pa;k ft ix. 3AILI K&ffT ORSGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 28. 1010. EI OUT PACKS. INTERESTING NOTES NEWS OF THE DAY FROM HERMISTON OF mmlk USTJ7 j WTO? ft r- The Missing Link is in Town. The guest of one of our leading merchants Through the enertretic efforts of one of our leading merchants we have with us one of the greatest attractions of the day. The Missing Link. He is not as wild and wooly as he loots but is cultured and polished to a high degree and is really a great comfort and help to mankind. Ee is now on exhibi tion at A. L. Schaefer Jeweler Store 726 MAIN STREET. HAYSHAIRHEALTH NEVER FAILS TO RESTORE GRAY HAIR TOITSNATURAL COLOR and BEAUTY. SstUfj Km for SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE Cut this ad. out and mail with your name ad addroa and nam of Tour iat. and 10 cnta for poaOc. to PH1LO HAY SPEC CO., 30 Clinton Street. Newark, New Jeraer. U. S. A. or Toronto. Cndaw FKND1.KTON DRUG COMPANY. NOTES AND NEWS pecial Correspondence.) Milton. Ore.,. June 2S. J. M. Shields and wife and family of Mt. Vernon, Wash., are guests this week at the home of S. S. Shields and wife. Mr. Shields is here to attend the auditor's convention which convenes in Walla Walla this week, he being auditor of Skagit county. Wash. Mr. Shields will be remembered by many old timers here and in the Weston neighborhood where he was principal ' the city 302 E. Court St. Phone Main 45. Old Spots Never come back when cleaned J by the j Berlin Dye House Jack Webster, Mgr. Dry, Wet, Chemical and Steam Cleaners. Work called for and delivered. (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Ore., June 27. J. A. Chris topher, Jim Christopher and I. L. lingers, three of Umatilla's extensive farmers, went to Pendleton Saturday to take some of the money men up to Wenaha Springs in their autos. Mr. ami Mrs. G. Morrison went to IVndl.ton Saturday. Mrs. Morrison was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Maniuis for the day and Mr. Morrison will assist in taking some of the hankers up to Wenaha Springs in his auto. O. Turgeson of the Crescent B. P. Co. of Seattle, was calling on the bus iness people of Adams Saturday. J. T. Lieuallen made a business trip to Athena Thursday. Will Wallun of Moro, Sherman county, is visiting friends and rela tives in Adams this week. Jasper Marquis left Friday for romeroy. where he will work fop the Watrus brothers. Mrs. E. C. Howling of Adams, was the guest uf Dr. and Mrs. McFall of Pendleton Friday. J. It. Wilson of the Inland Herald uf Spokane. Wash., was a business visitor in Adams Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Lieuallen visited in the city of Athena Saturday. Pete Murray is visiting in the city of Athena. Mr. Hastings of the Balfour-Guthrie company of Portland and 11. Collins of the Balfour-Guthrie company of Pendleton, were business visitors in of Adams Saturday. (Special Correspondence.) Hermiston, Ore., June 87. C. Payne Is here from Tacoma, Wash., looking over the O. R. & N. survey of the Coyote cut-off for the Northern Pacific railroad company. The N. P. company is owner of quite a little of the land traversed by the proposed cut off. Captain J. H. Alexander, who has been connected with the department of Interior for a number of years and has been taking a three months' fur long, has been notified by the de partment to report at once to the Boise, Idaho, office. The captain has just completed one of the finest resi dences in Hermiston. His family ar rived a few days ago from Wash ington, D. C Edward S. Taylor, attorney for the lT. S. P.. S. here, has purchased 20 icres of land in section 35. J. F. Braun, a representative of the Curtis Publishing company, has purchased 23 acres in section 3. Mr. Braun is the owner of twenty acres in section 2. He came here two years ago from Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Mrs. J. G. Wagner and family left this morning for Hood River, where Mr. Wagner recently bought a large harness and saddlery business. FRESH MEATS! SAUSAGES, FISH AX ! I LARD. I I Always pure and delivered ; promptly, if you phone the Central Meat Market I 108 E. A1U St., Phone Main tt. i FIAP-A-LAflu Will Brighten Your Home THE HIGHEST QUALITY VARNISH AND STAIX COMBINED. Can be used on wood or met al floors, woodwork, furni ture, picture frames, etc. Comes ready mixed. Easily applied quickly dried. For sale by Murphy Bros. of the schools 25 years ago, and was a member of the ball team at that time. Mr. Shields sees, of , course, many changes here since he last saw this section about seventeen years ago. Mrs. S. J. Meely of Richland, ar rived In the city today and will make her home with her brother, Dr. J. H. Kennedy. Mrs. Ben E. Osborne and daughter Maud, left this morning for Winona where they will be the guests of Oli ver Osborne and wife. Enroute home they will stop at Starbuck and visit Mr. and Mrs. Will Dorothy. Miss Arlie Ronanzoin who, is spend ing the summer at Toll Gate, came down from that place this morning. She says there will be an abundance a , of huckleberries up there this year, (and they are unusually large. Earl Storm has returned from a visit to Heppner. Emery Staggs of Weston and Law rence Pinkerton of Athena came over in the Pinkerton auto yesterday after noon, returning home in the evening. Mrs. Storm was a Garden City vis itor today. Misses Ethel Dupre and Katherine Duffy were Walla Walla visitors to day. Mrs. Baumlster Thompson came over from Walla Walla this morning and is trying to organize a class in voice culture. Chas. Adkins, son of J. R. Adklns of Milton, arrived today from Kan sas City. He was accompanied by his wife and brother-in-law, A. E. Henry. The party has come to look over the country with a view to locating. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Troyer and Alonzo Mc Kenzie returned last night from Port land where they went to attend grand lodge. J. F. Slover was a business visitor at Walla Walla today. Prof. W. E. Martin of Columbia College returns tonight from a busi ness trip to Portland. Mrs. Frank Shields who is re ceiving medical treatment in Walla Walla spent Sunday at home. Miss Bertie Elam returned today from several weeks visit in Portland. Mr. George Barricy and Mrs. Mae Hlnes of this city were married In Walla Walla yesterday by Judge Brents. They will make their home in Milton. III JOBQ IBS! The Misses Bessie and Edith McBride of Adams started for Bingham Springs Saturday for a few days' outing. Will Peterson of Pendleton was an Adams visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rogers and family and Miss Leta Garett of Grass Valley and Wilma Dupuis of Weston, all went to the river Sunday for a dav's outing in the auto. Wrenie Green and Frank Kribs went to the river Sunday for a day's outing. Mr. F. Whitely, Mr. M. Lewis. E. McColum and Earl Semington went to Athena Sunday to the hall game. Mr. and Mrs. J. King visited friends and relatives in Helix Sunday. F. Blake visited in the city of Pen dleton Sunday. Mrs. Overturf and children of Mil ton are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Barker of Adams this week. B. Kirby and Stella Lieuallen went to the river Sunday for a day's out ing. J. Peringer and L. King and Holand Peringer went to the river Sunday for a day's outing. Clark Maxie and Nellie Darr went to the river for a day's outing. McDonald brothers at Adams bought'them a new stationary thresh ing outfit, the Washington. A carload of sacks was shipped from Portland to Adams Saturday to sup ply the contracts for some of the farmers in and around Adams. F. Blake is in charge of them. E. G. Marquis, city druggist of Ad ams, was a Pendleton visitor Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Adams went to Wenaha Springs Saturday and en Joyed the trip very raocn. Miss Clara Watrus or romeroy, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. U. Marquis of Adams. Conservation of Nature' Re sources Applies as well to our physical state as to material things. C. J. Budlong. Washington, R. I. realized his condition, and took warning be fore It was too late. He says: "I suffered severely from kidney trou ble, the disease being hereditary Id our family. I have taken four bot ties of Foleys Kidney Remedy, and no wconsiders myself thoroughly cur ed. This should be a warning to all not to neglect taking Foley's Kidney Remedy until It is too late." Koep- res?. lf?w Men's oxfords cheap at A. Eklund's. FRESH FISH Meats and Sausages EVERY DAY. We handle only the purest of lard, hams and bacon. Empire Meat Go. Phone Main 18. ALCOHOL 3 PER CKNT. AcgfliiMePrcparalionror4s similaiinSitoFooaandRcguia Jinrjllii'StomaflisandBowlsof Promolcs Digcslionfhfe rful ncss and RestXontains ncilhtr Opiuni.Morphinc nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. JfrtrfofOtJDrSlMWflWll Jlx.Srana JitMlrSjltf jbuuStti I f irm Sttd-CfonTk-i Stycr HWsjrnw Flanr. Aperfect Remedy forCcnsfipi i ion , sour aioraacn. u idi i iwu Worms.foiiTi!sionsjevtrisli ncss awl Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW' YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of V IF In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. TMfl CCNTAUN COMPANY. NCW TORN CITT. sgwzmgsawFVii..".1. - L Milne Transfer Phone Main 5; Calls promptly answered for all baggage transfer; ring. Piano and Furniture moving and Heavy Truck tng a specialty. Hoi.. Oregon, lix-aled conu i through the block to Park St reel. Annex Is absolutely fireproof. if Sewn Hi anil stark Streets, extending Portlanil. Oregon. Our new Park Btrea Rates $1 per Day and Up. European Daily East Oregonian, by carrier, 15 cents per week. Scored Into Sound Heali. Mr. B. F. Kelley, Springfield, 111. writes: "A year ago I began to be troubled with mv kidneys and blad der, which grew worse until I became alarmed at my condition. I suffered also with dull heavy headaches and the action of my bladder was annoy ing and painful. I read of Foley Kidney Pills and after taking them a few weeks the headaches left me the action of my bladder was again normal, and I was free of all dis tress." Koeppen Bros. Around the Circle For Forty Dollars Returning Via PORTLAXD THE DALLES PENDLETON Going Via SPOKANE MACLEOD CALGARY WALLA WALLA VANCOUVER LEWISTON VICTORIA Inland Empire SEATTLE or Vice Versa. SHORTER TRIPS To the CANADIAN ROCKIES ARROW LAKES KOOTENAY LAKES Tickets sold daily, June 1 to September 1. Final limit Oc tober 31. Unlimited stopovers. Write for particulars. G. M. JACKSON, T. P. A. GEO. A. WALTON, G. A. P. D. 11 WALL ST., SPOKANE. Fort St. James On Lake Stuart, BRITISH COLUMBIA This Is destined to be the Portland of British Columbia, on a navigable river and deep water lake with two trains runnir.g in next fall. Letters pour Into our office all day with applications for lots. To those who cannot come in we would do our utmost to make a good selection. Price J 100 and J200 each. Cash $25.00. balance J10.00 a month. A few 4 0 acre farms Joining Fort St. James townslte and Lake Stuart, J50.00 cash and M0. 00 a month. You nerd not he a Canadian Citizen to Hold This. You ned not Improve it, nor you need not reside on it. All this land Is on or near the railroad. Grand Trunk Pacific, Alaska Yukon, and Canadian Northern railroads. Rich farm lands, J8.50 per acre, 13.00 cash, and balance $1.00 per acre per year until paid. APPLY CANADIAN NORTHERN LAND COMPANY, 304. 305 and 30 Lewis Building, Portland. Oregon. TOO MUCH VIOLIN; WOMAN GETS DIVORCE ffearsa Galls; Prevents Pneumeata tllo. L Every Vfomn la imermtea and phoui rr- aWuttbawoD'ierlul Marvel w1?i,"n UUUl,lt) .!r vonr drnetrirt it. It ho cannot V.i MARVEL, vr.Kp no rj ir. but aena ittmD Z'r tr i'-ri book rcslrd. It rtv ftill rJ.r.irnlars and dtroettoba tnraloahto 'uluiiw. kJARVEL CO. 44 E. Tr 4 . tM no t .irteto E Ve Uw, Co. 0 MEN AND WOMEN. I'm Bir a for unnatural diactiarva.lnflammatioot, Irritanona or nitration! of mucosa mcmbranaa. rainleaa, and not aatrln- enrii or rotaononi. Kold by Drarolata, or aent to vlaiL wrnptr, t'T flximi, prvpulil, for 1.00. . I bottlra M.75. tUtnlar mui on (etut Chicago. John F. Ross plays the violin. According to his wife, Mrs. Margetta Ros, he is more in love with his violin than ho Is with her. Ross made his wife cry, so she told Judge Chetlaln In the superior court, where she was granted a divorce on the ground of cruelty. She told the court he said good-bye to her and wont away, with his belov ed violin tucked under his arm,, and the pockets of his coat stuffed with music bought with the money which Mrs. Ross says should have been spent for food Ross' violin, accord ing to his wife, Is supposed to be worth at least $15,000. Emma Reading, who formerly lived with the Ross family, declared she did not think Ross was much of a musi cian. "He would sit In his room all day and play his old fiddle," she said. "He said he was practicing, but it did not sound good to me. I don't know what you would call It, but it certain ly was not music. While he was playing, Mrs. Ross was doing all the work." "What did he do with his money?" Mrs. Ross was asked, when she as serted she had been compelled prac tically to support him. "He would buy music with all the money he got." was the reply. "He ninched me, too, when I asked him not to, said It would not hurt me, be cause I was nothing but a tough Irish man, anyway." Men's oxfords cheap at A Eklund'3 Foley's Kidney Remedy may be given to children with admirable re suits. It does away with bed wettlni and Is also recommended for us after measles and scarlet fever Koeppen Bros. Mules for Sale. 40 head of good Missouri Broke to work and gentle. McBee, Oregon Feed Yard. mules. Chaa. Umderwoo1 St 'ypewriter Machine llpiii You Will fflM Eventually 5m Buy? Men's oxforda cheap at A. Eklund's. THE BEST TYPEWRITER FOR BANKERS AND BROKERS Because it Possesses Speed, is Durable, and always turns out excellent work. Underwood Typewriter Company INCORPORATED 68 Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon &