PACK TWO. DAILY EAST OREGONIAJi, PENDLETON. OREGON, SATURDAY, Jl'XE 18, 1010. EIGHT PAGES. Now Lino of Royal Worcester Corsets, Cleanest, Cheapest Grocery Store in Eastern Oregon, :. Hart, Sehaffner & Marx Men's PWlnnnr- After Supper Specials 5 BIG SILK OFFERINGS 65c 19 inch Messaline 39c Tan, blaek, light blue, navy blue, brown, pinks, mis, grays, heletrono ami many new shade?, 65 values '. 39 75c Roughweave Silks 27 inch wide 39c Comes in all the new shades of lavenders and rose shades, 75 values 39 $1.25 42 inch wide Silkdown 89c Come in plain effects Only, light green, tar., rose, light gray, red, $1.75 value.. S9 75c 27 inch wide Novelty Sateen Stripe 39c Many new shades, large array, 65 value ' 39 $1.25 27 inch Swiss Finish Taffeta 98c Comes in tan, blue, gray, white and many other durable shades, $1.25 value 9S THESE PRICES THIS EVENING ONLY $2.00 to $1.50 10 doz. Golf Shirts in good pattern stripes, .all sizes for this Satur day evening .. .. 98 SENSATIONAL $150,000 SALE In Full Swing THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Where it Pays to Trade Chur che s Christian Science. Services every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Subject: "Is the Uni verse.' Including Jinn, Evolved by Atomic Force?" Services on Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock. Sunday school at 10 o'clock on Sunday morn ing. Heading room open daily from 2 to 4 In the afternoon. Everybody cordially Invited. Corner E. Webb and Johnson streets. (ici-miin Evnnjr. Lutheran Church. Services at Pendleton Sunday, June 19, in the Presbyterian church, cor ner College and Alta streets, at 2 p. m. yAli are cordially invited. O. L. Sprattler, Methodist Episcopal Church. Corner Webb and Johnson streets. N. Evnns. pastor. The morning ser vice will be a "fathers' day" service. A special Invitation Is given the fath ers to be present. Everyone who had or has a good father is requested to wear a rose. Evening topic "Victory Through Defeat." Preaching, 11 a. m and S p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m.: Ep worth League 7 p. m. You will find a welcome at all services. Church of llu Redeemer. Sunday school will be at 10 a. m. Pivine service with a celebration of the holy communion at 11 a. m. The evening service will be nt 8 o'clock. All are cordially invited. Charles Quinney, rector. Ilaptlst Church. baptist church, E. Alta and John son streets. Rev. R. E. Storey, pastor, 302 E. Alta street. Morning and evening worship at 11 and 8. Preneh- 1 ing by the pastor; Young Peoples meeting at 7; Bible school at 10, class es for all; prayer and praise service, Wednesday at 8 o'clock. All are cor dially invited to these services. No Man is Stronger Than His Stomach A strong man is strong all over. Nj man cun be strong who is Buffering from weak stomach with its coiiseiwott indigestion, or from rae other disease of the stomach and its essociu'ed organs, which im pairs digestion and nutrition. Ior when the stomach is weak or diseased there is a loss of the nutrition contained in food, which is the source of all physical strength. When a mini " doesa't feel just right." when he doesn't sleep well, has an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach after eating, is languid, nervous, irritable and despond tint, be is losing the nutrition needed to make strength. Such a man should use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medlemt Discovery. It cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It enriches the blood. Invigorates the liver, strengthens the kidneys, nourishes the nerves, and so GIVES HEALTH AXD STRESGTH TO THE WHOLE BODY. You can't afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this non alcoholic medicine or known courosmoN, not even though the urgent dealer may thereby make a lit'le bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper. 11001)00' CAVSES WEDDING. rresbyteriaii. The usual services will be conduct ed at the Tresbyterlan church, cor ner of College' and Alta streets, to morrow. Sunday school at 10 a. m.; morning' sermon at 11 o'clock. Chris tian Endeavor at 7 p. m. and evening sermon ft S o'clock. W. H. Rleak ney, acting pastor. Society events 'A "beautiful June wedding was cele brated on Thursday evening of this week at the home of Hon. Benjamin "5"oung, 1726 Duane street, when his daughter, Dr. Clara Reames, was jnarrled to Dr. Eldred B. Waffle of .Tendleton, in the presence of a Host of friends and relatives, says the As toria Budget. The wedding cere mony was performed by the Rev. George F. Rosenmuller of Grace Episcopal church." The bridal couple during the service stood under a large bell of white roses suspended from She ceiling in an alcove in the south corner of the spacious parlor. The was presented by her father, iwhile Miss Wilma Young, sister to the bride, acted as bridesmaid. Dr. John "W. McCollom of Portland attended the groom. During the early evening preparatory to the ceremony, Stan ley P. Young and Lawrence C. Rogers .axled as ushers. At the conclusion of the beautiful ring service the re ception to the bride and groom was held. They received the hearty con gratulations from the hundreds of friends present. The bride made a queenly appearance. She was dress ed in a beautiful gown of crepe do achene, made princess, decorated and trimmed in silver, and carried a large bouauet of bride's roses. Miss Wilma Young as bridesmaid, wore a pretty Cress of chiffon, over pink with bead trimmings. She carried a bouquet of pir.k sweet peas. Miss Edith Smith of Portland, a guest of Miss Young, as sisted in serving punch and was prettily dressed in white organdie over blue. The members of the Thursday club and the D. M. C. club assisted in re ceiving the guests. The decorations vere of special attraction, consisting of roses, carnations and greens. The rnrl"rs were decorated. In white with roj and carnations," the library In yellow with the aided beauty of Scotch bloom The greens were fern and mock orange. The dining and refreshment rooms were in pink and wn . ? p. The flow rs and f-.liage used in the adornment of the home were grown t'tzinger was the fortunate prize win ner, the gift being a handsome cut glass candle stick. Miss Holmes made beautiful decorations and re ceived many compliments from the guests for her exquisite style. The color scheme was in pink, green and gold with the ornamental designs in pink hearts and gold horse shoes. The table decorations were In pink and green. Miss Holmes was assisted dur ing the evening shower party by Mrs. George Nelson and Miss Gussie Holmes. Astoria Budget. Miss Grace Bean entertained sev eral members of the Sigma Epsilon Omicron sorority at the home of Judge and Mrs. H. J. Bean last Sat urday evening. A mock marriage, various games and other forms of amusement were Indulged in until a late ' hour. The refreshments served at the close are said to have been ex ceptionally toothsome and elaborate. Among those present were the Misses Laura McKee, Hazel Means, Edith Siusher, Edna Storie, Edith Johnson, Xona Johnson, Gertrude Jordan, Irene Shea, Viola Shea, Blanche Bid icy, Gwendoline Smith, Eveline Sommervllle, Gladys Hamley, Edna Thompson and Edna Zimmerman. Mrs. G. W. Pltelps and two daugh ters, and Miss Helen Hart, left Thurs day evening for Hilgard to attend the wedding of Miss Vira Hart, sister of Mrs. Phelps and Miss Hart. Tomor row morning at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hart in Hil gard Miss Hart becomes the bride of Mr. Frank Rechlin. Following the ceremony they will leave for a wed ding trip to California and returning will make their home In La Grande. Miss Hart has been employed as an operator in the Hilgard station for some time, while the groom-to-be Is a locomotive engineer. Miss Bernice Ruppe, Miss Una Smith and Miss Edna Thompson were the guests of honor at a breakfast at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William i In Mr. Young s garden surrounding .-Musner. i nurauay morning, i ne nor-h!- residence. During the evening) al decorations were composed of reception an orche:ra of six pieces furnished the music. The bride and rroom w re presented with many "handsome g ft", in silver and cut ;?ass, ornamental brass and china. Dr. Waffle and his bride after spending . few weeks at lirama cottage, Sea- yweet peas, while the place cards were hand painted. Each guest was pre sented with a charming souvenir in the shape of a picture of the three guests of honor in a small gold frame. Those present In addition to the guests of honor and the hostess. Bid", the summer residence of the!Mis Edith Slusher, were Sybil Clop Young family, will leave for Pendle ton, Oregon, to reside for a short while where Dr. Waffle enjoys a large prac-t'u-. It is their Intention later to uinke an extended trip to Europe. The out of town guests and relations attending the wedding were: Mrs. Ida Fowler and on Edward, Pendle ton, sister of Dr. Waffle, an 1 his brother, Mr. Alfred Waffle. Mr. Don ald Stuart of Portland and Edith imith of Portland. 7'r Cliira W Reaniw. whose mar- - rtaf to Dr. Waffle was held on Thursday, was tendered a linen show er on Saturday evening last by Miss Alma Holmes who was hosteps to the : members of the D. M. C. p. club. Dr. P.enmes was presented many Hplendld pieces of linen, the needle woik of the Individual club members. During the early evening gathering tables were arranged for the popular card game of five hundred. Miss May ton. Grace Bean. Grace Finnell. Edna Storie and Moule and Mrs. G. W. Phelps. Cards were played following the luncheon. . The Rev. Charles Quinney, rector of the Church of the Redeemer, leaves on Sunday night for Seattle to attend the International Clerlcus which meets on Tuesday and continues its sessions until Friday and will be at tended by bishops and clergy from all the western states and British Co Dr. Clara W. Reames was hostess. to the members of the D. M. C. D. club at their regular meeting held on Thursday evening of this week. The club session was a farewell to the doctor as she will make her future home in Pendleton, Oregon. Astoria Budget. Mrs. Edith Tucker and daughter, Anna Margaret, of Kent, Wash., are now visiting in the city and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Patton. I Mrs .Tucker and Mrs. Patton are sis- ' tor. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson and little daughter Thelma, returned Mon day from a long auto trip to Portland and other Willamette valley points. Mrs. Willard Bond has returned from Portland, where she was the guests of friends for a few days fol lowing the close of the rose festival. Miss Margaret Lowell, who has been a student at the Pacific Univer sity In Forest Grove during the year, returned home last evening. Mr. Roy T. Bishop of the Pendleton Woolen Mills company, is again in the city, having arrived from Portland Thursday evening. Mrs. A. J. Owens has returned from an extended visit with relatives In Portland and other points in the Willamette valley. Mrs. D. Swearingen and daughter have returned from Portland, where they were the guests of friends during the rose show. District Attorney G. W. Phelps is preparing to move his family to their summer home at Meacham. Attorney Dan P. Smythe has re turned from a trip to the western port of the state. Mrs. John F. Adams of Walla Wal la, was the guest of Pendleton friends on Friday. Mrs. Roy J. Kirkley has returned from a two weeks' stay in Portland. Mr. T. F. O'Brien has returned from a week's stay In Portland. Umatilla, Ore., June 18. Mr. Will .-'witzler and Miss Deed O'Connell, both of Umatilla, were married in Portland on Wednesday. The marri age was a surprise, as both presum edly had gone to Portland for the rose festival. Both of the young peo ple were very popular and the best wishes of all follow them In their matrimonial journey. They leave Portland in a few days on an extend er' trip, visiting San Francisco, Los Angeles and thence to Arizona and New Mexico, where Mr. Switzler has relatives. Mrs. E. J. Burke was the hostess at a charming luncheon Wednesday In honor of her sister, Mrs. Seth Catlln of Portland. Others who were pres ent were Mrs. Harrv Rees. Mrs. E. P. Dodd of Hermlston, Mrs. Augusta' ENGLISH LIKE SIRS. WIGGIX. Creator of "IVm-lope" IHiIines Hid to Write of Wales. London. English readers were quick to appreciate a new literary delight when years ago Mrs. Kate Douglas Wiggln's charming book, "A Cathedral Courtship," nppeared. Since then their liking has been turn, ed into allegiance l;f "Penelope's" various experiences in different parts of the British Isles. Thousands of readers want "Penelope" to travel In Wales, but her clever creator does not take kindly to the idea. "Having got nway from England, Ireland and Scotland with clean skirts I shall remain content," said Mrs. Wiggln to an Interviewer during her stay in London, "it would, I am sure he an error of literary taste, and those who urge me to send 'Penelope' to Wales would he the first to say when the book nppeared 'why ever did she Ai- General agreement is expressed with Mrs. Wiggln's contention that girls between 13 and 15 years of age are starving for a homely transcript of everyday life. The old-fashioned "goody-goody" books for girls are dead ns the dodo, and It Is high time that a better order of story was forth coming for them. Mrs. Wiggln's ex pressed Intention of filling the gap I? good news for young readers. At I.enst Colored Wouuin Says So in Suit for Divorce. Xew York. "Voudoo" or "hoodoo" she wusn't sure which, but one of them was responsible for her mnrry Ing. Mrs. Lillian Glllum, colored, 25 Greenwich street, told Supreme Court Justice Whitney In applying for an annulment of her marriage to Arthur Gillum. "Yo honah, I never wanted to mar ry Arthur," she told the court. "That feller Just kep" n pesterln' nnd a pes terin' me to marry him and I always tells him, 'N'o Arthur, I likes you mighty well, but not enough to mar. ry you." "Then one day, yo' honah, he takes me to his aunt's In Xew Jersey and we has chicken fo' dinner, and then Arthur nnd me and his folks, go fo' a walk and we calls nt a houso and when we comes out they tell me It was a preacher's house and Arthur and me was married. I left than and got home mighty quick; then I got conscious and knew what I tloin." I "Do you mean to suggest you were the victim of voudoolsm?" "Well. I don't know 'bout that, yo' j honah. but sure the hoodoo was) working all right. j "That feller Arthur comes to my; mother's home two weeks after nnd gives me a pocketbook with one j measly cent In It. That penny must of charge. have been a hoodoo, 'cause I let Ar thur live at my mother's home for two weeks. Then I handed that pocketbook and cent back to Arthur and he left me and the hoodoo went. too." Justice Whitney ill HAPPY IS THE SOX THE BRIDE SMILES ON. Beautiful pieces of Jewelry for brl dal and wedding gifts, of unique and aesthetic designs, purposely made for the June weddings. Rings, brooches, sunbursts, bar rettes for the hair, lorgnettes, opera wns I glasses, silver purses, and many other TRINKETS OF VALUE. Silver tea services, spoons, forks, and knives ready for marking. There Is no question about our goods. get oi r ntir vs. We engrave all goods we sell free A. L. Schaefer Jeweler resers'ed decision. 726 MAIX STREET. Important Notice i i If you are not satisfied after using according tn directions two-thirds of' a bottle of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, you can have your; money back. The tablets cleanse and; On account of my dwelling house invigorate the stomach. Improve th burning, I will only be at my office la digestion, regu'ate the bowels. Give the John Schmidt building them a trial and got well. Sold by j THURSDAY, FRIDAY AXD SATCR all dealers. I DAY i Each week till further notice Peary has been tnnde a LL D. by the University of Edinburgh, hut this ; has become a pretty common com pllment. I Dr. F. A. CLISE Eye Specialist. Olnd to Recommend Them. Mr. E Weakley, Kokomo, Ind., says: "After taking Foley Kidney Pills, the severe headache left me, my kidneys became stronger, the se cretions natural and ml bladder no longer pained me. I am clad to recommend Foley Kidney Pills." In a yellow package. Koeppen Bros. Mis I-uinont WetlH. Millbrook, X. Y., June 18. Miss Frances Cleveland Lamont, daughter of the late Daniel Scott Lamont, sec retary of war during President Cleve land's second administration, and Francis Le Baron Robbins. Jr., a nephew of Levi P. Morton, were mar ried today at Grace church. Carimo to Sing. PariB, June 18. Enrico Caruso and a dozen other great artists will sing tomorrow at the National Opera, the proceeds of the concert to go to charity. The figures secured by the recent census will be given out soon, but we can reassure the ladles that their ageg will be given by average and not individually. Read the "Want" ads today? Almost every day comes the report of some one, usually a young person, dying of tuberculosis. Every such sad Incident should add t the number of people who are making war on this disease. Rave money bv reading today's ads Tboosanis Haye Kidney Trouble and Never Scspect it How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass wi'.h yon' water and let it stand twenty-tour hours A rLl a hncit unst seat (tO strii'gy or inili;-. v'vt Y n'trtnrrmrciftei JJy J iiniicatc3 u:: un 1ILUUJ1V COlHil tion of the kid neys; too fre quent desire t' uass it or ruin ii tha back are als-j symptom.-; l.iat lei l yo tli2 kidneys and bladder uic out of ordo .i.:cl itcccl ultcntion. What Xo Do. There is coi::fort in the knowledge r. often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer'! Swamp-Root, tlic ;;rcat kidney renicl. lY'.fi'.l:; almost every wish in correct''::; rheumatism, pain in tne back, kidneys iivcr, bhuhicrandevtry partci thcuriiiur; pxsajje. Corrects inability to hold watet t-iil scalding pain in pasting it, or bar effects following use of liquor, wine oi b'-cr, nnd overcomes that unpleasant lie cc.;sity of being compelled to go oftct tbrough tbu day, and to Kct up mu:i times during the night. The mild aiu, immediate effect of Swamp-Root i "soon realized. It stands the highest be causeof its remarkable Ss- health restoring prep- ssfSzSff.y-,-. tTinlirirn vnn shrmlrl I i 5 In dru i You may have a sample bottle sent fre bymail Address Dr. Kilmer &' Co., Ring lmmton, N. Y. Mention this pajK-r am' rememberthetiame, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Koot, and the address, Kiughaiutou, N. Y., on every bottle. TiAW MATS For Everybody iraTlh)Dir'(dl ffff Right, at the time you will commence to need 'em Sailors, Panamas, Soft Shapes, any kind, all kinds. VORKINGMEN'S CLOTHING CO. mm Fresh Candy Just Arrived 15c a pound at F. J. DONALDSON. Reliable Drrgglst. M FOR. SALE 00 acre farm, 20 acres In alfalfa, close to town, 110.000. Terms. 24 0 acre farm, 75 acres In alfalfa, rich bottom land, good house' ham nnd orchard. $9,000. Terms. 116 ncre farm, 20 acres in alfalfa, 15 acres In gardun. All stock and implements goes with this place for 14,500 cash. CO acres of bottom land, E miles from Echo. House and barn, young orchard, $3,000 cash. 320 acres of good wheat land close to Pendleton, $13,000. Terms. 320 acres wheat land 9 mllos from Pendleton, part of crop goes with the place if sold at once. $13,000 cash. 120 acres good Umber land 12 miles from Pilot Rock, $9.00 per acre, easy terms. One 7 room house on Cosble street, $675.00. Terms. One 8 room house and barn on west Alta street, $2600. Terms. Address Dan Kemler 210 W. Bluff Street PENDLETON, OREQON,