DAILY EAST OIUMJONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. IIUDAY, JUNE 24, 1910. PAGE THREE Pink, Blue and Porosknlt Union Suits 65c Each Ecru Summer Underwear 25 c the Garment - hi. mil J You're going away to celebrate the 4th. Dress up! Show your Pride for Pendleton We offer you the opportunity to be the best dressed man on July 4th and at a price that will leave you some celebration money besides. Come and see for yourself. HIGH PRICES EXPLODED. NO FIZZLES HERE EIGHT PAGEM. NEGLIGEE SHIRTS Tor hot suininer days at cooling prices. $.-,.00 Silks - ?3.50 All colors and sizes. SHOES P.ig Kcductions in low quarters. Tans, Oxbloods, Blacks and (ireons, lace and button. Good work SHIRTS 50c Each Bang They Go ! BANG! They Go $30.00 Suits $27.50 Suits $25.00 Suits $22.50 Suits $20.00 Suits $18.00 Suits S23.50 i $21.50 $20.00 $18.50 $16.50 $15.00 $15.00 Suits $12.50 $12.00 Suits $9.75 and our special line of Summer Suits $10 to $12 values, tfO CX Celebration Price vOiJU 2 W UMUUHMUMUT HATS In endless variety from Autos at 75 to John B. Stetson's at $5.00. STRAW HATS 75c value $1.00 Value $2.00 Values $7.50 Panamas 40 50 $1.00 $5.00 Bang They Go ! WORKINGMEN'S CLOTHING CO. Fancy Ties Latest Patterns 35c and 40c val. 25c Each CONIEST IS ON FOR STANFIELDS QUEEN . MICH RIVALRY .MAMIT.sT ix cixkiiuation f.i.f.otion Ticket lii iiia Sold In Six Towns Two IImihU Will He lliml " Fourth Many C'oimvshIoii SMUcn tor little Town PrvMirc Tor IUk Crowd Personal Items. (Special Correspondence. ) Stanfield. Ore.. Juno 23. The con test for iUi''ii of tin- Stanfield cele bration held lure on the Fourth of July Is on in full 8 win 15 Tickets nro being Bold In rendlrtnn. Krho. Ptan field. Ibmiiston. I'matllln and Irrl gon anil the first bulletin will be published In the Bast Orcgonlan to morrow, one of tne aspirants for this honor In Hermlston told a mem ber of the committee that It was not so much the JinO solitaire ring she was after as it was to be the first queen of Stanfield. The rivalry for the highest number of votes in Stan field has already become apparent. The contest Is yet no young to en able the committee to tell whic h one I g liable t be the lucky lady. Th mmittee bas decided to en gage both the Kcho band and tho Pendleton t'nited Orchestra for tho Fourth. The fireworks shipped from Chicago by the Payne Fire Works company for the celebration here, have arriv ed. The committee has been fortu nate In being able to secure a com petent and experienced man to take, charge of the fire works during the evening of the Fourth So that no ti midity need be felt by those who like to sec fire works go off well and by those who are anxious lest some ac cident occur. Concessions are being spoken for every day. Mr. C C'arr, who has charge of the concessions at the cele bration is anxious to have alt con cessionaries who would care to come. The crowd which will be here on that day promises to make the celebration here one of the largest ever held In the county, so that every person hav ing concessions will be sure of get ting good returns. Special trains run by the o. U. & N. wll serve to bring extra popple here. Personal Notes. Bert I,ongnecker from Echo, Is In town today. Mrs. Fred Cooper, of the Umatilla ranch, was taken seriously 111 and has gone to Pendleton. Mr. Lynch of Connell, Wash., Is in town and is figuring on starting a well drilling outfit or negotiating with John Towers, owner of tho Ptanfield Well & Supply company, for Tower's outfit. E. E. Hamlin was In last evening from Prof. chas. Marchand's ranch and says that the well being put down there has struck tho first strata of water and they expect eith er tor.iy or tomorrow to strik- deep water. O. M. Ilimebaugh has returned from Pendleton, where ho was looking after special mouldings for the Bell building A large shipment of coal has arriv ed and Is being stored by the people in Stanfield "against a possible short age this fall. Mrs. K. M. Wheeler and daughter Helen, have arrived' In Stanfield. Mrs Wheeler was in Stanfield last year during a large part of the summer and fall, leaving here for Portland In November. Mrs. Wheeler Is much struck by the wonderful growth of tile town since she left here last fall. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler are planning on building on Main street opposite Dr. Coc's house. Mrs. M. R. McLean of Moorhead. Minn., mother of Mrs. Pean Spalding, arrives tomorrow. She has been vis iting friends in Portland since the rose show. She expects to stay in Stanfield Indefinitely. Pea ne II. Spalding is about to move Into the new house on Main street, this bouse has been In charge of C. M. Himebaugh, architect. This has been finished up in an artistic man ner, and Is ufter the type of the Ital ian villa. Word conies from Portland that Karl Coe. son of Dr. Coo, Is Improv ing rapidly and his cnances of re covery arc Improving. GIRL AT MILTON TAKFS MANAGEMENT OF TELEPHONIC OFFICE Miss Pansy Ireland, Graduate of High School, Accepts Position In East End Town Eighth Grade Graduating Exercises Held Short Items of News. The Big Head is of two kinds conceit and the big head that comes from a sick head ache. Does your head ever feel like a gourd and your brain feel loose d sore? Tou can cure it In no time by acting on your liver with Ballard's Herblne. Isn't It worth trying for the absolute and certain relief you'll get? A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Horses for Sale, P. G. Smith of Burns. Is now at the Bowman ranch 5 miles south of Pen dleton with 60 head of big horses to sell. j Veston Mountain Strawberries The kind that have the Rich Flavor When you start putting up fruit, remember this we keep Economy Fruit Jars and extras and can furnish you with good cane sugar If you want to save, phone Main 534. East End Grocery S3F5 wxr- Mcn's oxfords cheap at A. Eklund's. (Special Correspondence.) Milton, Ore., June 23. Miss Pansy Ireland of Pendleton, has accepted the position of manager of the, tele phone office at Milton, to take the place made vacant by the resigna tion of Miss Mina Hayes. Mis Ire land will begin her duties July 15, when Miss Hayes leaves for MeMinn ville, Ore., where her mother resides. Misses Bertha Miller and Myra Mumford were visitors at Walla Walla today. Mrs. II. O. Mansfield of Freewater, accompanied by her children, Is the guest of friends in Portland. Mrs. F. A. Sikes and Mrs. J. F. Slover were visitors at Walla Walln today. , Mrs. I j. Martin of this city is spending the week with her daugh ter. Mrs. Minnie Martin of Walla Wulla. Miss Caldwell of Pendleton Is the guest of Miss Pansy Ireland. Mrs. Geo. Allen and children and Mrs. Ben Osborne and daughter Maud, were Walla Walla visitors to day. ! C. K. Spence, a prominent wheat rancher from up the river was In the city this afternoon, Mrs. Louisa Pierce of Walla Walla, is the guest of relatives in this city. The graduating exercises of the i iglitli grade of the Milton schools held in Davis' hall last night were well attended and an excellent pro gram was rendered. Matt Mosgrove returned this mor ning from a business trip to Alberta. Miss Llna Coe left today for an ex tended visit- In the east. She will stay over a couple of days with her sister, Mrs. J. F. Campbell at La-Grande. 'aonkErs Talk fticeS! Ely-Norris Sale Co. of New York City Manufacturers oi the Celebrated Com pound Door Special Manard Manganese Steel Bank Safes The IE ftlT(BDDjI6S'& Ssrff DDT) tb Kforidl MGHELM rrra lures i Tm enn ktww what s good tin it until ym try Mtctxhn property mfiatti. In Stock by Pendleton Auto Go. Johnson St., Near Court Pendleton Cocaine, which dulls the nerves nev er yet cured Nasal Catarrh. The heavy feeling in the forehead, the "iunru up oi-nstii.ilii ami nic discharge from eyes and nose, along f with all the other miseries attending the disease, are putto rout by Ely's Cream Balm. Smell and taste are re stored, brenthlng is made normal. Nntll you try this remedy, you can form no Idea of the good It will do you. Is applied directly to the sore spot. All druggists, 60c. Mailed by Ely Bros., 56 Warren street, New York. Mules For Sale. I We now have on hand BO head of Missouri mules; 4 to 6 years old; ! 100 to 1400 pounds, which we will sell at reasonable prices. Murphy i Horse & Mule Co., Walla Walla Barn, 216 W. Cherry St., phone 2305. Wal la VVatla, Wash. A Dreadful Wonnd. from a knife gun, tin can, rusty nail fireworks, or of any- other nature, de mands prompt treatment with Buck len's Arnica Salve to prevent bloo poison or gangrene. It's the quick est, surest healer for all such wound as also for burns, bolls, sores, skli eruptions, eczema, chapped hands corns or Piles 25c at Tallman ft Co has one of its safes on exhibition in the lobby of the Hoi el Pendleton during the Oregon State Bankers Convention. This is the bank safe that has been so thoroughly test ed by engineers and bankers and the safe that is offered throughout the country subject to an open challenge to all other makers to submit their safes in competitive test. We cordially invite the bankers of the state of Oregon to inspect this absolute security for the funds of their bank. General Agents PORTLAND SEATTLE SPOKANE