DAILY KAST OKEGOXLVN. PKXDLETOJf. OREGON. T1UKSDAY, JCXE SO, 1910. EIGHT PAGES. Only 2 More Days of the Sensationa $15 00 Sale Only 2 more days in which to do your 4th of July shopping. Get Busy 2 Days Special Price OX LADIES' TAX OXFORDS AND pr Mrs. A'.! SI.00 an.l I?1.50 Tan Oxford and Pumj'S will Friday and Saturday :r only $2.7S For Friday Only COl.l.AKS GREATLY REDUCED. I-arire 5hij.11n.dit ju?t received of Jabot?. Dutch Collars and Stock Collars. The newest effects in the Collar line, the ac tual values run up to "oC, red. tn.23 Art Squares Reduced Good designs ood quality. Sizes from 7 1-2x9 up to 10 x 14. You can't duplicate these at any furniture store for double the price. SS.50 Grade will jro for .. $5.63 SI J. 50 Grade will so for $7.45 Your 4th of July Hat is Here Our :-to.-k is the most complete in town, lie sure and visit our Millinery Depart ment before buying. 2rt0 hats, the latest styles, ln-autifully trimmed, rejrular values up to S10.00, '1 da only, your rhuice $1.9S 1"0 hats, the latest shapes, larse, medi um and small shapes, values up to S15, not an old one in the lot, i' days only your choice S5.00 All other Millinery is greatly reduced; it will more than pay you to visit this department.. Some special reductions $1.00 Ladies' Coi-ets reduced to 49o S2.50, S2.00 Ladies Corsets to 120 to La. Vests. no sleeves. reduced $1.19 reduced 8 1 3 12 1-20 and 150 Embroidery red. to 9 25 Rovs Ribbed Hose reducci SI. 75 :;;in. Chiffon Taffeta to Mescalines, all shad to 190 reduced ... S1.09 7oO to 650 and 750 Fa Bui to to reduced reduced ... 39o GROCERIES-for the 4th of July Picnic GROCERIES I Smsir. rr- r 1S I i-.:i...i -it.,,,, ,...,,.,.1 in I .............. NEWS OF TffiE I ' NORTHWEST j K t t Con res" steiiling lilcycles. Walla Walla, Wash. Harry Hoff man, the 14-year-old lad who has been causing bicycle riders of this city much uneasiness for the past three wicks, has been apprehended, and sex era I stolen wheels recovered. The buy confessed his crimes, and may be cent to the reform school, and if n. t he will be put on probation. damaging. It la believed by the lum bermen and timber owners that tha county association which wa formed will do much toward protecting tha timber against fires. Each timber owner Is assessed a certain amount per acre thus creating a fund for tha co-operative fire fighting. Killing Xir McMiimvillo. McMinnviilo, Ore. Wright Clark was shot and killed by Pies Fisher, near Hallston, 15 miles southwest of here, between 3 and 4 o'clock Mon day afternoon, as the result of Fish er's suspicion that undue intimacy existed between Clark and Fisher's wife. It is reported here that Fisher found Clark and Mrs. Fisher together and shot Clark on sight, once in the head and once in the back. Death was instantaneous. Other details of tlie killing are lacking. Kotighly Handed by Times. 1 Sandpoint. Idaho. Hurled from a moving freight train on a trestle riear. Granite. Idaho, a man giving the name of Martin Crossman fell 152 feet Into the ravine at the foot of the vluduct, where he lay for 24 hours with both arms and both legs broken before be ing found by a rancher late Sunday night. Crossman says he was set upon and ; robbed by four men on a westbound j train from Sandpoint and that on ! reaching the middle of the trestle hla , assailants tied his hands and threw ; him from a car door. The train was moving rapidly at , the time and Crossman says he lost consciousness for many hours follow . ing the fall. The robbery and attempted murder , occurred Saturday night and the vlc i t i in did not recover consciousness un 1 til Sunday afternoon. With nil of hia i limbs fractured, the injured man was helpless anil was almost dead when found. j A rancher crossing the trestle short- Chip Beef in frlass or tin, each 200 Veal loaf, per can 15o Potted Beef, per can 10 frame Pates, per can 30 Deviled Meats, small cans 5S lanre 10o Devil.-d Haiti, Fnderwoods, small can, 200 ; lanre 35o. Corned Beef, small can 200 ; lanre 35- ausacc, per can 150 Sardines. 5, 10, 12 12. 20, 25, 30 and 40 cents. Pork and Beans, 2 cans 250 Sniffed Olives, bottles loO to 45 Piipe Olives cans 200 ; jars 60 Imported Swiss Cheese, pound 45 Wisconsin Cheese, brick, pound 30 Boiled Ham, pound Crape Juice, pints 30; quart: Shrimp, per can Froh Crab. Meat, can 250 Lemons and Bananas, dozen Complete lini- of Huntley and Famous Cookies. am 60 350 35o Palmer tioei Hack to Pen. . . ; ly after dark Sunday night heard fee- Aberdeen. Wash. After having i ble cries coming from the deep ra violated his parole. Hart, the young vino and securing a lantern he head man who was arrested for commit-, ed a searching party. ting burglary in entering the store Crossman may have internal Injur I of the Grays Harbor Commercial ie. and it is not believed he can re I company at Cosmopolls. was taken to I cover. He was removed to Sandpoint. i the state penitentiary at Walla Walla. I lu-nutv sheriff, are searrhlmr f..r th Kvidence appeared against the pris- i oner which showed that he had made his escape from the penitentiary af-i jter having nearly finished his term' of five years, which he will now have! would-be murderers. to finish. He is about 22 years old. A few days ago he came to Aberdeen A Dreadful Wound, from a knife gun. tin can, rusty nail fireworks, or of any other nature, de mands prompt treatment with Buck lens Arnica Salve to prevent bloo .-wu.c .-,er.n i-ayeue wnere ne poison or gangrene. It's the quick .......,lis. est, surest heaier for all such wound aa also for burns, bolls, aorea, skit eruptions, eciema. chapped hands corns or Piles 25c at Tallman ft Co KAISKIt is NOT WKIJ, IS A HEKI.IX RL'MOR THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Where it Pays to Trade neszxrxxptsm -"Trm tttt-i irmntw laT loV Summer Camp. Aberdeen. Wash. A meeting for considering the details of the propos- j ed Aberdeen boys' Summer camp on tl '- beach below Westport this venr. i v ms held in the city hall Sunday ' Merlin. Officially the kaiser has v h, m pi.ms were oiscussea nnd appll- recovered from the disability caused cations received. The nucleus of the . by the bite of an insect, and Is In needed fund has been raised, nnd the 1 normal hiniih in -..n.ir,r,.rr..o.i ..i-- ; camp has been laid out, and the con-! des. however, this official deelara j tract given for sinking an artesian ' tlon Is taken with a good d.-al of al- j wen at me proposed location, and ' work on the camp grounds has been I I begun. The grounds are well locat- c,! along the ocean bench about two miles south of Conasset, nnd are well j protected behind sand dunes. but I '" "le.m. ; -Ulll,st ,.U(. jy ttkl.n , ,,r,.v,.nt tin 'W.inco. Pespite the popular belief to the contrary, the kaiser lias never enjoy ed robust health and lie has always had to'nke the greatest care of him- l self. CUT 2ND HAY CROP (Special Correspondence.) Ttermiston. Ore., June 29. Settlers have started harvesting the second crop of alfalfa which promises to be av very good one. R. R. Lewis Is cut ting some that was seeded July 14, 1509,'and is making two tons per ai re. At least two more cuttings will iv had this season. The following were arrivals from J5r, Pennsylvania, this week: Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sapper, F. W. Sapper nd Mr and Mrs. F. E. Maynard nnd family. W. J. Stapish of the Western Land Ml Irrigation Co., spent yesterday here Jooicing after his interests. p.. E. Rathburn of Pendleton, spent yesterday in Hermiston. i.ngns mocrxs loss OF MAHY ILMIIUMAX fortunes should be renewed, and had j paid assiduous court to Miss Hand- j man. j In order to assist the marquis, for that is his title, and It is in fact a I historic one, his relatives have pawn- ed their household furniture, besides j borrowing money at exorbitant inter- I est on the strength of false statements about the projected marriage. It can be said that the marquis re ceived no encouragement either from Miss Harriman or from her parents. J!ut even then the members of the noble family could not conceive of an American girl turning down such a title for the sage of an ordinary un titled American, and up to the very time of her marriage, hope was en tertained. It is said that an appeal has been made to the former Miss Harriman t. assist the Marquis family out of their financial difficulties. A AT DOCTOR SATIRIZKS Jl'RY. I CharaclerlMio Incident In 1 Medical School. lYcm-fi MISS CORA .IONKS AMI , MR. WILL XF.AL MARRIED i Paris. The medical student who have been excluded from the French school of medicine hv the police are Chamberlain's Stomach and Llvei Tablets will brace up the nerves, banish sck headache, prevent de spondency and invigorate the whole system. Sold by all dealers. Pari?. To one noble family In Kr r;ce the recent marriage of Miss Wary Harim.m, daughter of the great -American railroad man, to an Ameri can was little short of a calamity. The jon and heir had long ago marked the fabulously rich American heiress the means by which the family To Check Rubber Monopoly. Singapore. The legislative coun cil of the straits settlements has pass ed the rubfcT dealers' b!!!-, which con tains a provision for the refusal of a license to an agent or individual or corporation attempting to establish a monopoly of output or of market in cultivated rubber. j expressing by means of eggs and to only Small Company Sees Ceremony j mab.es. their objections to the pres- Harvotiiitf Regiii-. First llelil j ent system of electing candidates to Doing Cut Personal Items of:"1" f;''"!'y of medicine, have had I then- revenge. I Pr. ricrillon, one of the principal obj Kclio. f Spec fci 1 ( 'orrespondenco.) Echo, Ore., June 30. A quiet wed ding occurred here yesterday after noon, when Mr. Will Xeal of Lacrosse. Wash., and Miss Cora Jones of this city were united in marriage by Jus tice Scholl at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Thornton. Only a small company of friends and relatives were present. The happy couple took the train for the east end of the on a short wedding trip. Harvesting began in this section to day with Wm, Renedict's combine in Joel Halstead's volunteer wheat anl George Coppinger caring for the Staats' wheat with his combine. To- per bays: A lady came into my store lately and said : "'I have been using a New Perfection Oil Cook-Stove all winter in my apartment. I want oner.ow for my summer home. I think these oil sieves are wonderful. If only women knew what a corrJort they are, they would all cave one. I &poie about my stove to a lot f my friends, ind they were aston ished. They thought that there was smell and smoke from an oil stove, and that it heated arocm just like any other tove. I told them of my experience, nd one ai'.er another they got one, and sow, not cr.- of them woud give hers rp for five tirr.es i.3 cost.' " The lay who said this had thought aa oil stove was aU right for quickly Wating m.lk U,r a baby, or boiling a kettle of v. a:tr, or to make coi.ee quickly in the rr.orning, but the never streamed of u;r.? it for difficult or iavy cooking. Now she knows. Do you realty appreciate -hat a New rfection Oil Coca-Stove mrai.t to yju ? No more coal to carry, no more comti.g to the inntr table a-j l:rrd out that you c.';'t ejl. Mght a Prrfeclirn 6ove and immediately flM heat from an iMer.ae blue flame atto'jta mo to the bottom of p.t. kettle or oven. Hut ake room iant heated. There ta no smoke, no ajaseil, no outa-.de heat, no druriteery ta the aaUci.cn where one of thei stoves is uaed ctors. presented himself as a I candidate, and devoted a greater part I of his thesis to a brilliant satire on i certain features of medical instruc tion In France, to he practical exclu sii.n of "muscular rheumatism." the theme allotted to him as a subject The candidate began by stating there were two kinds of doctors, and entered upon a very thinly veiled at- i tar-K upon the dean. .M. l.an.lou.v. evening anj the Jury. Tt soon became too county much f ,r the dean, w ho tartly re minded the candidate that he had n..t y-t mentioned "muscular rheuma tism." "Oh, yes," was the reply. "I am going to treat it In text-hook form." And without a smile, he nrosented in morrow Coppinger will begin to har- . the most abstruse medical terminol vet his .?21 neres nf ro whont. The ; ogy, a r;dIcu!ous account of how cut- comoine harvesters are the most pop- ! Ws. being obliged while working to ular machines in this vicinity and stoop in a stream of water to sharp sevral more w ill be put In operation i en their tools were subject to rheu with'n a few days. Heavy yields of ' matism, and evaded it by tying long grain are reported on all sides. haired poodles to the calves of their C. P. Morrow of Hermiston was , legs, here yesterday transacting business, j "The cutlers catch flees from the O. A. Cannon Is visiting friends Iri i dgs." Dr. Tierillon added gravely. Athena this week. j while the lecture room rocked with The farmers are in town this week laughter, "but It Is claimed that the busily buying grain sacks. I dr.Ks ,ir;,w the rheumatism out of .las. P.otteger and family arrived i their masters." this week from Ttathburn, Idaho, and r)r rtcrillon proceeded to sav that jiiic no,, state "t aiia r- necoming known to the outside world; but those few personages who have seen the kaiser since his return from ills cap ital have been greatly struck with Tils careworn expression and the extreme irritability that he displays Several consultations of the court' physicians have taken place, but the real nature of his majesty complaint is . an fully eonernlcd. I'nder theae circumstances It Is not surprising that the most disquieting rumors are afloat in Merlin at the present mo no at. Wil.1 ll. llie- Kill Child. Seattle. Wash. Poisoned by eating wild berries little Kugeliie Canipagni S-years-od. died at her parents home Sunday. N'oi tnan and Hoy lioctney. ated 'J and 7. respectively, have been in a serious condition and are Just recovering, ami four other children were made wick by eating berries in the same patch. The children ate the berrit s last Wednesday and felt a trace of stomach trouble but not suM'.cting the fruit, they visited the patch ill the north end of tins city I imam the following day. Friday all j " '' . fum,ay ,."wnlnK th0 Foley's Kidney Remedy" may tw 'ampagni g.rls V""' ,,,on b,'l"mH given to children with admirable re- s.-i ious itiiii iiieiiieiti urn wiiM summon I i. sue died in convulsions. I 'on t I 'ire Haulages. Marsh) ield. Ore. A fire In the log. King camp i.f the Cody Lumber com pany on the Cociuille river, has done considerable damage. The fire was I rought under control but the logs which are now being taken out of tint timber show the damage the fire did. There have b en several forest fires this year but this one was the most It does nway with bed wettlnf and Is also recommended for ua after measles and scarlet fever Koeppen Bros. Traiisaal Miners I'.mIich lllacks. Pretoria. The Transvaal govern ment and the mines Jointly offered $ jr.. alio for the every of a hand drill to enable white miners to discarj i-atlve assistance. The result if the competition will be the encourage ment of white labor In the mines. Si) !!': 'it4 4 Cautionary Note: Be sure you gtt thi stove- ace that the nan.e plate reus New Pei-iectioo '."TV- 1ZX W u Hew "PerectioR Qil Cook-stove It hat a Cabinet Top with a shelf for keeping plates and food hot. The auc'cel finish, with the bright blue of the chimneys, makes the stove ornamental nd attractive. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; the 2 and 3-burner stoves i be bad w.th or without Cabinet. Kvcrjr dealer everywhere ; If not at youra, write for Descriptive Circular to tha nearest agency of the Standard Oil Company ( Incorporated) are moving Into their new home on the corner of Dale and Ruckley streets r. W. .1. Stapish returned to Wal la Walla via Yakima last evening where he expects to spend the great er part of the summer vacation with hi family. At the regular meeting of the Hen rietta Rebekah lodge Xo. :ii, at this place last night, the secretary was in structed to invite our sister lodge at Hermiston to be present here next Wednesday at the Installation of the officers for the ensuing term. Mrs. Jos. IeZer is in Portland on business, having gone down yester day morning. certain doctors preferred to sonrf their patVnts to hot springs - a tran paret" reference to M. I.a mlouzy's fa vorite treatment, whieh made the dean writhe while a nervous member of the jury in scarlet robes shuffled un easily with liN feet. "Muscular rheu matism." the candidate quickly ob served, "has also a certain moral ef fect. I'atient' become irritable and cannot keep their feot still." Th audit nee roared. The situation was unendurable !nd the jury filed out. while M. Iandoiizy. rising angrily, announced that the candidate's name ivas struck from the list. MOTHER'S FHI01 A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL USE. Baby's coming will be a time of rejoicing, and not of np prehension and fear, if Mother's friend is used by the expec tant mother in preparation of the event. This is not a jredi cine to bo taken internally, hut a liniment to be applied to the body, to assist nature in the necessary physical changes of the system. Moth er's Friend is composed of oils and medicines which prepare the muscles and tendons for the unusual strain, render tlio ligaments supp!o and clastic, aids la the expanding of the nkin and flesh .fibres, and strengthens all the membranes and tissues. It lessens tho pain and danger tit tlio crisis, and assures future health to the mother. Mother's Friend is eold at drug stores. Write for our free book, containing valuable information for expectant. Mothers THE BRADF1ELD CO., ATLANTA, GA. Marvelous Dlscoverlea. mark the wonderful progress of the age. Air flights on heavy machines telegrams without wires, terrible wai Inventions to kill men, and that won der of wonders, Dr. King's 3Tew Uis covery, to save life when threateno by coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma croup, bronchitis, hemmorrhages, ha fever and whooping cough or luni trouble. For all bronchial affectio It has no equal. It relieves instant ly Its the surest cure. James M Blank of Ashevllle, N. C, R. It. No 4, writes It cured him of an obstinate cough after all other remedies fall ed. 60c and $100. A trial bottle free Guaranteed by Tallman & Co. Mules for Bale. 40 head of good Missouri Broke to work and gentle. McUee, Oregon Feed Yard. mules. Chaa. Have money by reading; today's ada. Men's oxfords cheap at a Eklund's. If you are not satisfied after using according to directions two-thl-ds of a bottle of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, you can have your money back. The tablets cleanse and Invigorate tho stomach, Improve the digestion, regu'ate the bowels, dive them a trial and get well. Sold by all dealers. What n Summer Cold May Do. A summer cold If neglected is Just as apt to develop Into bronchitis or pneumonia as at any other season. Do not neglect It. Take Foley's Hon ey and Tar promptly. It loosens the cough, soothes and heals the Inflam ed air passages, and expels the cold from the system. Koeppen RroB. Tnnoe at German Ilnll. There will be a public dance in the German hall at middle Cold Spring, on the night of July 4. Everybody In vited. Johnson's orchestra. Men's oxfords cheap at A. Eklund's. DRINK UP! You don't have to think up a thirst it comes frequently enough these hot days. Just think of our thirst-quenrhirr- f '..iin drinks try one and the thirst is forgot ten. Pure, delicious, sanitarily served soda water just the right degree of flavor just the right coldness. Plain or fancy drinks. Ice cream and fruit combinations. JUST TRY "Fruit-Malt" The Invigorating Thirst-Quencher The Pendleton Drug Co. The Mark of Quality.