East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 18, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Power for Pumping, Irrigating
and Manufacturing
TTT THE undersigned companies are prepared to furnish
VJJ electrical power, under proper contracts, for pumping
and irrigating throughout all territory now served by their
present power lines, or by lines which are under construction
or to be contructed. This district embraces the Yakima Val
ley from North Yakima to Kennewick, the Columbia Valley
from Beverley to Wallula and the Walla Walla Valley from
Walla Walla to Wallula, together with adjoining areas.
Power will also be furnished for domestic, manufacturing
and industrial purposes. Write, telephone or call on represen
tatives of these companies at North Yakima, Mabton, Sunny
side, Kennewick, Pasco, Walla Walla, Freewater, Pendleton
and Portland.
(Special Correspondence.)
Athena. Ore., June 17. Roy and
Victor Iturke started lnnt Friday for
Wenaha springs and a fishing trip on
the Umatilla river.
H. Q. Case, former principal of the
Athena schools, on Friday shipped his
household goods to The Dalles, where
he will enter the real estate business
Oliver Dickinson's new house Is still
In the hands of the carpenters. The
painters have caught up In their work
and were compelled to suspend.
The bang and whang of the machin
ist and blacksmith Is heard In the land
preparatory to placing machinery In
order for cutting the big crop of
Two old soldiers of the civil war,
Messrs. La Hue and Schrlmpf. are
considerably under the weather In
this city. The former has been con
fined to the house since last fall,
while the latter Is suffering from a
slight Indisposition.
Young Clyde Brotherton went to
Pendleton on Friday's morning local.
The fine weather prevailing on the
North Iteaeh, Is bringing hosts of vis
itors to the Ocean shore, Intent on se
curing rest and a good coat of tan.
The outlook Is pnrtlculary bright
for a remarkably busy season this
sinnmer. the number of visitors at this
time being far greater than ever be
fore at the same time of the year.
The march of Progress Is evident
throughout the entire length of the
Beach, and development being assur
ed, prosperity is but a matter of
course. Work on the Automobile
Boulevard Is progressing very parldly,
beach houses by the score are being
erected, and new rooming houses and
old are being rapidly put Into shape
to take care of the hoards of summer
transients which will soon be down
upon us.
The North Bench Tush Club with
Its combined effort, shouldering the
Wheel of Progress, has awakened an
era of activity, which will undoubt
edly secure the proper recognition of
the unsurpassed advantages of the
North Beach for enjoyable outings,
and, at the same time, all the com
forts of home.
Negotiations are now pending with
Portland capitalists for the Install
ation of a water spstem to supply the
beach and surrounding countryside
with fine mountain water. With the
culmination of this project, one of
the obstncles to an otherwise Incom
parable locality Is ohllvlated.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets will brace up the nerves,
banish sck headache, prevent de
spondency and Invigorate the whole
system. , Sold by all dealers.
At Fall Maneuvers Xow Vnlforms
Are to Be Tried.
Berlin.' Orand military maneuvers
to be held In eastern Prussia in the
early tall, when the kaiser will see
some Wright aeroplanes In use for ,
scouting purposes Also he will wit- j
ness tests with the new green-gray,
uniform he Invented himself as a col-,
or advantage to troops. He believes
V I U .1 ,.l ... 1. ...... 1. 1 - , .,
hum ni.iuu in i null win t-ntiun? iiihie
to move unobserved more rapidly than j
anything yet in use.
At inese maneuvers mere win oc
nearly 1,000,000 men under arms.
Special charges are reserved for the
kaiser for these maneuvers, for the
emperor In the field Is a tireless head
of a mighty organization, and several
mounts arc needed for a day's opera
tions. Aviation, apart from the aeroplanes
will occupy a big section In the ma
neuvers, for there are numerous mil
itary pupils in training at the avia
tion school at Frledrlchshafen, estab
lished by the 16,000 members of the
Oermun Aerial Military league, and
the number of military balloons is
constantly growing. The difficulty
of anchorages for the Zeppelin type
of airships is steadily being overcome
by the creation of numerous shelters.
But the frequent wrecks of this type
and the success with aeroplanes
abroad Is causing Germans to lose
faith In their airships.
Six national aviation weeks are fix
ed In Germany before the maneuvers
come on, and the war ministry is of
fering prizes for the best military air
ship results. But Germany's prize
list for aviation Is still away behind
that of France.
Arc 'I'liexe Tliinirs Stationer?
