East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 18, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    PAGE KVlt
bllthed L !!. Weekly and Seml-Veeclj
t Pendleton, Orogon. t7 the
StlltVim'TlOS UATK8.
111;. n ?r, by mall $3.00
tll, til m.iuUj. by mall i.M
lally. three mmths. by mall 1.23
I:iy. oae moath, by mall 50
tl!y, one yrar, by carrier 7.50
Daily, tlx month, by carrier 175
Daliy, three month, by carrier 1.65
Dally, one month. by currier... 65
fcek:T, oni ycr. by mail 1.60
ekly. six m.r,::n. by mall 73
WeeliiT. four mouth, by mall 50
ral W erkly, ine year, by mall.,.. 1.50
l vwk', six mom a, by mall... .75
atml-Weekiy. (our month, by mall.. .50
The Daily Kut Orecoctan 1 kept ale
at the Orecoa Sew Co., 147 Bin street,
Cortland. Oregtm.
orthveai Ne. Co., Portland. Oregon.
rhlcijro Hnreau. C 19 Security Building.
Wahlneton. l. C, Kurrau. 501 Four
teeoth (treet, N. W.
Member United Press Aaoclatioo.
Entered at the pmtoiflce at Pendleton,
JrK0B. aa eeond class mall matter.
lapbone Mala 1
Official City and Coonty Paper.
I hold that Christian grace
Where charity is seen; that
We climb to heaven 'tis on the
Of love to men.
I hold all else named piety
A selfish scheme, a vain pre-
Where center is not can there
be a
This I moreover hold, and dare
Affirm where'er my rhyme
may go
Whatever things he sweet or fair
Love makes them so.
Whether it be the lulabies
That charm to rest the nursl-
ing bird,
Or the sweet confidence of sighs
And blushes, made without a
Whether the dazzling and the
Of softly sumptuous garden
Or by some cabin door a bush
Of ragged flowers.
'Tis not the wide phylactery,
Nor stubborn fast, nor stated
That makes us saints; we judge
the tree
By what it bears.
And when a man can live apart
From works, on theologic
I know the blood about his
Is dry as dust. 4
Alice Carey.
to go unfulfilled. True the old Stur. !
gis project probably cannot be car
ried out according to the originnl
plans, especially since the government ;
has cancelled the right of way privi
leges held by the company. j
Rut there is land in this section of
the county that may be watered and
Pendleton people should see that It
is watered. At the present time this
land is virtually unsettled and non
productive. Because of this fact Pen
dleton derives but little good from
much of the territory in its immedi
ate vicinity. Tet much water is al
lowed to flow down the river unused.
At this time it goes to the sea. But
within a few years It will nil be uti
lized for the reclamation of lnnds In
the west end of the county. This
situation will come about unless Pen
dleton people take up irrigation pro
jects near here and so make use of
the water before it is all gone.
By the use of storage reservoirs
and through the use of flood waters
thousands of acres lying adjacent to
the Umatilla river, to McKay creek,
to Wild Horse and to Birch creek
may be converted into highly produc
tive land. A few years from now all
the available water will have been
How about it Mr. Pendletonlan.
don't you thing that the situation is
rather alarming?
Sl'VI.!'.. ,j "V t JS.1,. vl' wj v .,." sr,F v --..-
That Is a peculiar position taken
by Mayor McCarthy of San Francisco
with reference to the Jeffries-Johnson
fight. He says San Francisco
runs its own government and that
the fight will he held there regard-
jkss of Governor Gillett. Evidently
jthe mayor takes It that the failure of
1 the graft prosecution in 'Frisco gives
that city Immunity from all state
l laws.
Fine large orchestra lias been secured for this occasion. Dancing and oilier amusements
afternoon and evening. Everybody invited to celebrate with us.
Cool and Heaithiul. An Weal Place t,o Spend
Your Summer Vacation
Tents and cottages rented furnished or
Special Picnics. Parties and Banquets
arranged on a few hours notice.
Good fishing and hunting. Hot mineral
water baths that will tone up your system.
