PAGE TVH DAILY KAST OREGON IAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, Tl'KSUAY, JULY 5, 110. EIGHT PAGES. a.v ;sni:rKMK.NT newspaper. ltoD. Oregon, by tbe ORKOO.MAS l'UULlSUlNQ CO. 1 utilised I'tl! at Pendleton. Oregon, SLBSIRIITION KATES. on. yrr, by null 11!;. ill mootbi. by mall Ixllj, thre months, by mall Iliy, oa month, by mall IUy. one year, by carrier lal'.r. 'i montf.ii by rsrrliT. ..... I'ally. tbre month!, by carrier faily. one month, by carrier Weekly, oot year, by mall Weekly, all months, by mall eeklf. (our montba. by mall iml Weekly. oe year, by mall.... ml-Weekiy. tlx momua. dt aatl..i oil Weekly, four montba, by mall.. 13.00 2.50 1.25 .50 T.BO J 75 l.WJ .63 t.BO .75 .SO l.ftO .75 .50 Tbe l'allr Kaat pregonlan ll kept m Ml at tbe Oregon Ne Co.. 14" tftn atreet, I'nrMaod. Oregon. ortbweat Nea. Co.. Portland. Oregon. , Cbtcnpo Bureau. '9 Security Building. aablnptoc, li. C. Bureau. 501 Four teenth atreet. N. W. Member 1'nlted Pre Aaoclatloo. Entered at the poatoiflce at Pendleton, Oregoa. aa aecond .'law mall matter. moving picture rights each man should be able to retire and live in ouni'orl the rest, of his days. Now tin- question is will the public be satisfied. Will this be the last great fifjht or will the fighting gnme go on. Wry likt-ly it will go on for a time at least for the fans will not be satis fied until the black champion has taken the count. .After that there Is liable to be little said about the 'fisbtiiig game." A GREAT POSITION. teJaphon Main 1 Official City and County Paper. I Chief Justice Fuller is dead and President Taft faces the responsibility 0. " selecting his successor. It Is one oi the most important tasks the presi dent has had to perform. This be cause law is not an exact science. It i . something that must be interpret ed. In fact almost everything hangs ui'on the interpretation. Consequent- 1. it is a matter of vital Importance who shall be the chief justice of the I'nited States. HE OUT TONIGHT. j At the Commercial club meeting - . aa 4 tnis evening the report of the com- - I mit'oe on county division will be PK1V1I.KGE. Blest is the right to share The griefs of hearts forlorn; With other men to bear What must by men be borne; For right bestows dawn's Orient rose And glories of the morn. And as its shadow-wing Lends to the sunlight worth, So out of suffering Arise the joys of earth. The good and ill, united still, And offspring of one birth. Great is the gift of life To him who lives indeed; A partner in the strife, The toil, the pain, that speed Like hidden rills veined through the hills Life's ocean deeps to feed! Florence Earl Coates, in the Independent. i made and it will be up to those pres 'ent to act upon the report submitted. 4 ' It will be one of the most important jstssions the club has held in many months. Accordingly it is up to every . 1 rii'mlifr and everv business man, the mesalliance" of his son, but eventually been me reconciled , to the marriase and Is now on very affec tionate terms with his daughter-in-law. The general's only other child is a daughter married to M. O'Urien ue Lussy, u Vilna land owner and a deseendent of the famous French Marshal de Lassy. The police theory is that O'Brien de Lassy procured the poisoning so that he thought his wife, would se cure . pmperty owner and professional man t i be represented. a ! Be there tonight. j Stanfleld, the stirring, was a thriv 'ii g place yesterday. With ball games, i ncerts, broncho breaking contests iimd other entertainment features a i big crowd was entertained. For the first attempt Stanfield did well. IT IS NO REMEDY. Here's betting that the governor of ralifornia is glad he did not allow the big fight to be pulled off in his state. Wil l. ItltlAM) OK BRISSON r.K PRESIDENT OF I'R WCi:? Faris. The men of the hour in France are all men of simple habits. The (uiet. unassuming democracy of President Falliers is perhaps his most noteworthy characteristic; M. Briand. the premier who may succeed Fulliers is also a man of the people, and is not ashamed of it. M. Brisson. who has been elected president of the chamber of deputies. Is a worthy con fiere of Fallicros and Briand. He measures up to former Presi dent Roosevelt's Ideal citizen of a re public. Tf he has no children he and his good and accomplished late wife adopted three orphans, whom they brought up as if they were their own. They belonged to a close friend. XI. Albert Joly, an advocate, who ren dered noble service to the cause they had at heart under the empire and during the moral order regime. M. Brisson takes life and his duties as a public man too seriously not to look a little solemn. Yet he can be witty and even hum orous, and is a man of the finest cul ture. He has never attempted to climb the beaten paths of Parnassus. Xone the less he might have shone on them, for he is poet of rare fin ish and delicacy. He never took up residence in his wife's time in the Petit Bourbon. They gave their of ficial dinners, concerts and receptions but continued to have their home am ong his electors in the unfashionable nelghbnorhond of the Chateau d'Eau. More than ever he prefers the home where he lived with her in close com munity of sentiment and intellectual pursuits, and parentage of the or phans of the dear cherished friend, whom they adopted. His private for tune, without being large, is sufficient to secure independence. The great part of his salaries as deputy and president goes iii works of republican ami Masonic fraternity, for he is a devoted Freemason. MOTHER'S me A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL USE. One of tbe most valuable qualities of Mother's Friend Is that It safe guards the. future health of tbe mother. It is a liniment to be applied externally to the body, the use of which lubricates the musclo3 and tendons, softens the glands and ducts, prevents lumps forming in the breasts, and relieves tho pain, nervous ness, uau3e.a, anj otter Uxu'olos lioiu which so many expectant mothers suffer. When Mother's Friend is used regularly it fits and prepares the system for an easy and natural consummation of the term. Women who massage with this Sicat liniment are always saved much suffering when baby comes, and recover more quickly, and without ill effects. Mother's Friend Is sold at drug stores. Write for our free book for expectant mothers. THE DRADFIELD CO., ATLANTA, GA. Malheur valley by the county court. The highway begins at Ontario and extends almost due westward the en tire distance. When this work Is I completed it is the intention to build i of the latter being due to the to l it a yard of earth where with the us" the Fresno or other road de vice It costs 12 to 21 cents to lift a yard of dirt, the difference in the cost omli- ' But there is plenty of water in the river and it is our own fault if the i land adjoining Pendleton suffers from I drouth. TWO ROYAL STANDARDS ELY OX ENGLISH SOIL Weak and hypocritical is the plea ' London. The fact that two royal i standards are at Dresent flying in The comet is gone and the big fight I t rmdon one over Buckingham Pal- that the assembly scheme was devised s over, now what will people have to ace and one at Marlborough House to do away with minority nominations. read about? j 1st quite unprecedented and irregular. Assembly nominations are the rankest ! j The royal standard, according to the ort of "minority nominations." Under ' This section of the state i has had a j 'ttiuuette in such matters, can only ! , flv over the house of the sovereign, that scheme a few manipulators and , ry fair rainfall for the seanon a I- j wh,ch at present lg Marlborough their pliant followers get together and ! tbouirh June was a dry month. i House. Queen Alexandra at Buck- undertake to sav a uell graded north and south road through this county beginning at a point near Weiser on the south side of the Snake river and extending down through Ontario and Xyssa and on to the Owyhee bridge, 13 miles south of Xys:i or a total distance of about 4 5 miles. Malheur county will collect about $30.ono for the county road fund. A good share of this money is to be used in building the two trunk high ways. The Malheur county court Is not satisfied with the way county road funds have been spent in the past In spasmodic attempts to fix the roads. The county court has wisely determln tion ,,f the soil being moved. err wrong, kills self. HAIR I'reniii New Naval Officer Finds Reason for Suicide, Toulon. A curious suicide Is re ported by the police. A naval offi cer. 27 years of age, who as he had failed to suffocate himself with a couple of pans of charcoal, lodged a bullet In his heart. He had been living six years with a young woman, and he left a letter in which be asked his parents, who reside at Bette, to give her some of the money which he had lying at the savings bank and tho remainder to ed in the future to use the county ,is sister mad funds in a systematic manner I The officer's motive for putting an Instead of doing a little patching here lend to his days seems utterly absurd. and a little there on the roads, the road funds will hereafter be used In fixing a certain stretch of road in a permanent manner by bringing it first to the proper grade and later, as the funds permit, gravel or macadamize it. In this way something practical and substantial will be accomplished in Malheur county in the way of road ! budding ,It. vlcUs Gut , A)ron,, . L. Clibson, roadmaster of Mai- Scheduled for Another. hour county, is in charge of highway j Constnntlnopie. prnce riur ban construotion. He Is using a modern j,., A,K,U, HamldB fnvorlte SOn. oa.l grauer. requiring n nurses am. , , nl.l(v , ,ove wh ft lnd whoBe Ho paid a visit to a barber and his hair was so closely cropped that his appearance was completely changed. This. It is said, preyed on his mind and he felt that he could live no longer. Tl ItlvlSH PRINCE'S VAIN LOVE ! h tee plow men to operate it. A is fixed in the center of the heavy . n.nk makes it Impossible for him to machine with an elevator 18 feet long attached to the plow. chine 1000 yards of the hardest kind of dirt can be lifted in 10 hours. All the dirt loosened by the monster plow is automatically passed up the ele- j mnrrv her. Ho sees her every Friday as she With this ma- ., I hi. linrnni In tho mosque. He has slipped tiny little billets-doux into her carriage. But court etiquette Is very rigid In Tur key, and this charming little prln- vator and is dropped In the center of j (.os!! 8 j ),ear. shortly to be married the road. With this machine it is to nn unimportant member of the lound that It only costs about 5 cents 1 Imperial household. who shall be nomi- . nated. Then they go forth and try to ram their selections down the . tliroats of the members of their party, j If the direct primary ''iw is weak i In that it permits of minority nomi- j nations the assembly scheme Is not the remedy. It would only aggravate 1 the trouble a thousand fold. If a! nomination secured in an open pri- ' man. in i-),i,V, oil mi.mlii.,u r.f n r.n : ' v I What of all life's trouble.- though Fortune's smile is gone, THE WOODS A-CU.I.1XG." There's Joy your f u! enthrallin' when you rise to r.teet the dawn When ynu hear the woods a-callin', an' the picnic time is on. "Coming!" you answer, Where all the violets know Red lips and brieht eyes That you're a-lovin' so! when the picnic time is on. "Coming!" you answer, Where all the violets know The red lips the bright eyes That you're a-lovin' so! Atlanta Constitution. ON LETTER WRITING. woman following concise people litical party may vote does not rep resent the will of that party then When you hear the woods a-callin' would a nomination secured at an as sembly be representative of thar par- ; ty's will? Assuredly not. I If the assemblyites were sincere in wanting to do away with what they I call "minority nominations." they would advise a ehnnee In tb hw' looking to that end. The adoption of j the second choice provision that is j embodied in the direct primary law I of Washington might have the de- j Ired effect. But the assemblyites are not sincere In their plea that they are trying to do away with "minority nomina tion?." Xeither are they sincere when they say they are not trying to nullify the direct primary. That is exactly what they want to do. Assemblyites admit tho far t when they become can did. The professional politician has no use for the direct primary. It has spoiled his business. Instead of "fixed" races we now have free and open contests for office. Instead of btlng privately and secretly indebted ingham Palace is only entitled to fly thi union jack, the same as any sub ject of the king. However, It is said that she prefers to live under the roy al standard, and accordingly it is at the masthead at Buckingham Palace. It is causing some surprise in court circles that Queen Alexandra has not already left Buckingham Palace and gone to Sandrlngham, which will be her chief residence In future. Under the king's will she gets the house and gardens at Sandrtngham while the estate and shooting, which cost $40,- 000 a year to keep up, belong to King George. He Is very fond of Balmoral unlike King Edward, who detested it, and will spend a considerable time there in the autumn. King Edward offered to make him a present of Balmoral some years ago, but the then Prince of Wales did not care to undertake the expense of main taining it. When writing letters a should keep in mind the rubs: Business letters should be and clear, because business are supposed to be busy. No letter is complete without the date. in writing to solicit employment of any kind on no account should personal perplexities or needs be men tioned. Letters of introduction are left open when written. Elaborately ornamented note paper and highly perfumed notes are vulgar. RISSIAX PIIYSICIAN IS PAID I'OISONI'Jt St. Petersburg. It has been a long time since .St. Petersburg so ciety has been so shocked as by the I ....t I n,.ltl 1, .lln .rl.. ar,r to some machine boss or bosslet an ! i'u,n"""Js "i J . . .,, i of General Buturlin, a member of a olfire ho der Is now under obliga- , , ,. . , . ' . . I r.oble family, which has been promo tions only to the public whih he. is ,.nt (n court circU s since the time of he does his .t'eter the Great. The arrest and subsequent confes sion of Dr. Panlchenko, a man of 70 e;ns. added to the sensation. Voting V'assili Buturlin was 26 supposed to serve. duty. I A this time the situation in Ore-I P' n Is very favorable. Oregon has a j direct primary law that would be ad- ytars old, and an officer in the fam optd bv almo-t every Etate in the ous Pfeobrajenski regiment of ur.ion if "the poop!,, of those states had 1 uan3"' Tw0 eiua a? hcufe in. Iove I with a German music hall singer their way. But in most instances thenam,.,, MnrU, s,oCke, and resigned his states cannot secure a law such as we have because they do not possess the r'ght of Initiative as do the peo ple of Oregon. Our primary system Is satisfactory to all save the machine element throughout the state. The fact that the primary law is disliked by that element is a tribute to the law and at the same time an argument for Its maintenance. When assemblyites tout their scheme as a remedy for minority nom inations they offend the Intelligence rf their hearers. IT IS OVER. The big fight at Reno is over and beyond a doubt the best pugilist won. Both participants however were suc cessful In that they secured a fortune for their effort. On the profits de-r!v-a from the contest 'and from the commission in order to marry her. He subsequently obtained a position1 in the ministry of the interior, and al though he owned a large property in the province of Vllna, as well as a house In St. Petersburg, besides be ing the heir to about $500,000, he lived a very retired life. On May 24 last Vasslli Buturlin be came seriously 111 and died the next day, after the doctor who was at lending him had administered sever al subcutaneous injections. General Burturlin pennimtted a postmortem to be held, the result of which was to establish the fact that the young man had been poisoned. Suspicion fell upon Doctor Pantchenko. Pantchenko under police pressure, confessed that he wilfully poisoned young Burturlin by Injecting cholra anti-toxlne obtained from the Con stadt laboratory. The dose was cal culated to ensure death within a few days. He declared he was Instigated by M. O'Bhien de Lassy. the broth er-in-law of the dead man, who, however, protests his Innocence. General Buturlin at first resented STORY OF DEATH DICE." Relic to Kai-cr Prcsciils Reinai Uahlr Museum. Berlin. The kaiser recently pre sented to the Hohenzollern museum the "death dice" which one of his an cestors decided a difficult case in thu sevententh century. The history of these dice is generally given as fol lows: A young girl had been murdered. Suspicion fell upon two young sol diers, Ralph and Alfred, who were suitors for her hand. They both de nied their guilt, and even torture fail ed to extract a confession from eith er. Then Elector Frederick William de cided to cut the knot by means of the dice box. The two soldiers should throw for their lives, and the loser should be executed for the murder. The event was celebrated with great solemnity. Ralph had the first chance and threw sixes, the highest possible number. The dice box was then given to Alfred. He fell on his knees and prayed'. Then he rose to his feet and threw the dice with such for.-e that one of them was broken. Tho whole one showed six. the broken one also gave six on the larger portion, and the fragment split off showed one. This was a total of 13, one beyond Ralph's throw. The audience h'-ld .Is breath in amazement. "God has spoken," cried thu prince. Ralph, appalled by what he re garded as a sign from heaven, con fessed his guilt and was sentenced to death. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is the best of all medicines for the cure of diseases, disorders and weaknesses peculiar to women. It is the oniy preparation of its kind devised by a regularly gradu ated physician an experienced end skilled specialist in tie diseases of women. It is a safe medicine in any condition of tbe system. THE ONE REMEDY which contains no alcohol and no injurious bubit-forminij drugs and which creates no craving for such stimulants. THE ONE REMEDY so fiood that its rangers ure not afraid to piict i's every iajjredient on each outside bottle -wrapper ami attest L tho truthfulness of tbe scrao under oath. It is sold by medicine dealers even-where, and nny denier who hasn't it caa tet it. Don't take a substitute of unknown compos-tiun for this medicine op rnown composition. No counterfeit: i c. good us tlic genuine and the druggist who says something else is "jut on flood as IV. i'ierce's" is eithar mistaken or is trying to deceive you for liis own selfish benefit. Such a can h rot to bo trusted. He is triilin with your most priceless possession your heulth may be your life itself. See that you ftt wiuit you ask fcr. is OLD LINTJ LIVE STOCK IN SURANCE. Indiana & Ohio Live Stock Insur ance Company Of CrawfordsTllle, Indhuia. Has now entered Oregon. Policies now good In every state in the Union. Organ zed over 25 years ago. Paid up Capital $200,000.00. As sets over $460,000.00. REMKMBER, Ulte is NOT a Mutual Live Stock Insur ance company. Mark Moprhouse Company Agent, Pendleton, Or. 119 Gas Court Ht. Pbone Mala II. Headquarters For Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacturers a ad Distributors of the Celebrated PS TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists of Eastern f Oregon. J WJi'nilia.) f I COLESWORTHY'S 1 i International Stock Food f the old reliable 2 3 3 The best for your stock I Try it COLESWOR.THY 127-129 t. AIM 9228 THE AMERICAN Mil BANK Pendleton, Oregon United States Depositary Statement at the close of Business June 30, 1910 TRl'NK ROAD I 'OR COUNTY OF MALIIKI R 3 Resources LOANS AND DISCOUNTS 1.01(2, 1 H0.U.1 SECURITIES AND WARRANTS 17,132.11 BANKING HOUSE 60,000.011 OTHER REAL ESTATE 22,r27..r0 UNITED STATES BONDS (nt pur) ... 101,000.00 CASH ON HAND 220,087.05 $1.31,8:t:t.6l Liabilities Vale, Ore. A trunk road 28 miles Ionic beinir constructed tbrough the Kloocfi Sarsaparilla Acts directly and peculiarly on the blood; purines, enriches and revitalizes it, and in this way builds up the whole sys tem. Take it. Get it today. In usual liquid form or In chocolate coated tablets culled 8arsatab, CAPITAL STOCK S 100.000.00 SURPLUS 100,000.00 UNDIVIDED PROFITS (net) 77.8:11.05 CIRCULATION 100.000.00 RE-DISCOUNTS 74,340.89 DEPOSITS 1,001.657.80 $1..M 3,8.1.1. 61 I hereby certify that the above statement ia true to the best of my knowledge and belief. T. G MONTGOMERY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this I st day of July, 1910. CLAUD HALE. Seal Notary Public for Oregon. The QUELLE Cus La Fontaine, Prop. Best 25c Meals in North west First-class cookc and service Shell fish in season Lki Fontaine Blk., Main St. xou make a b'.l intakv i,i. yt.n put off buying yur coal uniil the Fall nureha.e It vnu. -. the bent Ro( k Spring roal th folne produce at pree comlderably lowar than those prevailing In Fall aad Winter. By Mocking up now you avoid ALL danger of being unable to ecuri It when cold weather arrlvrt. HENR. (OPlTTKE i'boiie Mum 178. 0 VuARS PEIilFNCE n y nvvrmiii c.r .,,m. ,, .,,, . "' , IVMiil M .f..t,n r I .Ll. "l:,l.ln. ,,, ,,.J Scientific JKasricaii ciiIhii.iii .,f ,.T ,.,..,..,,. .Hii.ii nvniMi ! Hr.uob on,,,,. y nt. WmCJ! J U ' FOLEYSHONETHCrVR top. tli eoutfh and lung