page rcit DAILY EAST ORBGOXIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, IHlltSDAY, JUNE 23, 1910, EIGHT PAGES. AN INDEPENDENT MCWSPATKB. Itibllthrd !llr. Weekly and Semi V- aekly at fradlrton, OrWon, by tbe A8T OREUOMAS l'lBLlSBlNQ CO. 8UH8CB1PTION RATES. rail;, hdv year, by mall 15.00 flly. tlx months, by mall 2.50 tily. thrr months, by mall 1.23 "ally, oaf month, by mall 50 tMlly. on year, by carrier 7 50 I any, ala moutba, by carrier 1.75 tally, three month, by carrier l.M I -ally, on month, by carrier 65 Weekly, ona yer, by mall 1.50 Weekly, tlx months, by mall 75 Weekly, four months, by mail 50 em! -Weekly, one year, by mall.... 1.50 ml Weekly, six monui. by mall... .75 sWml Weekly, (our months, by mall.. .50 Tbe Daily East Oregonlao ta kept n tale at tbe Orcein Newt Co., 147 etb street. roniua, uregoa. Forth west .Ns, Co.. Portland. Oregon. Chicago Hurcau, Woi 8ecurlty Butlillnt. Washington, D. C, Bureau, 501 Four- teentn street. V w. Member ratted Preaa Aaoclatloo. Entered at tbe peatoiflcc at Pendleton, orccoa. aa second Class man matter. telephone Hals 1 Official City and County Paper, IF If you were wise, or I were wise. We should not disagree About so much, but exercise More charity. .1. If you knew much, or I Knew v much We'd speak in kinder tone; More loving, every look and touch Would bless our own. If you could see, or I could see, Life would not seem so vain, And happiness, e'en, might re turn And banish pain. If you could see, or I could see, How short the road, ahead. How kind our every act would be, And all we said. If you could know, or I could know. Each silent, troubled mind, We should not grieve each oth er so, But we are blind! Cora Greenleaf. 4 ! j : ' O I I A SALUTARY REMEDY. Scarcely a week passes without a new county division scheme being sprung. There are nine separate bills now upon the ways and more may be forthcoming later. Commenting up on the multitude of division meas ures the Oregonian recently said: "Here is direct legislation gone to Etcd and disseminating trouble through, the fair expanse of Oregon. "Latest is Deschutes county, pre senting a petition to the Secretary of State and asking to be carved out of the northwest part of Crook county. Umpqua, Williams and Nesmith, with overlapping boundaries, seek indepn-1 dence from Lane and Douglas coun- ties. Umatilla county is wrestling ' with the ambitious schemes of Or chard and Hudson. Clark desires sep aration from Grant, Otis from Mal heur and Harney. A strip of Clack amas seeks annexation to Multnomah. "Politicians, office-seekers and am bitious little towns are putting up these county partition schemes. More counties will provide additional of ficial places and other patronage. They will also make higher taxes and more trouble for property owners. "It is reaching a" point in Oregon where the electroate will feel obliged to vote uniformly against all these new counties. The voters cannot Inform themselves on the many local details Involved, in order to legislate,, there fc re they are likely to take the view that their safest action will be that of voting 'No" on the 'whole bunch'." To vote "no" upon all division measures will be the natural thing to- do. It will be the only recourse. People cannot pass intelligently upon division hills. Those who draft the division bills know this very well. They tliir.k people will vote blindly upon their measures just as they did for Hood River county. So they are goir.g to take advantage- of the situ stlon and burn the bnllnt with di vision measures. It is all wrong. The divisionists are making improper use of the initiative .ind th-y are impos ing upon the voters of the stale. The people of this state will be doing ex actly right if they bury all division me-asures under an avalanche of ne gative votes. REVIVE THE NORMALS. In the list of new teachers for the Pertland schools appear the names of many who taught in this city last winter. At least a dozen teachers have resigned from the Pendleton schools this year. Most of these have gene to the schools of Portland, Se - attle and other large cities through- out the northwest. They are strong teachers and they are entitled to con - gratulatlons upon the advancement The Pendleton board Is securing com. petent teachers to take their positions. Bat in order to secure teachers to fill these vacancies the local board Is obliged to take good teacher away I from smaller towns or else Import the-m from other states. There are no normal graduates this year and there can be none next year. Unless the -normal schools are sustained by the people this fall it may be years before the situation is remedied. In that time the public schools of Ore. pon will suffer. It takes good teach ers to make good schools. It Is the belief of this paper that the welfare of the school system in eastern Oregon demands the main tenance of the Eastern Oregon nor mal school at Weston. The people of southern Oregon feel the same way with respects to the Southern Oregon normal at Ashland while those of the Willamette valley are disposed to favor the school at Monmouth. Why not revive them all? This is a big state and it Is naturally divided Into three parts, eastern Oregon, western Oregon and southern Oregon. Each section is entitled to recognition. VERY ItAW. By what sort of a mental jiu jitsu can the Pacific telephone company justify its action in swearing that Its local plant is worth less than $15,000 whew it is being assessed and then (cooly declaring it is worth over $75, 000 when its rates are under consid- erntinn? fnder the laws of Oregon vropertv is to be assessed at full val- I uation. Officers of the 'phone corn- 1 -rny made affidavits before the equa- l'.zation board that the value of their rhysical property was less than $15,- 000. Now comes the district manager - nd cooly declares those figures were incorrect or In other words that the company lied to the assessor. The company Is "standardizing" its rates tnd now sets a valuation of $75,000 upon Its local business. Such incl- dents as this serve mightily to destroy the confidence which people have in the accuracy of statements made Down in Mexico President Diaz has thrust the liberal candidate for pres ident behind the bars. That is one way to handle an election and it seems to work in "Barbarous" Mexi co. The run of the "Deutschland" marks the beginning of aerial pas senger traffic. Yet there are many who will be content to travel by land for some time to come. Why men will commit murder for the sake of a little money is a mys tery that Is hard to understand. The weather man does not seem to co-operate with the band concert committee. WOMAN FINDS A WAY. Two burglars were on their trial nnd had engaged a smart lawyer for ' Tipir r1fnnsp. who. on rrnss-examin- ing one of the witnesses, said: "You siy that on the night in eiues tion th" moon was so bright that you . ouirl see the burglars in the room. Was your husband awake at the 'time?" t Witness "I don't know." "Whs his face turned toward you r not : The witness answered that she did not know. "What! You don't know? Now, come; tell me, was his face turned to ward you or the wall?" "I don't know." "Ah, ha! I thought so" (turning to the jury). "She could not see. She who Identifies the prisoners could not see which way her husband's face was turned. Explain that if you can." "Well, sir. my husband is so bald I that In a dim light I can't tell his face from the back of his head. It Was a Volume or Travel. After spending an evening with convivial friends, the head of the family entered the house as eiuietly as he could, turned up the reading light in the library, and settled him self as if perusing a massive leather bound volume. Presently his wife Titcred the room, as he knew she would, and asked what he was doing "Oh, he replied. "I didn't feel like turnlnsr in when I first came home, and I've been reading some favorite passages from this sterling old work. "Well," said his wife, "it's getting late now. Shut up the valise and come t i be d." Everybody's Magazine. The Double Stmidard of Value. Two voune lovers In a good-night I embrace in the entrance hall were surprised by the girl's elder sister ceming In, "We were seeing which Is the tall er." the y iung man explained in some confusion. "You are about tern Inches taller than Edith," said the sister, "and she is at least ten shades redder than you." Everybody's Magazine. Again the Cost of Living. A young lady who taught a class nr amall hova In the Sundav school jdealrcd to lmpresg on them the mean- lng of returning thanks before a meal. Turning to one of the class, whose father was a deacon In the church, she asked him: "William, what Is the first thing your father says when he sits down to the table?" "He says, 'Go slow with the butter, kids; It's forty cents a yound'," re plied the youngster. Everybody's Maganlze. 4'nv corporations. iney aiso snow ine ".- "i""i-' v.... ,., Tl . , , . K. .