East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 30, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Your Choice From
Children Cry for Fletcher's
The K!nrl You 11-ivo Always- RomvM, antl which has heen
In use for over 30 years, Iia homo the hirrnati.ro of
I'"1 Iwon made under Ms per
t7 s y545?7"y r sona - Kpervislon aiiioo it infa.icy.
CdC4K Allow no ono to derelvo you in thi s
AH Counterfeits, Imitations r.nd "Jut-as-good" are but
Kxp'i-iincntM tli.it trifle with and ciidunjror tho health of
Infants and Children Kxperlcueo against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoriii is a harmlenH miniilnlo for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drop and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, JUorphhio nor other Xarcotlo
Mihstancc. Its ago is its gun ran lee.. It destroys "Worms
and allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the rood, regulates tho
Stomach ami I.owcls, giving hcaUhy and natural bleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
iBears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
11,1 11 1 - - "rrr
Eastern Excursion Rates
Juno 2-17-24
Aug. 3
July 5-22
Sept. 8
Circular Tours to Uie
Sold Daily, June 1 to Sept. 1.
Via Kootenay Lakes, through
Canadian Rockies, Glaciers,
Lake Louise, the famous Na
tional Park, the Great Upper
Lnke route, through the Thous
and Islands, returning via any
direct line or through Califor
nia. Write for detailed Information.
G. M. JACKSON, Ttot Puss. Agt.
(Special Correspondence.)
Milton, ore., Juno 30. K. N. C-r.-le
it Jeffi rwon. Ore., hiiH been secure'!
to fill the place made vacant' by the
resignation of City Electrician Thus.
Taylor. Mr. Coyle and family will
r rrlvi- in Milton about the 15th of
Mr. and Mrs. D. Martin went to
Walla Walla this evening to attend
the marriage of their Hon, (Jrover.
Win. MeCutcheon, a nephew of J.
E. Cherry, is in the city from Hous
ton. Texan. He came by way of Pen
dleton anil was met there by Mr.
Cherry yesterday.
Ernest Coe will leave today for his
homestead In Franklin county to look
after Interests there.
Thos. Taylor and Alfred and Roy
Uenlck leave Friday for Portland,
where they will accept a g'ood position
as electricians.
F. It. Van Wert was a business
visitor at Walla Walla this after
Miss Mina Hayes, manager of the
local telephone office, was a business
visitor In the Garden city today.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Heanlsley are
guests of friends in Walla Walla this
Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Compton were
Garden city visitors Wednesday af
ternoon. A tea was given at the residence of
Mrs. F. A. Slkes this afternoon by tho
ladies aid of the M. E. church. About
25 ladies were present and an en
joyable time Is reported by those who
Mrs. L. A. Overturf and family are
the guests this week of friends in
Allen Mathes returned this week
from Echo, Ore., where he has been
working in hay harvest.
( Sp' cial Correspondence. )
Weston, lire, June 2. Most of the
farmers hereabout are engaged In
making their first cutting of hay.
Every day or two a binder Is sold by
our local dealers to some of the grain
raisers, to be used at once in the
field. Preparations are being made
for the coming harvest and In a week
or two the work will commence In
this section. Grain is looking very
well and the farmers are expecting at
bast an average yield from their fall
sown grain.
S. J. Cully and family leave this
week for the Wenaha. .Springs to
spend a few days outing, remaining
until after the Fourth of July.
Miss Pcarle Edwards, one of Wes
ton's public school teachers, stopped
off for a day or two's stay with
friends while on her way to her home
at Vale, Oregon.
John It. fieaton was among the
number who were In town today trad
ing and laying in supplies for the
John It. English, the teacher and
surveyor, was down from his moun
tain home attending to business mat
ters during the day.
The fruit raisers on the mountains
south and east of town keep the
Weston market well supplied with
the seasons, small fruit, which are far
superior to any shipped In from the
irrigated districts. Strawberries,
raspberries, Logan beries and cher
ries are all of fine quality and find
a ready sale at the top market price.
Cass Matlock, Prop.
und illustrated Hongfl in
tho city.
Shows afternoon and eve
nings. Refined and en
tertaining for tho entire
Xert to French Restaxtrant
Entire change three time
each week. Re sure and
-e the next change.
Adnlif 10c. Children
under 10 years, 5c.
Taeoma. Two thousand picked
1'nltcd States regulars, the cream of
the army, representing everv branch
of service, will participate In various
military and athletic contests at the
United States military tournament to
be held at Taeoma. Wash., July 24-30.
There will be thrilling feats of daring
horsemanship, bareback riding, cav
alry and artillery drills, wall scal
ing and tugs of war Stunts by caval
rymen Include charges, Intricate
movements nt a gallop, musical drills
of real beauty, dexterity in the use of
sabers carbines and revolvers, and
all of the varied ways of attack and
The tournament Is to be held in
the magnificent new public school
stadium which has been completed
at a cost of over J 100.000, and is by
all odds the finest athletic field in
the west. This Immense amphithe
ater, in form of a gigantic horseshoe,
is 400 feet long, 250 feet wide at its
narrowest part and 390 feet at its
widest. Miles of concrete seats are
arranged in 31 tiers affording seat
ing capacity for 30.000 people.
Four United States military hands
will furnish the music while thou
sands of dollars are being offered in
cash prizes.
"It cured me," or "it saved i"..e
life of my child are the expression!
you hear every day about Chamber
lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy This Is true the world over
where this valuable remedy has bee
Introduced. No other medicine In
use for diarrhoea or bowel complaints
has received such general approval.
The secret of the success of Cham
berlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy Is that it cures. Sold by all
(.erioans llavo SmvIu1 School for
Important Notice
On account of my dwelling houM
burning, I will only be at my office In
the John Schmidt building
1AY Each week' till further notice
Eye Specialist.
Daily F4 Oregon tan by carrier,
only 1 eento irr
Ucrlin. The latest development In
Cicrman education is a school for the
purpose of teaching shop assistants
Low to behave properly to customers.
H is considered they should learn not
only the intricacies of their respec
tive trades, but also the way to be
have In dealing with customers, how
to talk nicely und agreeably, how to
bow gracefully, how to treat 111-tem-percd
customers, how to conduct an
animated conversation without undue
familiarity nnd so forth.
The underlying idea of the new
school is to Improve business, as shown
ly the fact that the cost of conduct
ing It Is borne by the shopkeepers
themselves, who are cinvinced that
well trained nnd polished clerks ran
soli more goods than those who have
received no special Instruction in this
branch of their calling.
(ilad to Recommend Them.
Mr. E Weakley, Kokomo, Ind.,
says: "After taking Foley Kidney
Pills, the severe headache left me,
my kidneys became stronger, the se
cretions natural and ml bladder no
longer pained me. I am glad to
recommend Foley Kidney Pills." In
a yellow package. Koeppen Bros.
Mrs. Oirtor a Cort Star.
New York. Richard Lambert, Cort
agent, telegraphs the following:
Mrs, Leslie Carter has signed con
tracts with John Cort whereby the
a cress will be starred tinder Cort's
management for a period of five
Mrs. Carter will be presented the
coming season in a new play by
Rupert Hughes. This play Is said to
bo of exceptionally good construc
tion, and pleases Mrs. Carter much
better than anything she hns had In
several years.
Tho star role Is absolutely to her
liking as it affords unusual opportu
nity for her particular style of emo
tional acting.
(ilil Riding 5000 Miles.
St. Petersburg. A Cossack girl has
started to ride from Kharbin to St.
Petersburg, a distance of 5420 miles.
She is riding astride on an ordinary
Cossack saddle, carrying a hunting
knife and a revolver, and her only
companion is a pure-bred St. Bernard
log. Formerly a railway employe
she was awarded the gold medal "for
zeal" during the Russo-Japanese war.
We pack 60 per cent of California's orange crop:
three-fourths of its lemons. From this great quantity we
..t. ...... n aLA ,.,.!; J I.A...:n...il J 1 i ... ,.i 1 . 1. . flaifAPftl frill 1fr
! nor n,.ml krnnj "S! INKIST"
"Sunkist" Navel Oranges Are Seedless
They are always packed in wrappers bearing the name"Sun
kist." Be sure the oranges you get have these wrappers, for
they not only insure you the finest oranges that can be
grown, but for every twelve you send us we will give you a
Handsome Orantfe Spoon FREE ;
These spoons are Rogers' Best Quality Standard AA
a beautiful pattern designed especially for us. You
couldn't buy anything more handsome, no matter what price
you paid. Think how quickly you can get an entire set,
a most 'attractive addition to your table service.
Buy a' dozen "Sunkist" Oranges or Lemons today,
and send us the wrappers, with six 2c stamps to pay for
postage, packing, etc. You will get
your first spoon by return mail.
Address California
Fruit Growers' Exchange
34 Clark St. tt it CHICAGO y
d o..t:.,M r .......11 , c..-i;,'vs
Oranget. The fruit is equally fine, and mil
accept lemon wrappers for spoons.
Kaby'H Vital Point.
The most delicate part of a baby Is
its bowels. Every ailment that Is suf
fers with attacks the bowels also en
dangelrng in most cases the life of the
Infant. McGee's Baby E'lxir cure
diarrhoea, dysentery r.nd all derange
ments of the stomach or bowels. A
C. Koeppen
i:h usiiaws will in:.
rsi:i in v.xxcorvF.R. r. c.
San Francisco. A picturesque ori
i ntal touch "ill soon be given street
traffic in Vancouver. R. C. A com
pany is importing a number of the
latest pattern rubber-tired 'rickshaws
from Japan for hire. It is said that
among the Japanese population there
are a number of trained coolies who
could be utilized by the 'rickshaw
company. These men would be clad
n suitable uniform which would add
a new note of color to the streets. It
Is believed that the little man-drawn
carts would be very popular here, and
would be much used, especially by
tourists for sight-seeing
The 'rickshaw is a light two-wheeled
single-seated vehicle, drawn by a
coolie who runs at the average speed
of a horse-driven conveyance through
the streets. It is much used in Ja
panese, Chinese and Indian cities, to
some extent in South Africa and in
parts of New York city.
San Francisco, Cal. Governor Gil
lett did not thoughtlessly drop the
substance for a shadow when he forc
ed the Jeffries-Johnson fight to Re
no In fact he took the long end of
the deal for California a habit that
has become chronic with mayors of
San Francisco and governors of the
Golden state.
The Jeffries-Johnson fight will be
the biggest thing ever pulled off In
sportdom in this country. Everybody,
including Governor Gillett, knows
that. But the world's exposition
which is to celebrate the completion
of the Panama canal will be a big
ger, and better, enterprise, and the
people of California have set their
hearts upon showing the world what
can be done in a world-wide indus
trial way. A great fight and a great
exposition were too much.' and one
had to be passed up.
It is estimated that fully $10.00",
imiii will change hands through the
Medium of the fight, in expenses, bets
and goodfellowshjp. This Is a tre
mendous sum to be spent on a single
event, the largest, perhaps in the his
tory f the world. But Pan Francisco
docs not need the money. Wait until
the Panama exposition shows the
world something that will make the
Id tired tiling take nonce.
Celebration Prices All Over l
This Store
1 Our Great Reductions have turned every department in
I to a galaxy of fireworks-No fizzers or sizzers, every price cut
Dress Up for the Fourth
For hot summer days at cooling H
$5.00 Silks $3.50
All colors and sizes.
State tf Onio, City of Tolrflo. Lucu t'ona
ty. w.
Frank J. Cheney makes oatb tbat he U
tnlor partuer of the firm of V. J. (.'lie
ey ft Co., doing bualaesa In the City ot
leledo, ('entity and State aforesaid aad
that aald firm will pay the aum of O.NK
liUXDKED 1AILLAKS for each and Pin
-aae of Catarrh (tat cannot be cured bj
ibe rae ot Hall a Cctarrn Cur.
Bwnro to before me aad aubi.rlbed la
mj preeenre. tttls Ctb day of December, A
L 181.
l Heal i Notary Public.
Uall'a Catarrh Cure la taken Internally
and acta directly o tbe blood and muruoa
surfaces of tbe system. 8ead tor testimo
nials frv.
F. J. CUENET A CO.. Toledo, O.
Sold bj all PrngKlsts, ?5e.
Take Uall'a Parol! rills for eoiftlpa
Cu-llti, the Woman, AHegwl to Re a
Marseilles. Thirty-four Anamlte
pirates and nlalfactors have arrived
lure, and with them a remarkable
woman, one of the wives of the re
doubtable pirate De Tham, who has
niven the French so much trouble In
t'o-P.a. as the woman pirate Is call
ed, exercises a dominating Influence
over the pirate king and his follow
ers, a power she even preserved
throughout the voyage, which the
prisoners made In a specially con
structed iron cage built amidships.
Co-Pa, a small, hard-faced woman
of about 30, enjoyed tho reputation of
a witch nmong the pirates, and she
ferociously hated the white men.
When the prisoners landed at Mar
seilles it was site who marched
proudly nt their head, taking not the
slightest notice of the crowds who
watched the debarkation of the pris
oners on their way to the Hie de Re.
in the Pay of Blscav.
Sufferers who say they have tried
everything without benefit are the
people we are looking for. We want
them to know from glad experience
that Ely's Cream Balm will conquer
cold in the head, hay fever, and obsti
nate forms of nasal catarrh. This
remedy acts directly on the inflamed,
sensitive membranes. Cleansing,
soothing and healing. One trial will
convince you of its healing power.
Price 50c. All druggists, or mailed
by Ely Bros., 66 Warren street, New
Woman Trie Ila'ikruptcy With
Money in Pillow.
7oc value
$1.00 Value
$2.00 Values
Jfc $7.50 Panamas
Unions Suits and 2 piece summer underwear reduced.
lHihlin. A strange discovery was
made by a bankruptcy court official,
who. accompanied by nine police of
ficers, paid a surprise visit to the
house of Mrs. Julia Quill of Coolea.
County Cork, who was recently de
clared bankrupt for a debt of 65
pounds for rent.
The official happened to pick up a
pillow, which looked as if It had been
carelessly thrown down on a basket.
Immediately a son and daughter of
Mrs. Quill pounced upon him and
struggled desperately to get possess
ion of the pillow. The official fell up
on it and remained in that position
until the policemen came to his as
sistance. The pillow was then ripped open,
nnd among the feathers were found
banknotes, gold and silver amounting
to 2S pounds 1 shilling 2 pence. Two
books were also found showing that
the bankrupt's sons had 207 pounds
t their credit in the bank.
A woman passenger on n transat
lantic liner bothered the officers ami
captain unceasingly about whales. A
hundred times a day she asked to be
railed If one was sighted.
"Put. madam." expostulated the
captain finally, "why are you so anx
ious about this whale question?"
"Recnuse," she replied, "all my life
I've wanted to see a whale blubber."
From Success Magazine.
The Important
confronting anyone in need of a laxa
tive is not a question of a single ac
tion only, but of permanently bene
ficial effects, which will follow proper
efforts to live in a healthful way, with
the assistance of Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna, whenever it is re
quired, as it cleanses tbo system
gently yet promptly, without irritation
and will therefore always have the
preference of all who wish the best of
family laxatives.
The combination has the npproval
of physicians because it is known to
be truly beneficial, and because it has
given satisfaction to the millions of
well informed families who have used
it for many years rast.
To get its beneficial effects, always
buy the genuine manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co. only.
Is made from the choicest wheat that
erows. Good bread is assured vhc
BVERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran.
Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always en
Pendleton Roller "Mills
Pendleton, Oregon.
1400 acre stock ranch 10 miles from R. R. station, 10 miles from
store and postofflce, 4 miles from school house. Two good dwellings,
one 7 room and one 5 room, 2 barns and one more barn under con
struction. 100 tons or more of hay goes with the place. 3 good
orchards, plenty of water the year round. There Is enough hay lani
on this place to put up 200 tons of hay every year.
Forest reserve for band of sheep goes with this place. I consider
this place one of the best buys In Umatilla Co. for a sheep ranch.
The land lays In such a way that It controls about three thousand
acres of range, all for $9.50 per acre. $7000.00 cash, balance
easy terms at 6 per cent.
Address Dan Kemler
210 W. Bluff Street.
wimj J.. ui i . " w,uxii.i wa
HmAjixwmumxTimrvMumtutmfsx its:
Chickens! Chickens!! Chickens!!!
All kinds, sizes and colors, young and old
Vor choice dressed ones phone your order night before. We
dross none except for orders m if you like cold storage poultry
patronize the other fellow or store yourself.
East End Grocery
Main 536
Res. Phone R. 2:t.
Job Printing, Tel. Main i !
I 'jfnmBMsaBPissrOTRjs,i