ft J am ft PAGK UX. 3AILX MAm ORBQON1AK. PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1910. EIGHT PAGES. Power for Pumping, Irrigating and anufacturing M i V TIT THE undersigned companies are prepared to furnish L electrical power, under proper contracts, for pumping and irrigating throughout all territory now served by their present power lines, or by lines which are under construction or to be contructed. This district embraces the Yakima Val ley from North Yakima to Kennewick, the Columbia Valley from Beverley to Wallula and the Walla Walla Valley from Walla Walla to Wallula, together with adjoining areas. Power will also be furnished for domestic, manufacturing and industrial purposes. Write, telephone or call on represen tatives of these companies at North Yakima; Mabton, Sunny side, Kennewick, Pasco, Walla Walla, Freewater, Pendleton and Portland. COLUMBIA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY YAKIMA-PASCO POWER COMPANY 'I . i - J" t , r" Tlv fk SOME SHORT NEWS NOTES FROM ATHENA (Special Correspondence.) Athena, Ore., July2. Dr. Newsom has moved his office to the P st build ing Into the rooms lately occupied by Dr. Billyeu, dentist. Rob Fletcher of the East Oregonlan staff was on our streets on Thursday. Marion Jack was In the city on Thursday. Mrs. II. O. Worihington has been ill this week at her home In this city. Mrs. Byron Hawks has returned home from her visit of several weeks v.-ith .Spokane friends. Her sister, Miss Lillian McDonald came home with her. Mr. and Mrs. M. Meldrum and daughter arc 'attending the Christian church convention at Turner, Oregon. The Athena band boys are in con- stant practice, preparing for the PI lot Kock 4 th. Chas. Kirk and wife have returned from a visit in the Willamette val ley. The weather here is ideal, moder ately warm days, cool nights. Just the weather to fill out the growing grain. Miss Eva Wright left on the morn ing train on Friday for Portland to spend the summer. Miss Wright is the bookkeeper for the Mosgrove Mer cantile Co. Miss Ruth Kidder returned to her home In this city from a visit with friends In Pendleton and Holdman on Wednesday. She leaves for Spokane today to spend a couple of months with relatives. Mr.. Dr. Newsom and little son are spending a few months with the doc tor's parents at Prlnevilie. The Dell Brothers moved their house, not onto the CoDnoek lot. hut onto their own lot near Third street. The Missing Link is in Town. The guest of one of our leading merchants Sufferers who say they have tried everything without benefit are the people we are looking for. We want them to know from glad experience that Ely's Cream Balm will conquer cold in the head, hay fever, and obsti nate forms of nasal catarrh. This remedy acts directly on the Inflamed, sensitive membranes. Cleansing, soothing and healing. One trial will convince you of it3 healing power. Price 50c. All druggists, or mailed by Ely Bros., 66 Warren street, New York BRIEF NEWS ITEMS FROM RAILROAD TOWN (Special Correspondence.) Umatilla. Ore., July 1. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Swltzler, who have been visiting here a few days, have gone on a visit to Mrs. Switzler's mother in Cambridge, Idaho. J. Buckley of Portland and family on the private car California attached to No. 4 passed through here last eve ning on a visit east. II. Bush, who has been connected with the station here for the past six months as ticket agent and in other rapacities, has been transferrer! to i-.a Grande. Bush was a very popu lar man and a member of the ball team and will be missed by his friends. The new boat, Twin City, discharg ed a small quantity of freight here the early part of the week. Among the visitors in the city to day were Hrs. D. S. Harrington and son and Miss Woodner of Armllla, Texas; G. P. Ludwic of Salt Lake; It. O. Edwards. A. Hodgins, F. S. McMa hon. L. H. Murphy of Portland, 'F. !. Hailey of Frisco and A. II. Bowe Of Boise. Tim Forinan and wife of London, England, were visitors in Umutillu to.liiy on tiieir way to Seattle and will tan lAP-A-LATfc THE HIGHEST QUALITY VARNISH AND STAIN COMBINED. Can be used on wood or met al floors, woodwork, furni ture, picture frames, etc. Comes ready mixed. Easily applied quickly dried. For sale by Murphy Bros. e steamer there for Nome. Ainu- Taking