- Many told me Lewis' honesty had; e-'m m,,p- need of a commission having poer qUpstlone,f but thJ , wl not go ,Ilto ll(.taiIs (lf Uie to regulate the service and the rates ,a!it yeap they haJ doubted his abii. I business transacted and meetings of corporations having natural mon- ;ty to carry out his plans success- j the league, as they will he given T iopolies as does the telephone company, fully. Rut now, even the most skepti- more explicitly than I could possibly -It . m, . Imlil hn.. nded man nf.rnf .in ' WOMAN'S I.KAGVE CONVENTION. The following letter may be of In terest to members of tho American Women' League and their friends: 3755 Sheffied, Ave., Chicago, 111.. June 16th, 1910. My Dear Miss Boyd: I hope you will pardon my delay in reporting upon the greatest conven tion ever held by women, some five thousand strong. Who says women cannot pull to gether? I only wish all women could go to University City to see for themselves. The half has not been told. They would need no urging to Join the League. The organization would simply be overwhelmed with applications to join. They have called Mr. Lewis a dreamer. Some have gone farther, and said "a dangerous dreamer." The former statement, is true in a meas ure, for no one could materialize the , artistic beauty of University City but ! a dreamer of beautiful dreams for the betterment of humanity. I expected a great deal of the League before I left home, but I was not prepared for what I have seen and learned. If nothing else, I received a lesson of unfailing cour tesv and unselfishness under the most trying circumstances, from Mr. Lewis down to the janitors (and he employs hundreds); so much so that they had a spiritual influence upon all League members. So strong was this influence that the watchword of the League came to us spontaneously: Pull together, is our motto. Keep together, is our creed. Hold together, is the watchword. Of the American Woman's League. This was sung to the tune of "John Brown's Body Lies Mouldering in the Grave." Mr. Lewis' employes worship him, or rather his principle, as he allows no personality in this homage, which is the best proof of his character. Mr. Lewis himself is a most modest and simple man. But you cannot meet him without being at once con scious of the greatness of the soul within, and all felt the same about him, the men, too, many of whom came out of simple curiosity, but went away convinced. Until lately, St. Louis people have been ' very skeptical. I made it my business to talk to disinterested, re both can and will carry out his promises, for the number and the ciass of women that attended the convention was an eye-opener to St. Louis. Every state in the union was represented by the best of its wo manhood. The railroads laughed at Mr. Lewis when he tried to get rates and told j them the number he expected to at- i tend the convention. They said he would do well If three hundred came. The League paid out nearly fifty thousand dollars in railroad fares, to say nothing of the many who paid their own fars. Next year, it is safe to say the railroads will anxiously await Mr. Lewis' pleasure and make tirma with him, not he with them. Mr. Lewis has about the greatest credit of any man In St. Louis, as he j e:m borrow 90 per cent of his hold ings. This was told me by a man holding a trustworthy position in one of thp leading banks In no way con iipeted with Lewis. This speaks for I itself. I believe In time, the People's Uni versity will be the greatest Institu tion of learning in the U. S., for they have a solid foundation. The art building, with its treasures, simply amazed me, for nothing finer Is pro duced anywhere In the world. The pottery and sculpture are marvels of art. And just think, this is frpe to the humblpst member of the League. Vn wonder people doubt the good tidings, for upon the surface, it looks too good to be true. I only regret T have not a son or daughter to take advantage of all this, and then help spread the news of the beauty and gladness to the less fortunate over the land. My dear Miss Boyd, do you realize how far reaching this will be In up lifting humanity, to teach them the nobler things in life? You may be wpII proud and enthusiastic to be the representative in Pendleton. I could talk on and on of what I have .seen and heard, but there Is a limit of time and patience even for as enthusiastic a member as you are. Personally. I had the time of my life, and I have greater admiration for my own sex than I ever had be; for the lesson of tho League "Force In' kindness," struck home and made it an unwritten law to be kind and considerate of each other. We arrived in a drenching rain, which lasted until the last day. which spoiled marty of the plans of enter tainment, but others were substituted Blood Humors Commonly cause pimples, bolls, hives, eczema or salt rheum, or some other form of eruption; but sometimes they exist In the ryt.-m, Indicated by feel ings of weakness, languor, loss of ap petite, nr ral debility, without causing any broking out. They are expelled and the whole sys tem 1 renovated, strengthened and toned by Hood's Sarsaparilla Get It today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called SarsatabS. MUSSO9 CATARRH f Ely's Cream Balm it nbsnrbed. Gives Hcliol at Once. It cleanse, soothes, heals and protects the dis'j:iv(l mem brane ruHuhinfrom Ca'arrh anl drives iwi.y a Cold in the Ik-ad quickly. Re-tJAV V CXI CO stores the Kt-nsi'3 of ft MI lis w bit l'.iote aud Smell. Full size 50 cts. , at Drug Tfsts or ry mail. In liquid form, 75 rents. jLly Brothers, 5'J Warren Street, New York. li'iil will iriut-i.iiiuv annul. mat iiti -.'- ...v,,, ...... ... ,. ..... .. ... weakest orjn. If there is weakness of stomach, liver or lungs, there ii a week link in tho chain of life which may snap ct anytime. Often this to-called "weakness" is caused by lack of nutrition, the result of weakness or disease of the stomach and o'her organ of digestion and nutrition. Disease! and weaknesses of the stomach and its a'.licd orgpns are cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery'. When tho weak or diseased stomach it cured, diseases of other organs which seen: xntiote from the stomach but which .t.:. .' , , .... - . umc uicir onjin in a uiseaseu condition ol tne stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, are cured also. The strong man has a strong stomach. Take tbe above recommended " Disco v ery" and you may have a strong atom' acb and a strong body. Given A way. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, new revised Edition, is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of muiling only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the ' book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound vcl ume. Address Dr. H. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. l the thousands were cared for, both for pleasure and comfort and the best in the land was ours. Out of the thousands at the convention, I did not hear one grumble nor complaint. A prominent St. Louis lady, not a mem ber of the League, said she "would lose no time in joining the League at once." She said she would not have missed the convention for the world, an it had taught her the greatest les son. And our own dear Oregon peo ple (twenty-six strongl said the same. Nor did any of the Oregonians miss an opportunity of tooting our own horn, and telling of the greatness of our state. We wore badges with "Oregon" printed on them, and every one felt his (yes, we had one lone man with us from Hood River) and her responsibility in being a credit tn our state. People would nsk us all sorts of questions about dear old Uregon, that seems so new and far a way to many. So you see, the League serves a manifold purpose. It can serve as a booster club for our state. Next year we must have badges printed with wheat on them. The Hood River peo ple hail apples on their badges and we must never li t any section outdo Umatilla county, for we can be nnd ire truly proud of our spot on the National Daily," and the "Final' phln, which will be mailed to every member, and I will tell you more ful ly on my return to Pendleton In the fall. With kindest regards to you and cii-h and all of the League members. Tell each they may Vie proud to be long to the greatest organized effort ever completed by women or men. T"r that matter. , There were such urgent requests not to close the Founder's Chapter for at least ten days, so that each delegate could go home an.l have their friends join, that Mr. Lewis n r.sented to hold it open ten days longer, so I hope to hear of our A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL USE. Not only Is Mother's Friend a safe and simple remedy, but the comfort and healthful condition Hi v- tto-s ""-i1" Of inestimable value to every expectant mother. I.iother Friend relieves tho pain and discomfort caused l'7 the strain on the different ligaments, overcomes caasea fcy counteraction, prevents back ache and numbness of limbs, soothes tho inflammation of the breast glands, ant in every way aids in preserving the health and comfort of prospective mother Mother's Friend is a liniment for txternal massage, which by lubricating ana expanding the different nmscies aud membranes, thoroughly prepares the Bysteo for baby's coming rithout danger to tho mother. Mother's Friend Is sold at lrug stores. Write for our free book for expectant mothers. THE BHADFIELD CO., ATLANTA, OA. Dyers' Best Flour Or p neum 4. P. MEDKRNAC 11. rr,urletor HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children' SEE PROGRAM IN TODAY'S PAPER. Projcram Cbanses on Snndajs, Tuesdny's ami Friday's. S&ock Ranch For Sale 1600 acres, all fenced, adjoins reserve- on two sides, water on every 4 0 acres, fine orchard and garden, nine million feet of fine saw tim ber, there Is 40 acres of Iimerock on the ranch assays 90 per cent lime, and no other ilme within 60 miles of It. There Is no better stock ranch In eastern Oregon than this, It Is well adapted to either sheep, cattle or horses. There Is a right on the reserve goes with it. You can buy It with all the machinery on the premises for $7.60 per acre, part cash, long time and low rate of In terest on balance, HT-sT'-l-'S? The owner has made a fortune on this ranch In the stock busi ness, and now wishes to retire. E. T. WADE PENDLETON, OREGON. i-'nch of the chief or guns of the body it link in the Chain of Life. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link, the body no stronger than ita chapter being completed before my return, and in years to come they will he glnd to have helped lay the foundation for this grand organlza lion, to which we may be Justly proud to belong. Yours sincerely, CLARA J. M'ALLISTER. "THE FATHERHOOD OF C30D.' While the quoted expression, or Its equivalent may have been spoken many times on many occasions, It was the Rev. Edward Irving of Caledonian chapel, Cross street, London, whose utterance ef the phrase led to a no ticeable allusion to an English pre mier in the house of commons. Irving was a Scotch proncher, i friend and correspondent of Cnrlyle, whoso reputation as a Glasgow church orator had secured him the pastorate of the Caledonian chapel of Presbyterian worshipers in Cross street, Hatton gardon, London. It was Sir James Mackintosh who started the drift of official and soci ety dignatarles In the direction of Ir- ving's little chapel. For Sir James, on a certain Sunday, was struck by the pastor's relation In the morning prayer of the destitution which had recently befallen a family of children that suddenly lost its parental heads The relation closed with the phrase in the headline. All of these partlc ulars Sir James gave to Premier Gooreo Canning. The head of the ministry was "startled" at tho com prehe-nslveness of the quoted words and he resolved to attend Irving preaching. Rut the phrase which struck Mack intosh and startled Canning and which led to such great popularity o Irving was the preacher's pathctKc statement that the homeless orphnn were "thrown upon the fatherhood o God." Edward Irving. P-irls s in many garrison towns in r-raiuc it is the custom of Tabors to give the poor the remnants of the soldiers' meals The cook of the Seventh regiment has Just been pun ished by the colonel for serving the hungry folk with soup in dirty receptacles. Is made from the choicest wheat that giows. Good bread is assured when BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon. Headquarters For Toilet Goods We lire Solo MamifncturvrH and Distributors of Hie Celebrated F & TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER and MT. HOOD CREAM Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists of Eastern Oregon. OLD LINn LIVE STOCK IN SUHANCS Indiana & Ohio Live Stock Insur ance Company Of Crawfordsvllle, Indiana, Has now entered Oregon. Policies now good tn every state in the Union. Organ ic d over 25 years ago. Paid up Capital 1200,000.00. As sets over $450,000.00. REMEMBER, tills Is NOT a Mutual Live Stock Insur ance company, Mark Moorhouse Company Agent, Pendleton, Or. 112 East Court Bt. Phone Mala COLESWORTHY'S International Stock Food the old reliable The best for ' your stock Try it COLESWOR.THY 127-129 E. Alta The QUELLE Cus La Fontaine, Prop. Best 25c Meals in North west First-class cookc and service Shell fish in season Fontaine BIk., Main St. AN OBVIOUS You make a bad mlntake when yon put off buying your coal until the Fall purchase It NOW and secura the best Rock Spring coal the mine produce at prices considerably lower than those prevailing In Fall a4 Winter. By stocking up now you avoid AU. danger of being unable to secure It when cold weather arrives. HENRY KOP1TTKE Phone Main 178. AY rt 1RADE MARKS 1 " r-.-.. Copvniu:trs Ac. iba.dzissgsssssssssBassisssasBB nn7in "ending n kpt-h mil! di norlpllnn mm o i!rklr wrr-rliilit nnr oi'inlon Tree wfirtlior m '.iVfMiomi t im.linMr iiipiiimM. Ciinimitiilriv .!.Milrlrlljr.itiM,(Mitli,l. llrliniKIOK n I-iiIbiiu jfiil. lr-H, oi:ikL fii'(ni'V fin ,... ui.i.j ,,tihln, I'litonM tnken tlirmit'll .Uuiiu A; i.o, tecultfl ,'tJtciai rodes, without ctniruo, liillm Scientific Huxlm. ik hVNlsnmoIr IllnnlrnlM wpoMr. f.srirmt m ciilntlon of snr srlenlllln lnimtnl. Twins, a y.-r: fnnr nwntlia ft, Bold bjall nswsrioalara FOLEYSnOKETTAn top the cough Bind hala lutstf