PAGK EIGHT THILY EAST OREUOXIAX, PENDLETON, OREGON, TCESBAY, JUNE 28, 1010. KKJIIT PAGES. California Sardines Soused, Tomato or Mustard Dress ing Just the thing for those hot day cold meals, and picnic or fishing lunches. 25 cents a Cm Standard Grocery Co. 214-216 East Court Street Phone Main 96 Newsy Notes of Pendleton Official WcRtlHY KcMrt. Maximum temperature, 77. Minimum temperature, 60. PENDLETON PEOPLE MAY HEAR FOLK SPECIAL TKAIX MAY CARRY THEM TO CHACTArQUA Efforts Being Made to Organize Party to go to La Grande to Hear Ad dress of Former Governor of Mis souri Strong Program Arranged. Efforts are being made by local people to secure a special train to La Grande, the afternoon of Thurs day, July 7, to take over those who wish to hear Joseph W. Folk, form er governor of Missouri, who is to speak at the Chautauqua in that city, that evening. The lecture Is to be gin at 8 o'clock in the evening and the regular evening trains will arrive there too late. It is generally recognized that Folk ranks with Roosevelt and Bryan a among the great national characters of the day and there are scores of people in this city and country who are anxious to hear him speak. Many believe that he will be the next democratic candidate for president. His career has been wonderful in the eyes of the world. In addition to the train which will piobablv be run from Pendleton, one Square Entertainers and H. V. Adams, the lecturer. . ' One of the big days of the assembly will be Patriotic Day on July Fourth. The orator of the day will be Judge Stephen A. Lowell of this city who is referred to in the Chautauqua pro gram as "one of the most finished orators of the entire West." The program announcement goes on to ay that "his splendid oratory, coupled with clear thought and intense reas oning makes him a delightful enter tainer." Another feature of patri otic day will be a reproduction of the famous continental congress of 1776. llonry-Icwis. F. It. Henry of Adams and Miss Velma Lewis were married Saturday at Athena. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. Hammond. Marriage Uivnses Issued. Marriage licenses were issued to day to I Hoy Cooper and Nellie M. Yarbornugh of Freewnter and to Will Neal and Cora Jones of Echo. Will I'ntlorgo O-ratlon. X. A. Jones was taken to Portlanl ist night on train Xo. 5, whore he will undergo an operation for the re moval of an abscess which has both ered him for some time. V S25.000 1-aiul IH-al. According to a deed placed on rec ord today with Recorder Hendley, M I.,. Watts has disposed or 400 acres of wheat land, south of Athena, to Mrs. Susan F. Adams of Walla Walla. The consideration was $25,000. WERE INTIMIDATED MORE TROUBLE IN SCHOOI, THSTRICT XO. 67 Recent Election Is Contested by Los ing Faction Alleged Men Appeared at Polls Armed No. 67 Black Sheep of All Districts. Xothing less serious than intimi dation of voters is charged as a result of the recent school election in School District Xo. .67. according to the rec ords on file In the office of County w ill come west from Baker City and ! School Superintendent Welles. This district seems to De tne Diack sneep of the county for the reason that every The first assembly of the Grande eIectlon an every meeting held there another will probably come into La Grande from the Wallowa valley. Ronde Chautauqua association will be held in Riverside Park. La Grande, July 3 to 13 and several local people are planning to go over for the en tire ten days. Ideal camp grounds during the past several months has resulted in grief for the school sup erintendent and the district boundary board. There are more records con cerning troubles in this district on have been provided and many eastern ! f"e in the office of the county super- Oreeon families are Dlannine to take their summer outing at the Chautau qua. A strong list of entertainers haa been secured, including Dr. William S Sadler's Chautauqua company. Da vidson Buchanan, the noted lecturer, traveler and divine, Edward Brush, magician, ilusionist, humorist, inven tor, manipulator, ventriloquist and all-round entertainer. The Castle I Dale Rothwe ! Optometrist Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Lenses Duplicated With Wm. Han scorn THE Jeweler Pendleton Intendent than concerning any other twelve districts In the county. The recent election was to decide whether or not district No. 67 should be consolidated with Xo. 12. Those favorable to the proposition seem to have been successful. C. W. Garred who was chairman of the meeting and who opposed the consolidation com plains that the proponents made a dis play of force. Intimidated voters and kept several from voting at all.-. He I says Frank Sample flourished a knife and used profane language, that i Harry Huber whittled rather ner vously during the meeting and that i a Mr. Kelley was said to have been armed with a gun. The chairman ruled that Kelley was not entitled to a vote but that indi vidual deposited his ballot notwith standing the ruling of the chair. Hulls for Khtniaih Indians. Pr. S. W Mod -ire. chief of tl bureau of animal industry In the northwest, has been notified that the government is ' advertising trs bids for the purchase of 100 two -year-old hulls for the Klamath Indianc. Here fords and short horns pre wante 1. Now Kvfrigorator Counter. The Pendleton Cash meat market has just installed a new sanitary re frigerator show counter. Besides keeping the meat cooi. it is also fly, dirt and squaw proof and conforms with the requirements of the state food inspector. PERSONAL MENTION To Build New School House. County School Superintendent Wel les has been notified by the clerk of school district Xo. 87. that a special tax has been voted to build a new school house and make other im provements. This district is a few miles east of Pilot Rock, being known as the Red school house district. Hiuiga Funeral Today. The remains of Joseph Haaga who died Sunday morning, were Interred in Olney cemetery this afternoon. Fu neral services were conducted at the undertaking parlors of Ralph Folsorr. by Father Durgen of St. Mary's church. Xelson-Watrus. Wallace Nelson, section foreman for the O. R. & X. at Biggs, and Miss Clara Watrus of Pomeroy, Wash., were married Monday evening at the home of the brides sister, Mrs. E. J. Murphy in Athena. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Stockton, pas tor of the Baptist church. McXabli Has New Auto. Dr. D. C. McNabb, who had the misfortune to lose an automobile by fire a few days ago, is now riding around in a new car. Tt is an Oak- land-30, similar to the one purchased recently by H. H. Wessel. It is a bright red, smooth running machine and more powerful than the one he lost. North Carolina Bar. Wrightville Beach, N. C, June 28. Lawyers of the state are headed in this direction today to spend three days at the beach and, incidentally to hold the twelfth annual meeting of the North Carolina Bar association. The session will open this evening and continue throughout tomorrow and Thursday. The annual address will hi delivered tomorrow by the Hon. James Byrne, a prominent New York lawyer. Do you take tl.e East Oregonlant Not Sometime, But NOW is the time to invest at Nyssa. In a very short time the O. Y. E. High Lire Ditch will be built, and property will more than double in value 550 Main St. Tlu LEE TEUTSGH Phone U :il rotate and Insurance Man. M am CAKfXKS.SNKS.T IS RESPOXSIBLE for the soiling of many nice dresses and other garments, but little sat isfaction can be obtained from the oulprlts. You can, however, have the satisfaction of having your clothes carefully cleaned so they will look like new at Sulllvan'a dying and cleaning establishment. When spots cannot be removed, our skill and experience en ables us to dye the garment a darker hade of most pleasing effectiveness. Pendleton Dye Works Itl 1-1 list Alt St, PImm Mala lit Station at Attalia Robber. The Northern Pacific railway sta tion at Attalia was robbed last night according to word brought In by members of the train crew. The cash drawer was rifled and mail bags cut open, but it is believed that the rob bers got little or nothing for their pains. Attalia is a small station on the Northern Pacific, about three miles north of Wallula. Tramps are believed to have been the ones who committed the deed. Bert Smith is in town today. G. L. Dunning is here from Stau- fleld. Dr. C. C. Griffith of Burns, Is a guest of friends. s C. S. -MeNaught of Ilermiston Is m Pendleton today. J. R. Bryson of Duncan, is a Pen dleton visitor today. T. J. Morris Is here today from his home at Hay, Washington. J. A. Hubbard, postmaster and mer chant at McKay, is here today. Dr. Henry W. Coo came up from Stanfleld last evening vy auto. John Adams came down from his wheat ranch at Adams this morning. Sam Jenkins of Pilot Rock, came in from that place yesterday afternoon. Barney Mullin returned this morn ing from a business trip to Stanfield. Rev. W. L. Van Nuys has returned to Hood River, after a brief visit here. I. R. Laurance, the Ukla.i mer chant, came in from that place yes terday. Mrs. L. A. Jones, mother of W. I. Gadwa. Is here from Salem, Ore., on a visit. Dr. S. L. Lucas, surgeon for the O. R. & N., is here from the Grass Valley hospital. Hugh Stanfield came up' from Echo last evening, returning home this morning. Wesley Bowman, the traveling man, came in tnis morning on tne wana Walla train. J. Daly, who has been a resident of Pendleton for several years, is mov ing to Spokane. Will Jamleson, a well known resi dent of Weston, is a Pendleton busi ness visitor today. Mrs. William Blakeley left this morning for Portland and Browns ville to visit relatives. James S. Bell and wife of Athena, are Pendleton visitors, naving come down last evening. Mrs. C. H. Beltel of Pilot Uock, spent last evening In Pendleton, re turning home this morning. W. A. Dalziel, factory Inspector for eastern Oregon, left this morning for the west on the Portland local. O. D.'Teel came up from Echo thU morning on the motor car and is transacting business here today. Joe Stangler left this morn for Alberta, where he nill join his moth er and older brother on the ranch. Ben F. Brown, the well known Mea- cham creek stockman, is In tho city today, having come down from Dun can yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. James Cooper and vouHu son returned to the ranch at Stanfield this morning, after having spent several days here. Mrs. George Perlnger. her son Carl and little daughter, Muriel, have re turned from Portland where the fam ily lived during the winter. Gerald Stanfield, who recently un derwent a slight operation ot St. Anthony's hospital was released from that Institution today. John Hamley, Jr . Is in Walla Walla this week, the guest of friends. W. D. Chamberlain came down from Athena this morning amr will spend several days here. H. G. Hurlburt, one of the pioneer residents of the Echo country, return ed to that town this morning, after havine spent several days In Pendle ton. Mrs. Lee Drake, Mrs. D. J. McFaul, Mrs. Holman and R. C. Hager have returned from Heppner, where they attended the funeral of the late James Hager. Store at The Susy Boston Wow Located 725 Main Street West side between Atla and Court Sts. nana Springs summer resort return ed to that place on the early morn ing train. He Is well pleased with the early summer patronage which his resort is receiving. J. G. Kllpack, traveling represen tative of the boys and girls' aid so ciety, has been here today on busi ness connected with the society's work. He leaves for Portland tomorrow. Chief of Police Gurdane expects to leave in a few days for Portland to have his eyes treated. He 'will be ac companied by Mrs. Gurdane and ex pects to spend a month or more in the metropolis. James Cox, a former well known Umatilla county ball player, who for merly performed for the Athena Yel low Kids and later for Pendleton In the days when the Umatilla county league was In its glory, but who Is now located In Spokane, Is the guest of lo cal friends. Mrs. George D. O'Danlel has re turned from Heppner where she went to attend the funeral of her brother, the late James Hager. She stopped In Hermlston for a visit with her daugh ter, Mrs. Frank McKenzle. Mr. Mc Kenzle has been 111. Burr Johnson has returned, from Portland, where he attended the Pio neers' reunion. Mrs. Johnson, who ac companied her husband to Portland, did not return but will visit at Ore gon City with her son, Fred Johnson, for a few weeks. IIOKKY ROSS I.KADS FOIt QCEEN OF STANFIELD The following is the standing today of the contestants for queen of the Stanfield celebration: Pendleton Rosey Ross, 166; Ethel Belts. 99; Ina Cherry, 60; Pearly Rankin, 60; Bertha Anger, 3; Ida Cherry, 2." Stanfield Eva Dunning, 56; I. Cotant. 20; Edith Bell, 12; Dell Neal, 5. Umatilla Eva Brownell, 44. Hermlston Miss Todd, 36; Mis Webster, 36; Mrs. J. Stewart, 10. The $10.00 Gold Filled WATCH which I am making a feature of Is proving very popular with the young men of the town. ROYAL M. 8AWTELLE, Jeweler. PENDLETON, ORE. Horso Thief Makes Trade. The man who rode the horse away from the Carney & Bradley stables Saturday noon and forgot to return, went from Pendleton to Umatilla. This much has been learned by the officers. Sheriff Taylor has also learned that the fellow made a trade somewhere Jjetween this city and Umatilla for the reason that when he rode into the Columbia river town early Sunday morning he was mount ed on a sorrel horse. This hors-?, to gether with the saddle and bridle ta ken from the local- stable, is now in the Umatilla, stable, while the thief took one of the morning trains out of that town that day. Wonioim 1.4-uguo Will Meet. There will be a meeting of members and others interested in the American Women's league In the council room, city hall, Wednesday at 2:30 p. m., to hear the report of one of the dele gates to the- national convention of the league held at St. Louis. Mrs. Crayne will also be pleased to answer questions regarding the league's plan and its educational and beneficiary work. Prominent league members from Walla Walla will also be pres ent. A full attendance Is desired. The Founder's Chapter is fast reaching its 100.000 mark. Pendleton should se cure Its share of the remaining vacan cies. The local chapter hopes soon to secure the required number of members to entitle It to its chapter house to be erected by the league. P. H. McPhee, manager of the We- Jeffries-Johnson Fight RETURNS Will be received at the Columbia Bar Monday alternoon, July 4th Admission Free Everybody Cordially Invited DniK-c Will Re Biff Arrair. The "shirt-waist ball," which is to be givea by the officers and mem bers of the Women's Civic club in the Eagle-Woodman hall, Thursday eve ning, promises to be one of the big events of the season. The affair is for the benefit of the summer concert fund and for that reason all citizens are taking an Interest In the affair. Everyone who haa the Interest of the city at heart Is urged to attend the dance. It will be an informal af fair and full dress suits are to be ta booed. The men are supposed to wear shirt waists if they feel like It, and the women are supposed to dress so that they may dance and yet be com fortable, If the evening should be warm. "A Nimble Six Pence is Better Than a Slow Farthing" Consequently we have made the follow ing Reductions for this Week All 10c Summer Wash Goods at 6 All irc, 1(5 2-3c Summer Wash Goods 12 All 12 l-2c Summer Wash Goods at. 0 All 20c Summer Wash Goods at 15 All 2rc Summer Wash Goods at 19 In these lines are to be found all the most desirable Patterns in Lawns, Batistes, Dimities, Tissues, Dotted Swisses, Etc. All Summer Parasols, 1-3 off. All $2.00 Shirt Waists ?1.50 All $1.50 Shirt Waists $1.00 All Wash Hats for pirls 1-2 off. A liberal reduction on White Skirts. The Greater Wonder Store Agents for Jackson Corsets and Pictorial Review Patterns DESPAIN & BONNEY, Props. Cor. Court and Main Streets