East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 02, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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QTI 'g A'l.lf 'AV(IH.1X8
page rival
Tonight After
$3.50, $4, $4.50 and $5
Tan Pumps and Oxfords II
Your ChoBce
Store will be closed all day Monday
the 4th
F. E. Livengood & Go.
The Ladies' and Children's Store.
July Ladies Home Journal Patterns Now Ready
Men's oxfords cheap at A. Eklund's.
For Sale Piano and household fur
niture. Phone Red 2932.
Trash hauled once a week. Phone
Penland Bros. Black 8391.
Wanted Girl to do general house
work. Inquire 61B Madison street.
?top the Cheney Jersey dairy wagon
fur the best milk and cream.
For Rent Modern five-room fur
nished cottage, close In. 801 E. Court
Wanted One good roll top desk.
Apply 660 Main street, E. O. build
ing. Good milk cows for sale. Phone
Black 2661, or see EJ Morgan, River
side. For rent A nice cottage on north
Hide, close In. Inquire Standard Gro
cery Co.
Competent steam engineer wishes
engagement with farmer or thresher
man for the threshing season. Ad
dress Chas. Weston, Celilo, Ore.
Wanted A stock salesman capable
of earning $250 a month, to handle
high class, legitimate oil stock. l!ig
returns for small Investments. To u
cupulile man we offer attractive in
ducements. Answer, giving refer
ences. The S'ncllinn Oil Company,
3 T. 1 - a "i 3 Hush street. Sun Francisco,
Mark Patton cordially invites all
his old patrons to call at his new
and sanitary barber simp which was
formerly the Rushy Baths, Main
street, opposite Alexanders."
Mark Patton, barber, 723 Main st.
P...rber, 723 Main st., Mark Patton.
Missing from place. of Amos Pond
on, bridle, headstall round, limber
bit; one martlngab- with red straps
and rins through which reins go; one
gray saddle blanket; one checkered
stable blanket. Finder notify East
'! Konian.
L"-t or strayed from the Maple or
Chris Travcr pasture, one bay hnre
branded XII connected on left shoul-di-r;
weight about 1100 pounds. J 1 0
reward for returning same. Kupers
R McCook Implement House.
The tiresome talker had elaborated
bis point at great length.
"There,' lie said, "that's the argu
ment In a nutshell."
"I see." growled the bored listen
i r. "in a eocoanut shell." Chicago
Orplicuni Todays Program.
1. The Peacemaker. Drama. Vlt
a graph. 1000 feet.
2. The White Captives of the
SUuixs. Drama. Kalem, 1000 feet.
3. Dimltrl Donskoy. Drama. Pa
the. 706 feet.
4. 24 Aour Automobile Race. Sce
nic. Pa the, 270 feet.
5. Come, Take a Swim In My
Orphciiiii Program for Sunday.
1. Burly Bill Comedy. Essanay,
1000 feet.
2. United States Life Saving Drill.
Educational. Edison, 250 feet.
3. The House on the Hill. Drama.
Edison. 745 feet.
4. A Night on the Coast. Drama.
laumont, 600 feet.
5. The Monastery In the Forest.
Scenic. Gaumont, 4 00 feet.
6. All She Gets from the Iceman is
Tlio l'asiline.
Will have an extra good program
for Sunday's change.
, "The Face at the Window." Bio
graph drama, 1000 feet long. De
scription conveys n,, ;ideiate concep
tion of the power and beauty of this
picture. It is one of those heart stories
which have such a direct appeal that
one cannot escape from its fascina
tion, nor forget its impression.
"The Price of Jealousy." Kalem,
drama,-1000 feet. A beautiful ro
mance with a great moral lesson. A
story of an art student, the love of an
artist and his model.
"Max Makes a Touch." Comedy.
"Pour, But Proud." Drama. And
thy lived happily ever after, could
be written over this picture.
Unanswered Yet.
"How much is a kiss worth?" Ah,
well, ah me!
Through fearful news, I must break
It makes all the difference In the
world, you see.
Whether it's given or whether you
take it. Boston Herald.
Unfurnished housekeeping roomt
for rent In the East Oregonlnn build
ing. Steam heat; electric lights; hot
nnd cold water; bath. Inquire at East
Oregonlan office.
Tor life.TirT accident and grain in
surance, see J. S. Koes.
Pastime pictures please all.
'utir-ftm-uw' .M'.0um3UMMMt - I'TiH tit ii an .inn -
Chickens! Chickens!! Chickens!!!
All kinds, sizes and colors, young and old
For choice dressed ones p!n.m your order nlgilit before. We fi
dress none except for orders so If you like cold storage poultry S
patronize the other fellow or store yourself.
East End Grocery JESS''
lies. Phone It. 2581. I
Koeppens Bed Bug Destroyer
Gets Them All, Even Bed Bugs
25c The Bottle
It is in liquid form and so thin and penotratinar that, it goos
into nil the little cracks, killing the burrs and dostroying the
fggs ns well, being of an antiseptic nature it gets the germs
also. Each bottle is equipped with n shaker cork which
makes it quite easy to applj'
K 0 E P fl? E M 9
The Drug Store That Serves You Best.
J. F. iiaddely and wife came down
last evening from their home In
W. A. Gilliam Is hero from Granite
for the transaction of business.
J. E. Hechan came In from Pilot
Rock yesterday afternoon.
W. F. Dawson of Pilot Rock spent
last night In Pendleton.
George Baer came up from Port
land this morning and will visit friends
here over Monday.
George Phelps will b imong those
from this city who wlii spend the
fourth at Pilot Rock.
District Attorney G. W. Phelps
leaves tonight for Meacham to join
his family at their summer home.
Jasper Sams came down from Mil
ton yesterday afternoon and Is tran
sacting business at the county seat.
C. C. Burdlck, traveling freight
agent for tho Northern Pacific, Is
here today from Walla Walla.
Mrs. J. A. Smith left this morning
for Colfax, where she will be a guest
at the home of her parents for several
Lee Teutsch will attend the town
site opening at Glenn Ferry and King
Hill, July 11 and 12 in the interests of
his clients.
Miss Jocelyn Faulkes of Portland,
will arrive in Pendleton this evening
to be the guest of Mrs. Norbourne
Berkeley for several days.
Dr. Henry Waldo Coe, now at the
head of the colonization work for the
Umatilla project, has been transact
ing business In the city today.
William Jones and family, former
residents of Pendleton, now liv
ing in Seattle arrived this morning
to visit with friends for some time.
Chief of Police Gurdane and wife
left this morning for Portland, where
they will remain for a' few weeks for
the purpose of having the chief's eyes
operated upon.
George and Francis Strangler and
Merle Farrell expect to leave In a
few days for a trip Into the mountains
near Ukiah. They expect to be gone
for several days.
Ross Weimer, of the Pawtelle jew
elry store, will leave this evening for
Salem upon a threo weeks' vacation.
He will pass most of the time camp.
Ing and hunting In the vicinity of
Mt. Jefferson.
Attorney Herman Beverly of Port
land, passed through Pendleton this
morning rn his way to Athena to look
after business Interests. He will re
turn to the metropolis tonight.
Marion B. James arrived last eve
ning from Portland and is a guest at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Teutsch. Mrs. James has been visit
ing in Pendleton for several days.
J. H. Young, formerly in charge of
the O. It. & N. store department In
this city for many years, hat now lo
cated in Portland. Is in the city today,
on his return to Portland from an ex
tended visit in Nebraska.
Uev. J. E. Youel of Union, who has
been assisting with the meetings at
Mission station, left this morning for
Pilot Rock where he will fill the pul
pit at the Presbyterian church to
morrow in place of Rev. Warrington.
E. D. Weaver and family have left
upon a month's visit to La Grande,
Prairie City and other places. Mr.
Weaver Is make-up man upon the
East Oregonlan and during his vaca
tion his position will be filled by Wil
liam liOwell.
Christian Church.
North Main street. Sunday school
at 9:45 a. m., communion services at
11. Y. P. S. C. E. at 7 p. m. Wed
nesday night prayer meeting at 8:00
o'clock. Every one welcome to all
services. I
German Evatur. Lutheran Church.
Services at Pendleton Sunday, July
3, In the Presbyterian church, corner
College and Alta streets, at 2 p. m.
All are cordially Invited. Geo. L.
."prattler, pastor.
Church of the Kedit-nier.
The Litany will be said and the
Holy Communion celebrated at the 11
a. m. service. There will be divine
services with sermon, at 8 p. m. The
soloist will be Miss Edna Zimmerman.
All are cordially Invited. Charles
Quinney, Rector.
Christian Science.
Services every Sunday morning at
11 o'clock. Subject "God." Services
on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
.Sunday school at 10 o'clock on Sun
day morning. Reading room open
dally from 2 to 4 in the afternoon.
Everybody cordially Invited. Corner
E. Webb and Johnson streets.
First Methodist EDiscoDal church.
corner Webb and Johnson streets, N.
Evans, pastor. The morniner theme
will be "Eagle Flights." Evening,
Freedom," a patriotic service.
Preaching 11 a. m. and 8 n. m. Sun
day school io a. m. .Epworth league,
7 p. m. Strangers are inv ted to wor-
ship with us.
Presbyterian Church.
Corner Alta and Colleee streets.
Sabbath school. 10 o'clock; church
services, 11 ; a patriotis subject will be
considered; Christian Endeavor, 7
o'clock. There will be no evening
Baptist Church.
Baptist Church, E. Alta and John
son streets, Rev. R. E. Storey, pastor,
302 E. Alta street. Morning service at
11 o'clock. Sermon. "The Exalted
Nation." Evening.. "Patriotism and
Practices." Bible school at 10
O'clock with classes for all. Invita
tion extended to all these services.
Ely's Cream Balm
1$ quickly absorbed.
Gives Relief at One.
It cleanses, soothes,
beats and protects
the diseased mem.
brane resulting from Catarrh and drives
iwuy aCoId in the Head quickly. Restore
the Senses of Taste and Smell. Full size
50 cts. at Druggists or by mail. Lkjuio
Oream B:i!m for use in atomizers 75 eta.
Elv Urothers, 50 Warren Street. New York.
f O&0 COLOl
General Olean-Up Sale
All Summer Goods to be Closed
Out by August 1 st
We must make room for new
goods and new departments
One-Hall Price on all One
Piece Wash and Wool Dresses
One-Half Price on all Coats
and Jackets. One-Half Price on
1-4 off all Dress Skirts. 1-4 olf
all Children's Wash Dresses
1-2 Price on Combination Suits
Reductions on Women's and
Children's Shoes
Wohlenberg Dep't. Store
Better Goods (or Less Money
Automobile for Sale.
Owner, on account of affairs that
will require his absence from this vi
cinity offers for sale his five passen
ger, leading make automobile. This
U a new car bought only last month, my other theater In
be sold at a large discount from cost. Pastime.
Anyone figuring on buying a car can
secure the biggest kind of a bargain
In this. Address, M. N. care this office.
More moving pictures shown than
the city the
Picnicking Made Easy
Everything tobe desired in lunch goods
Deviled Ham
Pork and Beans
Tomato Soup
Veal Loaf
Corned Beef
Pried Beef
Melrose Pate
Chow Chow
Main 37
Special! Special! Special !
At the Grand ISieatre
Major Swnrt.laiiili'r Pays Out S15.no"
In Indians Who Have lVmonstrnl
c( Their KcsMnlhilil.v Others
Are Denied Cusli.
There Is much Joy or much" sadness
in the tepees on the Indian reserva
tion, fur the time of the first sem'
nnnual payment "f rent money for
1910 has now arrived. The Joy Is in
the camps of those who have shown
themselves to be sober and competent
Indians, while sadness reigns with
those who In the past have convert
ed their funds Into firewater or use
less finery.
According to the present plans, the
"competent" Indians arc being given
all the money that Is coming to them
while the "incompetents," of which
there are about fift at present, get
nothing. Major Swartzlander is of
the opinion that r-ome plan will soon
he devised by the Indian department
whereby the rent money due the "in
competents" will be doled out to them
a small amount at n time
The present payment was the mon
ey that was due from the renters
April 1 anil amounts to between :'".
OHO and $40,000. A total of $10,000
was paid out yesterday, while $15,000
will have been paid out before closing
up time tonight.
The present method of making pay
ments is one that was devised and
urged by Major Swartzlander and It
seems to meet with the hearty ap
proval of tho merchants and the oth
ers with whom the Indians are ac
customed to transact business. There
is a chance for those who are In the
"incompetent" class to work up and
imVhe other hand there is always the
chance that some of those in the
competent class will be blacklisted.
As Major Swartzlander explained this
afternoon. It is simply placing the
Indian on hlB honor. If the method Is
continued it will mean that the Oc
tober payment will be turned over
to the Indians earlier than usual this
fall and that subsequent payments
will probably be made much more
Afternoon of July 4th
Returns of the
rss jj
Will be announced by rounds as received by wire direct
from the ring side through the East Oregonian as a
special feature with our excellent vaudeville and
picture program
Ladies Specially Invited
A nice cool place to spend the afternoon
Only theatre in Pendleton to receive these returns