EIGHT PAGES. daily kajst o0J3ooxias, pxxdlktos, Oregon, Thursday, june so, 1910. PAGE SEVEX. MARKET FOR FANCY CATTLE HOLDS WELL SEASON OF 1 9 1 0 NOW OPEN a Want Ms. E M.I.I.IXG AT .V75 IV NORTH l'OKTI,.NI Svt,Ht Stuff Is Vimll ,, !.,. Vnii,,,,,. , .lly ,.;x(ra atiHj V(j c Only ,,r OimlHy In Showing lc't. Portland Union Stockyards North Portland, Ore., June 29. For' strictly select catt!,. the market at North Partliin.i Is holding W,.U, and during the past 21. hours sales were made as high ns $5.75. It Is only the poor quality th.it meets with opposition from the trade and tlierefore brings low prices. No arrivals 0f )1(?s are reported locally, urn the market is nominally firm. Culvcs of light weight went at 36.75, and considering this the cat tle market in general seems to be In good shape for real pood quality. Several Hales of bulls were made during the 24 hours at $3.50. Today's arrivals were light except In sheep, where a fairly good supply was presented. The market for sheep did not open early, but general ex pectations were for a continuation of the market of yesterday. Among tin. Sklwrs. Cattle S. N. Kelley, from Rose burg, with two loads; L. E. West from Myrtle Creek. Ore., oneViad. Sheep V. K. Stafford, from Eu gene, with one load; D. Taylor, from Halscy, with two loads. Horses ,1. I). Houston, from Cald well, Idaho, with one- load. A year ago today all lines of live stork were quoted with a firm ton? Offkln! Livestock Re-iorr. Following are the official transac tors reported directly by the sellers. They represent demand, sup pll and quality offering: STEERS. Ave. lbs. Price 13 steers 1123 $5.75 14 steers -. 1H3S 5.25 3 M.-r- 4.50 MI.EI CATTLE. 14 heifers and cuws ... 7X4 $4.00 5 yearlings 52S 3.25 HEIFERS. ?.2 M"'Vd heifers S55 $4 75 CALVES. S calves 1G6 $6.75 HULLS. 1 bull K.20 $3.60 1 bull 1 280 3.50 1 Lull 1510 3.50 1 bull '. 1020 3.26 1 trail 1440 3.25 General range of livestock value as sTi'.wn by actual sabs: Calth Hi'ft Oregon steers, $5.65 Cih.::,: ordinary steers, $5 251? 5.40; best California. Sii.SOtf s.85: common steers $lflr; ciws, best. $4.254.50; fancy, $4 25; poor. $3.25; heifers, $4.7.V-i 5; stags $lt 1.&0; bulls. $3 3.75. !,.p n st east of the mountains, Jl in; I in. y, $9.75 fi? 9.30; stackers at..': ( eders. shei p - Sheared best yearling weth ers, $4 40; old withers $3fi4; spring lambs. $r..7:.; ewes. $3.754. ;v.-s I'-st. $6.50 'ii 6.75; ordinary, $5.7.ii ii 5.75 : pom, 4'r5. I II 111 I) Tit U K ( Itl'WS RUSH WOUK AT KKI.SO Kelso, Wash. Kelso Is the center of niixiiy in the doubletracking of the The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. Tliere is a disease prevailing in this couitry most dangerous occatisesodecc- l:vc. .Mauysucliltn t't'-J (lcallis are caused ?IT: liv it lien rt ilis. ' y - I HIIIVUHl jf-X heart failure or l"1Ci f lllf.1 tii-tn 1 p aiKijdcxvnrv oltin the result of kid mv difeaf-e. If kidncv tnitdic if nl!"vcilto!i(!vnnce " t!cV;ii!ncv-iKiis(in- 1.. e,: Moh1' will nt. tack the vital organs, caii.-in.L- catarrh of the bladder, brick-dust or sediment m the urine, head miie, back urhc, lame bark, dizziness, slce lci-si!efs, nervous-tie-is, or the kidneys theiv'-elvrs V:c;ik dow n nnd waste away ci 11 1 y cell. Bladder troubles a'mnti.lv.inriTiOi' from u dcraii;.;ci:r til l'tbe kiilmvr- i.ial lx:tter health in that orpan is oltaincd quickest by a proper treal:!:i.;it i f t'.i 1 id iieys. Swamp-Kont ci rruts iiail il.t bold urine and Fcddiii 1 . i:i in iiffii:;- i'., end overcomes that nr. n. ;.i:t i.ic.:;l!v f bcilljj compelled to j;i often tli!( ujii the day, and to pet up many times tin: tin tii,.;lit. The mi! 1 and i:: n'cdiati- ef!i ct 01 Swamp-KiVit, the pre.it Hdnevri i: ei' , is Pooti realized. It ; '.!'. t be liirbi-' ( cause f its n :::arkal-le l.eaith K-t-ti;ir.g properties. A trial will ror.'. inrrnnvore. Swamp-!o t i" rlrrytit t'i t.d:e r.rd eol 1 by a'.l diu-'pists i:; l;."ty-cit:t an:, one-di.'ilar .d.:e b.''.:les. 'o:i mnv l":v a Sample b-!'.le and aW-'; tl:att. '.!.. i ll about it, bivh si ::t ft e ! ltinil. Addrc-s, Dr. Ki'.mer S:- C.. r.injdir.inton, N. Y. Win n v. inenlioii leadinp; tl.ij j;eu ero is olTcr i:i this p:i'er. Don'1. n;;.l;e any mistake, but revn v.-.lx r Hit n. me, B imp-Uoct, and !i.:!'l 1 t a dealer n l. you omethiup in place .f wamp-P-u...'. -f v ;. -1 you will be ('is.'npointcd. K 'a T-.uf lnuT't for It. !f hf en? net ff'iprlv tlm V 1v 11. ftfeent no t, ;,t - o L spnd Pt:imij r.ir illns- lr fconk- P-vO-pil. It cIVcH lYl. D -r Vi.lnni nfid iltrwttnr. invlnnnl o utdi-r. CO- 44 fc. B.4 SL. ftt f M MEN AND WOMEN. I'm HI fornnnatarel dli. hriiM,liiODinilHin, IrrltmtloDi ar ul.rlioni of muooue niembraiiM. Tainl"!, and uol aatriu g"-A or p-itFolinUB. Bold hj nrnnUUa or ftent tn plaiL wmppAr, lir Krn. rn-ruiit. tot SI .00. I. S bntll-r.'.7. Cir-ultr Mtai ou ivi"t li CnaurlM. 'i:t'v'sC'ilHli'!..f!". rrrt ciiHiiTl.C.Ki: mm N. Every Wcs S"i'Vy Interested and shoaW kn" Ui .4 Ml " ' M'i'if Gftrnt-4 hT Pi M opt t lUUlan. tl ' lift-; T.w.,3 h ; ; A.m. , v sf. 5 '.' ' ' ;,' . " , . - ., WEN AH A SPRINGS the: popular blue mountain summer resort WILL CELEBRATE July 3 and 4 Fine large orchestra has been secured for this occasion. Dancing and other amusements afternoon and evening. Everybody invited to celebrate with us. Cool and Healthiul. An Ideal Place to Spend Your Summer Vacation Tents and cottages rented furnished or unfurnished. Special Picnics, Tarties and Banquets arranged on a few hours notice. S PECIAL RATES MADE 1 0 FAMILIES Excursion rates to Giblwn, Oregon, and Wenaha Springs from all O. R. & N. points in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Stage Line Connects With O. R. & N. at Gibbon. P. A. McPHEE, Manager Northern Pacific railroad from Se attle to Portland. At this place the work is not greatly advanced, as It was late In the sprintr when the cut throuph the Harris hill was com menced. Tearing thr.'URh the hill. In the north part of town is the lareest steam shovel west of the Cascade mountains. Assisted by a drilling machine and dynamite, it Is rapidly cutting its way northward through a formation of soft nil rock and clay. Two "dinkey'' engines with strings of dump ears are being used to haul the rock an. earth south, and since the fill on both sides of the depot east of the track has been finished, to a point on the west side of the track, the embankment is being built up from the river at this point, covering the vlprapplng which has prevented flood damage for years. On the west side of the track the trains will dump dirt M a .point beyond the south limits of the city. laying Steel. South of town steel has been laid f.ir about two miles. Beyond that, little has been done, but within a week or 10 days five .Shannon exca vators will commence making the long fill from the Coweemin bridge to a point one and a half miles north of ,',....,it.. t latter place, three weeks' work will complete the side cut and the fill which will raise the old track about six feet. rid ween Kalama and the Tolnt, a dirt train . H i ving 17 to 25 cars Is dumping ma-i-vial taken near Ridgefield. Burins llocky Point. The task of boring through Vtocky September, will probably lie complet point. which was commenced last September, will probably be complet ed bv the first of October. The hard est nf basa't rock has been encoun tered in the tunnel and progress has been comparatively slow. At Ostran dc' much of the work Is completed, which between this place nnd Castle roek there still remains a large amount of dirt to be moved. At the rate things are going. It Is lb. Might that by the time the fall rains commence the heaviest of the grading will he i ompb'ted. It w II be several months, however, before the steel is ill laid, the ballasting done and the new depot built. At Carnds a new de pot will be erected, probnhly one at Kalama and on.- at (""astleroek Tlu Blr llcn.l is of two kinds conceit and the big; head that comes from a sick head-j ache. Does your head ever feel like n gourd an ! brain feel loose dj ire? You can cure it in no time by acting on your Pver with Ballard's j Ilerblne. l-n't it worth trying for ! the absolute and certain relief you'll t? A. C. Koeppen & Bros. polf'Klt NOT C.ril.TV DP KIM.lNti -SHANNON Albany, Or. Ernest Porter will not be M'e.l for the killing of John Shan non near Lebanon i month ago. The grand jury in session Tuesday failed to find a true bill against him. Porter claimed to have acted in self defense and the evidence sustained him. The grand jury also failed to bring In true hills In two cases where the clirarge wus violation of the local op tion law, one In which robbery was charged and another of alleged horse stealing. Men's oxfords cheap at A. Eklund's. , - l:-f-r i.-.'-r;- ,r p i or . J... tAT . Good fishing water baths that Swimming pool SOI SHORT NEWS NOTES FROM ATHENA (Special Correspondence.) Athena, Ore., June 27. Wheat is filling out in fine shape in this vi cinity. The gardens all over this city are growing fine. Hill McBride was in the city from his ranch on Wednesday. Nova, the paint store artist, is quite indisposed at his home in this city, disposed at his home in this city. lr. sharp was called on Wednesday t. attend Joe Cannon, who was tak er suddenly 111 with a serious attack or billions colic, John Bell and Wm. and Andy Wil laby were Pendleton visitors on Mon day. Dell Brothers are moving the house which they owned from the west side to the foppoek lot on the east side. They also are remodeling their par ents' residence on Third street. Mrs. Fred Boyd and daughter Cecelia are expected home today Thursday, from Portland. Prohibition meeting at the Paptlst church July 10. Rev. Martin of Wal la Walla will address the meeting. A. I-. I.utz of Walla Walla, agent for the Mitchell automobile, was dem. onstrating the merits of his ear to prospective Athena buyers. He took this occasion to show the Internal workmanship of the Mitchell, using Barrett's car for the purpose. J. T. I.letiallen and family attend ed the association nt New Home i burch. Mrs. C. A. Barrett and Mr. Maey Kirk went to the New Home associ ation, going over on the morning train. David Ferris was in Athena Wed nesday coming over from W. W. ranch. H. J. Bell of Cold Springs passed through Athena on way to Weston mountains. Mrs. Sain Thompson, who Is quite proficient at driving, came up from the farm yesterday by auto. She was :ieonmpanloil by Mrs. J Ralph Ad a ms. James Price of Weston was trading with Athena merchants Wednesday. Srnrwl Into Sound Ileal., i. Mr. P. F. Kelley. Springfield, III. writes: "A year ago I began to be troubled with my kidneys and blad- oer, wnten grew worse until I became alarmed at my condition. I suffered also with dull heavy headaches and the action of my bladder was annoy ing and painful. I read of Foley Kidney Pills and after taking them a few weeks tho headaches left me the notion of my bladder was again normal, and I was free of all dis tress." Koeppen Bros. Tnrnier Out rn.li and Girl. Long Heach. Cal. Out of pocket ."lino and no bride is what George Craighead, a rancher, age 55, from Biigham City. Utah, says a matri monial vent tiro has meant to him. He came here looking for the bride-to-be, fell into the hands of confi dence men at San Pedro and lost $1, 000 on a racing game. Ho says he ad vanced the $100 to Miss Emma Har well, who now says, in view of all that has transpired, she does not intend - i- ' and hunting. Hot mineral will tone up your system. and other amusements. to marry. A WARNING to feel tired before tier tlon is nut laziness It's a sign tbat the system lacks vitality, and needs tbe tonic effect of Hoous Saroanaidla. Bnfferers should not delay. Get rid of that tired feeling by beginning to take Hood's Sana parilln today. BEXl'LETON TB.AI.V SCHEDULE. O. R. & N. Westbound Oregon division Portland local 10:16 a.m. Ore. & Wash. Express. . 1:26 a. m. Portland limited 12:16 p. m. Fast Mail 11:46 p. m. Motor 4:36 p. m. Pilot Rock Mixed 9:06 a. m. Eastbound Oregon division Fast Mail i:60 a. m. Ore. & Wash. Express.. 6:16 a, m. Chicago Limited 6:16 p. m. Motor 10:20 a. m. Port, local, ar. 6:10, leaves 6:40 p m Pilot Rock mixed 3:00 p. m. Washington Div. Leaving Pendleton Walla Walla local .... 6:25 p. m. Pendleton passenger . . 7:00 a. m. Spokane local 2:15 a. rn, Washington Div. Arriving Pendleton Pendleton local 1:30 a. m. Walla Walla local 10:06 a. m. Pendleton passenger .. 