Swimming pool and other amusements.
l We are Sole
C Manufacturers J
1 mi i
g XCi ' f Distributors g
1 SpiW of the
g mM Toilet S
i Cream g
) g Tooth
iVrS14! Powder K
km Mt.Hoi 1
ll te:nm s
mfi: Tallman &
:f Leading
.1. W. Scriber may be entitled to
some sympathy. But the courts have
been less kind to many men. They
must usually go to jail after being
sentenced regardless of whether or
nt it suits their convenience.
The college graduate must now seek
employment and if the stipend offered
him is not in proportion to his merits
he will only be faring as others have
ffired before him.
If he defeates the irrigation bond
provision Joe Cannon will be still
more unpopular throughout the west.
Arizona and New Mexico have at
j test won admission as states and they
did not have to unite either.
It Is a sign that the world is ad
vancing when California puts prize
fisrhting under the ban.
Let us do some Irrigating In the
vicinity of Pendleton. Don't allow all
the water to go by.
In his address -at Corvallis Tuesday
"William F. Herrin, chief counsel for
the Harriman system, said some very
good things. Tet in general his ad
dress was ultra conservative. This
v.-as to be expected since he has de
voted his life to serving a great cor
poration. Possibly Mr. Herrin con
sidered it his duty to speak in de
fense of the existing order and to
sound a warning against chanak-s that
are being made In the name of re
form. But If people were to listen to men
like Mr. Herrin and follow his coun
sel always there would be no politl- .
cal advancement. Had our fore
fathers listened to men like him
there would have been no revolution ;
and we would now be subjects of the j
king of England. Were we to accept
Mr. Herrin's advice and rollow It to
the logical end we would make a sec
ond China out of the United States. '
The Chinese have always looked with j
disfavor upon innovation and their
country Is a striking example of the
effct. of "standing pat." j
On the other hand It will not do
t' heed the counsel of rabid radl-
cals. There are socialists who would )
I rir c on the millennium ahead of time
and were they to gain the ascendancy J
we would have confusion. Yet his-
tory shows that the world owes more;
t- the radicals than to the "stand
rat'ers." We cannot advance if we I
persist In standing still and are afraid j
t take a chance with something new. ;
Columbus would not have discovered !
America had he remained In Spain. I
This country would not now be an i
Ir.derendent republic and .the hope
rf te wnrld had It not heen'for fiery
rnd!?a!s like Patrick Henry and ;
Thomas Jefferson who brought on the
But In general It Is the balanced
man who Is the best citizen. He
should be progressive for the world
fs going forward. Tet he should be
cautious lest he enter upon paths that
will lead to sorrow. A very good
type of the well balanced man arrived
in New Tork today and was greeted
gloriously. Roosevelt is a safer guide
than Is either Herrin or Debs.
Tf local people are alive to their
opportunities they will not allow the
dream of the late Samuel P. Sturgls
Pendleton. Ore., June 17.
Editor East Oregonlan:
I would like some information.
Will you or some of your readers
kindly tell me this? Is there a good
and sufficient reason why the main
streets are given over entirely each
evening, just at the most enjoyable
time of the day to the exclusive use
of the street sweeper.
Like Foxy QuIUer I may be wrong.
P.ut it seems to me that the most
biautiful part of these mid-summer
evenings, when people most want to
walk, motor or drive, it is too bad
that we must make way for the
strtet cleaners.
There may be good and sufficient
reasons. I do not know. Like Rosa
rmrtle, I only want to be informed.
Must they start to work at seven?
Why can't they wait until nine
o'clock? There are only a few streets
to clean.
In cities they only sweep after the
theater people are off the streets past
midnight, and why cannot Pendleton,
h'- near city, have them, say at nine
Not long ago, shortly after seven
o'clock an automobile had to stop
for a short time in front of the
Smith-Crawford building. The street
sweeper man was all "fussed" up over
it. "Why don't you move on. or
move off. What yer doin' on the
street, anyway, with your autos?"
I like to motor myself sometimes
i'11,1 I like the nice part of the eve
ning. I also like to use the paved
T st irt up Main street the Ca peter
In my motor Just begins to Ca Punk.
I meet the siret sweeper. I turn
like the publican "and pass by on the
other side." The street sweeper is
ready to turn also. I utter a few low
passionate remarks and hunt a side
street, where I "brood darkly" and
r don't like to brood darkly. Why,
oh why, can we not have the use of
the streets before 9 o'clock? Many
complain, yet they sprinkle, sweep
;nd own the streets the nicest part of
thepf. beautiful mid-summer evenings.
There may be the best of reasons for
It. But not from my point of view and
many agree with me. C. J. N.
Excursion rates to Gibbon, Orejron, and Wenaha Spring from all O. H. k N. points in
Oregon, Washington and Idaho.
Stage Line Com.ects With Q. R. & N. at Gibbon.
P. A. McPHEE, Manager
Given a small back vard, a reul de
light in raisin? berries, vegetables,
flowers, chickens and small children,
and you will have a very interesting
proposition. My back yard is a little
more than 30 feet wide and divided
Into three separate lots. First, be
ginning at the rear of the house and
running back, there Is a lawn where
the laundry is dried and where the
children get the fresh air. Next to
this Is the garden: then comes the
hennery and yard for the poultry.
When there nre no vegetables in the
garden the poultry run over it into
the lawn for grass.
There are peaches an,l plum trees
In this department, and their deli
cious fruit and delightful shade :n the
summer make them a splendid ad
junct. The wire fence is about five
feet high, and, as it is made without
a rail at the upper edge of the net
ting. I have no trouble because of
the biddies getting in among the
flowers or vegetables. With lots of
scratching material, these hens have
an abundance of exercise; all waste
from kitchen and garden goes over
to them to help swell the number of
of nice brown eggs. I have long since
learned that poultry does not need ,
unlimited range. Variety of food,
fresh water, shade in summer, warmth
In winter and scratching for a living
are the open secrets of success.
I have planted my garden with
berries in the space between the vege-
table rows. A large grape vine runs
along one border fence, supplying an!
abundance of fruit. The berries and
currents I planted last fall and had i
them mulched heavily with stable ma-i
nure. A walk carefully made and j
lined with brick runs through the j
center, connecting the poultry yard ,
jlii me miu. ii euner siue ui mis
walk I planted currant bushes. One
half of one side of the garden is
strawberries, which run together In
one solid mat. The remainder is
planted to blackcaps, red raspberries
and blackberries. There is a hedge
of California privet and Rose of
Sharon, alternating, as screens be
tween the garden and the poultry,
and also between the garden and the
lawn. lletween the rows of berries
I raise vegetables.
My flowers are grown around the
lawn. A border about five feet wide,
well spaded and enriched w.th will
rotted manure. Is planted to hardy
perennials, also cannas, dahlias and
gladioli. Thus I have my three back
lots filled, and each adding its pleas
ing share. Suburban Life.
"When Maik Twain came to Wash
ington to try to get a decent copy
right law pa..cd, a congressman took
him out one. ifternoon to Chevy
Chase,' said correspondent.
"Mark Twin refused to play golf
himself. i;ut i.e consented to walk over
the course ad watch the congress
loan's strokes.
The congressman was rather a
.'ul'l'er. Teeing off, he sent clouds of
earth f'ying In all directions. Then,
t.i hide his copfusion, he said to his
"'What do you think of our links
In re. Mr. Clemens?'
" 'liest I ever tasted,' said Mark
Twain as he wiped the dirt from his
lips with his handkerchief."
When a man is cross there Isn't
anything in the world more aggravat
ing than a house with nil the connect
ing doors down or one that has doors
that close nolse'essly. A man likes
to slam a door. He gets more good
out of slamming a door, In his opin
ion, than any one could get out of re
ligion. It is his protest against every
thing in the world that is wrong, and
it mesins that he Isn't much older than
the child that beats Its head on the
We don't care what's at the top
of Mount McKinley, but we would
like to know what's at the bottom of
the high cost of living.
!2i 4?,
The readers of the pink sheet were
discussing David's exploits in putting
an end to the career of Oollath.
"Of course that doesn't land him In
the heavyweight pugilist class," they
said, "but it qualifies him as a slab
artist in any major-league baseball
For In every age of the world, be
it observed, your true fan has been
prompt to recognize real talent.
We have ft suspicion that most peo
ple have had about all the comet talk
that they want.
Cures all humors, caforrh and
rheumatism, relieves that tired
feeling, restores the appetite,,
cures paleness, nervousness,
builds up the whole system.
Get It today in usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called SarsatabS.
A Reliable Remedy
Ely's Cream Balm
l quickly abtorbed.
Givet Relief at One
It cleanses, soothes,
deals and protects
the diseased menu
brane resulting from Catarrh and drive
way a Cold in the Head quickly. Ite&tore
ie Senses of Taste and KinelL Full sizt
W cts. at Druggists or by mall Liquid
Or earn Balm for ue in atomizers 75 cts.
Bly Brothers, 66 Warren Btreet, New Vork.
Cheerfulness and a bright disposition during the months before baby comes,
are among tho greatest blessings a mother can bestow upon the little life about
to begin. Her hi,t!,,f"J end physical comfort will largely govern the proper
development of tho health and nature of the child. Mother's Friend contributes
much to the mother's happiness n;:;I h-'a'th Tiy tho relief and mental comfort it
affords. It is a liniment coir.rov.d of penetrating oils and medicines which
lubricate tho muscles and tsnions of tho body, Eootho tho swollen mammary
glands, cause a gradual erriausicn of thi fViii and tissues, and aid in the relief
of nausea. The regular v:;a of Mother's Friend greatly lessens tho pain and
danger when baby comes, ard assures a quick and natural recovery for tha
mother. Mother's Friend is sold at drug ttores. Writs lor our free book, con
taining valuable information for expectant Mothers.
1 M l FUI on
The Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. of California.
The Insurance Company of tlie State of Pennsylvania.
Tlie Western Assurance Co. of Toronto.
The Equitable Fire and Marine of Providence, Tl. I.
The Heal Kstate and Insurance Man.
Phone Main 5
Real Ksteite
If you are looking for a wheat fnrm, stock ranch, a diversified farm,
alfalfa and fruit, suburban home, business property or residence, or any
thing else in the renlty lino, come and see me. I have a list a rod long
of all kinds of propositions. It Is expensive to go Into details advertis
ing, but if you will come to the office and tell me what you want, you will
get It.
Office in rear of American Nat. Bank Bid. PENDLETON, OR.
Indiana & Ohio
Live Slock Insur
ance Company
Of Crawfordsville, Indian.
Has now entered Oregon.
Policies now good in every
state In the Union. Organ
red over 25 years ago. Paid
up Capital $200,000.00. As
sets over $450,000.00.
ItEMEM I1E11, tills Is NOT
a Mutual Live Stock Insur
ance company,
Mark Moorhousa
Agent, Pendleton, Or.
112 bat Court St.
Pbone Mala U.
S UlJ2,a W UK 1 Hi a
International Stock Food
the old reliable
The best for your stock
I Try it
I 127-129 B. Alta
Gus La Fontaine. Prop.
Best 25c Meals in North
west First-class cookcaiid service
Shell fish in season
Fontaine Blk., Main St.
1 l i I ""O
1 . V. : 1 . " A -3a7 i
l - V ' I 1 J 11
1 . , V'
You make a bad mistake when yon
put off buying your coal until the
Fall purchase It NOW and secura
the best Rook Spring coal the mines
produce at prices considerably lower
than those prevailing in Fall aa
Hy stocking up now you avoid AH.
danger of being unable to secure It
when cold weather arrives.
Phone Main 178.
atopa tha cough and haala luatf
LEGAL BLANKS of every descrip
tion, for count, court, circuit court.
Justice court, real estate, etc., for
ale at East Oregonlan office,