Playing cards (including whist and
bridge sets), poker chips, pocketbooks l
and purses, shears and scissors, hand
bags, suitcases, souvenir bags, vanity
bugs, pass cases, nail clips, files and
brushes, manicure sets, safety razors
(und extra blades), matches, wedd
ing announcement cards, post card al
bums, photograph envelopes, hunting
knives, cuff cases, button box, glove
stretcher, band box, sewing box, shop.
ping bag, cigar lighter. Jewel case, ash
tray, opera bags, quinine pills, Ilster
In, peroxide of hydrogen, peusln, trl
onal, soda tablets, witch hazel, smell
ing salts, ammonia, cough drops, an
tlkammln, Jamaica ginger, vaseline,
olive oil, court plnster, rose extract,
brllflantine, scdlltz powders, bromo
seltzer. They are so entered in the books of
congress, and are supplied to the con
gressmen themselves ot public ex
pense. This Is petty pilfering, of course,
nnd Involves no very large expendi
ture. But can Uncle Sam afford to
entrust the men who have drifted Into
this lax attitude toward the public
money with the expenditure of a bil
lion dollars a year? Success.
Only two Leonard cleanable refrig
erators left at Sharon & Eddlngs.
You'll have to hurry to get one of
these Ice savers.
,Sp.aI Correspondence.)
M Q Jun(j ,gM Winnl.
k-B,in ..,....
, from Washturna on a visit to her
;n s
Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Beau-
visiting relatives
In Milton today.
Mrs. rt E. Sams was a Walla Walla
visitor today.
Children's day will be observed In
Milton Sunday fur which exercises
have been prepared.
Mrs. Dr. Canane, Mrs. R. E. Fra
zier and Mrs. James McKnight have
returned from Portland. The ladies
were accompanied home by Mr. Ro
land Bradley, a brother of Mrs. Can
nane and Mrs. Frazier. He will spend
some time here.
Mrs. James Mosgrovo and Matt
j Mosgrove took their departure today
for Manton, Canada. They will be
gone several weeks.
Miss Kilith Still, who has been at
tending normal ot Ellensburg. re
turned to her home In Milton today.
Miss Still graduated from the normal
J this year.
S. K. Yates and son Earl of Pen
dleton, are guests of friends and rel
atives in Milton today.
Miss Lina Coe. the popular cash
ier in the Mosgrove company's store,
will take her departure Friday for an
extended visit In the east. During
her absence Miss Delia Danner will
fill her place.
S. A. Miller returned today from a
trip to Denver, Colo. ..
Ch.is. Williamson is down from his
ranch at I,ostine on
a business trip.
Mr. Williamson Is in the real estate
business In the Wallowa town.
Mrs. Ed Guild will entertain tonight
In honor of Arthur Guild's 21st birth
day. Mrs. Oscar Calne and mother, Mrs.
Courtney of Walla Walla, were the
guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
The Presbyterian Sunday school is
having a picnic today in Nichols grove.
One car besides a trailer brought the
crowd from Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gould are down
from their ranch on Weston moun
tain. What Everybody Ought to Know.
That Foley Kidney Pills contain
Just the Ingredients necessary to tone,
strengthen and regulate the action of
the kidneys and bladder. Kocppen
Berlin Institution Will
Berlin. How systematically the
development of the woman's move
ment Is progressing In Germany may
be Judged from the fact that an In
dependent Women's Joint Stock bank
Is about to be established. The bold
step Is being taken by a number of
women in Wilmersdorf, one of the
newest of the western suburbs of
Berlin, who have had experience in
the conduct of public affairs and have
acquired an extensive knowledge of
business methods.
These women have formed them
selves Into a species of syndicate, and
have issued a circular in which their
aims are set forth. They say that
many of the obstacles which have
so long blocked the way of women
desirous of attaining independence
have been removed, but that there is
still no organization whose special
task Is to protect an independent wo
man and assist her in times of need.
The ordinary banks, both public and
private, are, they say, somewhat skep
tical concerning the business capabili
ties of women, and, moreover. It Is
hardly within their province to lend
such small sums as independent wo
men are frequently needing.
The object of the new undertaking
Is to supply this demand, nnd It is
proposed to start with a capital of
J25.000. in shares of 125 each. It is
hoped that many Independent women,
whether engaged in making their own
livelihood or not, will assist the en
terprise by opening deposit accounts
or treating it as a savings bank.
From the ready money thus obtained
advances would be made on good se
curity to women temporarily in pe
cuniary straits; bills of exchange
would be discounted and the usual
business of bankers carried on.
A considerable proportion of the
profits made by the projected bank
is to be added to the reserve fund of
the Muttet sehafts-Verlcherung, a spe
cis of mutual benefit society, the ob
ject of which Is to furnish the aid
that may be rendered necessary by the
circumstances of motherhood. The
main feature of the scheme is that it
endeavors to preserve the health of
parent and child by enabling the
mother to save her earnings.
Baby's Vital Point.
The most delicate part of a baby Is
Its bowels. Every ailment that Is suf
fers with attacks the bowels also en
dangeirng in most cases the life of the
Infant. McGee's Baby Elixir cure
diarrhoea, dysentery end all derange
ments of the stomach or bowels. A
C. Koeppen 'tr'
Now Stonmor on Lakes.
Buffalo, N. Y., Jun0 IS. The mag
nificent new steamer Rochester will
make her maiden trip today, plying
between Charlotte, Youngstown, Og
densburg, Frontenac. Thousand Is
lands and Alexandra Bay.
Wliat a Summer Cold Slay Do.
A summer cold If neglected Is Just
as apt to develop Into bronchitis or
pneumonia as at any other season
Do not neglect It. Take Foley's Hon
ey and Tar promptly. It loosens the
cough, soothes and heals the Inflam
ed air passages, and expels the cold
from the system. Koeppen Bros.
Good gentle saddle horses for la
dles. Commercial Barn.
(Special Correspondence.)
Umatilla, Ore., June 17. Mrs.
Kunzle and Mrs. J. H. Pound and son
were visitors to Pendleton on Tues
day. J. W. Duncan was a visitor to Wal
la Walla on Wednesday.
J. G. Parker, who has been em
ployed at the round house for some
months have been transferred to the
Dalles left today for Pendleton to be
examined for firemen.
F. E. Ball, vice president of the
Columbia Land Co., with a party of
North Dakota capitalists, was here
Wednesday enroute to Spokane and
the entire party were registered at the
Duncan House.
H. A. Belding, Portland, and Road
Master Keaveny, Walla Walla, were
here In official capacity today.
Judge Chns. A. Cram, Spokane, and
G. L. Clarke of Casselton, N. D., were
here looking over properties in and
around Umatilla today.
Chas. A. McGrady. machinist, has
resigned his position here and leaves
for Portland today.
I L. Duncan of Fargo, N. D., ar
rived today from n visit to Portland
and will spend a few days visiting
friends here.
The Catholics will have services
Sunday at 6:45 a. m. In Pomer's hall.
The river boats discharged a large
quantity of freight for local points
here today.
The Big Head
Is of two kinds conceit and the big
head that comes from a slok head
ache. Does your head ever feel like
a gourd and your brain feel loose t . d
sore? Tou can cure it In no time by
acting on your liver with Ballard's
Herblne. Isn't It worth trying for
the absolute and certain relief you'll
get? A. C. Koeppen & Bros.
Back from Elba.
New York, June 18. Ninety-five
years ago this day a certain distin
guished warrior, late of Elba, met
another certain distinguished warrior
at a place called Waterloo. As a re
sult of the meeting, the gentleman
from Elba was fated to spend the
remainder of his days In St. Helena
and Innocous desusetude.
There are those among them mal
efactors and great wealth, plain and
fancy liars, mollycoddles, race sui-
ciders. nature fakirs and undesirable
citizens who profess to see In the
coincidence of dates nn 111 omen for
Col. Theodore Roosevelt, who arriv
ed In town t -day on the Auguste Vic
toria from Africa, Europe and way
If there is a "jinks" on Col. Roose
velt, however, It was not In evidence
today. Certainly no citizen of the
United States or elsewhere, private
or public, ever received such a recep
tion as was accorded today to the re
turning nlmrod.
Copyrijbti by Ootciult Advertising C,Ck0
June 18, 1910.
Dear friend:
Meal makes good bread, meat
makes mush. Oatmeal makes good
mush for breakfast too. Tou can gmt
so many nice breakfast foods at
Clark's grocery.
They sell so many breakfast foods -that
they are always fresh.
Tour friend,
P. S. Look for our Very Fine Lo
ganberries, Strawberries and Cberrle
next week. Leave your order for
Loganberries to can.
Phone Main 174.
544-546 Main Street.
Portland. Urvtfvn S .
rrr of biUT of M. Jolin b; Un t Kniwot!
ColU'niato, At ;i!otnto n i1 (1 l lt-uit iilur
I l 4r A t I X l..f r-
"1 to
fifty. At -'plication nhouki bf r- '. ;-.rV) A
Milne Transfer
Phone Main 5
Calls promptly answered
for all baggage transfer
ring. Piano and Furniture
moving and Heavy Truck
ing a specialty."