EIGHT PAGE DAILY EAST ORBGOXIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1910. fage mr& Special Sale I In the Wash Goods Section All This Week 10c and 8c Lawns will sell for 6c 15c and 20c Values will sell for 12c 25c to 35c Values will sell for 19c A very good assortment of Patterns and Materials to choose from F. E. Livengood & Go. The Ladies' and Children's Store. July Ladies Home Journal Patterns Now Ready Newsy Notes of Pendleton Indian Girl IMes. Lydla Jones, the 9-year-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Jones, died at their reservation home this morn ing. The child will be buried to morrow In the reservation cemetery. Will Attend Encampment. J.S. Uurilane, T. Thayer and John W. Welles left this morning for Sea Ride to. attend the annual state en campment of the G. A. R. They ex pect to be gone all week. Marriage I.Iomihc Issued. A marriage license has been Issued to Orra Ingham of Canada and Flor ence M. Cooper of this county, and to Charles Blggerstaff and Ida May Jones, both of this county. Pleasant Dunce at Stunfleltl. Pendleton people who attended the dance in Stanfield Saturday night re port a very pleasant time. Roy Neal and Glen McCullough were the pro moters of the affair and their man agement was evidently entirely satisfactory. u LOCALS Pastime pictures please all. For sale New Monarch range. Call Main 59. Get your horses clipped at the Com mercial barn. Protect yourself by Insuring with Lee Tcutsch. Oats and timothy hay fed at the Commercial Barn. Trash hauled once a week. Phone Penland Bros. Black 3191. For Sale Piano and household fur niture. Phone Red 2932. Good gentle saddle horses for la dles. Commercial Barn. Stop the Cheney Jersey dairy wagon for the best milk snd cream. Lee Teutsch has every kind of an Insurance policy See him. For rent Furnished house. In quire 218 Tustin or phone Black 2421. We make a specialty of caring for) private norses and rigs. Commercial Bam. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orplieiim Today's Program. 1. A Way Out West. Essanay dra. ma, 1000 feet long. 2. The Castaway's. Kalem dra ma, 1000 feet long. 3. Grandfather's gift. Lubln drama, 750 feet long. 4. Officer Muldoon's Double. Lubln comedy, 250 feet long. 5. I'm Tired of Living Without You. Program for Tuesday's change:. 1. Ho, the Beggar Boy. Vitagraph. Drama. 1000 feet long. 2. Esther and Mordecla. Gau mnnt drama. 655 feet long. 3. The Spanish Frontier. Scenic. 3 2T feet long. 4. The Gum-Shoe Kid. Eclipse comedy. 425 feet long. G. A Trip to Brazil. Scenic, 575 feet long. 6. Dreaming. Slanflclil lU-Hidcut Dies, George McDoand, aged 29 years, and a resident of Stunfield, died at the hospital Saturday night. He Is sur vived by a widow, who accompanied his remains to their former home In Gardner, North Dakota, this morning. Glad to Roommend Them. Mr. E. Weakley, Kokomo, Ind., Is glad to recommend Foley Kidney Pills. After taking them as directed he says: 4The severe backache left me, my kidneys became stronger, the secretions natural In color and my bladder no longer pained me. I am now over my trouble and glad to rec ommend Foley Kidney Pills." A. C. Koeppen & Bros. What a Summer Cold May Do. A summer cold If neglected is just as apt to develop into bronchitis or pneumonia as at any other season. Do not neglect it Take Foley's Ho ey and Tar promptly. It loosens the cough, soothes and heals the Inflam ed air passages, and expels the cold from the system. Remember the name Foley's Honey and Tar, and refuse substitutes. The genuine Is in a yel low package and contains no opiates and no harmful drugs. A. C. Koep pe & Bros. Van lloute Here This livening. Representative Van Houte of the Pacific Telephone company, will be in Pendleton this evening and will meet with the city council committee and the Commercial club committee at that organization's headquarters at 8 o'clock. The conference is to dis cuss the raise in telephone rates. To Hold Court ut Hcppner. Circuit Judge H. J. Bean left for Heppner on the morning local. Dis trict Attorney G. W. Phelps came down from Meacham and went on through on the same train. They will hold a short session of the circuit court for Morrow county, returning to Pendleton Thursday. table was a New York physician who is none the less popular because he is frank in speech almost to brutality and will not stand for affectation. The countess came along and was Invited to join the party. The doctor, it turned out, had known her since she was a child. "Somebody asked her a question, and she started to reply with that ac cent of hers. I saw the doctor fidget. Then she made another remark In half French. The doctor said some thing that sounded like 'Damn!' Then he blurted out: " 'For God's sake, Maria Smith, you don't mean to say that three years In Europe have made you forget your native tongue?" "There was a hush, and then some of the women in the party smiled; but when the countess next spoke it was In purest United States." New York Sun. WMni n w finfi I '' Vli Just a Touch flcZ-h if f ere and there )W&ik&' marks the differ II I Wk dressed and Wtl iWtiffl "dressed up." HI N"MS I WW ALLPAITERNS fffmi ' I III 1 1 li combine rTs , 1 Style with . YlOhlenberg Dep't. Store Better Goods for Less Money Kiuriiio "Goes Dead." I When within the city limits the en gine drawing the Walla Walla local suddenly "went dead" this morning and the local switch engine was com pelled to draw the train and Its "dead" engine into the station. The blowing out of an escape valve plug was responsible for the helpless con dition of the locomotive. Loose wheat hay, baled hay and chopped hay fed at the Commercial Barn. More moving pictures shown than that one never loses siK lit of it for a minute. "Seven Days." Comedy, 1000 feet long. This picture is so good that one wants to see it again. "Love's Dlllemma," Essanay. An amusing picture. "Henry's Package." Essanay, cotn- I'Oi ITU'S tJHOW WOltSR WITH GREAT BRITAIN' The PuHtime. Has what promises to be a good program for Tuesday's change. "Mid the Cannon's Roar." Edison, drama, 1000 feet. One of the most in teresting ami altogether pleasing war piti ures ever put on a motion picture afrni.n nn.l Mia lnvn ul.iM la an n-all any other theater in the city the ' ,, (lIi . For rent A nice cottage on north side, close in. Inquire Standard Gro cery Co. Give us a chance we want your real estate and Insurance business. Lre Teutsch. For rent House corner Alta and College streets, opposite Presbyterian i Cl'-V-church. Apply to F. E. Judd. i Fix up your roofs with the besti shipment of shingles ever received In Pendleton. Crab Creek Lumber Co, Competent steam 'engineer wishes engagement with farmer or thresher- I man for the threshing season. Ad-1 dress Chas. Weston, Celilo, Ore. For Sale 8 1-4 acres of unimproved I land on Furnlsh-Coe project; f.nest soil on project; 1-2 mile from Stan field. Address. John B. Wilson. 129 E. Main street. Walla Walla, Wash. For sale A prosperous livery busi ness in one of the best towns In east ern Oregon. Wdl Invoice over $6000. The price Is $5000 with terms. This Is your opportunity. Call or write C. H. Jordan. La Grande, Ore. For sale, 320 acres of No. 1 farm ing land five miles from station with abundance of. water for irrigation, 150 acres of fine growing crop, 60 acres summer fallow, balance pasture land which can all be cultivated and Irri gated. You get It al! for $17,600, $5000 cash and very easy terms. Call : or write C. H. Jordan, La Grande. Ore. lr. Cue's Son Injured. According to telegraphic informs- j imoi receiveu ui riuniieio, aiuruay evening, Eurl Coe, the 13-year-old son of Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Coe was seriously injured at their home In Portland, that day. It seems that he had fallen from a cherry tree onto the concrete sidewalk, sustaining a fracture of the skull. Major George Coe of Stanfield had been summoned to the bedside of his younger brother. Talked of Mission. Rev. J. M. Cornellson was at La Grande yesterday and conducted re ligious services both in the morning and the evening. He gave an ad dress upon the work being done at the Tutuilla mission. During the service his little daughter Mary rendered a vocal selection In Chinook. A num ber of I.a Grande people are going to attend the , meetings to be held al the mission on the Fourth of July. Things naturally look dark to the man whose eye lias been blackened. CASTOR I A For Infant ihd Children. Tfi8 Kind You Have Always Sougtu agnatureof CJCC London The political compromise indulged In after King Edward's fu neral has melted into thin air. Gar ven of the Observer, having done his utmost to Induce the two parties to bi'ry the hatchet, w ill now be free to carry out the second section of his program and fight the devil with a clean heart for the Tory side. Lord Morley's verdict, pronounced three weeks ago, that there would be no common ground rfor a compromise, has been Justified by events. It was not even possible to get together an official meeting of party representa tives. So it is understood after the necessary business of supplies for the budget, the now civil list and amend ment of the royal declaration have been put through parliament, it will lie until November, when a battle royal will ensue culminating In a deadlock between the two houses, and then an election In January. Mr. Roosevelt's city speech Is be ing utilized by the Tories as cam paign literature, providing that in the opinion of the American ex-presldent the liberals have made such a mess of things In Egypt flint every patriot should vote for the unionists' candi date. The liberals, however, are not disheartened; neither are they .dis posed to abandon all attempts to se cure the consent of the governed in Kgypt or In Ireland and fall back on the big stick which is only a eu phemism f.-ir the club of the savage. Do you t:;ke the East Oregonlan? Koeppens Bed Bug Destroyer GetsTThem All. Even'Bed Bugs 25c The Bottle It ia in liquid form nnd go thin and penetrating thatVit goea into all the little cracks, killing the bugs and destroying the rggs.ns well, being of an antiseptic nature it gets the germs also. Each bottle is equipped with a shaker cork which makes it quite easy to apply. EP1PEPJ The Drug Store That Serve You Best. "Show Your Tickets." This order coming from a brake man stationed at the only entrance to the Portland local train, caused con sternation at the depot this morning. People who had expected to board the train without tickets were sent back to the window to make the pur chase, while others with arms full of luggage were compelled to set down their bundles and produce their tick ets before being allowed to enter the car. The purpose of the new order is to compel all passengers to pur ebnse tickets before getting on the train and it will be enforced on all trains hereafter. Holds Liveryman Responsible. .1. S. .Carter, proprietor of a Cot tonwood street livery barn is held re sponsible for the loss of the services of a stallion belonging to A. 1). Rhn nlmus, in a complaint filed by Rho. nimus. acting as his own attorney, Saturday. The complaint was written by Rhoiiimus himself and from a legal viewpoint it is not exactly a work of art. It will be remembered that the stallion was permanently rendered unfit for service by some inhuman miscreant while it was beinj stabled in the Carter barn a few weeks ago. lthonimus evidently means to allege that the owner of the stable permitted the deed to be done if he did not actually participate in it. but be docs not make his alle gations specific. rrUK FOR LOSS OP MF.MORY. "Xothing disgusts me more," said a woman who goes abroad every sum mer, "than to meet in Europe Ameri cans who seem to be ashamed of their own language. I have often come across them, but a woman I nut in Carlsbad last summer took the palm. . "She was introduced to me as the Countess Komoffsky, or some name that sounded like that. She married a Russian or a Pole about three years before, and so far as I can gather she bad hardly been any nearer Europe than a New York table d'hote before that time. She looked American, but her English was all broken Into bits. She did not even say 'the,' hut pro nounced it 'ze.' She had great diffi culty in recollecting phrases nnd the result at times was a lot of French. "Next morning I was breakfasting in the Kalserpack with a party of shawl-wrapped Americans who had drunk the requisite number of glasses from the Sprudel or the Mnrkthrun-ni-n and had walked out according to prescription. One of those at the ! ! Free Movkg Pictures ' .and Stereoptican Lectures.. ON THE i PRO. braa PICT 250,000 Acres of Irrigated Lands in Glenn and Colusa Counties. The Heart of the Sacra mento valley with a never failing water supply from the Sacramento river. Interesting Amusing-Entertaining Everything Free Everybody Invited Oregon Theatre, June 8:15 o'clock, Wednesday R 12j Extra Solid Packed TOMATOES 2 cans for 25c See Window Display Electric Vacuum Carpet Cleaner for Kent. INGRAM'S GROCERY B1"er SSS.'isr Ever V A.