EIGHT PAGES. daily MJun ozxiowiaji, nanmciam, okegoh, Tuesday, jtjxe si, 1010. -i at 91 t l a. er :. tf. er. tf it. ft. 91. ; Wraen k Wen n Hen are Rails EWi W Bflney and Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble" Bi:ourageattdlesetii8amLitidn; beauty, Q rTy nt! ' "on disapiiear when the kidneys are out of order or dis eased. . , j Kidney trouble baa become so prevalent that it ivi a tilim lO In. ;,boru afflicted with weak liducvs. If the :bild nrtnntcst'6ooft?ti, if tl:e urine scalds Ihe flesb, or if, when the child reaches an ige when it should 1 able to control the passive', ii is yet'afllirted with bed-wet-ling, depend upon it, the cause of the difii culty is kidney trouble, ami tlie first "itep should be towards the treatment of these impo. tantor;;aiis. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the UHncys and bladder and not to a babit as most people suppose. Women as well as manure made puser ble with kidntl- ulid bladder l trouble, and both need tjij; puie jeat renedy. The mild and the immediate effect of I &wamp-Root jisonnrt-alirci.. It is sold Mr iRts,' : fifty-; ) U ctnt Oml .. onUlolla.-f JrB3j3S iize bottles. Youtuav fli't"- S !2'J! have a sample bottll i iZVZZZX" by nmil free, also a ratKftKmmv pamphlet telling all f!li$jfctW about Swamp-Hoof, .rtT' Incliulinfc many of the thousands of tesli " tnonial letters reeked from sutfeters who found Swamp-lout to be just the remedy needed. In writing Dr. Kilmer - & Co., Bingbaiiiton, X. Y., be sure and mention this paper. .- Don't muke uny mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, jnghamton, N. Y., on every bottV. Important Notice - On account of my dwelling house burning:, I will only be at my offloe In the John Schmidt building THURSDAY, FIUPAY AXI 8ATTJR DAT .. Each week till further notice Dr. F. A. CLISE Eye Specialist Around the Circle For Forty Dollars Returning Via PORTLAND THE DALLES PENDLETON Going Via SPOKANE MACLEOD.' CALGARY WALLA WALLA VANCOUVER LEWISTOS , , VICTORIA Inland Empire SEATTLE or Vice Versa. SHORTER TRIPS To the CANADLN ROCKIES ARROW LAKES KOOTEXAY LAKES Tickets sold dallyf June 1 'to September 1. Final limit Oc tober 31. Unlimited stopover. Write for particulars. ii. M. JACKSON, T. P. A. GEO. A. WALTOX. C A. P. D. 14 WALL ST., SPOKANE. D 1ST1M E lilt Cfass Matlock Prop. HEST PICTURES --MOKE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES mid jlliiotrntod sotijrs in i the city. 1 1 Shows afternoon and eve iiiinr. t Refined and n t( rlaininjr for (he entire i ' i Xr.rt to Fmuh Restaurant Entire chnnire thrtv times t iich week. Be sure and ;(' ilu next ehanpe. Adults ' lOo. Children under 10 rears. fp. mi r 1". X3ALtJ t)H 'tfAftitAXtS. ' All tteneral'fnrid'iwnrrjiits ; Mas tered during the months of January, February and March, 1910, will be paid at ,my office In tho cqunty court t'CMtusai upon presentation. . v I iftrft ceased ujpon date of publi cation, ' ' -v- i Dated Pendleton, Oregon, June 11 110. O. yf. BRADpKT, T naWer Umatilla CduntyrL . -A . A. 'J I . POOR STUFF GLUTS i PORTLAND , MARKET LOW GIUDE CATTLE POURS INTO YARDS Conies From iiolii California and Lo cal Point Sale Hard to Make yards are Overflowing W?th Many Arrivals. f ' Portlund Union Stockyards, North Portland, June 20. There wtere very heavy arrivals In all lines' of livestock ud th6 yards are overfull. ''The glut of poor quality cattle Is complete and sales are therefore hard to make In any line. Some of the poor stuff came from California 'and some from local points. Thia actu ation is a repetition of the market a year ago, although at that time there was little cattle of any kind coming. Then, as now, the call was loud for first class stuff. Additional supplies ' of hogs are "K'lln coming forward from Nebras ka, one local packer bringing in seven leads.' Sheep market Is ruling around the former range; tone being strong. Among the Shippers. J. W. Thomas was m from On tario with six cars of cattle. Ilenlln & Ohlinger brought forward seven loads of hogs from Nebraska for the Union Meat company. O. W. Griffin had a mixed load of lions, -cattle and sheep In from Rose burg, f DoolCy & Bishop brought four loads of cattlo from Lamont, Wash. J. W. McCarly was another arrival from Lamont with two loads of cat tle. ' , ; Chnrles Horton . was In from Red Ruck. Calif., with five loads of cat lie. 8. E. Rider shipped three loads of cattle from Durham, CaJ. : W. I. Dlshman brought two loads of cattle from Rosevllle, Cal. He also had six loads from Davis. ; Rogers & Grubbe shipped two cars of cattle from Wilbur. J. C. Sabln was a shipper from Harrlsburg. He brought a load of sheep. , , ,. John Bunks came In from RoseUurg with a car of cattle and another car was brought by P. M. McCuIIy from the same place. Idaho Falls, Idaho, contributed four! binds of hogs for today's market. W. II Fields' brought them In. ' L. E. West had three loads of sheep from Welser,' Idaho, and a load of cattle from Oakland, Or. E. R. Hanson was 1n from Rose burg with four loads of shoep. J. W. Maehum shipped a car of cattle from Creswell. Today's run of livestock campares with this day "In recont years as fol low!: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. HMD . . . C. . . . . . .966 S92 190!! 95 254 1 90S 55 1907 16S 63 1477 325 100 829 196 60 1.905 376 A year ago today there was a firm tone In all lines of nood livestock with nA. otilmitrs in prices. Yards' Official IVIoos. Following are official transactions. They represent demand, supplies and Muallty offering and are the only prices secured direct from sellers In tl is market: SHEEP AND LAMBS. Average lbs. Price.' :i5 shoep 161 4.60 1 rt 2 lambs 65- 6.05 (Seneral rnnm of livestock values :is shown by actual sales; C'sttln IVst Oregon steers. J6.00; fancy steers. ST.. 75 Ii 5. SO; best Cali fornia. $r.7rlf .I.Sil; common steers, t.nnn t.th', i O'vs. best. $r.00; fancy. $4.75; poor. $3.26: heifers. $5.10; stairs. $44.50: bullR, $3.003.75. Hops Rest east of the mountains, $9.70 ii 9.75 1-2; fancy, $9.50; stock-' crs and feeders, $9.00. Sheep Sheared, best yearling weth ers. $4.75; old wethers. $3.005?4.00; living lamb, $r,,nn Hi 6.1 0; ewes. $4.60. Calves Rest. 4 $6.75: ordinary, $r(.r.off 6.00: poor, $4. nofr 5.00. " C Vn tj: A SIIADK I P IN CHICAGO YF.STKKDAY Chicago, June 20. Hoes, receipts. 2'V.tx'O : nuirket steady; left over, .lirnn; year ago, 40.000. Mixed, $9.30 '.f9.r.5: Rood heavy. $9.35 (f1 9.60: r.ih heavy. $9.J0 ',i 9.30 ; light, $9.80 'I 9. CO. Cattle receipts, 20,(100; market steady to shade higher. Sheep re ceipts 12.000; market 15c higher. Kansas City, .luhf 20 Roceipts Hogs, 7000; cattle, 3000; sheep 6000. llo;s AKE 10 TO 15 CRM'S VP AT OMAHA South Omaha. Neb., June 20. Cat tle -Receipts, ,3000; market weak to 10c lower; steers, $7.50 8.20; cpws ml heifers. $6.00 (fi 7.00. Hogs Receipts, 5S00; market :10c to 15c higher; bulk of .sales $). 4,08 9.55. "' , Sheep Receipts, 6500; market slow to steady; yearlings, $8.75 (ff 6.25; wethers, $6.00ii 5.20; lambs, $7.75 s 00; ewes, $4.7505.00. . Chamberlain's Cough Remedy sold on a guarantee that If you. are not . satisfied after using . tworthlrds of a bottle according to directions your , money will ,be refunded. It Is up to you to try- S'd by all dealers. Only two Leonard cleanable refrig erators ,loft. at, Sharon & Eddings. You'll have tb hurry to get one of these Ice savers. -M4 ...... iu 1. Shako Into Your Show Allii's Foht Kane, I'M hntlscptlc powder. It cures pnlnrnl. imnrtlnit. nervous feet, snd Instantly tnkra the tins out of corns nnd bnnlSns. t It's the greatest comfort discovery I of Ah age. Allen's Foot-Rase makes tht er new sho feel 'easy:) ' It la reetnln fursfor sweating, letillona, swollen, tlrtd, athlnff feet. Alwajsl nse It tot Break In New shoxa. Try It to-dim. Bold ererju. where. Ily mull for 25 cts. In atstniw. rn't arvept any MriwMiute. For FRfcW trial piyssge, auareas Alien a. umnted, iRoyr?.i.iMi i:. :r , if.; MOTHERS FRIEJD A T TMTMPMT t7(t fVTPDM A'T ' TTCT? ! Baby's coming: will be a time of rejoicing, and not of ap prehension and fear, if Mother's Friend is used by the expec tant mother In preparation of the event This is not a medi cine to be taken internally, but a liniment to be applied to the body, to assist nature in the necessary physical changes of the system. Moth er's Friend is composed of oils and medicines which prepare the muscles and tendons for the unusual strain, render the ligaments supple and elastic, aids in the expanding of tho skin and flesh fibres, and strengthens all the membranes and tissues. It lessens the pain and health to the mother. Mother's Friend free book, containing valuable information for expectant Mothers. DRY WEATHER BRINGS WHEAT MARKET, UP Chicago, June 20. Wheat advanc ed 2c to 3 l-8e a bushel today on re- , porta .of Jick pf.raln In the fields. . Market started with an upVard swing of l-4c to 3-8c, all options be ing strong and higher. There was a weaker feeling abroad. Liverpool opened 6-8d lower and closed with a loss of l-4d. Paris closed unchanged to 10. centimes low er for wheat and 5 to 2o centimes lower for flour. A fpeciul from St. Paul says that Jhe Plpneer . Press reports that ,no serious damage had been ' Inflicted upon the wheat crop yet but all re ports are insistent that rains are budly needed. , American grain visible Supply: i Wheat Decreased 1.78,000 bush eds. , . Corn Decreased 552,000 bushels. Oats Decreased 605,000 bushels. . European export stocks: i( Wheat 4,76,000. bushels; Increas ed 372,000 "bushels. Corn 1.384,000 bushels; decreased 111.000 bushels. ,' ' ' A special from Milwaukee says that the oats crop there is looking very bad. ' Tlie Conservation of Nature's Re sources ' Applies as well to our physical state as to material . things. C. J. Budlong, Washington, R. I. realised his condition, and took warning be fore it was too late. He says: "I suffered severely from kidney trou ble, the disease being hereditary In our family. I have taken four boU ties of Foley's Kidney Remedy, and now consider myself thoroughly cur ed. This should be a warning to all not to neglect taking Foley's Kidney Remedy until it is too late." Koep pen Bros. CHI KCII GROWTH IN C. S. OX INCREASE Washington. Church growth In' the United States has: been greater than the increase In population be tween the years 1900 and 1906, acr cording to the special census report on the census of religious bodies, for 1906. now in press. In the principal cities of the country the growth both In the number of religious organiza tions and communicants was greater In the years mentioned than the in crease In population while in the area outside the principal cities the late of Increase in the number of new chuicheg established was approxi mately tho same as the rate of pop ulation increa.se, although in the number' of comtpunicants the Increase in the outside area, as In the cities, was iu excess of that In population. (.tut uf every thousand population in the 160 principal cities of the country, that Is, those which had a population of more than 25.000; there were 469 church members, while for the area outside theterritories there were 363, and for the entire country there were 391. As compared with 1S90, the report shows a gain of 90 communicants in each 1000 of popu lation for the principal cities and a gain of 51 outside of them. , Female members in 1 1906 butnum bered the .'male members by, 32 per cent in continental United ' States, while in the principal cities the ex cess of female members were propor tionately less, being 960.626, or 23.6 per cent. Stsie c! OHIO, Citj of TolMlo. Luc Cone ty. i) Frank J. Cbeuf) makm otn ttutt be Is Milor partner of tb firm of K. J. Cr.e i.rj k Co., doing bnslapM In tbe City ot Toledo, County and Htate aforenald, nnd .hat uiid firm will l7 tlie sum of ONK tltJMiKED 1X)IJ.ARH for ech ami tvery . of t sUrrl tVt rannotlbq etireu bj t:i dm of Umll's Catarrh Core FHA.SK J. CHUNKY. eorn tb before hie cad aiiterrltied t my preaenre. this tb day of December, A. A. W. ULBABON, tSal i. Notary 1'nhlle. llHll'a Catkrrh Care la taken loterualt) .Hid a.-t directly on tht blixxl and uaccua nrfsces of tba syatem. fteod for tftstlao ilala tree. F. J. CI1F.NKY CO.. TOIrUo. O. Sold by alt DrnKvUis, 7&4. ' Tnka Hall's family I'I'la for rnnailpa ti... -: T SHAKE f P IS F.XPKCTED : AMOMi THE. IMPIiOMATS London. Two members of the di plomatic corps who have too mod large in London society for a number of years are soon to., be transferred to other sceiM-s of usefulness. : It has long been an opon secret that both the Marquis do Roveral, Portugese ambassador in this coun try, and Count Mensdorff-Pouilly, the head of the Austrian embassy, have been .retained hero .for. so iuahVTyenrs nierelv because the tivle King Edward desired their presence. When King Manuel o'f PuMoiMV asilemlnd- the throne of His murdered father. It was generally -understood that tho pres ence of Marquis de 9o'ernl was ear nestly desired. In Lisbon by the queen mother, but the late king, lntejrvencd and presscf foa his retention' In his country, nnil in) the end (Queen Ame lie aV'ceded fto his request'. I'Blue Mon key," as the" mnrquls Is generally known,.lt his elrclef-was one of the rhost Intimate friend of the late King v". (. L . danger at the crisis, and assures future. is sold at drug stores. Write for our THE DRADFJELD CO., ATLANTA, GA. PEXDLKTON TTtAIX SCHEDULE. O. R. ft N. Westbound Oregon division Portland local 10:15 a.m. Ore. & Wash. Express., 1:25 a. m. Portland limited 12:16 p. m. 1 1 Fast Mall 11:46 p. m. - Motor 4:36 p. m. Pilot Rock Mixed 8:06 a. m. Eastbound Oregon division ( Fast Mail 1:50 a. m. Ore, & Wash. Express.. 6:15 a. m. Chicago Limited ..... 6:15 p. m. Motor 10:20 a. m. Port, local, a r. 6:10, leaves 8:40 p rn Pilot Rock mixed .... 3:00 p. m. Washington Dlv. Leaving Pendleton Walla Walla local .... 5:26 p. m. : Pendleton passenger .. 7:00 a. m. Spokane local 2:16 a. m. Washington Dlv. Arriving Pendleton Pendleton local 1:30 a. m. Walla Walla local 10:05 a. m. Pendleton passenger .. 6:00 p. m. -NORTHERN PAfJTFIC. Leaving Pendleton Passenger . . 8:00 p. m. Mixed train .....8:30 a. m. Arriving Pendleton Passenger 10:00 a. m. Mixed train 7:30 a. m. Edward, and the two were well nigh inseparable companions. . . A similar state of things prevailed with the Count Mensdorff-Pouilly, but London Is not likely to know him much longer, and In all probability a new Austrian ambasador will be appointed before the end of the year. What Everybody Ought to Know. That Foley Kidney Pills contain just the Ingredients necessary to tone, strengthen and regulate the action of the kidneys and bladder. Koeppen Bros. A Great Opportunity. If you are looking for farming lands the Kuhn California project in the great Sacramento valley offers the greatest possible opportunities. See ing is believing. Investigate and you will be convinced. Representatives at the Pendleton Hotel until Thurs day evening. Fort St. James On Lake Stuart, BRITISH COLUMBIA This Is destined to be the Portland of British Columbia, on a navigable river and deep water lake with two trains running In next fall. ' V Letters pour Into our office all day with applications for lots. To those who cannot come in we would do our utmost to make a good selection. Price (100 and 200 each. Cash $25.00, balance 310.00 a month. A few 40 acre farms joining Fort St. James townslte and Lake Stuart, $50.00 cash and $10.00 a month. i Xou nofd not be a Canadian Citizen to Hold This. Tou need not Improve It, nor you need not reside on it. All this land Is on or near the railroad. Grand Trunk Pacific. Alaska Yukon, and Canadian Northern railroads. Rich farm lands, $8.50 per acre, $3.00 cash, and balance $1.00 per acre per year until paid. APPLY CANADIAN NORTHERN LAND COMPANY, 304. 303 and 306 Lewis liiillrtlng, -. , Portland, Oregon. Sililne Transfer Phone Main 5 Calls promptly answered for all baggage cransf er ring. Piano and Furniture nicvir.g ar.d Heavy Truck ing a specialty. vCk Every Woman &';tjiiS(l t..itt tha woml. rf.il vl Marvel "rV'.A c. 1. T .U n U 1 . -J. laV'lb UV i.. l A 1C ' ...,.. at, ' .l't illl pdpu (UIUll ma ll I'rrt hctik-oalf). it srHrs "ul 0;irlif"ilar ar.il al.nvtltWB lavnlnshie oLuii. 4KVL CP 4i E, SIH Vft Tr MEN AND WOMEN. Cm Bla e tomnnatnrml diiH-harim,lDflftniinftttonB, . osinnite U trritittiuaa or ulrailoni V"a tpl ' wi,nM- i mucooi mmbrant. i Z'i riM(iiir. palulmi. and not alrit. ..5::ittVi.lSCl'EMiCMCi. s-at or toin.aoii4. Maid by rrogct 1 er rint tn tilaii- wr?fr, If' vrpfi". p?4t, for. VS. k. i IhiuImS? "I. Bill t f ,V-!H'--'i'B 1 Want Ads. !; l ' J i -mi WANTED. XXTAWrHT T I . . . , Work done with especial car. Phone Red 2521. WANTED CLASSIFIED ADS. STJCB as help wanted: rooms or houset for rent; second hand goods for sale;' In fact, any want you want to Ket filled, the East Oregon Ian wants youi want . ad. Rates: Three lines on time. 20 cents; two times,' 30 cents; six times. 70 cents. Five lines one time. 30 cents; two times, 45 cents, six times. $L15j Count si xwords to the line. Send your classifies: ads to the office or mall to the East Ore gonlan, enclosing sliver or stamps to 'over the amount. WANTED Classified ads, snch as help wanted; rooms or houses t rent; second hand goods for sale; . In fact.any want yon want to gel filled, the East Oregontan wants your want ad. .. Rates:.. Thre lln a one time, 20 cents; two times, to cents; six .times,' 70 cents. , Tlve lines one ttnae, SO cents;1 two tlnkea, 45 cents; six times; $1.11. Cotant i six, words, to the, line. .Send youi ' classified ads to the office or znaii .to. the East. OrfonIari enclosing stiver or stamps to cover the am ount j FOR SALE. FOR SALE Halnes-Houser combined ,. harvester,. 16-foot cut; good c n dltlon. Address, Chas, Hamilton, 1 City, R. T.J D. 1. ' Dally East Oregontan by oarrlo: only 15 cents per week. . PHYSICLVNa H. S. GARFIELD, M. D., HOMKO pathlc physician and surgeon. Of-, flee Judd block. . Telephones: Office, black 3411; reaidence, red 183$. DR. LYNN K. B LAKES LEE, CHRO nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro theraputlcs. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence 'phone. Main 664. DENTISTS. E. A. MANN, 1 DENTIST, OFFICE HTntn troat nuTt tn rnmmprrlnl Main street, next to Commercial Association rooms. Office 'phone, black 3421; residence 'Dhone, red 3351. - . KERN A ; BENNETT, DENTAL SUR- ; geons. Office, room 15 Judd bulld- ing. Phone, Red 3301. i DR. THOMAS VAUCHAN, DENTIST. Classified Directory r urnce in juaa ounairg. rnone, "s v u nines, ubd line in connec Main 73. j tlon- 'Phone main 70. VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATE Stock Inspector and member State Veterinary Board. Office at residence 915 east Court St. Res. 'phone Main It. . ATTORNEYS ' ' RALEY & RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In American National Bank building. FEE & SLATER, LAWYERS, OF flce in Despaln building. CARTER & SMYTHE, ATTORNEYS at law.. Office In American Nation al Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. LOWELL & WINTER. ATTORNEYS and counsellors at law. Office in Despaln building. C1EORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORXKY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col- j lections made. Room IT, Schmidt) block. ATTOR- PETERSON & WILSON, neys at law; rooms 3 and 4 Smith Crawford building. , PHELPS & STEIWER. ATTORNEYS at1 law. otyce in ,smitn-l rawrora building. i CHAS.' J .FERGUSON, ATTORNEY at law. prrice In Judd building. 1 1 1 POUOLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY t at law. Will practice In all stite . and federal courts. Rooms 1. 2 and 4, oveV Taylor Hardware Co. - - ... , ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS, ETC D. A. MAY. - CONTRACTOR AND Rullder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks. stone wnlks. etc. Phone blnck S786, or Oregonlan office. AUCTIONEER. COL. F. G. LUCAS. LIVESTOCK Auctioneer, Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers' Bank of Weston. Farm sales a specialty. MACHINERY. UNITED ENGINEERING CO., ME- chanical engineers. Irrigation . power or electric plants gas produc- era. 26-26 P.-I. Bldg.. Seattle. Wash- lngton. FUNER.L DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Opposite postoffice. Funeral parlor. Twd funeral. $Ura. Calls 'responded to day -or night. t 'Phone main 75. FOB RENT. '" FURNISHED Housekeeping Rooms U rent, 71 9 College Street. ; i USE DR. O. W. ROGERS'- 8toek. . . Poultry Remedies. Poaltlvsb l guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by C. JL Bowlsby, ill West Webb straet, Pendleton, Oregon. ' i SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAfNDS, J 11 yon want to subsertbe tn masaatdae . or newspapers In tn United States 1 or Europe, "remit! bx poata; not, cheek, or send to the EAST ORJi GK3NIAN the net publiskefs prl of the' publication ymi desire, and I we iwlll , have K sent' yon. It ill save yon both trouble and risk.-, II yon are a subscriber to. .the BaSl OREGONIAN, In remitting yon oa ieduct ten per cent from tke.pnb - ilaher'a price. Address .Ham ORBGONIAN PUB. CO.. Pendl ton. Ore. . 160 LINCpLN? feuCKS, (drdjpped; W January and' February:' ' Extra large f and ' choice. Suitable or range use . this fall. Write to Stanley Coffin, 1 North Yakima, WasnJ "'l"T7 . t -.() i.; e ' While watching' the' partlca- e lar classification that appeals te yon do not .'overlook all the other .want ads. , ,,r t . ' INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO.. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. ' Loans on city and farm property." Buys and sells all kinds of. real estate. Does a general brokerage business. " Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Write fire, life and acci dent Insurance. Reference. an bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Pres. W. S. HENNINGER, Vlce-Prea C. H. MARSH, Sec. j BENTLEY & LEFPTNGWELL. REAL I n. n n : - . . estate, fire, life and accident in an tr ance agents. New location, 816 Main street Phone Main 404. LTVERY AND FEED STABLE. jCITY LIVERY STABLE, THOMPSON street, carney & Bradlev. Tmn street, Carney & Livery, feed and sale stable. Good RESTAUR ANTS. X CHINA . RESTAURANT, NOODLBSd and chop euey, Ung D. Goey proa At the old stand, Alta street In rear of Tallman & Co j - MISCELLANEOUS. CARPETS CLEANED We have se cured the Rader vacuum cleaning outfit and will clean your carpet at from 5c to 7c per yard. No dust, no wear and no tearing up of car pets. Pendleton Furniture Co., W. R. Graham, manager. FRED FIFFERT, AUCTIONBER. Freewater, Ore., R. F. D. 1; Walla Walla, Wash, R. F. D. 1; phone F. L. IX or Freewater Times. PENDLETON IRON WORKS RB palr work on all kinds of machines, structural iron work and machine castings. Junction of Court and Alta streets. Marion Jack, Phop.; A. F. May, manager.- LET ELECTRICITY DO WYOTJR work It's clean, reliable andScon venient. Electric Sad Irona. eiiinn. jteed, J5.25. Electric Hot Water and curlln Iron Heaters, Electric Coffee i ercoiators, etc. A complete stock of Gas and Electric fixtures. First-class wiring of homes, etc. J. L. Vaughan. 815 Main street SLOM KEE, CHINESE LAUNDHT. I family washing: work done hv hand- . mending free; goods called for and j delivered. 408 East Court street : - . . SECOXD-HAXD DEALEKS: V. STRORLE. DEALER IN SECOND harid goods, if there Is anythln .you need in new and second-hand , furniture, stoves, graniteware and , crocRery, call and got his prices. No .212 East Court street FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LOlHJE No. II A. F. ana A. M., meets the first and' third Mondays et each month. All visiting brethrea are invited." DAMON LODGE NO. 4. K. of P.. meets every Moa day evening In I. O. O. T. hall. Visiting brothers cor dially Invited to attend. XT. i I. Qadwa. C. C: R. W. Fletcher. K. ! of R. A S. !4A.J,.AJlv-A , "ia While watching the particu lar classification that appeals to you don not overlook all the other want ads. iff