East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 24, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    BOar PAGB&
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
Extra Special Values For
Official Weather Report.
Minimum temperature, 42.
Maximum temperature, 87.
Read this List over then Act at
Once, Values like these will go
like hot cakes
Aii 8 l-3c and 10c Lawns Friday and Saturday 6c
All 15c to 20c Lawns Friday and Saturday . 12c
All 25c to 35c Lawns Friday and Saturday . 19c
All Tan Oxfords and Pumps Reg. $3.50, $4 and $5
Values Friday and Saturday . . $2.45
All Black $3.50 Oxfords and Pumps Friday and Sat
urday $2.85
All Black $4.00 Oxfords snd Pumps Friday and Sat
urday . $3.15
All Black $4.50 and $5 Oxfords and Pumps Friday
and Saturday . . . $3.45
All Childrens $1.00 Shoes Fri. and Sat.
All Childrens $1.25 Shoes Fri. and Sat. ,
One Lot Ladies $2.50 Oxfords Fri. and Sat. $1.78
One Lot $1.25 18 in. Embroidered Flouncing 63c
Special Values in the Ready-to
Wear Section. Be sure and see
our stock of Wash Dresses and
F. E. Livengood & Co.
Has New Auto,
H. H. Wesael has purchased a new
auto. It Is an Oakland 30 and Is a
red car.
Marriage License.
At the county clerk's office today
a license to wed was issued to Cor.
win E. Waldron and Maria Louise
Walter Burgo Here.
Burgo, the Boston Terror, who will
step Into the roped arena tonight
with Barney Mullln, welterweight
champion of the northwest, arrived
from La Grande this morning, ac
companied by tils trainer, Sam Mitch
ell. Burgo says he has been doing
some stiff work and Is prepared to
put up a hard IB-round battle before
the audience of bankers tonight.
Settled Ftre Loss.
O. P. Steele of Nolin, was here
yesterday and while In the city was
paid the sum of $1750 In settlement
of . the insurance policy which
ho carried upon his home at
Nolln which was recently destroyed
by fire. The Insurance was carried
with Bentley & Leffingwell and the
loss was adjusted by W. Harvey Wells
who came up from Portland for that
Wanted to Pay Fine.
Roy Norten, son of A. W. Norton,
both well known ranchers, came to
town this morning and asked per
mission to pay a fine for slapping N.
Joerger, who has his place rented.
The elder Norten was fined a few
dnys ago for assaulting Joerger so
the officers thought they would wait
and see In what condition Joerger ap
peared, before disposing of the case
by allowing the younger Norten to
pay a fine.
The Ladies' and Children's Store.
July Ladies Home Journal Patterns Now Ready
Pastime pictures please U.
Men's oxfords cheap at A. Eklund's.
Get your horses clipped at the Com
mercial barn.
Oats and timothy hay fed at the
Commercial Barn.
Tou can buy cheaper than you can
build. See Lee Teutsch.
Good gentle saddle horses for la
dles. Commercial Ham.
For Sale Piano and household fur
niture. Phone Red 2932.
Trash hauled once a week. Phone
Penland Bros. Black 3391.
Stop the Cheney Jersey dairy wagon
for the best milk and cream.
Own your own home. Ask Lee
Teutsch about the bargains he has.
For Rent Modern five-room fur
nished cottage, close in. 801 E. Court.
We make a specialty of caring for
Fix up your roofs with the best
thtpment of shingles ever received Id
Pendleton. Crab Creek Lumber Co.
Will the party who took the um
brella by mistake from Eagle-Wood-mnn
hall Saturday night, June 18,
please return same to V. Stroble.
Lost Round gold locket watch
charm. Picture of dog on one aide,
Initials "H. A. T." on other. Return
to this office for $2.50 reward.
Competent steim engineer wishes
engagement with farmer or thresher
man for the threshing season. Ad
dress Chas. Weston, Celllo, Ore.
For Sale or Rent 1300 acre ranch
nt North Powder, Ore., suitable for
stock, hay and grain. Adjoining
town. Plenty of water. Good 8 room
house. Earns. Artesian water. Rent
er must have best of references.
Term of years to right party. Ad
dress, E. M. Sanders, Cornucopia,
i;i;onii.it of mvrdrrkd
Portland, June 24. Walter John-
private horses and rigs. Commercial:"'-" ot fpnkane, brother of William
PPH jtiiinsiMi wiiune iiiuiucii'u uuuy was
.(found in a trunk nt the Union depot.
Loose wheat hay. baled hay ana ,vp(, ,nsl nf?ht fr0m Twln Fag
chopped hay fed at the Commercial ,,,.,,, um, cIalmod the body whlch
Barn. I,,. will probably bury In n local cem-
More moving pictures shown than, ctery. Johnson likewise will claim
sny other theater In the city the j the $l!Oo Miss Kersh got from John
Pastime, son before lie was killed. The grand
For rent A nice cottage on north ; Jury is today listening to testimony
side, close in. Inquire Standard Gro
cery Co.
A very desiruble location, and an
excellent home for sale. See Lee
For sale Restaurant, doing good
business. Apply at Southern Cafe,
206 E. Alta street.
t'niteri OroliPRtrn Popular.
That the United Orchestra Is more
popular than ever is demonstrated by
the fact that its services Is constant
ly in demand. Tonight part of the
organization plays for the smoker giv
en In honor of the bankers and part
goes to Hermiston where there Is to
be a dance. Tomorrow night t:ie or
chestra will furnish music for the
bankers' banquet at the Quelle and
also play nt Stanfield where another
one of those pleasant dances will be
Stanfield Wants Queen. ,
The contest for Goddess, of Lib
erty at Stanfield on July 4 is now on
and as arranged by the Stanfield com
mittee the race 1s open to all young
ladies of the county. Dean Spaulding.
of the arrangements committee, has
been here to arrange for voting In
Pendleton. He has established voting
booths at the Pendleton drug store
and at Donaldson's. The voting as It
now stands is announced to be as
Kthel Belts 99
Peariu. llankln . , 60
Ina Cherry 60
Chloe Stanfield 30
Nona Johnson 20
l.lks Had SH-laJ Session. '
Last night was a jolly occasion in
local Elkdom anil not for several
months have the members of Pen
dleton lodge 2SS been out in such
force as they mustered in their new
hall last night. During the evening
two candidates were Initiated and fol
lowing that ceremony a social ses
sion was taken up. Entertainment
was provided by members of the vau
deville troupe nt the Grand theater
and by Jack Keefe of Weston. As
an amateur entertainer the affable
principal of the Weston high school
has no superiors in th's section. Last
night he sang and recited for his
brother Elks and his performance
was greeted with rapturous applause.
The other number upon the social
program were also well received.
in the case. Both the woman and
Webb will probably be indicted as
they nr already charged with murder.
Modern Woodmen Attention.
R'gulur meeting tonight. Initiation.
J G. Finney, Clerk.
Good Japanese boy wants situa
tion to do cooking and house work.
P. O. Box 486, Pendleton.
For rent House corner Alta and
College streets, opposite Presbyterian
church. Apply to F. E. Judd.
t'ollon l linkers Fined.
Washington, June 24. Moses Haas
of New York and Frederick Ferkham
k" Cincinnati pleaded guilty In the
government cotton leak cases today.
Advance information of the govern
ment report was given certain brok
ers allowing a big cleanup on cotton.
Hoth men were fined today in the
federal court. Haas was fined $ 1000
and Perkhnm $5000.
IiiMMH'tor Had Warned.
William A. Dalzlel, deputy labor
commissioner and factory Inspector,
is in the citv today, having arrived
this morning. In reference to the ac
cident at the Pendleton creamery yes
terday which caused the deatli of
Proprietor O. F. Harper, Mr. Dalziel
asserts no blame can be attached to
his office. He was last here on Jan
uary 19. at which time the machinery
was being installed In the present
creamery location. He made no for
mal Inspection of the plant as the
machinery had not all been Installed.
But the says ho warned Mr. Harper
regarding the wedge key which yes
terday brought about his death. At
that time the proprietor laughed at
tho recommendation, so the inspector
asserts. Since tho accident yesterday
changes have been made at the
creamery looking towards making the
niaehlnerv safer.
Wanted Good housekeeper and
' cook. Apply at this office.
Koeppens Bed Bug Destroyer
GetsThem All.3,EvenBed:Bug
25c The Bottle
It is in liquid form and so thin and penetrating that it goea
into all the little cracks, killing tho bug3 and destroying the
eggs as well, being of an antiseptic nature it gets the germa
also. Each bottle is equipped with a shaker cork which
makes it quite easy to apply.
K0 EPF E M 9
The Drug Store That Serve Tou Best.
For 'Saturday Sellkg
25 c Long Cloth at yard . . . . 16c
1 2 I -2c Sleeveless Vests at ... 8c
65c White Linen Suiting at ... 48c
85c Pillow Case Linen 45 in. wide at . . 65c
1 5c Curtain Swisses at yard . . . 1 0c
25c Mercerized Satteen at yard . . . 18c
Misses $2.25 Slippers size 1 1 1 -2 to 2 at . . $ 1 .69
Misses $ 1 .90 Slippers size 8 1 -2 to 1 1 at . . $ 1 .55
45 c Colored Mercerized Linens for . . . 32 c
35 pieces of New 12 1-2 Zephyr Gingham at. . 10c
Ladies 65c Silk Gloves for ... . 48c
Ladies $ 1 .00 Silk Gloves for . . . 75 c
Ladies $1.25 Silk Gloves for $1.00
"Better Goods for Less Money"
Orplicuni Today's Program.
1. A Victim of Jealousy. Biograph.
This picture show Jealousy to be the
worst of human weakness.
3. Mirror of the Future.
3. A Prince of Worth.
4. The Messenger Boy Magician.
Lublns trick comedy.
5. Winter Bathing in the West In
dies. 6. Song Don't Be An Old Maid,
Little insincerities, if wilful, are but
the Infant condition of deliberate deception.
Is made from the choicest wheat that
grows. Good bread is assured when
BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran,
Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on
Pendleton Roller Mills
Pendleton, Oregon.
Speed July the Ath at
Windows Arc Decorated.
Show windows of local business
houses are especially decorated to
day In honor of the convention of
bankers. In the window of the In
grnm Grocery company there Is a
money exhibit of gold and silver
which has kept a crowd in front of
that store all day. At the Taylor
hardware store there is a very ap
propriate exhibit of the county's prin
cipal resources, wheat and wool. A
separate window is devoted to ench
and in eai-h there is everything from
the raw product to the finished ma
terial. The Peoples Warehouse has
an elaborate display of Indian robes
with an Indian form In blanket as
the principal figure, while tho Alex
ander department store also ha tin
appropriate Pendleton Indian robo
window. The American National
bank exhibit In the Wohlenberg store
window Is also attractive, while the
display of old and odd coins and pa
per money of various kinds at tho
It Dow & Teterson store and the
George Clark Grocery, have attracted
11 MUM
She Will Receive a Beautiful
$100.00 Diamond Ring
and with every vote purchaser receives one ticket towards
an elegant gold watch. Votes on Sale at
Pendleton Drug Store and Donaldson's Drug Store
M limes and Mir Sports
Dancing and Fire Works at
Night. Music All Day
By United Band and Orches
tra of Pendleton
no little attention.