Precaution. km, A gentleman whosehearing is de-1 II. T. Patterson is a visitor to his fective Is the owner of a dog that is i ranch at Peterson, Wash., today, the terror of the neighborhood In 'apt. Stanfield has returned from which he lives. The other day be was . a short trip to Spokanu and eaysxthe a'Auoicu uy a menu, WIMJ Sella: "Oood morning, Mr. H. Tour wife made a very pleasant call on us last evening.' "I'm very sorry," came the reply. "I'll see that It doesn't oc cur again, for I'm going to chain her up in future FRESH MEATS ; SAUSAGES, FISH LARD. AND Always pure and delivered promptly. If you phone the Cenfral Meat Market 108 E. Alta St., Phone Main II. Ho,.. Orcg, UicuiwI or...-, of Sov.i.tl, n..,l stark Street, extendi ll.rouKl. the l.lmk to Park sir,. Portl,..l ..regon. or new Park Stem Annex Is absolutely fireproof. Rates $1 per Day and Up. European Through the energetic efforts of one of our leading merchants we have with ua one of the greatest attractions of the day. The Missing Link. He ia not as wild and wooly as he looka but ia cultured and polished to a high degree and ia really a great comfort and help to mar kind. lie ia now on exhibi tion at A. L, Schaefer's Jewelry Store w 7t MAIN STREET. Ills rsnsal Vigor Restored. W. H. Fleming, Litchfield. III., suf fered with kidney and bladder trou ble until he took Foley Kidney Pills. "For more than a year I had back aches and pains across my kidneys. I had also bad spells of nervousness which left me exhausted and worn out. Foley Kidney Pills recommend ed to me and after taking them I soon noticed a nlmprovement. After some time I found my backaches all gone, my kidneys and back strength ened, tired spells left me and I again feel my usual vigor restored The nervousness has been overcom eand I feel much better In every respect." Koeppen and Bros. Work 21 Hours a Day. The busiest little things ever made are Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every Pill is a sugar coated gobule of health, that changes weakness Into etrcngth, languor Into energy, brain fag Into mental power; curing consti pation, headache, chills, dyspepsia, malaria. 25c at Tallman & Co. Men's oxfords cheap at a Eklund'a. trip was a delightful one and although enjoying himself immensely, says he Is glad to get back to Umatilla. Rev. Father Luke will hold ser vices hero in Pound's hall on Sun day morning at 10:30. Frank B. Jaquard, a very promi nent resident of Notre Dame, Indiana, was a visitor here today, having vis iter! the Yakima valley and also sec tions of eastern Oregon. Ho went to Portland this evening. Mrs. S. B. Williams and son of Walla Walla are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mappln. Yardmaster G. E. Buttcrworth and wife leave today on a ten days' visit to Mr. Butterworth's old home In Salt Lake city. During his absence Fr. W. W. Mapin will act as night yard master. Pete Sheridan and Waldon Rhea, prominent ranchers of the Meadows, paid a visit to this city today. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gently stimulate the liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter, clanse the system, cure constipation and siek headache. Sold by all deal-era. Milne Transfer Phone Main 5, Calls promptly answered for all baggage transfer ring. Piano and Furniture moving and Heavy Truck ing a specialty. Important Notice On account of my dwelling houM burning, I will only be at my office In the John Schmidt building THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATUR DAY Bach week till further notice Dr. F. A. CLISE Eye SpedalLst. Notice to Public. Dr. C. J, Smith tias returned and resumed his practice. Office In Smith-Crawford building. The undoing of some men comes from doing other. OPEN FOR THE SEASON JULY 1st, THE HARVEST HOME Mrs. Jos. McKean, Prop. $1.50 per Day, 99 per Week.. Beds SOc and 75c. Meals 50c. Children under 10 years half rate. LONG BEACH, WASH. SIP ccir Underwood Standard Typewriters mi 7-.r-z--i.n- ' 7' ! i ''. ' Yfn DUy East Oreconlan ty carrio emtj 16 cents per week. The Standard of typewriter manufacture, typewriter selling and typewriter work has been elevated by the advent and development of the UNDERWOOD "The Machine You Will Eventually Buy" Underwood Typewriter Company INCORPORATED 68 Sixth Street Portland, Oregon 1 4 lfcsliWWitC,