East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 21, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    PAGK in.
We have a hobby.
Tt concerns every man, woman and
tfhlld In town.
j Our hobby la but wait a moment
I Suppose you are sick, or on of
your family la sick. Tou consult the
test physician you know of and he
five you a prescription. .
Tou hare a right to take that pre
erlption to any. druggist, no matter
whose name . is printed on lt- Tou
hare the same right to select your
ftrugglst that you do to select yoar
doctor. ' ' '
Particular people bring their pre
crlptlons to us, because our hobby Is
prescription work. ' I "
We take the same sort of . pride In
compounding every prescription the
irery best way that an artist takes In
tainting ithe very best picture he
ban; the same that the conscientious
doctor takes in bringing his patients
back to health. , f , . ; -
( We know drugs: we know where
to buy the best. We get that kind.
j Appearances are . deceptive. Two
phonograph records look ' exactly
like, but the phonograph gVts a $1.
00 Melba song from one and a rag
time two-step from the other. So,
,with drugs, the inferior look as good
as the best.
f Our hobby leads us to study each
prescription to make it give the right
results. There is no rule of thumb.
Bo guessing simply, accurate, sclen
tlfic work done by men who know
And love their profession. If there la
any surer way than this we can't Im
agine what H la. And besides
Any physician who knows us will
tell you "we do things right" The
best way for you to know is for yoa
to bring your next prescription here
where such work Is not regarded as
a drudgery, or a necessary evil, or as
a good chance to g t a big price for
something but where It is a "hobby
, where It Is looked upon as th ; most
Important service we can render to
eur fellow-man.
The price! We haven't said any
.thing about the price. That won't
bother you for a moment. We want
. ail the prescription trade we can get.
It would be foolish for us to charge
too much. We can afford to charge a
i little too little, for the sake of build ,
lng up a i branch of our business la
which we are very keenly interested.
When you have a prescription, re
: member our hobby. I Remember, toe,
that we will call for your prescription
and deliver the medicine phone us
at any hour.
Main 20.
A. J. McAllister.' Geo. C. Hill.
Who Know Prescriptions. '
Entertained at lMnuer by Pu.sky Op
ponentj F. Rlake Is Tomxrarlly
Manager of AUiena Telephone Of
ficePersonal Hems. '
(Special Correspondence.)
Adams, Ore., June 20. The Adams
baseball team played the reservation
boys Saturday, losing by the score of
7 to 10. The vanquished were well
entertained at a dinner by the victors.
Wilnia Dupuls of Weston is the
guest of Miss Lola Rogers this week.
Mrs. B. Endicot and Mrs. Raker of
Pendleton are spending a few days at
the ranch at Adams this week. ,
F. Blake went to Athena Sunday to
take charge of the Pacific Telephone
& Telegraph office in the absence of
the manager, Mrs. Griswold, who went
to Bingham Springs for a day's out
Fred Collins and Dr. Kenny return-'
ed to Adams after a weeki at Bingham1
Springs. I . ! '
Mrs. H. Hirby went to the show In
Pendleton Friday.
Miss May Stockton of Weston, .is
visiting her parents this week in Ad
ams. i I 1
Mr. and Mrs. J. King returned to'
their' 'home in ' Adams Friday after
visiting friends and relatives in The
Dalles for the past two weeks.
Jap Marquis made a business trip
to Pendleton Saturday.
John Grenhan returned to Adams
this week after spending the winter
in Missouri with friends and relatives.
Mr., and Mrs.' A.'Myrlck of Helix,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.t T.
Burton of Adams Sunday. I : I
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Blake and
daughter Irene were, the guests; of
Mrs. Clara Blake of Adams Sunday.)
Mrs Chittenden and children ire-
turned to her home In Pasco Sunday
after visiting friends and relatives in
Adams' for a few days. ' !
Edwin Walker and Laurence Sharp
and Gertie Bowen and other friends
were Adams visitors Sunday.
Mr. .and Mrs. W. Boyer were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Devoin Sunday
for dinner. ?
Mr. and Mrs. J T. Lleuallen and
family went to Warm springs' in their
auto Sunday for a day's outing.
J. Walters of Athena made a busi
ness trip to Adams Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Collins of Helix were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis of
Adams Sunday.
M. A. Baker and family of the Ad
ams hotel, moved to his home Mon
day a few blocks south of Adams.
Mrs. Jim Chestnut and daughter
Dora, went to Athena Monday.
