
sands of grateful letters which are
constantly being received by tad
Pinkham Medicine Company of Lynn,
Mass., which prove beyond a doubtthat
Lydia E. Piukham's Vegetable Com
pound, made from roots and herbs,
actually does cure these obstinate dis
eases of women after all other means
have failed, and that every such sue
ering woman owes it to herself to at
least give Lydia E. rinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound a trial before submit,
ting to an operation, or giving up
Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mats
invites all sick women to write
her for advice. She has guide
thousands to health and her
ndvice is free.
within a hundred feet of It.
Carrlgan says that not until his re
turn from Alaska recently did he
learn that Dr. Cook's story of his as
cent of Mount McKlnley was doubt
ed. The worlds most successful medi
cine for bowel complaints la Cham
berlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. It has relieved more pain
and suffering, and saved. more lives
than any other medicine In use. In
valuable for children and adults. Sold
by all dealers.
Different Today.
Moneybags Toung man, I started
as a clerk on fifteen shillings a week
and today I own my own business.
Hardupp I know, sir. But they
have cash registers In all the shops
now. Comic cuts.
.'-M.'".' .' will'