DAILY EAST OUBGOXXAN, PEJTDLBTOH, OBSGOK. I'UIDW. .MI.V 8. 1910. PACK THREE IE BIG CLEAN-UP CLOTHING SALE ciGirr page Keeping in line with our fixed policy, never to carry any surplus stock and to keep only the seasons most desirable goods for Mr. Merchant, Farmer and Workingman, we will absolutely CLOSE OUT ALL SUMMER GOODS ON OUR SHELVES Many to go for half. Price no factor here We need the room for our new lines of Fall goods which will soon be here. Surplus stock means money needlessly tied-up with the use of this money we are enabl ed to buy better, discount all bills, save interest on borrowed money, keep down our investment and ex penses and thus make our regular prices lower than all competition. We invite price comparison. Our Regular Prices are ALWAYS LOWER Our Sale Prices Cannot Be Matched No old goods to be found here. We always keep our stock clean. All this season's goods. Harvesters goods, campers supplies, vacationists needs, workingmens furnishings. Nothing reserved. All departments have felt the knife Sale Starts Saturday, July 9th, Ends August 1st. 19 Good Underwear Reduced ;.rx: Summer Underwear, Sale Price 25 (iOu 'Summer Underwear, Sale Price 35 7.1c Summer Underwear, Sale Price 50 $1.00 Union Suits, Porosknit, half price 50 l..r)0 Union Suits, Porosknit, half price 75 All high-prnde two-piece and union suits cut accordingly. Work and Dress Sox Kelson's Gray Mixed Sox, Sale Price 5f 12 l-2c Mixed (J ray Sox, Good Quality, Sale Price 84. ."c Black or Brown Sox, Good Quality, Sale Price 8p .'15c Toppy Geneva Silk Ilose, all shades, Sale Price 20 All Straw Hats go at HALF PRICE COMFORTS AND BLANKETS OF ALL QUALITIES FROM 31.00 UP. Work or Dress Shirts 7"c and 0."c Work Shirts, Sale Price 50 7."c Golf Shirts. Sale Price 45 $1.00 Glf Shirts, Sale Price 65E $1.50 Golf Shirts, Sale Price 95 Soft Negligee Shirts, lirht weight for the hot days, from 50 up to $3.50 for silk. 10c Canvas Gloves, good heavy weight, Sale Price 5 Celebrated Tuf-Xut Gloves from 75 tip to 81.75 Telescopes from 45 up to S1.25 Suit Cases $1.25 up to $18.00 for host leathers J'andana Handkerchiefs, ml and blue 5 WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS STETSON If ATS AND PACKARD SHOES. wmmm Men's High Grade Clothing at Sen sational Clean up Prices 122 Suits $11, $12.50 and $15 values, Sale Price .'. $7.75 All odd suits $17.50, $20, $22.50 and $25 values Sale $14.$5 Extra pants to go at a song you name the price. All Shoes Reduced $3.50 Black and Tan Men's Oxfords, Sale Price $2.35 $3.50 and $4.00 Men's Patent Leather Shoes, Sale Price ?2.40 $2.25 Mule Skin, Harvesters Shoes, Sale Price $1.75 $3.50 Elk Hide Shoes, Green and Brown, Sale Price ..$2.75 Canvas Shoes, cool on the feet, Sale Price $1.50 $7.50 High Top Shoes, Sale Price $4.75 75c Men's Fancy Neckwear, Sale Price 45f 40c Men's Fancy Neckwear, Sale Price 25 Men's Fine Neckwear Reduced Extra large line to select from. Clothing for all at Work ingmens Prices WORKWOMEN'S CLOTHING COMPANY Cor. Main and Webb Sts. "Less expense makes our prices lower SIGALS OP DISTBESS. IVndMoii People. Should Know How to Iln1 and Heed Them. Sick kidneya give many signals of distress. The secretions are dark, contain a sediment, Passages are frequent, scanty, pain ful. Backache In constant day and night. Headaches and dlxzy spells are fre quent. The weakened kidneys need quick help. i Don't delay! Use a special kidney remedy. Doan's Kidney Plllg cure sick kid neys, hnckarhe and urinary disord ers Pendleton evidence proves this statement. L. Oreenawald, 414 Lincoln street, Pendleton, Ore., says: "I had severe attacks of backache and there was much soreness across my kidneys. I was also annoyed by a burning: sensa tion when voiding the kidney secre tions and the passages were too fre quent. Being advised to try Doan's Kidney Pills. I did so and the contents of ono box cured me. I have had no cause for complaint since." For sale by all dealers. Price BO ! cents. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, New York, solo agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take 'no other. DAY'S HAPPENINGS Fort St. James On Lake Stuart, BRITISH COLUMBIA This Is destined to be the Portland of British Columbia, on a navigable river and deep water lake with two tralna running In next fall. Letters pour Into our office all day with applications for lots. To those who cannot come In we would do our utmost to make a good selection. Price $100 and $200 each. Cash $25.00, balance $10.00 a month. A few 40 acre farms Joining Port St James townslte and Lake Stuart, $50.00 cash and $10.00 a month. Von need not he a Canadian Cltlsen to Hold Tills. Tou need not Improve It, nor you need not reside on ft. All this land Is on or near the railroad. Grand Trunk Pacific, Alaska Yukon, and Canadian Northern railroads. nich farm lands, $8.60 per acre, $8.00 cash, and balance $1.00 per acre per year until paid. APPLY CANADIAN NOUTHKHN LAND COMPANY, 04, 805 and SOfl Lewis Building, Portland, Oregon. uru aninwnMFN. 1& jrtfL'BKrtV Cw Bl(f fornnturt Irrttntiont or ul-ratloni of muooot tnfltnbrnt P.m.Im.. ind not Mtrla IHtfMKSCHtWK'Mri fnt or potunsnal. old l DrasciiUi "or hc I In pUii. wrpp, Ctranlavr Milt Oik MU1UM& fuBKrtVj (Special Correspondence.) Weston, Ore., July 7. A. A. Isaacs, of Walla Walla, came in on the morn, ing train and Is looking after his In terests here. One of the Interests Mr. lsnncs holds In the city Is that of the Weston Holler Mills Co. Robert Jnmleson of Walla Walla, was among the business visitors of i the city today, having come over to j nttend to business matters concern ing the bank of which he is president. Andy Erickson. who has been so journed at Hot Lnke for the pus! fi w weeks, returned yesterday eve ning muiii Improved In health. Mr. Kikkson is n charge of the Blue Mountain section on the O. R. & N. Co.'s lines near where the recent ditching of the engine occurred. Miss Etna Chapman was In this morning from the ranch home south of town, and enitnged In shopping with the merchants. The Insurance on the house and furniture of o. C. Turner, which was destroyed by fire yesterday evening amounts to $1700 which represents less than one half of the value. Many family relics that were almost price less were destroyed there being no chance of entering the burning build ing to attempt their removal. The real origin of the fire Is still a mys tery unsolved, and It Is only presum ed that it originated from the kitchen fire, although there had been no fire In it for an hour or more. D. C. Kirk and family, have remov ed to their ranch on the reservation, and will remnln thero until after the harvest season is over. It Is planned then to go to the Alberta country where Mr. Kirk and his hoys have Invested In quite a body of land. the Spokane trouble here, and will halt demonstrations. Farmers say they are having little trouble In securing crews, but the Iiiilu.striiil Workers of the World claim they have the rest of the men avail alile tied up. They say there will be nut one man go out from now on unless promised $3 a day. Farmers say they cannot pay this, and also claim they will not have to, as they can get men without It. Several Industrialist meetings were held Just outside the city limits Wed nesday, but were not largely attended, being too far from the city center. NOTES AND NEWS Boreness of the muscles, whether Induced by violent exercise or Injury, Is quickly relieved by the application of Chamberlain's Liniment. Th! liniment s equally valuable for mus cular rheumatsm, and always affords quick relief. Sold by all dealers. When the stomach falls to perform its functions, the bowels become de ranged, the liver and the kidneys con gested causing nuberous diseases. The stomach and liver must be restored to a healthy condition and Chamberlain's Stomach and I.Iver Tablets can be de ponded upon to do It. Easy to take and most effective. Sold by all dealers. and Mr. who him IMMSTRIAL WORKERS LOSE IN WALLA WALLA Walla Walla, Wash. The Industri al Workers of the World movement seems to have lost out here, and al though many men were about the streets Wednesday, no meetings were held, and there Is little excitement. A. H. Parts and L. W. Fortune, ar rested Tuesday night for street speak ing, were fine $5 and warned that the maximum will follow the next offense. Fifty men, with red ribbons on their coats attended the trial and all were willing to be witnesses. The Industrialists thronged the streets along "Salmon Row" and talk ed freely, but offered no cause for arrest. The police are firm In their determination to have no repetition of Hearse Twice Capsized. Sussex, N. B. F. W. Wallace, fun eral director and undertaker in the adjoining village of Plumweseep, was bcund for a funeral, and was driving the empty licarso. As an act of cour tesy he stopped at the house of Rev. Mr. Clarke, the officiating clergyman and offered him a hearse ride. Mr. Clarke accepted the undertaker's In vitation and the two men were seated on the box of the hearse, when an automobile swung around a bend. The hearse horses shied and the hearse was capsized. The clergyman fill on the glass window on the side of the overturned hearse. Fortunately neither clergyman nor undertaker was seriously Injured. Mr. Wallace ttli'Phonod for another hearse. Finally the procession left the bouse. As the horses attached to the hearse wore turning Into the cemetery they shied again, although there was no automobile In sight this time. Again the hearse capsized and again was the undertaker thrown under the wreckage, but this time he was trampled on by the horses. He was taken to his home, where after an ex amination the doctor said that he had n broken rib. on injured lung and bruises. (Special Correspondence.) Milton, Ore., July 8.- Gus Wink ler, for 11 years head of the Mosgrove Co.'s department store at Milton, has severed his connection with that firm and left today for Hatton. Wash., Adams county, where he will enter business for himself, having pur- chased a general merchandise I implement store at that place. inkier has many friends here regret his departure, but wish success in his new home. Mrs. John Frazicr. accompanied by her daughter, Maud, will leave Man day for Oakland, Cal.. where she will consult a specialist In regard to a growth on her eye. C. J. Freese, representing the Spokesman-Review was a business visitor in Milton today. Mrs. Lee dinger and daughter Vera, were Walla Walla visitors today Karl Quanor fell from a bicycle and was severely hurt, the services of Dr. H. E. McQuary fteing re quired. Mrs. James Kirk of Hudson Bay, was a visitor In the city this after noon. She says the second crop of alfalfa hay will be ready for harvest next Monday with a large yield. Mrs. Robt. McEwen and daughter attended a session of Maccabees lodge at Freewater this afternoon. A large number of families are leaving today and tomorrow for the different summer resorts on the mountain. Some will go to the Toll Cute and Ed Smith's, while quite a number go to Hill's camp. Misses Lnura Bruce and Alice Oompton. two school teachers, will leave today for the mountains to be gone several weeks. Geo. Mllner has opened a Jewelry and, second hand store In combination with his shoe shop on Main street. Men's oxfords cheap at a Eklund's. PAPAL ZOCAVES ARE PASSING. Out of 2000 Only 200 Answer to Roll Call. Paris The Pontifical Zouaves are thinning; there were about 2000 50 years ago, when they fought for the pope. But recently at the muster In Paris only about 200 answered the roll call. The celebration began by a pa rade outside the Sacre Coeur, the great basilica that dominates all Par is and the flat Seine valley from the northern point, the one hill of the city, the Mount of Martyrs. The veterans, gray or white all of them, but straight-backed still, as fighting men should be, were review ed by their own chief, General De Charette. who gave them all the touching French accolade and the greeting of an old brother in arms. After the review high mass, with an oration by Monslgnor De Cabrleres, bishop of Montpeller, who made the Interesting reflection that most of the volunteers in the papal service were of noble blood, so that an Italian gen eral Into whose hands a good batch of them had fallen by the luck of war said the roll of his captives read like a guest-list from the court of Louis XIV. "He doesn't seem to be awed by tha comet?" "He's not to be awtd by anything that he can see for nothing." Saying mean things pleasantly la usually sure of an unpopular end. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas Cooa ty, as. Prank J. Cheney makes oath that ba la senior partner of the firm of F. J. Ckx ney &Co., doing business in the City et Toledo, County and 8tate aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the som of ONB 1H XDKED DOLLARS for each and evert ease of Catarrh that caanot be cored by the use of Hall's Catarrh Care. FRANK J. CBEXEY. Sworn to before me sad subscribed la my presence, tbls 6th day of December, A. D. 1888. A. W. GLBASON. (Seal) Notary Public. Hulls Catarrh Core Is taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for teatlato nlals free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O, Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Ball s Family rills for constipation. Orpheum Theatre i. P. KEDERN'AO H, Proprietor HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children SEE PROGRAM IN TODAY'S PAPER. Program Change on Sua days, TueNday's and Friday's. Teething children have more or less diarrhoea, which can be controlled by giving Chamberlains Colic and Diar rhoea Remedy. All that is necessary Is to give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to cleanse the system. It Is safeand sure Sold by all dealers. "Oh. dear," sighed small Elmer, "I wish I Tind another pocket!" "Tou have several now," rejoined his mrtther. "Why do you want an other?" "I've looked through all of them lor my knife," explained Elmer, "but 1 couldn't find it. If I had another pocket it might bo In that." Chi cago News. Men's oxfords cheap at A. Eklund's SPECIAL NOTICE Of Importance to the. People of Pendleton. Tallman Co. desire to announce to the readers of the East Oregonian that they have been able to secure the agency for Pnrtslan Sage, the marvelous dandruff cure and delight ful hoir dressing. Tallman & Co are glad to state that Parisian Sage Is a rigidly guar anteed hair Invlgorator. It cures dandruff m two weeks by killing the dandruff microbes; It stops falling hair. Itching scalp and splitting hair or money back. It Is a most pleasant hair dressing especially for ladies, as it causes the hair to grow in thickly and makes it luxuriant and lustrous. The price Is only 50 cents a large bottle at Tall-man's! wf-ifiiar Chickens! Chickens!! Chickens!!! All kinds, sizes and colors, young and old For choice dressed ones plume your order night before. We dress none except Tor orders so If you like cold storage poultry patronize the other fellow or store yourself. East End Grocery Telephone Main 536 Res. Phone B. 2561. mass- Dyers' Best Flour Is made from the choicest wheat that crows. Good bread is assured wl.?n BYERS' REST FLOUR is used. Bran. Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon.