I PAGE tlX. SAIL BAIIT OREGOSUN. PKNDLErON. OREflON, THURSDAY, JVXK (, 1I0. F3GIIT PARES. Ttie Missing Link is in Town. The guest of one of our leading merchants Through the energetic efforts of one of our leading merchants we have with us one of the greatest attractions of the day. The Missing Link. . He is not as wild and wool? as he looks but is cultured and polished to a high degree and is really a great comfort and help to mai kind. He is now on exhibi tion at A. L. Schaefer's Jewelry Store 726 MAIX STREET. STANFIELD WILL NOT GET FIGHT RETURNS (Special Correspondence.) Stanfield, Ore.. June 29. H seems from wire received this morning from Associated Tress managers that there has been a conflict between the As sociated Press and the Western Un ion In regard to detailing the Jeffries- Johnson fight by rounds and so the committee is obliged to say that they will be unable to feature this by rounds as advertised a day or two ago. In lieu of this a match will be put on between Mullin and Hurgn. This con test will take place at 11 o'clock on the base ball grounds and from re ports received it will be well worth while. Rurgo will have a large fol lowing from La Grande here that day, so that those who are Interested in this sort of a contest may be as sured of a good time. Dr. Henry W. Coe is back in town again after a few days visit to Port land and one day in Pendleton. He reports that work on his house near the government project is progress ing nicely. Ed Marshall is down today, having driven down from Pendleton in rec ord time. SHORT NEWS NOTES FMIHIT ROCK (Special Correspondence.) RAILROADS PLANT TREES IX TRI'FI.KSS MEXICO Fort St. James On Lake Stuart, BRITISH COLUMBIA This Is destined to be the Portland of British Columbia, on a navigable river and deep water lake with two trains running in next fall. Letters pour into our office all day with applications for lots. To those who cannot come in we would do our utmost to make a good selection. Price J100 and $200 each. Cash '$25.00, balance $10.00 a month. A few 40 acre farms joining Fort St. James townsite and Lake Stuart, $50.00 cash and $10.00 a month. You need not be a Canadian Citizen to Hold This. You need not improve it, nor you need not reside on it. All this land is on or near the railroad. Grand Trunk Pacific, Alaska Yukon, and Canadian Northern railroads. Rich farm lands, $S.60 per acre, $3.00 cash, and balanr.2 $1.00 per acre per year until paid. APPLY CAXADIAX XORTHERX LAND COMPANY, 304. 305 and 306 Lewis Building, Portland, Oregon. SOCIALIST CAMPMEET1XG TLANXED FOR KLAMATH San Francisco. The Oregon-California Socialist Encampment, which will attract workers In the new' faith as far as Alaska and Mexico, will bi held at Klamath Falls. Or., next week. Three hundred tents will form a community such as has never been known in this country. During the progress of the meeting the principles of socialism will be carried out in act as well ns in word. Every activ ity of the community, every finan cial transaction, will be attended by that equal interest principle for which socialism stands. The experiment is being watched by a number of writers from eastern centers. SALMOX FALLS POWER PLAXT IS FINISHED FRESH MEATS SACSAGES, FISH LARD. AND Always pure and delivered promptly, if you phone the Central Meat Market 108 E. Alta St, Phone Main II. 1 FlAP-A-LAflb Will Brighten : our H ome THE HIGHEST QUALITY VARNISH AXD STAIN COMBINED. Can be used on wood or met al floors, woodwork, furni ture, picture frames, etc. Comes ready mixed. Easily applied quickly dried. For sale by Murphy Bros. Pilot Hock, June 29. William Mc Cutchoon, whose home was formerly here, but who is now living in Texas is here visiting with relatives and friends. A very nice program was rendered by the school children of District Xo. 111. Friday evening, June 24. One of the main features of the program was i om 'thumb s wedding. After the program refreshments were sold to those who wished them, the proceeds amounting to $16. t.oorge Llnsner of Xye. who has been under the care of Dr. Parker in Pendleton, returned to his home Fri day morning feeling some better. 11. 1.. I.insner of the Pilot Kock ha nl ware store, was a Pendleton vis itor Thursday evening. H. (5. fasted, our postmaster, spent Thursday in Pendleton. Mrs. George Sihlegel, who has been spending the last few days with friends in Pendleton, returned to Pi lot Rock Monday morning. Miss Lola Perry of Pendleton came to Pilot Rock Monday morning to at tend Iter music class here. Miss Esther Sturtevant was a Pen dleton visitor Monday evening. T. TV Laurence of Uklah, was a Pendleton business visitor Monday. Master Dewey Jaques was a pas senger on the Pilot Rock local for Pendleton Tuesday evening. Miss Ella McRroom, who has been in Portland for the last two months where she had an operation perform ed, has returned to her home at Pilot Rock. The Rockwell brothers pulled into Jinks Jaques grain with their com bine Monday evening where they be gan work Tuesday morning. Little Robert Manning, son of Rob ert Manning of Pilot Rock, died at the home of Mr. Barr, a few miles north of Pendleton Wednesday. June 22, from brain fever. The remains were brought to Pilot Rock Friday morning and were laid to rest here in the cemetery. The Pilot Rock nine was defeated again Sunday by Weston with the score of 8 to 5. The remains of John Grooms. brother of Fred Grooms. were i brought to Pilot Rock Monday morn- j ing and were laid to rest here Monday at 2 p. m. I The Pilot Rock train pulled into without San Francisco. The National Rail ways of Mexico are planting 40,000 eucalyptus and cedar trees In the western section of the republic. This Is the first extensive work to come under the' supervision of Stanley F. ; Morse, newly appointed agricultural expert of the National Railways. The transfer of the trees from the com- ' panys IS. 000 acre nursery will neces-' sltate the use of three special trains, j totaling 75 cars. ' The trees will be shipped to S2 different hacendados interested In the! Mexican agricultural question, all be- ! ing located along the lines of the Na- tlonal Railways. Though these trees j are supplied entirely without cost to those who desire to them, many will i he bought at maturity, by the Nation- , al Railways, for ties and other pur- j poses. The trees will produce ties and ! lumber for other purposes, keep down ! the dust, conserve moisture, break de- structive winds, etc. The idea in ap pointing an expert to whom the ha- ' cendados of the nation may apply j for free information concerning many things in relation to agriculture is to . promote Interest, through the repub- j lie in agriculture. Mexico is practically treeless, the ( ivTirt ni- nri.l fnv fh npnnn, pnn. ' servation of rain the country must be seeded thoroughly, resulting, even tually, in solid, productive forests. The planting of trees will occupy the first week in July, the opening of' the ramv season. When You Think Ol the pain which many women experience with every month it makes the gentleness and kindness always associ ated with womanhood seem to be almost a miracle. While in general no woman rebels against what she re gards as a natural necessity there is no woman who would not gladly be free from this reeurring period of pain. Dr. Pierce' a Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well, and Hives them freedom Irom pain, it establishes regularity, subdues Inflam mation, heals ulceration and cures fe male weakness. Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. All correspondence strictly privute and sacredly confidential. Write without fear and without fee to World's Dispensary Med ical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. 1)., President, Buffalo, N. Y, If you want a book that tells all about woman's diseases, and how to cure them at home, send 21 one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce to pay cost of mailing only, and he will send you a free copy of his great thoiicnd-pago illustrated Common Sense Medical Adviser revised, up-to-date edition, in paper covers. In handsome cloth-binding, 31 stamps. Known For Its Strength The First National Bank PENDLETON. OREGON Lame shoulder is almost invariably caused by rheumatism of the muscles and yields quickly to the free appll cation of Chamberlain's Liniment This liniment is not only prompt an. efefctual, but in no way disagreeable to use Sold by all dealers. Ontario, Ore. The power plant of the Great Shoshone & Twin Falls Wa ter Power company at Lower Salmon falls, has been completed and is in operation, according to announcement made by Samuel H. Hays. In discussing this important pro ject, Mr. Hays said: "This is the be ginning of the installation of one of the Greatest Dower plants in the west as It will have an ultimate capacity Pilot Rock Monday morning at the lowest stage of water, of 30,000 any mail. horse power. At the present time a capacity of 2000 horsepower Is installed. Owing to the character of the pow er plants being installed, Idaho is destined to be the field, where the greatest electrical experiments of the future will be made. The Great Sho shone & Twin Falls water Power company has already made extensive experiments In the way of furnishing electricity for heating purposes. More buildings are heated with electricity in Twin Falls and Jerome than In any other towns of their size In the world. "This company has already made experiments which have considerably advanced the heating problem, and it Is probable that southern Idaho will be the first locality where electricity is extensively used for heating pur poses. The company offers every In ducement to the people of Wendell, Jerome, Gooding, Twin Falls, Mllner, Euhl and other towns in the Twin Falls district to use electricity, not only for lighting, but for household and power purposes. "Considering their age, there are more miles of electrical transmission wires on the Twin Falls north .and south side projects, including the Salmon river project, than in any other similar district in the United States." The Conservation of Nature's Re sources Applies as well to our physical" state as to material things. C. J.I Budlong, Washington, R. I. realized j his condition, and took warning be-j fore It was too late. He says: "Ij suffered severely from kidney trou ble, the disease being hereditary In. our family. I have taken four bot. ties of Folcys Kidney Remedy, and j no wconsiders "myself thoroughly cur- . ed. This should be a warning to all not to neglect taking Foley's Kidney Remedy until it is too late." Koep- CAPITAL, SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS . RESOURCES OVER so $2, j SECURITY BOXES PERSONAL EFFECTS. Miracle Cure f or home T reatment The world knows Chinese doctors, with powerful and wonderful Chi nese remedies, cure all diseases successfully. If you are out of health, unable Jo regain It, write us today and de scribe your symptoms. We ac cept only curable cases. York A York. Chinese Medl:lne Co., 110 V. Main St., Walla Walla, Wash. After suffering with rheumatism for many years, other doctors not curing me, t wrote Drs. York A York for treatment. Their won derful treatment cured me within a month, and now 1 am perma nently cured, for which I write this true testimonial. If any one suffering, wishes to know more about their treatment, they can write me. J. M. ASHWORTH. Weston, Oregon. "Already Worn" Mark on Skeletons at Customs House. Geneva. Here is the latest Euro pean custom-house story to match the eccentricities of the assistants of Wil liam Loeb. A Swiss missionary, after several years in Patagonia, came home with his baggage full of relics, including some skulls found in Patagonian cemeteries. Arrived at the Swiss frontier, the officials demanded the keys of the trunks marked "bones of animals." and then assessed the duty at 2 cents a pound. Fiercely the missionary argued that the bones were not for commerce or for profit, but for scientific pur poses only, which made them ailmis sable on the free list. The debate continued for an hour. At last the missionary won. The skulls were ad mitted, marked on the official forms, 'personal effects already worn." GREWSOME ACT OF FATHER. Arrested for Burying His Child, Dead From Diphtheria. Berlin. A peculiar burial Incident took place at ' Grosswardeln, where the 5-year-old daughter of Joseph Jauerlng, a local official, died of diphtheria. Jauering had turned his back on the Roman Catholic religion and refused to allow a priest to take part in the burial of his child. He him self performed the duties of under taker and at night time carried the coffin to the cemetery, performing the ceremony himself. Since the child had died from an infectious disease, and as Jauernig had carried the body through the whole town, the authori ties are taking proceeding against him. Wltat Everyhody Ought to Know. That Folev Kidney Pills contain just the Ingredients necessary to tone. strengthen and regulate the action of the kidneys and bladder. Koeppen Bros. S2.non.ooo is added to LAXD VALUES IV IDAHO Boise, Idaho. Insuring the con struction of the largest pumping pro ject undertaken in Idaho under the provisions of the Carey act, the state FRESH FISH Meals and Sausages EVERY DAY. We handle only the purest of lard, hams and bacon. Empire Meat Go. Phone Mala 18. fcqcB)Jmc'iFwaL.jT: vanmuiiiaii mm.i Milne Transfer Phone Main 5 Calls promptly answered for all baggage transfer ring. Piano and Furniture moving and Heavy Truck ing a specialty." Jn J k;rr( r- - L:-f& - ? v.?; i l-l?I Hoi . Oregon, located cornet of Seventh and Stark Street, extending Hi rough the block to Pnrk Strcot, Portland Oregon. Our new Park 8trw Anne Is absolutely fireproof. Rates $1 per Day and Up. European Standard Typewriter MERRILL MEN TRV FOR ARTESIAN' WATER Merrill, Ore. The beginning of a big project for developing the Sand Hollow dry land country was start ed Saturday in the transfer of E. O. Wilson's traction engine to that sec tion, to be used in drilling for artesian water. It is believed that a good supply of water can be had at a moderate depth In that section, and If secured i means n big development for the section. fOLEYSHOhlYTAK Curas Cold; Prevents Poeumostl A Rsliabla Remedy FOR CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm It Quickly absorbed. Givei Relief st One. It clt-mises, soothes, beals and protects we umcased mem- brane resulting from Catarrh and driver sway a Cold in the Head quickly. Restore the 8-uHes of Taste and bmelL Full sire SO eta. at Druggists or by mail. Liquid Cream Balm for use in stomlxers 75 cts. Ely brothers, 68 Warren Street, New York. land board has set July 25 as the date ror the drawing or lanas to oe irri gated by the Snake River Irrigation company, with which the hoard last February contracted for the reclama tion of 17,000 acres in southern Ada county at the uniform price of $50 an acre for water rights. Orand View Is designated as the place for holding the opening. This project It Is estimated will add j more than tz.uuu.ijijij to me assesses valuation of the taxable property of the county, and will result In the con struction of an Immense power plant near Castle Butte generating 10,000 horsepower, or more than three times as much power as will be actually re quired in connection with the Irriga tion enterprise. All surplus energy I; to be marketed by the company which has already entered Into a con tract with the Orand View Extension lirigatlon company to pump water for 7000 acres on the south bank of th river. The Ada county trat extends nlong the river from the mouth of the Bur neau to a point four miles above Swan Falls. The soil Is a sandy lonm and the location and climatic condi tions, it Is stated, make the land par ticularly adaptable to fruit culture. The project covers a western slope and the entire tract Is protected by a wall of rimroek 800 feet In height. Construction on the project Is well under way and the main canal Is near Ing completion. In the event the company Is able to carry out Its pres ent plans, water will be ready for de livery next spring. A large amount of material for the ram, which Is to be 650 feet In length and 19 feet In height, has already been purchased. The first actual work on the dam will commence July 15. when It Is expected that the river will have reached the low stage. The pumping plant will have a capacity of lifting water to the 125 foot level. The Machine You Will Eventually Buy! THE BEST TYPEWRITER FOR BANKERS AND BROKERS Because it Possesses Speed, rv i i is uurabie, always turns out excellent work. an( Underwood Typewriter Company . INCORPORATED 68 Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon