East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 20, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Sensational $150,000 Sale
Bargains of unquestionable character are here in abundance Every
department is full of them. Dependable merchandise of all kinds is be
ing sold at very low prices. The following items will give you a slight
hint of the remarkable savings we are offering you, but you must come
to the store to really appreciate what we are doing. Every short line,
surplus, job lot, odds and ends of all kinds must go regardless of cost.
20doz. Men's Overalls and Jackets
Wo have a lot of uU.ut i'0 vW. Mt-n's Overalls ami Jackets,
nearly allsize$. mostly blue and white strijK sihxI quality!
Regular 63o, 7oO ami S5 values, your choiee for only 39
Men's Shaw Knit Sox at 20c pair
One of the best wearing sox in America. Come in plain
Hack, medium weight, all sizes, while they last, your choice
per pair 20f
50c Work Shirts go at 3 for $1.00
Only a few more left, the. greatest shirt bargain of all.
Men's blue oxford shirts, good weight, well made. While they
hst, 3 for $1.00
In the Famous Silk Department
to choose from for 13c
$1.25 SILKDOWX, 42-m. wide, plain colors 9S
C XOVELTY SILKS, come in Plitin strips.... 39
1.50 :;t;-i. TAFFKTA SILK, SuU finish $1.14
Men's Underwear Going at 25 cts
One lot of Men's Underwear, good wearing, fine weight.
Conies in cream and salmon colors. A bargain at 25'p('r
Good Bargains in Domestic Dep't.
12 1-2? CIIALLIE
2036-in. SHIRTING
8 13 APRON" GIXG1IAM, 14 vards
00 v IOI LIX, comes in white, green, three
27-in. wide, used for waists and dresses
15 LAWXS, manv choice patterns, vard ..
12 1-2 3G-in. MUSLIX, fine weight
10 C0-in. MESLIX, heavy weight
... 10?
.... 16
IXG 9 1-2
shades of blue,
Great White Good Sale Now On
We recently received a large shipment of the latest styles
and ideas in Muslin Underwear. We have divided the entire
shipment into 3 lots:
Lot Xo. 1 will go for, per garment 23
Lot Xo. -2 will go for, per garment 50
Lot Xo. 3 will go for, per garment 98
m the most, don t
till ,r ''T tim- V"V ,hesefn1; the long, hot days are still to come, that's when vou'll want the
wait till they ve been j.u-ked over and all the choice pieces are gone come now early and buy.
The Peoples Warehouse- Where it Pays to trade
innTi rn ri nil rrn i
. E. Carpenter Stops Runaway Train,
Averting a Terrible Disaster Pre
Tents Collision by Quickly Revers
ing Engine.
been stopped they could hardlv be
lieve their senses.
The train reached Helper safely and
everyone was loud In their praise of
; Carpenter's presence of mind. Those
I n uy .m mo lunucu Lars Slcttl out OI
j the yards, beyond the power of any-:
j one to catch them, expected any mo- j
meiu to hear the crash ofa collision.
as .No. l was nearly due. j
Engineer Carpenter, who former
ly ran an engine through this city on
the O. R. & N., and who is a brother
f Engineer Carpenter of the motor
car now in service between Pendleton
and Umatilla, has just won laurels
Tor himself by preventing a disas
trous wreck on the Denver & Rio
Grande, the road for which he is now
working. The following details of the
ensational performance in which
"Carpenter performed are taken from
a Denver paper:
The quick action of D. E. Carpen
ter, one of the best known engineers
on the Rio Grande, prevented what
.might have been a terrible wreck,
VroLabiy costing scores of lives, when
tie stopped a runaway train Friday
morning about 8 o'clock, four miles
east of Helper.
Carpenter was going west on No.
1 and was nearing the end of his
run. Th.- p.tss.-tiger train, consisting
of ten cars, was ripping along at a
fa iar:i rate of speed, when suddenly
Mr Carpenter's eye caught sight of
u. string of cars lurching around a
curve about a half mile ahead of his
fijjetding train. He realized at once
lh.it it "as a string of runaways.
Kl-Ven cars, heavily loaded with bul
lion and ...re. had in some manner
i.rt k-n away from the yards at Help
er. C-iipinitr taw that only the quick
set of action would save his train from
a. fr.ghtful collison with the roaring
ix1 r ! which was rushing toward him.
He s.a.-nmed on the airbrakes, bring
''(: his '.ran tu a standstill with a
Sr.r.d.ng of brake shoes and a bump
ir: yf t:,e hay cars. Like lightning
"h- reversed the engine and opened i
lde the throttle, starting his train
backwards with the runaway cars .
w:ihin a hundred yards of the pas
riger tra'n. I
The passenger gained headway rap-'
idly and when the freight cars col
lided with .I, the passenger was mak
icg fairly good speed and the shock
was not gieat and did not damage. !
J! . f'aiiM-nt.-r started the train
back toward Helper, pushing the run
aways ahead of him and before be
had gone very far be met the switch
rgine from Helper, bearing a badly
frightened crew . They were pale
faced and had not yet recovered from
the fright of what they felt absolute
ly sure would result In a terrible
wr- k. When they heard of" the mi
raculous way in which the train had
Travelers Entering lYance at Cher
lmurg Allowed Few Cigars.
Paris. American travelers with
favorite brands of tobacco in their
grips had better avoid Cherbourg as a
landing place In Europe this year.
For the new regulations in France
lire hard on smokers.
.Nominally, 10 cigars, 20 cigarettes,
or one and a half ounces of tobacco
are allowed free, which Is less than
half the former allowances. Put cus
toms officers on the French side are
golnng further than that and declare
they can levy 6 cents on any single
cigar imported.
The changes affect Frenchmen, too,
for the government tobacco monop
oly has put up the price of all but
the commonest classes of the weed
from 10 to 50 per cent. A national
league for the protection of smokers
is raising protests all over the coun
try and even if France Minister
"ornery had intended to put the ad
ditional money into his own pocket
he culd not be more virulently
Rut as a matter of fact the new
imposition s not having the desired
Tfert. The minister hoped to collect
$10,000 a day more for the national
xchoquer. but since the new scale
..f charges came into force on May
! J the consumption of superior ci
gars, tobacco, and cigarettes has
dropped to a remnrknhly low level,
while the common caporal tobacco
baa trebeled Its sale.
SVi M. C'.ichery is in the horns of
a dilemma. H hopes the public will
return to the bettor brands, but if
they don't he threatens to raise the
price of the cheap varieties. If he
.! . that he will rouse the proleta
riat, for the workmen are thp chief
consumers of "vapornl ordinaire".
and the minister who touches their
pipe will suffer as soon ns the polls
provide a weapon.
Hut there Is a funny side to, the
situation. New and cheap brands of
cigars and cigarettes are being put
on the market arrayed 'In wondrous
hands of brilliant hue. They bear
such names ns Favorltas. Aromatlcas,
Panetelas, Brevas. Trabueos, Plca
duros. lyindrecltos. Damitas Flor,
and so forth. One Spanish word thus
used means "a big musket" and an
other "n large, black, unripe fig."
They are not so very Inappropriate.
Men with a sensitive palate are dis
trusted wdth them. But the men In
the workmen's blue blouse smoke
them In the boulevards with the air
of pampered exquisites.
season, the' greatest bargain sale of
Panamas ever held is in prospect, and
Vncle Sam will be the auctioneer.
Secretary MacVeagh of the treas
ury department. Collector Loeb and
L'nited States District Attorney Wise
talked over the recent seizure of
Panama hats today and decided that
proceedings should be taken In the
federal courts for their forfeiture and
condemnation. The hats, invoiced at
$65,000, were said by the government
to be worth $112,000, and, with the
duty added, would be $160,000.
Goods siezed in this way by the
government are sold at auction.
State .: Onio, city or Toledo. Lucas Coos
tj. w.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath tbst h Is
XDior partner of tbe firm of P. 1. ('bo
oty h Co., doing unities In the City ot
leiedo. County and Btate aforesaid, and
(bat said firm will pay tbe sam of ON It
HINKKED DOLLARS for escn snd fTerj
-tte of ('stsrrb tbst csono: be cared bj
; ue ot Hall's Catarrn Curs.
Sworn to before iba cj.1 subscribed Is
m presence, tbls fltb day of December, A
A. W. OLUA80N,
l esl l Notary i'obllu
llall's Caurrb Cure Is taken Internally
sod acts directly on tbe blood sod mncoos
tirfscc of tn system. Hend for testlmo
s.als free.
r. J. CHENEY CO.. Toledo, O.
Sold by all Drngvtsis, 73c.
lake Usll's Family l'l.'ls for coaatlpa
T'nclB Ram Sell ITafs.
New Tork. Possibly In time for
this summer's wear, possibly not until
straw hat weather Is over for the
Helsingfors. A particularly brutal
murder of a Finnish peasant by Rus
sian soldiery and the neglect of the
authorities to punish the murderers
have provoked the greatest indigna
tion in the country.
According to the accounts publish
ed here, the victim was stabbed with
bayonets by two drunken soldiers. At
trie police imiuii-y this was fully sub
stantiated, and it was further shown
that Muuri, the dead man, was a very
respectable and quiet fellow. A court
martial was promised by the military
authorities, but has never been held.
It Is stated that an untrue report of
the affair was presented to the em
peror, who ordered the soldiers' .re
lease without trial.
So great is the scandal that the
prosecutor general of the senate has
addressed a public complaint to the
governor general demanding some
guarantee that military offenders
shall be punished.
The Big Head
la of two kinds conceit and the big
head that comes from a sick head
ache. Does your head ever feel like
a gourd and your brain feel loose d
sore? Tou can cure it in no time by
acting on your liver with Ballard's
Herbine. Isn't It worth trying for
the absolute and certain relief you'll
get? A. C. Koeppen & Bros.
lien's oxfords cheap at A. Eklund.
Halley's comet has gone on another
swing around the circle.
Dr. Rh-iikiicy Will Deliver Oration
All Kinds of Mxii'ts Arranged
rops Ixxk GhhI Short News
(Special Correspondence.)
Holdmun, Ore., June 20. Prepara
tions are being rapidly completed for
Hie Fou.th. Swings have been erect
ed, the flagpole, greased pole un.l the
other arrangements necessary for the
fports being complete.
Miss Lizzie Thorne of Weston Is
here lor a tew days visiting with her
Mrs. H.ittie Holdmun made a trip
to Adams Saturday, returning Sun
day morning.
An automobile in charge of Walter
. . .
.i.v-ui iiiiuacii passeu inrougn Here
I Friday en route to the wheat fields
I north of here.
It is reported that J. T. Thorne has
purchased a gasoline threshing outfit.
j Haying is in almost full blast here
and all reports in. Ik-ate that the
wheat that is being cut is making al
most double the amount to the same
I amount of ground c ut last year.
Dr. iileakney of Pendleton will de
liver the Fourth of July oration. Peo
ple litre consider themselves fortu
nate lu securing, him as U is under
stood thai several places wanted him
but Holdman as usual landed the
Harvey McCrea has been sick sev
eral days with the measles, but is at
work again,
W. L, G errant is clerking for F. L.
McCrea. and both he and the boss
have been kept busy us people are
gctlwig ready for this summer's rush.
Newton Miller, our blacksmith, Is
so rushed with work that it has been
necessary for him to have an assist
ant tor a few days.
Mrs. Robert Putchen and Mrs. Mil
ler have returned from Portland,
where they attended the rose curni
val und visited with friends and rel
atives. They report a good time, but
glad to get a sight once more of Hold
man. Ueoige Slangier of Pendleton was
a Sunday visitor here, accompanied by
his chum who clerks In the Peoples
The rain of last week was welcome
hero and will insure a fair spring
crop if no hot winds arrive for a
John Gentry, took his year old baby
in to see the elephant Friday and says
that he had a good time. Quito a
number from here attended the show
and all were pleased with the attraction.
(Special Correspondence.)
Weston. June 18. W. H. Could of
Weston mountain was down from his
laiii-h today laying in supplies and
giving Ills attention t business mat
U rs.
Win. Purcell together with his fam
ily were in town today from their
Wild Horse ranch shopping and trad
ing with the Weston merchants.
Some rnln fell here during the night
but not to any extent but sufficient
to aid In keeping the nir cool and the
evaporation less so that the growing
grain may get the full benefit of the
recent rainfall.
Strawberries from off the moun
tains are still coming in to the Wes
ton market, and are disposed of as
soon as they arrive. Wm. Lehte
brought down this morning some ex
tra fine and large ones.
C. K. Hryson and daughter were
aiming the number who were In town
today patronizing the Weston stores.
S. J. Culley the retired Weston mer
chant was In from his farm south of
t. wn during the day, wearing a more
than usual broad smile, conveying the
Impression that the lute rain had
greatly heightened the prospects of
his growing crops.
Setli Hyatt and family came down
from their mountain ranch early this
morning to spend the day with friends
and to do trading with our merch
ants. Moses Taylor the wheat king of this
st ction with his son John, was a bus
iness visitor during the day. He re
ports conditions as quite promising
since the recent rain as to crops.
Mrs. Florence Madden nVid little
son Bertram, accompnnled with Miss
Hannah Madden, sister of Dr. Madden,
leave In the morning for Welser, Ida
ho, to visit Mrs. O. W. Porter, mother
oi" Mrs. Madden.
Mrs. J. E. McDannlel returned the
other day from Bellingham, Wash.,
where she has been in attendance at
the Normal school located nt that
place. Mrs. Mi Dnniel was a former
teacher in the Weston public school,
mid entered the Bellingham Normal
school to take n course In pedagogy.
Owing to the closing of the Oregon
Normals. Mrs. Mi-Daniel was com
pelled to enter a normal outside of
the state.
D. D. Earp of Walla Walla, paid
the city a Tying visit today, return
ing to the garden city on the first
train out. He was here attending to
seme real estate matters.
Rev. Crooks, pastor of the Metho
dist church of Weston Is In Spokane
giving his attention to business mat
ters and because of his absence there.
win be no services at tbe church dur
ing Ills absence. It Is the Intention
of Mr. Crooks to make nrrangements
or new seats for the church while
In Spokane as new and comfortable
LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound Cured Her
Knoxvillo, Iowa. " I suffered with
pains low down in my rilit side for a
year or more and was so weak and ner
vous that I could not do my work. I
wrote to Mr3. l'ink
ii.'imand took Lydia
JO. l'inkliam's ege
t;il)le Compound
and Liver Tills, and
am glad to say that
vein' medicines and
L:ii I letters of di
ructions have done
more for me than
anythliij el: -- and I
had the be. I physi
cians here. 1 can
do my wori a:..', rest
well nt night. I believe there is noth
ing like the I'inkham remedies."
Mrs. Clara Fkaxks, 1!.F,D Xo. 8,
Knoxville, low.i.
The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, made from roots
and herbs, is unparalleled. It may be
used with perfect confidence by women
who suffer from displacements, inflam
mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir
regularities, periodic pains, backache,
bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indi
gestion, dizziness, or nervous prostra
tion. For thirty years Lydia E. rinkham's
vegetable Compound has been the
standard remedy for female ills, and
suffering women owe it to themselves
to at least give this medicine a trial
Proof is abundant that it has cured
thousands of others, and why should it
not cure you?
If you wnnt special advice writ
Mrs. lMnkhntn, Lynn, Mass., for it.
It Li free aud always helpful.
sents are part of the new Improve
ments now beinir made nn.J under con
struction for this Institution.
Cncnint which dulls the nerves nev
er yet cured Nasal Catarrh. The
heavy feeling in the forehead, the
stuffed up sensation and the watery
dis.harge from eyes and nose, along
with all the other miseries attending
th? disease, are putto rout by Ely's
Cream Palm. Smell and taste are re
stored, breathing Is made normal.
Nntil you' try this remedy, you can
form no Idea of the good It will do
you. Is applied directly to the sore
spot. All druggists, 50c. Mailed by
Kly Pros.. 56 Warren street, New
Vienna. Messages from Sarajevo,
rtosnia, say that Emperor Franz Jo
seph is meeting with a fine reception
in his tour of Bosnia. His majesty
is far from showing any signs of fa
tigue. He la remarkably fresh and
manifests vivid interest In everything
concerning his new subjects.
Despite the dismay of the court of
ficials, the emperor In the most dem
ocratic fashion, walks among the Jub
ilant crowds and speaks with the peo
ple without the least ceremony.
Beautiful pieces of Jewelry for bri
dal and wedding gifts, of unique and
aisthetic designs, purposely made for
tbe June weddings.
Rings, brooches, sunbursts, bar
rettes for the hair, lorgnettes, opera
glassea, sliver purses, and many
Silver tea services, spoons, forks, and
knives ready for marking. There It
no question about our goods.
We engrave all goods we sell free
of charge.
A. L Schaefer
Important Notice
On account of my dwelling house
burning, I will only be at my office In
the John Schmidt building
DAY Each week till furthor notice
Eye Specialist.
For Everybody
Right, at the time you will commence to need 'em
Sailors, Panamas, Soft Shapes, any kind, all kinds.
Read the "Wnt" adt today?
For Sale, a beautiful home north of
the river. One of the best locations
in Pendleton
Sacrificed because of necessity for owner to leave
Terms Reasonable
550 Main St LEE TEUTSGII Phone Main 5
The Kenl Estate nnd Insurance Man.