Prof. linker Will Fill Pluce Made Va
cant by Prof. Case's Removal At
torney Attaches Private Property of
llartotl Pedagogue Other News
Always pure and delivered J
; promptly, if you phone the f
uentrai Meat Market
108 E. Alta St. Phone Main II.
Meats and Sausages
. We handle only the purest
.of lard, hams and bacon.
Empire Msat Go.
Phone Mala 18. '
302 E. Court St.
Phone Main 45.
Old Spots
Never come back when cleaned
by the
Berlin Dye House
: ' Jack Webster, Mgr.
Dry, Wet, Chemical and Steam
J f ' r I
. ?Work called for and delivered.
I . . i a
The Home Beautifier
Murphy Bros.
The paint men
will tell you about
A Woman's Great Idea
i. hnw to make herself attractive. But,
without health, it Is hard for her to
be , lovely in face, form or temper. A
weak, sickly woman will be nervous
on Irritable. Constipation and kid
ney poisons show in pimples, blotches,
skin eruptions and a wretcnea com
plexion. But Electric Bitters always
prove a godsend to women who want
health, beauty and friends. They
regulate stomach, liver and kidneys
purify the blood; give strong nerves
bright eyes, pure breath, smooth, vel
vety skin, lovely- complexion, good
health. Try them. 50c at Tallman
Omaha, "Neb. Offering to submit
their data to the proper authorities,
"King" Dowle, brother of Alexander
Dowie, who formed Zion City, and
"Pope" Schrader religious contempo
raries, have laid claim to having dis
covered both the north and south
"We are the only mortals who
achieved that goal," said Dowle
tpeelal Correspondence.)
Athena, Ore., June 20. The school
board has elected Prof. Baker, who
has been principal for S years of the
school at Oresham, as principal of
the Athena school.
The annual school meeting -will be
held on Monday at 2:00 p. m. at the
school building. One director and a
clerk will be elected.
York D'll and Will. Dobson. are
representatives from Pythian lodge
No. 29 K. of P. to the grand lodge
meeting which meets in Portland this
week, i
Mrs.' Hill, an aneil lailv or this ,.itv
who fell and broke her hip nearly a
year ago and still uses a enitnh wani
t6 Pendleton on Friday's local to visit
tt uciuijnier. i
Lawyer Watts of this citv on Sat
urday attached the moving goods and
cnauies or pror. case, late principal
oi me Athena public school, for a
paltry sum which thelawver claimed
the professor owed him.
Miss Xettie? Beverlv. a
primary teacher in the public school
the past year took the afternoon train
on Saturday for her home in North
Carolina, where she will enter upon
a lire of double blessedness.
Mrs. R. J. Bortdv will anil hr
household goods and a few butcher
icois on .Mam street, Saturday, July
"Jess Smith, ball players is 111' with
a slifht attack of appendicitis.
Dean Wlllaby and Jesse Myrick
spent the past week at Wenaha
The family of station agent Dun
ning is now domiciled at the station
living rooms. '
Mrs. Will Dobson is home from an
extended visit with friends in Port
land. '
Miss Bessie McBrlde from Port
land is visiting her parents in this
city. '
Ralph Kidder of Tacoma, arrived)
in ine city on Saturday and Is visit
ing his parents and other relatives.
Miss Mav Barnes, a DODUlar voune
lady and teacher of Weston, was In
me city on saturaay.
D. M. Taggart of Ontario, Ore., was
visiting h'is brother T. M. Taggart in
this city on Monday last.
Justice of the Peace Richards, has
opened the registration books for
north and south Athena precincts.
Voters can register at his office on
Main street.
Mrs. Crockett of Pendleton visited
with her daughter Mrs. A. M. Mel
drum on Sunday last
TtV'iy,,Mi T i
Free Moving Mcfc&res
. ij H
..and Stereoptican Lectures..
. '"! ON THE3
.:i :"
i ' 1 1 ; i
The Big Head
Is of two kinds conceit and the" big
head ' that comes from a sick head
ache. Does your head ever feel like
a gourd and your brain feel loose -d
sore? Tou can cure It In no time by
acting on your liver with Ballard's
Herbine. Isn't It worth trying for
the absolute and certain relief you'll
get? ., A. C. Koeppen & Bros.
Chicago. When John Stackl was
arraigned in Municipal Judge Barnes'
court on a charge of. stealing a pair
of trousers he took the witness stand
and said the charge was true. Judge
Barnes peered at him In frank sur
prise. ,
"You admit you stole the trous
ers?" asked the court.
