rAus nix.. paily eavt orbgoxiax. pexpletox. oaroon, monday, tone 20, mo. EIGHT PAG EH. All INTERESTING CONFESS DN r "THE XEW IDEA." 1 We have a hobby. It concerns every man, woman and child In town. Our hobby la but wait a moment Suppose you are sick, or on of your family Is sick. Tou consult the best physician you know of and he fives you a prescription. Ton have a right to take that pre scription to any druggist, no matter whose name Is printed on It Tou have the same right to select your druggist that you do to select your doctor. Particular people bring their pre scriptions to ns, because our hobby Is prescription work. We take the same sort of pride In compounding every prescription the Tery best way that an artist takes In tainting the very best picture he can; the same that the conscientious doctor takes In bringing his patients back to health. Wt know drops: we know where to buy the best TVe get that kind. Appearances are deceptive. Two phonograph records look exactly alike, but the phonograph gets a $1.- 000 Melba song from one and a rag time two-step from the other. So, with drugs, the Inferior look as good as the best Our hobby leads us to study each prescription to make It give the right results. There is no rule of thumb. no guessing simply, accurate, sclen tiflc work done by men who know and love their profession. If there la any surer way than this we can't Im agine what it is- And besides Any physician who knows us will tell you "we do things right" The best way for you to know ia for you to bring your next prescription here where such work la not regarded as drudgery, or a necessary evil, or as a good chance to g t a big price for something but where it is a "hobby" where it is looked upon aa thj most important service we can render to our fellow-man. The price! We haven't said any thing about the price. That won't bother you for a moment We want all the prescription trade we can get It would be foolish for us to charge too much. We can afford to charge a little too little, for the sake of build ing up a branch of our business in which we are very keenly interested. When you have a prescription, re member our hobby. Remember, too, that we will call for your prescription and . deliver the medicine phone ua a, any hour. Main 20. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. . A. J. McAllister. Geo. C. HUI. Who Know Prescriptions. ELECTRIC COMPANY PEXDi.irrox ruxT ixvoi.vki IX BIG GKXE15AI, MKliGKK Pacific Light ami Power Company U Xaiuc of Now $7,oOO,00() Coi-Mr-atlon Will iio Business on u I.nrsie Sonic. : : FRESH MEATS SAUSAGES, FISH AXD LARD. Always pure and delivered promptly, if you phone the Central Meat Market 108 E. Alta BU Phone Main It. FRESH FISH Meats and Sausages EVERY DAY. We handle only the purest of lard, hams and bacon. Empire Meat Go. Phone Maui 18. 302 E. Court St. Phone Main 46. 1 Old Spots Never come back when cleaned by the Berlin Dye House Jack Webster, Mgr. Dry, Wet, Chemical and Steam Cleaners. Work called for and delivered. Pendleton Is once more included In a general merger of electric liRht and power plants, according; to an an nouncement made in Portland, Sat urday afternoon. The changes have been coming so rapidly during the past few months that it is difficult for the local consumer to even give the name of the company from. which he Is getting electricity for either light or power and as for naming the owner or the interests back of the concern, that Is out of the question. The name of the parent corpor ation which has just now been form ed is the Pacific Power & Light com pany and with its formation there comes Into being one of the most ex tensive public service corporations in the northwest. The capital Is $7,. 500,000 and the concern is closely af filiated with the General Electric company and the Electric Bond & Share company. The work of organization was done by the American Power & Light com pany, of New York, which already owns the Portland Gas & Coke com pany. P. G. Sykes and S. Z. Mitchell former Portland residents, are respec tively president and chairman o the board of directors and Guy W. Tal bot, of Portland, Is vice-president of the American Power & Light com pany. The officers of the Pacific company have not yet been announc ed. The new concern plans a system of power development in the Pacific Northwest and will cover "the Colum bia, Yakima and Walla Walla valleys with Its transmission lines and dis tributing system. Dozen Plants Controlled. More than a dozen large gas. elec tric light and power plants already have come under the control of the new company. The properties includ ed are: Astoria Gas plant, electric plant and street railway. Pendleton Gas plant and electric plant. Adams Electric plant. Walla Walla Gas plant, electric plant, street railway and lnterurban line to Milton and Freewater. Lewlston Gas plant. Pasco Water works and electric plant. Kennewlck Water works and elec tric plant. Sunnyside Electric plant. Mabton Electric plant. Wapato Electric plant. North Yakima Gas plant, electric plant and water works. The company will own steam gen erating plants at Astoria, Walla Walla and Kennewlck. a waterpower plant on the Walla Walla river, and com bined steam and waterpower plants at North Yakima and on the Natches river, ten miles above North Yakima. Electric Pumping Plant. It has about 150 miles of high tension-transmission system extending from North Yakima to Pasco and from Walla Walla to Pendleton. Cin struction is' being rushed on a 68.-000-volt line. 45 miles long, between Pasco and Walla Walla, which will knit the Walla Walla and the Yakima systems Into one, and pass through the Irrigated section of Burbank and Attalia. New lines will be pushed In all directions where the possibility of business warrants the cost, and attention will be devoted to the possi bilities of irrigation by electric pump ing. The new owners believe there will be a demand for power In the Yakima. Walla Walla and Columbia valleys for this work, and are pre pared to handle the new business Just as soon as equipment can be con structed for the purpose. The principal offices of the com pany will be in Portland but there will be local offices In Astoria and Pendleton. Ore., Lewiston, Idaho, and North Yakima, Sunnyside, Mabton, Kennewlck. Pasco and Walla Walla, Wash. There will come under the com pany s control the plants recently nougnt hy the Columbia Power Light company and the Yaklnia-Pas- co company from the Northwest cor poration, tne Northwest Light & Power company, of North Yakima and the Yakima Valley Power com pany. The two latter companies have been known generally as Ptrnhorn properties. The Columbia and Yakima-Pasco companies were formed pending the completion of the organization of the Pacific company. The Astoria Elec trie company and the Walla Walla Valley Hallway company also will be Jap-A-Lac The Home Beautifier Murphy Bros. The paint men will tell you about Jap-A-Lac transferred to the Pacific Power & Light company, although the latter company will be operated by the rail way company under its own name. Big Enterprise Outlined. That the Pacific Power &. Light company was prepared to go Into the business on a large-scale was declared Saturday by Mr. Talbot He said it was the belief of the company and its officers that there would be a great deal of irrigation by pumping In the territory being opened by the Mil waukee, North Coast and other rail roads, particularly In the regions about Walla Walla and Yakima and in the Columbia river valley between Pusco and Beverley. This land lies In a series of benches at elevations varying from 50 to 200 feet above the rivers from which they Hike ineir names. The soil is vol canic ash, needing only the applica tion of water to make It fertile. Mr. Talbot snld that his company would be prepared to furnish the power for pumping the water and in the Co lumbia river there would be a never ending supply of water.. "We expect to. put In a first-class organization at every town we serve," said Mr. Talbot. 'Ve shall Install modern and up-to-date equipment and give the best of service. The new owners have all the money neces sary for this work and we shall make the Pacific Power & Light company a credit to the northwest. Mr. Sykes who Is out here from New York, and I have just returned from an exten sive trip of inspection, having cover ed the Walla Walla and Yakima val leys by automobile, and I believe I may say for both of us that we are more than delighted at the prospect. I may add that we are prepared to do our part in helping to upbuild this empire. "By the placing of our various plants in eastern Oregon and Wash ington into one system, we have a much more flexible organization and distributing .system than was possible for the old owners, and shall be able to shift our power loads so that we shall have plenty of power for all consumers. Heretofore there has been a shortage In the Yakima valley when there was a surplus at Walla Walla, and vice versa, but when we finish our connecting line this will do away with this condition of af fairs and we can balance our load better. We expect to have this lino in operation within the next 60 days. "The right of way has been ob tained, surveys have been made and material is now being delivered. In addition to the building of this trans mission line we are just completing the Installation of a 5000-horsepower water-wheel, electric generator unit and of a 3500-horsepower steam-drlv en-turblne, both of latest design and most modern construction. We have plans under way and a considerable amount of preliminary' work has al ready been done looking toward the obtaining of a large amount of ad ditional power and you may say that within the next few years we shall be prepared to deliver between 50. 000 and 100,000 horsepower. Our total generating capacity now Is about 15.000 horsepower." CHILDREN'S DAY EXCELLENT PROGRAM RENDERED LAST NIGHT Delegutcs to K. of P. Convention Leave for Portland Citizens Build Bridge Short News Notes. A Dreadful Wound. from a knife gun, tin can, rusty nail fireworks, or of any other nature, de mands prompt treatment with Buck len's Arnica Salve to prevent bloo poison or gangrene. It's the quick est, surest healer for all such wound as also for burns, bolls, sores, skli eruptions, eczema, chapped hands corns or Piles. 25c at Tallman A Co ENGLAND'S NEW QUEEN IS ACCOMPLISHED ARTIST (Special Correspondence.) Milton, Ore., June 20. Children's day was observed at the M. E. ! church last night, an excellent pro gram being rendered at S o'clock. Following is the program. Opening song by choir. Prayer, Rev. J. D. Bird. Song, Sunday school. Recitation, "Chllrden's Day," Sun lay school choir. Exercise by seven soldier boys. Song, Sunday school choir. Recitation, "Look up and Sing." Lillian Sikes. Duet, Hazel and Clema Cockburn and Luclle McQuary. Exercise and song, "The Report ers." Recitation, John Gibbons. Song and chorus. Vera Sikes and Sunday school choir. The "Clock Song." by six girls. Exercises, "The Sunbeams." Solo, Doran Manela. Flower drill, by 10 girls. Song, by the choir. Mrs.- Emma Harvey, who haB been In a Walla Walla hospital for some time with a sore limb, was brought to Milton yesterday. She was taken to the home of Mrs. Martin at Co lumbia college who will take care of her. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKenzie left yesterday for Portland, where they will attend the grand lodge of the Knights of Pythias and Pythian Sis ters, Mrs. McKenzie being one of the officers of the grand lodge. They were accompanied b Mrs. Alva Trayer who Is a delegate to the lodge which convenes next week. Mrs. J. D. McKnight has returned home from a trip to Portland. Mrs. R. B. Stanleld of Echo, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Lloyd at Milton. Mrs. D. L. Nell of Pendleton was a Sunday guest at the home of L. L. Berry. Miss Helen Edwards of Washtuena came down this week on a visit to friends and relatives and to attend the graduating exercises of the Milton high schools whlrh take place at Pavis hall next Thursday night, June 23. A temporary bridge Is being placed over the crossing In South Milton where the new steel bridge Is being built. The work Is being done by some of the citizens who use the bridge extensively. Miss Myrtle Gould is reported as being quite ill with tonsllltls. Alonzo McKenzie. clerk In the shoe department of the Fair store left yes terday for Portland on a vacation trip. Mrs. Ed Guild tendered a surprise party Saturday night to Alfred Guild, It being the occasion of his 21st birth day anniversary. After an enjoyable evening delicate refreshments were served. London. Queen Mary, consort of King George V. is an accomplished artist. One of her paintings was ex posed for sale at a charity fair at Hull a small water color entitled "On the Marshes of Snettisham. Near the Queen's Bungalow," the "bunga low" being Queen Alexandra's retreat on the Norfolk coast, near Sandring ham. The picture, which is a fine, broad treatment of landscape and clouds, will probably be acquired by the Hull Municipal gallery. The special In terest of It rests on the fact that It was sent from London when the royal artist was Princess of Wales and reached Hull after she had become queen. Baby's Vital Point. The most delicate part of a baby Is Its bowels. Every ailment that Is suf fers with attacks the bowels also en dangetrng in most cases the life of the Infant. McGee's Baby Elixir cure diarrhoea, dysentery end all derange ments of the stomach cr bowels. A C. Koeppen "" CITY OF PENDLETON MAPS at East Oregonlan office. Prloe lie. Fort St. James On Lake Stuart, BRITISH COLUMBIA This Is destined to be the Portland of British Columbia, on a navigable river and deen water lake with twn trains runnlr. In next fall. j Letters pour Into our office all day . with applications for lots. To thnu who cannot come In we would do our utmost to make a good selection. Price 100 and $200 each. Cash lis.oo, balance 110.00 a month. A few 4 0 acre farms Joining Fort St James townslte and Lake Stuart, JSO.OO cash and 110.00 a. month You need not be a Canadinn Citizen to Hold This. You need not improve it, nor you need not reside on it. All this land Is on or near the railroad. Grand Trunk Pacific, Alaska Yukon, and Canadian Northern railroads. Rich farm lands, $8.60 per acre, S3. 00 cash, and balance $1.00 per acre per year until paid. APPLY CANADIAN NORTHERN LAND COMPANY, S04, 805 and S06 Lewis Building, Portland, Oregon. Marvelous Discoveries, mark the wonderful progress of the age. Air flights on heavy machines telegrams without wires, terrible wa? Inventions to kill men, and that won der of wonders, Dr. King's New Dis covery, to save life when threatene by coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma croup, bronchitis, hemmorrhages, ha fever and whooping cough or luni trouble. For all bronchial affectio It has no equal. It relieves instant ly Its the surest cure. James M Black of Ashevllle, N. C, R. R. No 4, writes It cured him of an obstinate cough after all other remedies fail ed. 60c and $100. A trial bottle free Guaranteed by Tallman gt Co. IX NEED OF TAILOR INSTEAD OF DOCTOR Cincinnati, Ohio. "What you need Is a tailor shop and not the hospital," Philip Winters, Seventh street and Broadway, was told, when he was ta ken to the City hospital, Friday, after declaring that he was badly bitten by a dog. Winters was In the rear of a sa loon at 711 Broadway, when n. bi dog attacked him. The dog hung on to the man's trousers and it tnnv m. eral persons to pry the brute loose. Patrol 2 was called, and the man was hurried to the hospital. He was taken to the receiving ward and ex amined, but there was not even a scratch on him, although his trous ers were ruined. "You are not bitten." said the in terne. "Well, what do you think of that?" Winters asked as he hurried out of the ward and wended his way down town. Milne Transfer Phone Main 5 , , Calls promptly answered for all baggage transfer ring. Piano and Furniture moving and Heavy Truck ing a specialty. .' Horses for Sale. P. G. Smith of Burns, Is now at the Rowman ranch E miles south of Pen dleton with 60 head of big horses to sell. TOP Hie well Known Chinese Doctor Cures a n and all dis eases that the human flesh is heir to. My wonderful and powerful roots, Lerba, remedies are composed o Chinese buds, barks and vegetables that are entirely unknown to medical science of the present day. They are harmless, as we use no poisons or drugs. No operations, no knire used. We care stomach troubles, liver. kidney, catarrh, lung, throat, asth ma, nervous debility, female com plaints and rehumatlsm and all disorders of the blood. We cure to stay cured, and guarantee to cure all kinds of Piles und Private Diseases of men and women. Call ana see nlm or write. Consulta tion free. If you are unable to call and see him. send two cents in stamps for symptom blank. Ad- THE L. CHI NO WO CHINESE MEDicnnc on. 80 W. Roe St. walla Walla. W tTdDIP About 1 5,000 Acres of Shopman County, Oregon, (EffBAOKI FAM now under Crop Leases in varying sized parcels re newable or subject to can cellation at buyer's option. Price about $40.00 Per Acre (Crop rental 1910 reserved) Terms Part Cash Part on Time Apply to Eastern Oregon Land Company Care of Balfour, Guthrie & Co. Board of Trade Building Portland, Oregon Orpheum Theatre 1. P. MEDETINACH. Proprietor HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children', BEE PIEOUKAM IN TODAY'S PAPEH. Program Changes on Sundays, l ui-nlsy'g and Friday's. Byers' Best Flgur Is made from the choicest wheat that triv. Cnod bread is assured when nYKKS'IU-ST FLO UK is used. Bran. Shorts. Steam Kolled Barley always on hand. Pendleton Roller Mills J'endleton, Oregon. Hoi.. Oregon, located coran of Seventh n..,t .i. c. ... .. through the block to Park Street, Portland. Oregon. Our new Park 8 treat Annex la absolutely fireproof. ' ' Rates $1 per Day and Up. European one 536 East End Grocery ZX. U alway. in front rank when It coma to freah and aeaaonabla Fruit and Vegetable.. Don't forget ui when you want aomethlng extra choice. Weston Potatoes, per sack Grand Ronde Apples, per box $1.00 $1.25