5:00 p. m. XORTIIEHX PACIFIC, leaving rendleton Passenger 3:00 p. m. Mixed train 8:30 a. m. Arriving Pendleton Passenger 10:00 a. m. Mixed train 7:30 a. m. mm NOTICE TO PAY ASSESSMENTS FOB I M PKOVEM EXTS OX JANE STREET. Notice Is hereby given that the Im provement of Jane street between the north lino of Tustln street and the south line of High street by the con struction of sidewalks and cross walks on the west side thereof has been completed according to contract, and the same has been accepted by the common council of the city of Pendleton, and that contract price for t-aid improvement has been as sessed against the lots parts of lota and parcels of land fronting on said street in front of which said Im provements have been made, and that the same Is now due and payable at the office of the city recorder of the city of Pendleton, and notice is here by given that If the same are not paid within ten days from this date the same may be collected by foreclosure of the lion for said improvement against the property in front of which said Improvement was made. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 21st day of June, 1910. THOS, FITZ GERALD. City Recorder. Pally East Oregonlan by rarrlo unty 15 cvnta per verk. MfiiilllPl! WANTED. WANTED Lace curtain to laundry. Work done with especial care. Phone Red 2621. WANTED CLASSIFIED ADS. SUCH as help wanted; roorra or houses for rent; second hand goods for sale; in fact, any want you want to kel filled, the East Oregonlan wants your want ad. Rates: Three lines ont time. 20 cents; two times, 30 cents; six times. 70 cents. Five lines one time. 30 cents; two times, 45 -entF; six times, 11.16 Count si xwords to 'he line. Send your classified ads to the office or mail to the East Ore gonlan, enclosing sliver or stamps to -over the amount. WANTED Classified ads, such as help wanted; rooms or houses . i rent; second hand goods for sale; In fact.any want you want to get filled, the East Oregonlan wants your want ad. Rates: Thr' lln s one time, 20 cents; two times, 10 . cents; six times, 70 cents. Five lines one time, 30 cents; two times. 46 cents; six times, $1.15. Count six words to the line. Send your classified ads to the office or mar to the East Oregonlan, enclosing stiver or stamps to cover the am ount. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Halnes-Houser combined harvester, 18-foot cut; -good c -dltlon. Address, Cbaa, Hamilton, City, R. F. D. 1. MAPS CITY OF PENDLJBTON A1 I5at Oregonlan off ten. Prle 2S Classified PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD. M. D., HOMEO pathlc physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephones: Office, black 3411; residence, red 2633. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE. CHRO nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro theraputics. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence 'phone. Main 564. DENTISTS. E. A. MANN, DENTIST, OFFICE Main street, next to Commercial Association rooms. Office 'phone, black 3421; residence 'phone, red 3351. UPDV JL ' DP XTV- 1TW ni?VTiT. CTTT ! geons, Office, room 15 Judd build- Ing. Phone, Red 3301. DR. THOMAS VAUCHAN. DENTIST, Office in Judd building. Phone, Main 73. VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATU Stock Inspector and member State Veterinary Board. Office at residence 915 east Court St. Res. 'phone Main 69. ATTORNEYS RALEY & RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In American National Bank building. FEE & SLATER, LAWYERS, OF fice In Despain building. CARTER & SMYTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In American Nation al Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. LOWELL & WINTER, ATTORNEYS and counsellors at law. Office In Pespain building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. PETERSON & WILSON, ATTOR neys at law: rooms 3 ami 4 Smith- Crawford building. PHELPS & STF.IWER. ATTORNEYS at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. CHAS. J. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY at law. Office in Judd building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2, 3, nnd 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS, ETC D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walks, etc. Phone black S7S6. or Oregonlan office. AUCTIONEER. COL. F. G. LUCAS, LIVESTOCK Auctioneer, Athena. Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers' Bank of Weston. Farm sales a specialty. MACHINERY. UNITED ENGINEERING CO., ME chanlcal engineers. Irrigation power or electric plants gas produc ers. 25-26 P.-I. Bldg., Seattle, Wash ington. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER. FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Opposite, postoffice. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. 'Phone main 75. For Sale Continued. 360 LINCOLN BUCKS, dropped la January and February. Extra large and choice. Suitable for ranee om this fall. Write to Stanley Coffin, North Yakima, Wash. USE DR. O. W. ROGERS' 8tok. St. Poultry Remedies. Positively guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by C . Bowls by, in West Webb street, Pendleton, Oregon.' SUBSCRIBERS TO MAQAINDS, 11 you want to subscribe tn m&gaalBas or newspapers in the United States or Europe, remit br pota: not, cheek, or send to the EAST OR1' OONIAN the net publisher's prl of the publication you desire, an J we will have it sent yon. It -1U save yon both trouble and risk. 11 you are a subscriber to the BAJn OREGONLAN, in remitting yon ea ieduct ten per cent from the pub Usher's price. Addreaa BAST1 OREGONLAN PUB. CO.. Psndi -ton. Ore. While watching the parti c- lar classification that appeals te you do not overlook all the other want ads. Directory IXSCRAXCE AND LA YD BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO.. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Doea a general brokerage business. Pan taxes and makes investments for non residents. Write fire, life and acci dent Insurance. References, any bank in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Pres. W. S. HENNINGER, Vlce-Prea, C. H. MARSH, Sec. BENTLEY & LEFFINGWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. New location, 815 Main street Phone Main 404. LTV EH Y AND FEED STABLE, 1 211' '. '" 1 "" ,C1T LIVERY STABLE, THOMPSON -- it-j at oi evu'iry, Xropv, ! Livery, feed and sale stable. Good j rigs at all times. Cab line in connec- tlon, 'Phone main 70. RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT. NOODLBtJ and chop suey, Ung D. Goey, prop, j At the old stand. Alta street in rear , of Tall man & Co. MISCELLANEOUS. CARPETS CLEANED We have se cured the Rader vacuum cleaning outfit and will clean your carpets at from 5c to 7c per yard. No dust, no wear and no tearing up of car pets. Pendleton Furniture Co., W. R. Graham, manager. FRED FIFFERT, AUCTIONBKR. Freewater, Ore., R. F. D. 1; Walla Walla, Wash, R. F. D. 1; phone F. L. IX or Freewater Times. PENDLETON IRON WORKS RM palr work on all kinds of machine, structural Iron work and machine castings. Junction of Court and Alta streets. Marlon Jack, Phop.; A. F. May, manager. LET ELECTRICITY DO YOUR work it's clean, reliable and con venient. Electric Sad Irons, guaran teed. 5.25. Electric Hot Water and Curling Iron Heaters, Electric Coffee Percolators, etc. A complete stock of Gas and Electric fixtures. First-elaas wiring of homes, etc. J. L. Vaughan, 815 Main street. jSLOM KEE, CHINESE LAUNDRY, family washing; work done by hand: j mending free; goods called for an i delivered. 4ns East Court street. SECOND-HAND DEALERS, V. STROBLE, DEALER IN SECOND hand goods, if there is anything you need in new and second-hand furniture, stoves, graniteware ana crockery, call and get '..Is prices. No 212 East Court street. FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE No. 61 V A- F. and A. M., meets the first and third Mondays of each month. AH visiting brethrea are invited. DAMON LODGE NO. 4. K. of P., meets every Mon day evening in I. O. O. T. hall. Visiting brothers cor dially Invited to attend. W. I. Gadwa, C. C; R. W. Fletcher, K of R. S. While watching the partlcu- 0 lar classification th appeals to you don not overlook all the other want ads.