'1 4 PAGK BIX. SATXT EACT ORBGONIAN. PENDLETON,, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1910. EIGHT PAGES. NTERESTNC F SSI r 1 "THE NEW IDEA." We have a hobby. It concerns every man. woman and child In town. Our hobby Is but wait a moment Suppose you are sick, or one of your family Is sick. Tou consult the best physician you know of and he gives you a prescription. Tou have a right to take that pre scription to any druggist, no matter whose name Is printed on It. Tou have the same right to select your druggist that you do to select your doctor. Particular people bring their pre scriptions to us, because our hobby Is prescription work. We take the same sort of pride In compounding every prescription the very best way that an artist takes In tainting the very best picture he can; the same that the conscientious doctor takes In bringing his patients back to health. We know drops; we know where to buy the best. We get that kind. Appearances are deceptive. Two phonograph records look exactly alike, but the phonograph gets a $1.- 00 Melba song from one and a rag time two-step from the other. So, with drugs, the Inferior look as good as the best Our hobby leads as to study each prescription to make It give the right results. There Is no rule of thumb, no guessing simply, accurate, scien tific work done by men who know and love their profession. If there is any surer way than this we can't lm f1ne what It Is. And besides Any physician who knows us will tell you "we do things right" The best way for you to know it for you to bring your next prescription here where such work Is not regarded as a. drudgery, or a necessary evil, or as a good chance to g t a big price for something but where It Is a "hobby" where It Is looked upon as th j most Important service we can render to ur fellow-man. The price! We haven't said any thing about the price. That won't bother you for a moment We want all the prescription trade we can get It would be foolish for us to charge too much. We can afford to charge a little too little, for the sake of build lng up a branch of our business In which we are very keenly interested. When you have a prescription, re member our hobby. Remember, too, that we will call for your prescription and deliver the medicine phone us a, any hour. Main 20. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. . A. J. McAllister. Geo. C. Hill, Who Know Prescriptions. OPEN MAXWELL DITCH ACROSS YATES RANCH xo MOISE lXTKIU'F.UKXCE IS i:xn:trr.i from owxfji Rrvlitmntlnii Service, Once 1111 to Rout by Shotgun. Begins Work Again OongrrMiinniil ltlll ur t;ivnt Importance to Projivt Settlers Short News. REV. SAM SMALL AT TRAVELING EVANGELIST TALKS TO LARGE CROWD (Special Correspondence.) Hermiston, Ore., June 2-. Yester day morning the reclamation service started a large force of men and teams to work cleaning the old Max well ditch across the Fred A. Yates ranch. No further Interference is ex pected by the reclamation officials. Yates is the rancher who a few weeks ago stopped work by coming to the front with a shotgun brigade, and has since secured a temporary restraining order from the county court, which was dissolved by Judge Bean the latter part of last week. The bill passed yesterday in the house of representatives allowing the assignment of homestead entries un der government Irrigation projects, and all that remains to make it a law is the president's signature. This bill is of much Importance to every settler on the Umatilla project, as it will allow an entryman to sell his claim at any time to any one no mat ter whether the assignee has a home stead right or not. For instance, should an entryman after living on his claim two years desire to sell, he can do so and the new entryman will only have to live on the claim three years before making final proof, as In the past he would have to start over again and live the full five years. Miss Ellen Canfield has returned from Corvallls, where she has been attending the Oregon state agricul tural college the past school year. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mabson left to day for Troy, Alabama, where they expect to make their home for the present at least. W. L. Thompson has taken the Hermiston hotel and in the future will always serve the traveling public. J. Johns of Pendleton, spent yes terday in Hermiston transacting busi ness. The baseball league trophy cup pre- i con tori hv the Reach company, nas been received from the Columbia Hardware company of Portland, Ore., by President F. A. Phelps of the Uma tilla Irrigation league and is now on display. All members of the Her miston Athletic association are con fident of adding this handsome trophy cup as well as the official pennant xo their collection of trophies. FRESH MEATS SAUSAGES, FISH AND LARD. Always pure and delivered promptly. If yon phone the Central Meat Market 10S E. Alta St, Phone Main St. FRESH FISH Meats and Sausages EVERY DAY. We handle only the purest of lard, hams and bacon. Empire Meat Co. Phone Mala 18. 302 E. Court St. ; old Phone Main 4S. a Soots Never come back when cleaned by the Berlin Dye House Jack Webster, Mgr. Dry, Wet Chemical and Steam Cleaners. Work called for and delivered. Jl AP-A-LAfffc Will Brighten I n Your Home J THE HIGHEST QUALITY VARXISH AXD STAIN COMBINED. Can be used on wood or met al floors, woodwork, furni ture, picture frames, etc. Comes ready mixed. Easily applied quickly dried. For Bale by Murphy Bros. Delivers Sermon on "His Majesty, Uio Devil" Second Annual Sunday School Picnic Is Held. (Special Correspondence.) Athena, Ore., June 22. Rev. Sam Small, the traveling evangelist, de livered a lecture in this city last night at the First Methodist church, on the subject of "His Majesty, the Devil." A large crowd was in attendance and everybody was well pleased with the splendid sermon given by Mr. Small. His wit and humor all through his lecture was a striking feature and Mr. Small kept the audience smiling throughout the evening. The second annual Sunday school picnic embracing nil of the Sunday schools in Umatilla county was held here today. A large number of peo ple from the neighboring schools as sembled in the city park where a splendid program was given. People from all the Sunday schools brought their lunches and at noon time the park was full of parties with their lunches served on the grass. After dinner races were the main feature for the young folk, and after that a baseball game between the Athena Sunday school and the other schools combined took place, in which the lo cal team were the victors. One Mai; Overcome constipation permanently by proper personal co-operation with the bene ficial effects of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, when required. The forming of regular habits is most Im portant and while endeavoring to form them the assistance of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is most val uable, as it Is the only laxative which nets without disturbing the natural functions and without debilitating and it is the one laxative which leaves the internal organs in a naturally healthy condition, thereby really aiding one in that way. To get its beneficial effects, buy the genuine manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale by all leading druggists. Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna Is never classed by the well-informed with medicines which make extravagant and unfounded claims to cure habitual constipation without personal co-operation. A Woman's Great Idea is how to make herself attractive. But, without health, It Is hard for her to be lovely in face, form or temper. A weak, sickly woman will be nervous and Irritable. Constipation and kid ney poisons show In pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched com plexlon. But Electric Bitters always prove a godsend to women who want health, beauty and friends. They regulate stomach, liver and kidneys purify the blood; give strong nerves bright eyes, pure breath, smooth, vel vety skin, lovely complexion, good health. Try them. 50c at Tallman & Co. RITZVILLE WILL VOTE ON SALOON'S AT NEXT ELECTION The Bis Head Is of two kinds conceit and the big head that comes rrom a sick neu- ache. Does your head ever reel nae a gourd and your-brain feel loose d sore? Tou can cure it in no time by acting on your liver with Ballard's Herblne. Isn't it worth trying for the absolute and certain relief you'll get? A. C. Koeppen & Bros. HELL GATE CONQUERS HIM. Raftsman Nearly Loses Lire iTymg to Drive Log Through it to Prove His Skill. New York. Driving a 20-foot log through the treacherous current oi Hell Gate Is different from shooting the rapids of the Penobscot or the Piscataquis rivers, as tawara a. Chase, a raftsman from Maine found out. ... He undertook, in a display or nis skill, to drive the log irom ocaiy Rock on the Astoria shore, to tne tent nf Fast Eiehty-slxth street, Man hattan, and narrowly escaped losing his life when it was sucked under one of the big government dredges an chored In mid-stream off Flood rock. It was in answer to a warning snout from Commander J. M. Finch or tne won r.ato division of the unnea States Volunteer Life Saving Corps that Chase saved himself by leaping from the log onto the dory which fol lowed him. Babrs Vital Point. The most delicate part of a baby Is Its bowels. Every ailment that Is suf fers with attacks the bowels also en dangelrng In most cases the life of the Infant. McGee's Baby Elixir cure diarrhoea, dysentery tnd all derange ments of the stomach pr bowels. A C. Koeppen & Urn Anawamis Golf Meet. Rye, N. Y., June 23. With a qual ifying' round of thirty-six holes, medal play, the annual Invitation golf tournament of the Apawamis club commenced this morning. The finals for the cups will be played Saturday. Ritzville, Wash. At a well-attended, enthusiastic meeting held in the Methodist church, Sunday afternoon, It was decided by a unanimous vote tc hold a local option election for the City of Ritzville on the , day of the regular election In November next. The election of an executive com mittee to conduct the campaign re sulted as follows: J. Ocar Adams, Edgar D. Gilson, O. R. Halght, H. E. HUI, J. S. Langlols, J. P. Koch, and W. D. Smith. The committee will meet at once to appoint sub-committees and plan the campaign. The committee which conducted Uie county-wire campaign, ending May 31. reported all bills paid, and $177 in the treasury. Mules for Sale. 40 head of good Missouri Broke to work and gentle. McBee, Oregon Feed Yard. mules, Chas. Glad to Recommend Them. Mr. E Weakley. Kokomo, Ind., savs: "After taking Foley Kidney Pills, the severe headache left me, my kidneys became stronger, the se rrAtinnn natural and ml bladder no longer pained me. I am glad to recommend Foley Kidney Pills." In a yellow package. Koeppen Bros. CITT Or PENDLETON MAPS at East Oregonian office. Prtoa tie. Wisconsin Commencement. Madison, Wis., June 23. Com mencement day at the University of Wisconsin was observed today with the usual exercises before a large at tendance of alumni and parents and other relatives of graduates. What Everybody Ought to Know. That Foley Kidney Pills contain Just the Ingredients necessary to tone, strengthen and regulate the action of the kidneys and bladder. Koeppen Bros. . Arcanum Celebration. New York, June 23. Members of the Royal Arcanum from several states Joined with New York councils today In the thirty-third celebration of Arcanum Day at Coney Island. Men'a oxfords cheap at A. Eklund's. Fort St. James On Lake Stuart BRITISH COLUMBIA Tills is destined to be the Portland of British Columbia, on a navigable river and deep water lake with two trains running in next fall. Letters pour into our office all day with applications for lots. To those who cannot come In we would do our utmost to make a good selection. Price $100 and $200 each. Cash $25.00, balance $10.00 a month. A few 40 acre farms joining Fort St James townslte and Lake Stuart, $50.00 cash and $10.00 a month. You need not he a Canadian Citizen to Hold Tills. You need not improve it nor you need not reside on it. All this land is on or near the railroad. Grand Trunk Pacific, Alaska Yukon, and Canadian Northern railroads. Rich farm lands, $8.50 per acre, $3.00 cash, and balance $1.00 per acre per year until paid. APPLY CANADIAN NORTHERN LAND COMPANY, 804, 305 and S08 Lewis Building, Portland, Oregon. Iowa Lawyers Meet. Des Moines, la., June 23. Leading legal lights of Iowa are shining to day in the capital city and participat ing In the annual meeting of the State Bar association. A banquet will be tendered the visitors at the Country club this evening. The annual ad dress will be delivered by former Governor C. S. Thomas of Denver, Colo , who will take as his subject, "Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied." Kept tlie King at Home. "For the past year we have kep the king of all laxatives Dr. King New Life Pills In our home and they have proved a blessing to all our fam ily." writes Paul Mathulka, of Buf falo, N. Y. Easy, but cure remedy for all stomach, liver and kidney troubles. Only 25c at Tallman & Co. Holiday for Children. Chicago, June 23. Children's Day was generally observed In Chicago to day, In accordance with the proclama tion of Mayor Busse urging all citi zens to support "the project of giv ing the children of Chicago a happy day's outing." Horses for Sale. P. G. Smith of Burns, Is now at the Bowman ranch 5 miles south of Pen dleton with 60 head of big horses to sell. Children Who Are Sickly Mothers wbo value their own comfort and tbe welfare of their children, shouts aever De wit Boat a box at Mother Uraj Sweet l'owdera for Children, for dm inronsnont tne seaioa. The Break aa Colds. Cure Feverlahneas, Conattuatloa, Teething Disorders. Headache and Htom- ach Troubles. THESE FOWDKKS NBVKB fail sold Dy ail Drug Btorea, 25c. Don't accent any tvhuUlute. A trial Dark ae will be sent FKKK to any mother who win aaaresa Alien e. uimitea. N. T. Le Roy, DRJNK UP! You don't have to think up a thirst it comea frequently enough these hot days. Just think of our thirst-quenching fountain drinkstry one and the thirst is forgot ten. Pure, delicious, sanitarily served soda water just the right degree of flavor just the right coldness. Plain or fancy drinks. Ice cream and fruit combinations. JUST TRY "Fruit-Malt," The Invigorating Thirst-Quencher The Pendleton Drug Go. The Mark of Quality. Automobile For Sale Franklin, 6 Cylinder 1908 Model, 7 Passenger, Bargain, Will accept Half Cash and Balance Monthly IT Car just painted and has been Ml thoroughly overhauled. Engine good as new, Numerous new parts installed. Excellent conditio n throughout. Fuliy equipped with Top, Glass front, Speedometer, Clock extra tire and full lamp equipment. The Motor Car Age Acy, Inc. Phones, Ind 548-East 80 1 1 59 Broadway, Seattle, Wn NOW IS THE TIME TO PLAN YOUU VACATION TRIP Eastern Excursion Rates June 2-17-24 Aug. 3 July 5-22 Sept. 8 Circular Tours to the CANADIAN ROCKIES Sold Daily, June 1 to Sept. 1. OPTIONAL ROUTINGS. Via Kootenay Lakes, through Canadian Rockies, Glaciers, Lake Louise, the famous Na tional Park, the Great Upper Lake route, through the Thous and Inlands, returning via any direct line or through Califor nia. Write for detailed Information. G. M. JACKSON, Tray Pass. Agt. GEO. A. WALTON, G. A. P. D. 14 WALL ST., SPOKANE. Yellowstone Park EXCURSION SATURDAY, JULY 9, (Lewing Portland at, 10 P. M.) 1910 VIA THE Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. AND Oregon Short Line Tift f7R Special Round Trip (TJF7 A 17 C 1 1 0 Rate from Pendleton i) 14!. I J Good for Return Until October 3 1 ill through the Which includes rail transportation to and from YcIlowstonePark; stago transportation Park; all meals and lodgings at Park hotels during the five day's tour. Grandest Scenic Trip in the Uorld Embracing stop at the famous Park notch, seeing the Geysers, Mountains, Lakes, yons, Buffalo, Elk, Bear and other animals In their wild state. Cataracts, Can- INTERESTING SIDE TRIPS AT SMALL EXPENSE. Parties desiring to return via Salt Lake through California can do so for $20.00 additional or inn tk from Portland. ' , TTIE FINEST EQUIPPED TRAIN IN TOE WEST. Will be provided for this event, and will Include Pullman Sleepers, Diner, Parlor Observation Car and nil the latest conveniences that go to make the trip pleasant and comfortable. ' Full details, with pamphlet descriptive of the trip, map of the Park, etc., can be obtained b wrltln. tn T. F. O'BRIEN, Agent Pendleton, or to 1 m Wm McMURRAY, Gen. Pass. Agent