East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 21, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Special Sale
In the
Wash Goods Section
All This Week
and 8c Lawns will sell for 6c
15c and 20c Values will sell for 12c
25c to 35c Values will sell for 19c
A very good assortment of Patterns
and Materials to choose from
F. E. Livengood & CJo.
The Ladies' and Children's Store.
July Ladies Home Journal Patterns Now Ready
ran time pictures please all.
For sale New Monarch range. Call
Main 69.
Oet your hone clipped at the Com
mercial barn.
Oats and timothy hay fed at ths
Commercial Parn.
Trajih hauled once a week. Phone
Penland Bros. Black 1391.
For Sale Piano and household fur
niture. Phone Red 2932.
Good gentle saddle homes for la
dles. Commercial Barn.
Stop the Cheney Jersey dairy wagon
tor the beat milk and cream.
Wanted Work on " ranch by man
and wife. Apply 201 W. Webb St.
For rent Furnished house. In
quire 218 Tustln or phone Black 2421.
Are you looking for a home? See
Lee Teutsch about those he has for
We make a specialty of caring for
private horses and rigs. Commercial
Loose wheat hay, baled hay and
chopped hay fed at the Commercial
More moving pictures shown than
any other theater In the city the
For rent A nice cottage on north
side, clove in. Inquire Standard Gro
cery Co.
You ca,n get a new S-room home at
less than the building cost of the
hou-e. Lee Teutsch.
For sale A modern 6-roum home.
When you hear the terms you'll be
surprised. Lee Teutsch.
For rent House corner Alta and
College streets, opposite Presbyterian
church. Apply to F. E. Judd.
Fix up your roofs with the best i
shipment of shingles ever received Id
Pendleton. Crab Creek Lumber Co.
Ivmt Lndy's blaek silk skirt, be
tween City dye works and 614 Jack
son street. Reward for return to
City Dye Works.
Competent steam engineer wishes
engagement with farmer or thresher
mun for the threshing season. Ad
dress Chas. Weston, Cclilo, Ore.
For Sale 8 1-4 acres of unimproved
land on Furnish-Coe project; finest
sol on project; 1-2 mile from Stan
field. Address, John B. Wilson, 129
E Main street. Walla Walla, Wash.
Orplieum Today's Program.
1. Ito, the Beggar Boy. Vltagraph.
Drama. 1000 feet long.
2. Esther and Mordecla. Gau
mont drama. 665 feet long.
5. The Spanish Frontier. Scenic.
325 feet long.
4. The Gum-Shoe Kid. Eclipse
comedy, 426 feet long,
6. A Trip to Brazil Scenic, 575
feet long.
6. Dreaming.
The Past line.
"Mid the Cannon's Roar." Edison,
drama, 1000 feet. One of the most in
teresting and altogether pleasing war
pltcures ever put on a motion picture
screen, and the love story Is so well
told and the acting so sympathetic
that one never loses sight of It for a
"Seven Hays." Comedy, 1000 feet
long. This picture Is so good that
one wants to see it again.
"Love's Dlllemma," Essanay. An
nui using picture.
"Henry's Package." Essanay, comedy.
mon ixm the nrii.ixmNE
For sale A prosperous livery busi
ness In one of the best towns In east
ern Oregon. Will Invoice over $6000.
The price is $5000 with terms. This
Is your opportunity. Call or write
C. H. Jordan. La Grande, Ore.
For sale, 320 acres of No. 1 farm
ing land five miles from station with
abundance of water for Irrigation, 160
acres of fine growing crop, 60 acres
summer fallow, balance pasture land
which can all be cultivated and Irri
gated. You get It all for $17,600.
$6000 cash nnd very easy terms. Call i
or write C. H. Jordan, La Grande,
Some- Peculiar T)ios of lYcnch Crim
inals. Paris. The Purls executioner. M.
Delhler, arrived at Slsteron, In the
Itasses-Alpes. recently for the purpose
of executing a murderer named Ollce,
anil found himself In an unpleasant
predicament. The guillotine, which
had been dispatched from Paris 4 8
hours previously, had not arrived.
There was the greatest excitement
in the town. Telegrams were dls
p. itched in all directions and finally
the truant guillotine was located at
another station and hurriedly for
warded to Sisteron.
The condemned man heard the up
roar and was with difficulty persuad
ed that It had no reference to his
fate. The execution was duly car
ried out.
Ollce or Famsnni the latter believ
ed to be his correct name was the
chief of a bloodthirsty band of ad
venturers, known aa the "Stranglers
of the Alps." He and several com
panions had been indicted for a mur
der of peculiar ferocity, but the Jury
somehow found extenuating circum
stances for the accomplice. Olice
himself had hopes to the last that his
own neck might be saved.
Vidal, a man condemned to death
for a triple crime, was executed at
the same hour at Algiers. When the
I Judicial authorities roused him by
' antorlno- Vila retl Via understood that
his hour had come thanked his coun
sel, conversed with the prison chap
lain, and after taking a glass of rum,
submitted without a murmur to the
"toilette.-' Vidal walked with a firm
stept to the guillotine and was at
tempting to address the crowd when
lie was seixed and 'thrown on the fa
tal plank.
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
Official Weather Report.
Maximum Temperature, 76.
Minimum temperature, 40.
Two .Marriage Licenses.
Marriage licenses have been issued
to George W. Baars and Happy Lelah
Wallace, both of Echo and to Chris
tian W. Lassen and Margaret M.
Voorhees, both of this county.
County Court Meets.
The county court held a short ses
sion this morning and then left for
Umatilla to view the site of the new
steel bridge and decide upon the kind
of piers desired for the bridge.
I .a Dow Has Auto.
O. 1. LaDow of the firm of La.
Dow & Peterson, has purchased a
five passenger touring car. It is an
air-cooled Franklin, the car which
Is bo popular In Pendleton." and Is a
Model D.
Iiidlnn Forfeits nail.
James Carrol, an Indian arrested
last evening for drunkenness, failed
to appear in court ,thls morning, hav
ing forfeited the $5 ball deposited,
after he had sobered up somewhat,
to gain his freedom.
Here From Wen a ha Springs.
P. A. McPhee, manager of the We
naha springs summer resort came
down from the springs today. He Is
making elaborate arrangements for
the entertainment of the state bank
(rs next Saturday.
Indian Child Burled.
Lydla Jones, the 9-year-old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Jones, of
McKay creek, was burled this morn
ing at 10 o'clock In the McKay
creek Indian cemetery. The services
were conducted by Rev. James Dick
son, pastor of the Tutullla mission
than in 1871. The drop 4n the last
seven years has been 100,000, while
other nations show an Increase.
"Yet nothing is done. Alas! What
will become of our country? We are
assisting at a slow but certain sui
cide. No one suffers and no one
complains. It is not even death, put
ting It brutally!
"Our country, however marvelous
ly endowed by nature, contains only
seventy-two inhabitants to the square
kilometer, while Germany has nearly
120. Germany yearly sees about
1,000,000 Increase in population, re
quiring food and warmth. ITncp
factories are started, mines run, and
lands developed to the utmost.
But how can French workshops In
crease when France Itself is not ln
cerasing? Foreigners, always slightly
malevolent, call us a dying nation!
This hard word is In a fair way to be
come correct!"
Dr. Bertlllon explains a slight sur
plus of births over deaths last sum
mer 6y pointing out that the cold
weather caused infant mortality to
be less. He urged Immediate legis
lation as the only preventive of na
tional suicide.
$17,000,000 EXTltA
Making Final Proof.
James Markham, the well known
rancher from Gurdane, Is In the city
today to make final proof on his
homestead. He Is accompanied by
John W. Ray, W. Curtright and Roy
Montgomery, as witnesses. Ray
brought In a cougar skin for which
he collected a bounty of ten dollars.
Insurance Paid in Record Time.
Dr. D. C. McXabb, whose auto run
about was destroyed by fire Sunday,
received a check for $800 from the
Itirenian's Fund Insurance company
this afternoon. This is payment In
full of, the amount of Insurance car
ried by the doctor on his machine,
and the payment was made in rec
ord time.
stricken With Piiralysls.
James Hnger, a former resident of
I'matilla county who is now living , at
Heppner was stricken with paralysis,
Saturday, according to information re
ceived by local relatives, and has bee'n
unconscious ever since. Mr. Hager Is
a brother of R. C. Hager of Gibbon.
Mrs. George O'Danlel of this city and
an uncle of Mrs. Ixe P. Drake of this
Dclialing Clip Exhibit.
The Regents' cup. recently won by
the Pendleton high school debating
team, is now on exhibit in the window
of the Hanscom Jewelry store in the
pustoffice block, where It is receiv
ing much attention. It Is a handsome
sterlng silver cup mounted on a ma
hogany base. The inscription on the
cup tells that it was won in 1908 by
Lebanon, in 1909 by Grants Pass and
In 1910 by Pendleton.
Chicago. Extra expenses amount
ing to $17,000,000 a year, borne by
the members of the Illinois Manufac
turers' association, as a result of the
coal strike, caused a meeting of the
association In the Hotel La Salle to
devise ways and means to eliminate
the extra expense. The meeting was
preceded by a conference with coal
dealers in the office of Secretary
Glenn for the purpose of drawing up
plans and preparing resolutions to be
submitted at the meeting.
The coal dealers declared that there
is mined In Illinois 43,000,000 tons of
coal a year, and of this 17,000,000
tons are consumed by Illinois manu
facturers. On account of the strike
these purchaser have to buy coal
In other states, and the extra freight
rates are costing them $1 a ton. The
railroads' also are heavy losers be
cause of the strike.
The head of one manufacturing
concern stated that he was paying
$900 a day more for coal than under
normal conditions.
"I don't know whether or not we
shall be able to do anything to relieve
the situation, but we are going to do
our best," said the secretary shortly
before the meeting was called to or
der. "I cannot say whether negoti
ations will be opened with the min
ers or the operators, but neither par
ty is represented at this meeting.
"At the annual meeting of the
United Mine Workers' association in
March a scale of wages was agreed
upon and the Illinois representatives
agreed to the scale, as did the oper
ators. "Hut John W. Walker, president of
the Illinois Mine Workers, tried to be
elected president of the national or
ganization, and failed. His plans
slipped a cog and T. H. Lewis of In
dianapolis was elected. Now Walker
and his crowd are 'sore' and are try
ing to get e i' and that is the whole
secret of the strike. The operators
are asking 5.55 per cent increase in
wages over and above the scale
agreed upon at the national convention."
Committed to Asylum.
Frank Wall of Pendleton and Athe
na, was committed to the state asy
lum for the insane today. His hallu
cination Is that a man by the name
of John A. Abbott nnd occupying
room 24 in the Hotel Pendleton had
done him an injury nine years ago
and he was anxious to go down and
kill the man. Wall Is 38 years of
age and has been working for Jake
Kinierv on his farm north of town.
I'urniers Working for Fair.
According to County President Con
nor of the farmers' union that or
ganization Is taking nn active inter
est in the coming district fair. He
called at the office of Secretary Fitz
Gerald this morning and Informed
that official that representatives
would at once be sent out to the dif
ferent parts of the county to gather
exhibits for the fair. It is the desire
farmers to make mis ny lar
Will the party who took the um
brella by mistake from Eagle-Woodman
hall Saturday night, June 18,
please return same to V. Stroble.
For Sale.
Driving team, hack and
Apply Telephone Stables
We must kneel before some shrine;
it her the ideal of what we had hoped
for or the memory of what we have
1 lost.
Koeppens' Bed Bug Destroyer
GeUXThem All. Evented Bugs
25c The Bottle
It is iu liquid form nnd so thin and penetrating that it goes
into all ihe little erncks, killing the bugs and destroying the
tggs as well, being of tin antiseptic nature it gets the. germs
also. Each bottle is equipped, with a shaker cork which
make it quite easy to apply.
The Drug Store That Serves You Best.
he in
ost successful one ever held.
Kalamazoo. Mich "1 wanted to
be sure the man of mv choice loved
me. and not my money, so I didn't
tell him that I had fallen heir to a
fortune until the eve of our wed
ding," said Mrs. Joseph Kosten, who
until Thursday night was Miss Dena
Vogel, and formerly employed in a
local shirt factory.
The girl was left a considerable
sum of money by the death of an
uncle several weeks ago, and soon af
ter her father died and his estate add
ed to her possessions. She made no
mention of the fact to Kosten. how
ever, until Wednesday evening when
he came here from his home In Grand
Rapids for the wedding The cou
ple have gone to Grand Rapids, where
tlu v will reside.
Aged 1 19 Yenrs Fought Napoleon.
St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg has
been entertaining a most remarkable
old man. His name is Kniazkoff and
he served in the Russian army which
harried Napoleon on the retreat from
Moscow which really broke the power
of the great Corsican. Kinarzkoff is
119 years old and remembers the
burning of the old Russian cupital
distinctly. He was the guest of the
general staff and told many Interest
ing incidents of the fighting of nearly
lilil years ago. lhspite his advanced
age his mental faculties arc unim
paired and his physical condition Is
Auto Burns t'p.
nr D C McXabb. the veterinarian.
... . -cv.....ll
is mourning the loss or in .'
runabout. Sunday he received a call
to the Cresswell farm nnd was mak
ing a rather speedy run in an riion
to be able to renner i "c
needed In as short a time as possu.,.-.
when suddenly his machine stoppe.i
i,., na unable to make It go
niilio.. forward or back. After ex
,Hno- his automobile knowledge
in an effort to make her go. lie piciv-
e,l up his medicine case anil started
..n afoot. Returning a few hours later
he was surprised to find nothing but
the charred skeleton of his machine
standing In the road. The cause or
the fire will probably always remain
a nivsterv. The doctor Is engaged
today In making arrangements for a
new machine and will probaiuy oe
better equipped than ever In a few
iji r.raniie Ore. Perry Clark, a
pioneer of this county, died Monday
morning. He was a prominent re
publican. He had lived in La Grande
more than 30 years.
m m
f " m
V I' If
Just a Touch
here and there
marks the differ
ence between
being "well j,
dressed and
"dressed up."
Style with
Simpl icity.
July McCall Magazines Now Here
Wohlenberg Dep't. Store Better Goods for Less Money
la made from the choicest wheat that
grows. Good bread i9 assured when
BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran,
Shorte, Steam Rolled Barley always on
Pendleton Roller Mills
Pendleton, Oregon.
Orpheum Theatre
1. P. MEDERNAC H. Prprlrtor
For Men, Women and Children ,
Program Chances on Sundays, Tuesday's and Friday's.
.31 m '-A-.. &tzmmmfjgm&&4& S?Ji
tT VERY TIME a man wants to get away from all con-
' nection with the busy world, the telephone is an
important helper.
The Local Service is useful in arranging his affairs at
home, and the Long Distance Service of the Bell System
helps him to decide where to go and what to take.
By means of Bell Telephone he can find out whether
the fish are biting or the birds are flying, and whether
guides or horses can be secured.
After he has been out awhile, if he wants to get word
from the city, the nearest Bell Telephone is a friend in
The Pacific Telephone &
Telegraph Co.
Every Hell Telephone is he Center of the System.
Extra Solid Packed
Parts. "The time will come when
Germany, having on Its borders a
magnificent but unoccupied country.
will find it absurd not to take pos
session of It."
Thus Pr Jacques Rertillon, the fa
minis statistician, summed up the
significance of the census of France.
lust finished.
"Rirths," he continued, "are dimin
ishing In number steadily. There
are almost 200,000 less annually now
cans lor 25c
See Window Display Electric Vacuum Carpet. Cleaner for R.ent.