East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 23, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Only 8 More Days of the
Only eiafat more days Remain o share in this remarkable money savings. This i a sale with a reason ami a result.
Thus as the skx-k reduction and readjustment boeomes aeeomplished the desired result w ill be attained, and the sale will end.
Vast quantities of merchandise of every seasonable sort have been sold sinee this started.
As the following items illustrate, many of the finest values of the entire sale are now offered get vour share.
Men's Clothing Red.
This store is the home of Hart, Sehaff
ner & Marx eloihes in Fendleton. That
means a lot to you. It means that yon
can come here and buy the best tailored,
absolutely all-wool clothes that fit better
look better and wear the better than any
Jther makes of men's clothing in America,
vithout an exception, and the prices are
not too liidi either, you can afford to wear
these clothes, they're economical, they're
the best you can buy. During this $150,
000 sale every suit in our immense stock
will be ml need as follows:
S 10.00 Suits will go for . $7.33
S12.50 Suits will go for ?S.65
S15.00 Suits will go for ?11.SS
16.50 Suits will go for $13.40
17.50 Suits will go for $1-1.75
S18.50 Suits will go for $15.65
520.00 Suits will go for $16.S5
$22.50 Suits will go for $19.35
$23.50 Suits will go for $19.85
S25.00 Suits will go for $21.25
S26.50 Suits will go for .. $22.65
$27.50 Suits will go for $23.S5
S2S.50 Suits will go for . $24.60
S30.00 Suits will go for $25.85
$32.50 Suits wiir go for $26.90
Men's Overalls at 39c
During this sensational sale we will
close out all odd overalls, short lines, etc.,
at 39
"Regardless of their real worth 50,
65S 75S SS and $1.00 overalls all
go for 39c Come early while the sizes
are :ood.
Don't Forget the Great
Muslin Underwear Sale
Remember we have divided an im
mense recent purchase into 3 lots.
1st. Values np to 50 are going for 25
2nd. Values np to $1 are going for 50
3rd. Values up to $2 are going for 98
Men's Shirts Reduced
Every kind of shirt yon want is here.
We have a lot of 20 doz. blue oxford shirts
regular 50 values, well made, good
color, choice, 3 for $1.00
Men's Oxford, Madras and Sateen
Shirts, Dissimlar make, extra full cut,
gusseted to prevent ripping, faced sleeves,
full 30-in. long, usuallv sold for 65, sen
sational price only 50. The best work
shirt in America.
75c1" Shirts of all kinds, stripes, blues,
blacks, will go for 65
$1.00 Shirts of all kinds go for S5
$1.25 Shirts of all kinds go for 95c
$1.50 Shirts of all kinds go for $1.35
$1.75 Shirts of all kinds go for $1.50
$2.00 Shirts of all kinds go for $1.80
$2.50 Shirts of all kinds go for $1.97
Trunks and Valises
Xow is the time for yon to prepare for
vour vacation trip. Don't wait until the
last minute and take "any old thing'' but
buy now while the assortments are com
plete, before the rush begins. We are sole
agents here for the famous Drueker trunks
the strongest and best tmuks you can buy.
$3.50 Trunks are reduced to $3.15
$5.00 Trunks are reduced to $4.35
S7.50 Trunks are reduced to $6.40
$10.00 Trunks are reduced to $8.60
812.50 Trunks are reduced to $10.75
$15.00 Trunks are reduced to $13.25
$20.00 Trunks are reduced to $17.80
$30.00 Trunks are reduced to $26.30
Suit Oases ami Valises are reduced the
Ribbons Greatly Red.
25 Fancy Ribbons reduced to 17
35 Fancy Ribbons reduced to 23
10 Plain Ribbons reduced to 27
50 Plain Ribbons reduced to 3G
63 Fancy Ribbons reduced to 39
Parasols Greatly Red.
$3.00 Parasols reduced to $2.19
$2.75 Parasols reduced to $2.09
$2.50 Parasols reduced to $1.93
Great Red. on Cotton
These prices last the balance of this
sale. Buy now, as this is your last op
portunity. $150,000 SALE PRICES.
12 l-2 30-in. Challies reduced to 9?
12 1-2? Dress Ginghams red. to 9
40? Scotch Ginghams reduced to 24?
20? Fine Dress Lawns minced to 16?
15? Fine Dress Lawns reduced to 9?
S 1-3? Fine Check Apron Ginghams re
duced to 7?
20? Fine Weight Shirtings red. to 14?
25? 42-in. Pillow Tubing reduced to 19?
27? 45-in. Pillow tubing reduced to 21?
12 1-2? Crash Toweling, brown, ml need
to 9?
35? 0-4 Sheetings, our best, red. to 28?
37 1-2? 104 Sheeting, our best, reduc
ed to .: 31?
25? Oil Cloths, white and colors, reduc
ed to IS?
$1.50 Table Damask, 72-in. wide, re
duced to $1.05
75? Table Damask, Clin, wide, reduced
to 49?
25? Table Damask, 72-in. wide, reduced
to 96?
35? Holland Xatural Linen, red. to 26?
12 1-2? and 15? Percales, dark and
light, reduced to 9?
35? White Shirt Materials red. to 14?
15? and 20? White Shirt Waist material
reduced to 9?
20? Indian Linen, extra fine, red. to 14?
20? Long Cloth, our best, red. to 14?
20? Plaid Ginghams red. to 13 1-2?
20? Turkish Towels, 34 size, reduced
Jo ...... 14?
15? Turkish Towels, 34 size, reduced
to . 11?
10? Turkish Towels, fringed, red. to 7?
20? Hnck Towels, colored border, re
duced to
Gloves Greatly Red.
$1.75 Silk Gloves, long, ml. to $1.2S
S1.50 Silk Gloves! long, red. to $1.05
75? Silk Gloves, short, redueed to 48?
$1.00 Silk Gloves, short, reduced to 68?
(.ciicral Sentiment Is Tluit Service Is!
Worst in Years l-rest Hangers
Sinn to Work Short News Items.
The Peoples Warehouse- Where it Pays to trade
Agents for Carhartt Overalls, Blocks Gloves, Johnson-Murphy Shoes.
Beautiful pieces of Jewelry for bri
dal ana wedding gifts, of unique and
aesthetic designs, purposely made for
the June weddings.
Rings, brooches, sunbursts, bar
rettes for the hair, lorgnottcs, opera
glasses, silver purses, and many
Silver tea services, spoons, forks, and
knives ready for marking. There Is
no question about our goods.
GET Ol lt PltlCES.
Wo engrave all goods wo sell fre
of charge.
A. L. Schacfer
(Special Correspondence.)
Weston, Ore., June 22. A recent
article in one of the Walla Walla pa
pers purporting to be from the post
master of that city, says that the
present mail service Is the best that
the city lias ever had. It Is remarked
by those who have any correspond
ence with residents and business men
of that city, and also by those who re
ceive papers from there that the pres
ent mail service to them nppears to
be the. poorest ever. Papers which,
under the former service, usually
came the same day of Issue and let
ters could and did receive their an
swer the same day, but under the
present service these papers and let
ters are from one to two days in
reaching the Weston office.
Ward Raker, Harry Simpson, Wal
ter O'Harra and Harvey Read left this
morning for the Wonaha reservation
headquarters near the Umatilla river
forks to work under the direction and
in the employment of the forest ran
ger In charge of the reservation at
that point. They will bo engaged In
the building of fences, construction
of cabins, building of roads and look
ing after forest fires If any and In
making themselves generally useful:
They w ill bo In this employ it is like
ly until the snow flies.
George Brutscher and family who
have been occupyWig their city resi
dence during the school season, have
removed to their ranch on the Reed
and Hartley mountain for the summer , CATGUT IIETWKKN" CHUTE
season. AM) A LOADED CAR
Mrs. C. C. Rogers and children of
Adams are over visiting relatives today.
Mrs. Sadie Purcell, who has been j
fur several months staying In the
country with friemls and relatives,
has retiu'ned to town and is occupy- 1
ing her neat little cottage on Main
street, and will probably remain (Special Correspondence.)
there for the season. Milton, Ore., Juno 22. S. A. Hayes,
Sam Hose of the northern part of a brother-in-law of George Millner,
Idaho Is here on a stay with Mr. and waa considerably injured at the rock
Mrs. Frank Taylor. Mr. Rose being , , afu.rnoon. Mr. Haycl
a l.piiher of Mrs. Taylor.
in starter! this after- v.'us woi King neieeu me i-uuii: uuu
car which was living maueu
Sustains Broken 1Mb and Other In
juries Hock Crusher Being Mov
ed to Wulla Walla Temporarily
Oilier Short Xoles.
not very heavy,
An Oregon ra
noon, and while
weather lias proven very beneficial
to the grain and hay crops.
evertlielcss is bringing more mols- rock, when the chute dropped and
ire for the growing crops. The light "in caught between the load
tins followed by cool nnd cloudy ' cn'- 0,1(1 "u' (""u'- The Impact
the car knocked him down crush
ing a rib and otherwise Injuring him.
Dr. C. W. Thomas was called and the
man was taken to his home. At last
reports he was resting quietly and al-
(Special Correspondence.)
Umatilla, Ore., June 22. Miss
Means has tak'-n a position with A.
B. Stephens.
Among the commercial men in the
city the past few days were W. P.
Paimer. H. Theune, W. M. August,
Portland: H. A. Treat, San Francisco,
and G. D Simmonds, La Grande.
O. R. & X. Special Agent Sweeton
spent Sunday with his family in Ar
il cgton.
James Sharpe, a car repairer, has
gone on an extended visit to Alberta,
where he has some valuable land. He
will also visit Tacoma, Seattle and
Vancouver, B. C, before returning.
The council held its rrguiar meet
ing this week. Only the regular bus
iness was transacted.
Jcs Pound who has teen assistant
postmaster and clerk for A. B. Ste
phens for the past year has resigned
Rock's second team was one of the
greatest games of the season. The
score was 13 to 20 in favor of Pilot
(Special Correspondence.)
Pilot Rock, June 22. Joe Royer,
proprietor of the Pilot Rock Hotel,
was a Pendleton visitor Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gllman Folsom pass
.ed through Pilot Rock Wednesday
evening on their way home to Pen
dleton from La Grande.
Mrs. Thomas Jaques of Pilot Rock,
spent Friday evening In Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Henderson and
two small sons drove to PendletoU
Friday to take in the Campbell Eros,
Miss Lottie Ogilvy, who is one of
the graduates of Whitman college of
Walla Walla this year, returned to her
home In California gulch Saturday
Mrs. Joe Royer and her daughter,
Ruth, spent Sunday in Pendleton, vis
Ming friends.
Arllie Byrd and family of Pc-ndle-
and will leave here for Promise, Ore., ton. have been spending the last few
wnere his family is spending the days In Pilot Rock, visiting relatives
summer. Mr. Pound has not as yet , anl friends.
decided where he will locate as he has Ja' Hurd has returned to Pilot
offers of several good positions. His Rock from Salem, where lie was call
many friends in Umatilla regret his rd to the bedside of his dying mother,
departure and wish him success Andy Fletcher, who lives a few
wherever he may make his home.
Mr. Swltz'.er has had a new fence
put around his lot near the Mercan
tile company's store and with the new
trees set out In the spring it adds
much to the appearance of the prop
erty and Ehows a good public spirit on j
the owners' part.
Mrs. W. W. Mappin. who had been
on a visit to her former home, has (
returned. j
Conductor Cross and family of .
Pendleton, have taken up their res
idence here. I
Some om the visitors In town to
day were H. II. Bowen of Seattle. L.
E. Diagler and G. B. Atkinson of
Spokane and T. J. Barnes of Portland.
T, J Barnes, a prominent Insurance
man of Los Angeles, was a visitor
here today.
Foley's Kidney Remedy may be
given to children with admirable re
sults. It does away with bed wet tint
and is Also recommended for as
after measles and scarlet fever
Koeppen Bros.
miles south of Pilot Rock, is suffer
ing from blood poison in his arms.
Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Casteel and
Miss Clara Eeck were passengers on
the Thursday evening train for Pen
dleton. H. II. Gilbert of Pilot Rock Is rap
Idly recovering from his recent ill
ness. The crops of this vicinity have been
much Improved by the rains of the
last few days.
Mrs. M. K. Thompson of Pilot Rock
is in Pendleton, having some dental
work done.
The Pilot Rock baseball nine was
defeated Sunday by Weston with the
score of 15 to 0. Next Sunday Pilot
Rock will try her luck again with
Everyone Is busy at Pilot Rock
cleaning and getting ready for the
Fourth of July.
Mr. Wardsmlth of La Grande, is
here visiting with relatives and
The ball game that was played here
Sunday between McKay and Pilot
Whnt a Summer Cold May Do.
A summer cold If neglected Is Just
as apt to develop Into bronchitis or
pneumonia as at any other season.
Do not neglect It. Take Foley's Hon
ey and Tar promptly. It loosens the
Hankers Plan Safeguards.
St. Paul. Minn., June 23. The an
nual convention of the Minnesota
Bankers' association opened here to
day and sessions will be important.
State Superintendent of Banks J. B.
Oalarncault will lead In the discus
sion of the recent failure of the North
Star Shoe company, which will bo ta
ken as an example' of the need of leg
islation which will prevent bankers
from sustaining such losses as they
cough, soothes and heals the Inflam
ed air passages, and expels the cold ofUn suffer upon commercial paper
from the system. Koeppen Bros,
Lame shoulder Is almost invariably
caused by rheumatism of the muscles
I ana yieias quicaiy 10 me iree appu
London to Greet Middles.
London, June 23. With 500
napolis midshipmen on board,
cation of Chamberlain's Liniment
American nauiesnips Indiana, lowa This liniment is not only prompt an.
nn Massachusetts arrived today nt
Portsmouth. It Is expected that the
midshipmen will be permitted to visit
London, in which case they will he
elaborately entertained. The war
ships will remain at Portsmouth sev
en days, sailing thence for Marseilles.
If you are not satisfied after using
according to directions two-thirds of
a bottle of Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets, you can have your
money back. The tablets cleanse and
Invigorate the stomach, improve the
digestion, regu'ate the bowels. Give
them a trial and get well. Sold bj
all dealers.
efefctual, but In no way disagreeable
to use. Sold by all dealers.
Cornell Commencement.
Ithaca, X. Y., June 23. XI ore than
700 seniors today received their
sheepskins from Cornell University,
K inn's Son. A-red 2. n Soldier.
1tAA T .. n a OO P,,.. l.r,i-,,.ii1
muni in. .luim u uw'ii.v..
and bells were rung In Madrid this though In a great deal of pain no
morning In celebration of the second serious consequences Is expected,
birthday of His Royal Highness tho The rock crusher w hich has been
Infante Don Jaime or patn, secetid 'operating on the big hill In South
son of King Alfonso and Queen Vk-j Milton for several months, will be
toiia. Although yet a toddler, and. moved to Walla Walla today. The
it Is persistently rumored, far from company has a ten years lease on
precocious either mentally or phvsl-the property in Milton and It Is statod
eally. the Infant prince was recently ! that the removal of the machine Is
mustered into the Fourth regiment of only temporary, it being moved to
mounted artillery as an ordinary sol-.NValla Walla for the purpose of
.lier, and fitted out with a tiny but 'rushing rock which will be brought
gay uniform 'and miniature sword. j there from Dixie. Wash.
The colonel and other officers oft M'ss Bertie F.lam Is expected to
the regiment celebrated the enlisting ' return tomorrow from Portland where
of this princely recruit with a ban-j "lie has been the guest of friends
quel at headquarters In the Caraban- for several weeks.
chol barracks near Madrid. Don Ja- ".oy '''" Spokane, was shak
mle's health was drunk In bumpers lK bands with his many ..Id friends
of champagne sent by King Alfonso, '"re today. Roy was formerly with
on account f cert.vn infirmities of " Mosgrove Co., here but now Is
speech and hearing w hich rumor at- u "vcling r. presr ntatlve for a music
tributes to the king's elder son. the '""' f Spokane.
t...;.. .i,.!lu .hem u n ,ln, he-! Sam Small the evangelist, spoke to
. ....... .. ....... " a i . ... ,. , it,. ,r I.-. ..i. ...... i.
!L cruwueu nouse iil hid .0. i.. i.ouiiu
south, last night.
lief that Don Jaime will succeed his
ather on the throne,
Htaie tt Ohio, City ot Toledo. Lucas Cons
tj. M.
trauk J. Cheney makes oath that be ta
tnlor partner of tbe firm of f. 1. Ctie- I
117 & Co., doing Doalacas Id u t Uy of
lulndo. Count; and State aforesaid, aid
chat nald firm will pay tbe lum ot ONE
iiL'MltKl DOLLARS for each and every
aie of Catarrh that cannot be cared bj
me use of Hall's Catarrh can.
8 worn to before me cad labacrtbed la
.11 pretence, tbts Otb day of December, A.
(Stall Notary Public.
Mail's Catarrh Core Is takes Internally
and acts dlrrctly on the blood and mncoua
iiirfarts ot tbe system. 8eud for tratlrao
alals fra.
F. 1. CUENKY a CO.. Toledo. O.
Hold b all Druggists, TSe.
Take Hall's Family I'IMs for eoastlpa
Mules For Sale.
Wo now have on hand 50 head of
Missouri mules; 4 to 6 years old;
1 no to 1100 pounds, which we will
exclusive of the medical students who j .j, at rPag0nable prices. Murphy
received the M. D. degrees eaMier in
the month. Advanced degrees were
conferred upon many ' candidates.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Livet
Tablets will brace up the nerves,
banish sck headache, prevent de
spondency and Invigorate the whole
system. Sold by all dealers.
Horse & Mulo Co., Walla Walla Barn,
21G W. Cherry St., phone 2il05, Wal
In Walla, Wash.
If a man once begins to give his
wile his wholo week's salary, he can
never hold out even a nlckle.
Rev. C. II. Hilton left today to at
tend the slate convention of the
Christian churches at Turner, Wash.
Prof. I. H. Sevey will fill his pulpit
Sunday morning.
Mrs. ('. It. Richardson of Seattle,
Wash., was the guest today of Mrs.
Ralph White.
Mrs. Maltle Hoon and Miss Mary
rilllam of Walla Walla, were guests
today at the Ollie Sanford home In
George Kcnnison, a brother-in-law
of Mrs. L. H. Storm, was a guest In
the city today.
Kills Ireland and family of Pendle
ton are in camp near the George
Ireland home In Milton.
I.. Ludford. represeuting the Tyler
M I 111 n ry Co., of Portland, was tran
sacting business In Milton today.
(ins Winkler is a business visitor
at Walla Walla today.
Win. Anderson of Walla Walla, was
a Milton visitor today.
Men's oxfords cheap at A. Eklund's.
Chamberlain's Cough 'Remedy la
sold on a guarantee that If you are
not satisfied after using two-thirds
of a bottle according to direction
your money will be refunded. It Is
up to you to try. Sold by all dealers.
Tim lalesl idea Is awaiting the de
velopment of effort.
Main Event
Starts 9:30
P. M. Sharp
Barney Mullin, qJS&rti&n. Walter Burgo ""jSgS of
Tntc Ofoti 3tO Two Good Preliminaries of Four Rounds Each. First Preliminary 8:30
lSOUrS Vpeil I .JU Seat Sale Thursday 10 a. m. Pendleton Drug Company