East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 05, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Koeppens' Bed Bug Destroyer
Gets Them All Even Bed 'Bugs
25c The Bottle
It is in liquid form and go thin and penetrating that it goes
into all the little cracks, killing the bugs and destroying the
(gga as well, being of an antiseptic nature it gets the genna
also. Each bottle is equipped with a shaker cork which
makes it quite easy to apply.
The Drug Store That 8erve$ You Best.
Pastime pictures please all.
Men's oxfords cheap at A. Eklund's.
Barber, 723 Main st., Mark Patton.
Tor Sale Piano and household fur
niture. Phone Red 2932.
Fur life, fire, accident and grain in
surance, see J. S. Keea.
Trash hauled once a week. Phone
Finland Bros. Black II1.
Wanted Girl to do general house
work. Inquire 616 Madison street
Stop the Cheney Jersey dairy wagon
for the best milk and cream.
Wanted One good roll top desk.
Apply 6S0 Main street, E. O. build
ins. For rent A nice cottage on north
side, close In. Inquire Standard Gro
cery Co. j
More moving pictures shown than
any other theater In the city the
Pastime. I
For sale One first class Spauldlng
Apply 660 Main street, E. O. building.
hack and double set hack harness.
Competent steam engineer wishes
engagement with farmer or thresher
man for the threshing season. Ad
dress Chas. Weston, Cclilo, Ore.
Mark Patton cordially Invites all
his old patrons to call at his new
and sanitary barber shop which was
formerly the Busby Baths, Main
street, opposite Ali-xanders. Phone
Mnln 427.
Tho Pant line.
Han the following new pictures for
today's change.
I "The Exiled Chief." Kalem, dra
I ma, 1000 feet. A picture of much In
terest portraying with exact fidelity
the true story of the banishment of
the Somlnoles from Florida.
"The Wild Man of Borneo." Lu
bln, comedy, 1000 feet. An extreme
ly laughable picture.
"Poor, Hut Proud." Pathe, drama.
An Interesting love story.
"Max Makes a Touch." Comedy.
T. H. Ghormerly of Helix, spent the
Fourth In Pendleton.
Dr. Phy of Hot Lake, Is a guest
of the Hotel Pendleton.
MIhs Marie Struve is visiting with
friends In Walla Walla.
Attorney S. F. Wilson of Athena,
was in Pendleton last evening.
Dr. J. W. Geary of Burns, Oregon,
is a guest at the Hotel Bowman.
Charlotte Ogilvy of Pilot Rock, Is
registered at the Hotel St. George.
Col. H. G. Newport came up from
Hermlston this morning on the motor
W. D. Chamberlain came down
from Athena this morning on the
Walla Walla local.
E. P. Dodd returned to Hermlston
this morning, after spending a cou
ple of days In this city.
Hawley Bean came In on the Spo
kanP train Inst night from the Bean
ranch north of the city.
Mr. and Mrs Hamm returned this
morning from Stanfield, where she
had been for a few days.
Mrs. A. B. Bugg left this morning
for Cascade Locks, where she will vis
it at the home of her parents.
District Attorney G. W. Phelps and
wife came down this morning from
their summer home at Meacham.
w t nark and wife returned this
j morning from Wenaha springs, where
they had been to spend tne ounn.
The program ''toTay's change J .Roy Raley and family returned
promises to be very good. this morning from Wenaha where
1. A Child's Impulse. Biograph of j they had been to spend the Fourth,
the old type that will be Interesting! M J. James and wife returned to
to all. 1000 feet. j Portland yesterday. Mrs. James was
3. Op-nlng An Oyster. Sellg. a good ! formerly. Miss Nell McMullin of this
I city.
j R. R. Lewis spent the Fourth with
I his family In this city, returning to
1 Hermlston this morning on the early
I train.
I Mrs. Karl Leonard returned this
' morning from Stanfield. where Bhe
i had been to spend a few days with
I relatives.
j Wess Bowman, the popular travel
i Ing man, came in this morning from
Wenaha springs and went on west on
no a
Pendleton and 1m Grande Piiks Go
Through 15 Rounds Iturgo Floors
Mullln Onoe and Is Himself Sont
Flying Through the Ropes Cele
bration a Great Sueeevm Throughout.
.durational film
3. A Wasted Effort. Sellg, 1000
4. Does Nephew Get the Cash. An
exceptionally good comedy.
5. Lakes at Eventide. Scenic, 1000
r!irl rr .Tnrmies Bertilllon. the
well-known chief of the finger-print !
department of the French police, has - ,, Mr8. Dan May
published an article on the question KlnK to lave this
.,r tne connection n.-i.M-.. .c....u. o..U(pvM) foj. SoaU,e. wi al,o
tuberculosis. , ,, nni1
!- I HUn .nv tVl.lt nt ttlO fit 11- 1 1 UlilC. V-..o -
Lost or strayed from the Maple or
Chris Traver pasture, one bay horse
branded Nil connected on left shoul
der; weight about 1100 pounds. $10
reward for returning same. Kupers
McCook Implement House.
vb which in France favor the develop,
inent of tuberculosis, the most Im
portant Is the alcohol In beer and
He declares, however, that the best
enemy of tuberculosis is wine. In
thf. 2R departments which form the
Arthur G. Means, the well known
former high school athlete, came up
from Umatilla last night to spend
several days here with friends.
Mm Raumelster and George W.
Dimmitt came in from Wenaha
springs last night and will leave for
ttialiuerg Detroit" 30 II. P. Autos.
We have one Touring Car, one Toy
Tnnneau and one Roadster left to sell.
These cars are positively the only ones
wo can obtain until next spring. Cat
alogues, Information and demonstra
tion upon request. Address, H. W.
Lyon, agent, care Pendleton Scouring
HI- m '" i " J P II I Mint, vs
northern part of France, where elder. ; walla Walla this evening
beer, spirits especially brandy are, ,., slu..(iiVant of the Folsom fur
much drunk, the death caused by eon-, )j(ui.o stor), 1(,ft tni(( morning for
.sumption were 230 per 100.000 inhab. : father's ranch near Ukiah, where
Hants in
1906. while the proportion
tents or
where wine Is the favorite
was MM in MIC niner ui'pui mi-iiio ii
Strayed Notice.
Struyed from Walters' mill, one
buckskin mare about six years old,
black stripe down back and rope
burn on nose, loose, dragging rope.
F n.l. r will be rewarded by notifying
H. P. Galllgher, care Twohy Bros,
or phone Farmer 171.
After the ntic of 30. he says con
Mimption is twice or throe times more
frequent among men than women, un
doubtedly because the drinking of al
cohol Is more common with the for
mer than with the latter.
To combat consumption, Dr. Ber-
iini.in s.ivs the surest method Is to
suealeu's Dovtuircr at Home
Copenhagen. The Queen Dowager
of Sweden, who has been staying
in England for several months, has
returned to Stockholm. Queen So
phia is a sister of the late Grand
Duke of Nassau and Luxemburg and
an aunt of the Duchess of Albany
Men's oxfords cheap at A Eklund's.
Hai; It Oregonlsn errlr.
ottti IS eetit -
Mrs. Jos. McKean, Prop.
$I.A0 per Day. $9 per Week.. IMs
50c and 7Be. Meals r.Oc.
Children under 10 years half rate.
1 , .... . i ii,.r maiestv will iav visits later in
encourage tne nrinKing m "", mm,-- - .- -
.'-..tirKi the drinking of cider, the summer to the Trlnce and Prill
beer, brandy and other spirits. ; cess of Wled at one of their country
u. nt ii i in Rhine nrovince and to the
! Dowager Grand Duchess of Luxem-
Tenell Domestic ffliiinnij. hiire- nt Kon cste n. near Wiesbaden.
Mi.ldlebury. Vt. July 6. In connec- ; The Powager Grand Duchess Is a first
...1.1. f 1 A A ..t.t,M, rr.tlncrA'a snf. ' .. i
cnusTh or (juoen Alexandra.
Barney Muliin of this city and Walt
er Burgo of Boston, fought 15 fierce
rounds to a draw at Stanfield yester
day. That Is the referee called It a
draw but Mullin and his friends de
clare the local fighter had all the
best of the fistic encounter.
Those who witnessed yesterday's
contest and the one recently pulled
off in this city, say the Stanfield
bout was much the better of the two.
Mullin was floored once and took the
count of seven, while the Boston
pug was sent to the floor several
times, being knocked through the
ropes and off the stage twice in one
round. A large crowd witnessed the
go and that they were satisfied with
the exhibition was evinced by the
manner in which they remained silent i
throughout the 15 rounds of the con-1
test. .
According to the Pendletonians who i
spent the day In Stanfield the cele-
brallon was a success from every '
standpoint. The crowd was twice as '
large as had been expected, the mu
sic was good, the day Ideal and the j
sports were exciting.
in me morning baseball game,
Echo won over Umatilla by a good
margin, while in the afternoon, the
Hermlston . team took the Stanfield
nine Into camp.
The bronco busting contest was en
livened by several features. There
was some good riding, one man was
thrown and dragged about the arena,
while another horse bucked himself
Into a cellar and was rescued with
difficulty. The three horse races
were also very Interesting.
Hundreds enjoyed the dancing
throughout the afternoon and evening
and when the trains finally started
homeward they were loaded with a
tired but satisfied crowd of people.
General Clean-Up Sale
All Summer Goods to be Closed Out
by August 1 st. We must make room
for new goods and new departments
One-Half Price on all One Piece
Wash and Wool Dresses
One-Half Price on all Coats and
Jackets. One-Half Price on Parasols
1-4 off all Dress Skirts. 1-4 off all
Children's Wash Dresses
1-2 Price on Combination Suits
Reductions on Womens and Child
ren 's Shoes
Wohlenberg Dep't. Store
Better Goods (or Less Money
school children, organized play. In
dustrial training, medical courses,
biblical languages and advanced work
in literature.
It was announced that beginning
with the next academic year system
atic Instruction of the bible will he
offered In a new group of subjects to
be known as the "Bible Group." The
new subjects to be taught are: "The
English Bible," by Dr. G. H. Pennl
man; "Hebrew Antiquities and His
torical Introduction to the Books of
the Old Testament," by Professor
W. H. Lamberton and "Christian
Archeology" by Dr. C. D. Lamberton.
Says Professor Embezzled.
Copenhagen. For many years di
rectors of the National Historical
museum at Frederiksborg Castle, Den
mark, Professor Melerup has been
suddenly dismissed. He is accused of
having embezzled $20,000 with which
lie was entrusted to purchase antiquities.
Vacation School.
Philadelphia, July 5. A vacation
summer school for boys an girls, with
instruction in swimming and physical
culture as an important part of the
course, was opened today at the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania in connec
tion with the regular summer school
of that Institution.
Nine new courses have been added
to the latter, the subjects Including:
A two-years' course in architec
ture, courses in physical education,
medical inspection nnii health of
Hon with Mlddlehurv Colleges sec
ond slimmer session, a state summer
school of domestic economy and man
ual training was opened here today.
Twenty-two instructors are. In charge
, of the regular summer session, which
'will continue to August 12.
For sale Span 6 year old mares.
Weight 2700 lbs., well broken. Phone
Black 2111.
Portugal Is Building Navy.
Lisbon. Two battleships, six pro
tected cruisers, eighteen destroyers,
and six submarines are to he build by
the Portuguese government at an es
timated cost of $30,000,000.
The simple
after dark.
life if most careful
A Reliable Remedy
Ely's Cream Balm
it quick ly absorbed.
Cives Reliel at Once.
It cleanses, soothes,
Deals aud protects
the diseased mem.
bnine resulting from Catarrh and drivet
iway a Cold iu the Head quickly. Restore
Jie Senses of Taste and Smell. Full sizt
SO cts. at Dniggists or by mail. Liquic
Oronm Balm for use in atomizers 75 cts.
Elv brothers, 50 Warren Street. Kew Vork.
Two Greatest
Townsite Openings ij
in the Irrigation History of
Southern Idaho
For particulars See, Phone
or Write
550 Main St. LEE TEUTSGH Phone Main 5
The Real Estate and Insurance Man.
Exclusive Selling Agent for
Umatilla County
For the Greatest Ladies and lisses
One lot of strictly up-to-date dresses picked irom our huge stock. We sold these all
Spring and Summer at $ 1 0, $ 1 2.50 and $ 1 5.00
Your Choice We
day, Friday an
, Thurs
Ladies sizes 34 to 40 Children's sizes 14 to 20 No Charges for Alterations
You will make the mistake of your life if you do not attend this sale. Other stores have been having sales and sales and
sales but nothing like this has been offered the public this season. Stop at the big corner window tonight and see the
Greatest Dress values ever offered in Pendleton
Remember Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
F. E, L1VENG00D & COMPANY, The Ladies and Childrens Store