"Yes. sir," replied the prisoner.
"Well, this Is refreshing," return
ed Judge Barnes. "It Is a novelty
to hear a man 'tell the truth in this
I courtroom. You are sure you stole
In substance their itinerary was:
Left New York for North Pole in the trousers?"
three masted schooner May 1 1887. ' "Yes, sir."
Reached the Pole April 12, 1889. . congratulate you, Mr. Stacki.
Left no record because "nothing jxhe best tribute that I can pay to your
would stand where the pole Is, owlng veracity Is the minimum sentence for
to a lack of atmosphere. . pt.tit larceny. The maximum Is a
Finding the angels had not "short year ln thfi house of correction. You're
circuited them" on their return to SUre you stole the trousers?"
New York. July W, 1889, Dowie and "Yes, sir."
Schrader set out 20 days later to ais- j congratulate you again. One
cover the South Pole, which they ,iay in the county jail, Mr. Stackl. As
came upon, mey say, ijpcemoer tv.n said before, It Is refreshing."'
The same lack of atmosphere was
discovered at the southern extremity
of the earth . Satisfied with their
results, they set sail for civilization
and landed at Oalveston, Texts,' Dec.
30, 1899.
Then he called the next case.
Kept the King at nome.
"For the past year we have kep
the king of all laxatives Dr. King"
New Life Pills In our home and they
have proved ablesslng to all our fam
ily," writes Paul Mathulka, f Buf
falo, N. Y. ' Easy, but cure , remedy
for all stomach, liver and kidney
troubles. Only 26c at Tallman & Co.
Baby's Vital Point.
The most delicate part of a baby Is
Its bowels. Every ailment that Is suf
fers with attacks the bowels also en-
dangelrng In most cases the life of the
Infant. McGee's Baby Elixir cure
, diarrhoea, dysentery tnd all derange
ments of the stomach or bowels. A
C. Koeppen A Ttr...
Men's oxfords cheap at A. Bklunda
East Oregonlan office. Prtoe tie.
Why Not Stop That Itch?
. Indisputable proof has now been
foundr that eczema can be cured not
In one'or two cases, but In the worst
cases of many years standing. j
' We would, of course, not think of
making such a recommendation to
our neighbors, and patrons, were It
not that years and years of success
with D. D. D. Prescription enable us
to speak of this remedy with confi
dence. It Is a gentle, soothing .wash
with the mild oil of wlntergreen aa
a base. All the cures seem to be per
manent; at any rate, a trial bottle at
25 cents will take away the itch at
once Instantly. We are rare of this.
Tallman Drug Co.
New York. There is to be built ln
New York next fall, a theater that
will never have an audience. There
will be no necessity for a name, for
It Is to be used purely for rehearsals
and Is the project of Martin Beck,
ginoral manager of the Orpheum cir
cuit.' It is to be situated at Nos. 224
and 226 West Forty-seventh street. In
the same building is to be a restau
rant. The necessity of such a building
has long been felt. It-; - Is often ex
tremely hard to hold, rehearsals ln. a
regular theater when It Is to be used
the same day for a play. In the re
hearsal theater there will be a per
fectly appointed stage, but an "audi
torium" pnly big enough for those
who are to conduct the rehearsal.
It will be the first building of its
kind In America.
250,000 Acres of Irrigated Lands in Glenn and
Colusa Counties. The Heart of the Sacra
mento valley with a never failing water
supply from the Sacramento river.
Hi !
Everything Free
Everybody Invited
Oregon Theatre, June
8: 1 5 o'clock, Wednesday
Dead Drop In on Miners.
Jessup, Pa.- The Slavish cemetery
was badly damaged by a cave-in
workings of the Pancoast mine, an
area of about 70 feet dropping Into
the mine workings beneath. The
bodies of two children and that of a
man dropped through, causing con
sternation among the men who were
sent Into the mine to clear & way the
deblrs. The portion of the cemetery
affected by the cave Is well cov
ered with graves and more gruesome
Incidents are expected.'
Do you tnke the East Oregonlan?
Foley's Kidney Remedy may be
given to children with admirable re
sults. It does away with bed wettlai
and Is also recommended for us
after measles and scarlet fever
Koeppen Bros.
Save money by reading today's ada
1 1
You Will
This Is the sort of weather to make
the seaside resort business people
The dead letters of
seldom returned.
neglect are
Because it Possesses Speed, is Durable, and
always turns out excellent work. '
Underwood Typewriter Company
68 Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon