RIGHT PAGES. PAGE 1IX. 9AIXT EAJT OKEOOX1AN, PKXDLETON. OREGON, TUKKDAY, JINK II, 1910. You Can Have a Model Kitchen is cool and white is a dairy. No smell, no smoke, no heat, no dust. No old-fashioned contrivances. The Hew TPejtfictioii lIIJI.III.IIJMl Oil Cook-Stove is the latest practical, scientific cook-stove. It will cook the most elaborate dinner without heating the kitchen. Boils, bakes, or roasts better than any range. Ready in a second. Extinguished in a second. Fitted with Cabinet Top, with collapsible tests, towel ractc, ana every up-jo-uc feature imaginable. You want it, be cause it will cook any dinner and not heat the room. No heat, no smell, no smoke, no coal to bring in, no aslirs to carry out. It does away with the drudgery of cooking, and makes it a pleasure. Women with the light touch for pastry especially appreciate it, be cause they can immediately have a quick fire, simply by turning handle. No half-hour preparation. It not only is less trouble than coal, but it costs less. Absolutely no smell, no smoke; and it doesn't heat the kitchen. The nickel finish, with the turquoise blue of the enameled chimneys, makes the stove ornamental and attractive. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners ; the 2 and 3-burner stoves can be had with or without- Cabinet. Every dealer everywhere; if not at youra, writ for Descriptive Circular to tha nearest agency of the CasOMary Be ure 1 1 g you get this stove see U GIVE SCHOOL CREDIT FOR HOME DOTIES lly Prof. I.. It. Alderman of Deiturtmeiit of Ktlucntlon, University of Oregon. only from real home making. What one does depends as much upon habit us upon knowledge. The criticism that is most often made upon Industrial work at school Is that It Is so differ ent from the work done at home that it docs not cut the child into that sympathetic relation with the home, which after all Is for him and the home the most Important thing In the world. Juvenile Institutions find that thev must be careful not to institution alize the child to the extent that he mav not be content In a real home the interest the child will take In my opinion it win ce a great ining CasOMary Hole: Be sure no get this stove see thst the name-plate reads "New Perfection." Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) NEWS NOTES AND PERSONALS OE WESTON O. A. C. STUDENT IS HOME FOR VACATION lames Schrlmscher Pure rinses New Traction Engine for Harvest Many Athenians Attend Sunday Ball Game Short Note. (Special Correspondence.) ... Weston, Ore, June IS. J. A. Hen derson, who has been in attendance at the state agricultural college at Cor vallis, Oregon. Is home to spend his vacation days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Henderson. This is Joe's second year at the institution and he Intends completing the full four year course. James Schrlmsher left this morn ing for Walla Walla to purchase a new traction engine for harvesting purposes. He with his engineer and fireman went overland with the old engine and expect to return the same way with his new purchase. . Miss May Carmlchael, one of the E. O. S. N. S. earliest graduates. Is home from California, where she has1 been employed as school teacher In one of the interior'towns for the past few years. She will spend more or less of the summer months with her home people and then return to Cali fornia. E. E. Dudley, G. B. Carmichael, Robert Wheeler and Orville Duncan, left this morning for the forks of the Umatilla for a fishing trip of several days. Judging from the wagon load of provisions one was led to conclude that they would be gone for weeks for the stock was complete In every detail and In abundance. . Quite a large representation from Athena and vicinity were present yes terday at the ball game between Wes ton and the Athena nines, the streets looking as if a holiday festival was on Instead of the Sabbath. Autos by the score, wagons, buggies and pe destrians filled Main street for a time and much excitement was manifest. The game resulted In four to nothing- In favor of the Weston nine. D. B. Jarman. accompanied by his little family, left for the Spokane country today to attend to business matters and to look after his farm ing Interests In that section. Mrs. Jarman will likely remain for the summer, spending her time on the farm in hopes of deriving benefit of her health. The children will remain with her. Miss Ida Nolte and Arthur Wright Delicately Formed and gently reared, women will find In Jl the seasons of their lives, as maid ens, wives and mothers, that the one Simple, wholesome laxative remedy, which acts gently and pleasantly and naturally and which may be taken at any time, when the system needs a laxative, with perfect safety and real ly beneficial effects, is Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. It has that true delicacy of flavor which is so refreshiEg to the taste, that warming and grateful toning tc the stomach which responds so favor ably to its action and the laxative ef fect which is so beneficial to the sys tem when, occasionally, its gentlf rlaanclncr fa mnnire1 uB H I , Vna The genuine, always bearing ft. "y name of the California Fig Syrup Co., nerformed by the Rev. John Boneswitz before a few invited friends. The coup'e left on the eve ning train for Walla Walla for a few i days 'sojourn, after which they win make their home on a ranch south of town. ! That civilization Is founded on the home, all will agree. The school should bo a real helper of the home. How can the school help the home? How can it help the home establish habits in the children of systematic perform ance of home duties, so that they will bo efficient and joyful homo helpers? One way is for the school to take In to account home Industrial work and honor it. It is my conviction, based :in careful and continuous observa tion, that the school can greatly in- crea se ii home industrial work by making it a subject of consideration at school. A teacher talked of sewing, ond the Kirls sewed. She talked of Ironing, and thev wanted to learn to iron neatly. She talked of working with tools, and both girls and boys made bird-houses, kites, and other things of interest. A school garden was planned in a city, and one of the boys was employed to plow tlie land. Seventy-five children were watching for him to come with the team. At last he came driving around the corner. He could manage a team. He drove into the lot. and a hundred and fifty eyes looked with admiration at the boy who could unhitch from the sled and hitch on to the plow, and then as he, "man fashion'" lines over one shoulder and under one arm drove the big team around the field, all could feel the children's admiration for the boy who could do something worth while. I have seen a girl who could make good bread or set a table nicely, get the real admiration or her schoolmates. The school can help make better home builders. It can help by In dustrial work done In the school, but as that is already receiving consider ation by the press and in a few schools, I shall not in this short ar ticle treat of It, The plan I have In mind will cost no money, will take but little school time, and can be put Into operation In every part of the state at once. It will create a demand for expert In struction later on. It Is to give school credit for industrial work done at home. The mother and father are to be recognized as teachers, and the school teacher put Into the position of one who cares about the habits and tests of the whole child. Then the teacher and the parents will have much In common. Every home has the equipment for industrial work and has somebody who uses It with more oi less skill. The school has made so many de mands on the home that the parents have, in some cases, felt that all the time of the child must be given to the school. But an Important thing that the child needs along with school work is established habits of home making, and these habits can come MILTON WOMAN MAY DIE OF BLOOD POISON MUS. CLAUD STEEN IN WAIJjA WAMA HOSPITAL Operation for Appendicitis May Prove Fatal Other Short News Items From Flint End Town. 302 E. Court St. Phone Main 46. for the child to want to help his par ents do the task that needs to be done and to want to do it in the best pos slble way. The reoson that so many country bovs are now the leading men of affairs is because early In life they had the responsibility of home thrust upon them. I am sure that the motto "everybody helps" Is a good one. But one says. "How can It be brought nbout? How can the school give credit for industrial work done at home?" This may be accomplish ed by printed slips asking the homes to take account or me worn mm me child docs at home under the instruc tion of the home, and explaining that credit will be given this work on the school record. These slips must be prepared for children according to age so that the child will not be asked to do too much, for It must be clearly recoenlzed that children must have time for real play. The required tasks must not he too arduous, yet they must be real tasks. They must not be t:;sks that will put extra work on par ents -except in the matter of Instruc tion and observation. They may well call for the care of animals, and should include garden work for both hoys and girls. Credit In school for home industrial work (with the par ents consent) should count as much as any one study In school. To add Interest to the work, exhi bitions should be given at stated times so that all may learn from each other and the best be the model for all. The School Fairs in Yamhill. Polk, Itenton, Lane, Wasco and Crook coun ties, together with the school and home Industrial work done at Eugene, have convinced me most thoroughly that these plans are practicable, and that school work and home work. school piny and home play, and love for narents nnd respect for teacher and fellow-pupils can best he fostered by a more complete co-operation be tween school and home, so that the whole child Is taken Into account at all times. Old Spots i Never come back when cleaned by the (Special Correspondence.) Milton, Ore., June 12. Mrs. Claude Steen of this city. Is critically ill In a WaVa Walla hospital of blood pois oning, her death being expected at any moment. Mrs. Steen was taken with appendicitis and was operated upon last Sunday a week ago. Mrs. E. A. Boyd returned to her home at Athena today after a visit of several days In this city. Miss Edith Hastings, one of the clerks at the Fair store, is quite ill with quinsy. Mrs. Louisa Pierce and son Lincoln, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Slkes. today. Work has begun on the excavation for O. C. Ingles new $2600 bungalow adjoining his father's property near the M. E. church, George Lutge has the work In charge. Matt Mosgrove la a Walla Walla visitor today. Rev. C. H. Hilton was called to Wal'a Walla today to attend the bed side of Mrs. Steen, who is very ill. Rev. Levi Johnson and wife are ex pected home the last of the month from an extended visit In the east- Berlin Dye House Jack Webster, Mgr. loolr Woke.. Mn Dry. wet, unemicai and steam Cleaners. a Work called for and delivered. State tl Oblo, city of Toledo. Loess Coos Frank J. CbeofT makes oath that la unlor nartner of the firm of f. J. Cha nty Co., aowg Dosiaeaa in m -iiy n Toledo, Coonty and Bute aforesaid, aad that said firm will pay tn na or una, HUNDRED DOLL ARM for each and every rase of Catarrh tbat cannot be cored by toe use of Hall's Catarrh Cora. IT HAM. J. lUiAIl Sworn to before me tad subscribed la my pmeoce. tbla 6tb day of December, A. l toss. A. W. ULBABUn, iHaali Notary Public Uall'a Catarrh Core Is takea Internally and acta directly oa tbe blood and Macon tarfaces of tbe lyatem. seaa tor usumo- lala free. r. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, U. Hold b all Drnrclsta, T5c Tike Hall's Family Pills for coastlpa tie. ' O O imi c "Yes. Mrs. Snoggs, I 'ope! as "ow they would get tariff reform and make the foreigners pay, as we've got one In our top-floor back and I ain't 'ad nothlnk of him for six weeks now." A Sparkle Burst, or a burst of sparkles, is the eiy way to freely describe the beautiful gems to be seen at this store. DO YOC WANT A PURE WATER DIAMOND? We guarantee every atone we sell, to be Just as we represent It OUR DIAMONDS ARE GEMS BUT THEY'RE REASONABLE. A. L. Schaefor Jeweler 728 MAIN' STREET. Men's oxfords cheap at A. Eklunda. Use Allen's Foot-Ease, Tbe antiseptic powder to be shaken Into tbe shoea. If von hare tired, aching feet, try Allen's Foot Ease. It rests tbe feet and makes new or tight aboee easy. Cores aching, swollen, hot, sweating feet. Re lieves corns and bunions of all palo and gives rest and comfort. Awajra nae It to ltreak In New shoes. Try It to-day. Sold everywhere, 25 cts. Don't accept any tub ttUute. For FREE trial package, address Allen 8. Olmited, Le Roy, N. Y. may be purchased from all leading druggists In original packages of one ize only, price fifty cents per bottle. Around the Circle For Forty Ddars Returning Via PORTLAND THE DALLES PENDLETON Going Via SPOKANE MACLEOD CALGARY WALLA WALLA VANCOUVER LEWISTON VICTORIA Inland Empire SEATTLE or Vice Versa. SHORTER TRIPS To the CANADIAN ROCKIES ARROW LAKES KOOTENAY LAKES Tickers Bold daily. June 1 to September 1. Final limit Oc tober 31. Unlimited stopovers. Write for particulars. G. M. JACKSON. T. P. A. GEO. A. WALTON. G. A. P. I. 14 WALL ST SPOKANE. A Woman's Great Idea Is how to make herself attractive. But, without health, It Is hard for her to I be lovely In face, form or temper. Al wak. sickly woman will be nervous and Irritable. Constipation and kld-j ney poisons show In pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched com ; plexion. But Electric Bitters always; prove a godsend to women who want health, beauty and friends. They, regulate stomach, liver and kidneys , pur fy the blood; give strong nerves ' bright eyes, pure breath, smooth, vel , vety skin, lovely complexion, good health. Try them. 50c at Tallman & Co 1$ INCORPORATE every desired feature of all other typewriting machines into one and compare it, feature with feature, working part with working part, with the Tyse writer HSOri Underwood it FRESH FISH Meats and Sausage EVERY DAY. We handle only the purest of lard, hams and bacon. Empire Meat Go. Phone Maim It. SMALL DIKE A LIFESAVER. Rescued Aunt AVho Was Capsized from Roat. Berlin. Germany has a 12-year-old royal hero 1n the little heridltary Grand Duke Nicholas of Oldenburg, ' who rescued his aunt, the Grand ) I'uchcss Marie of Mer-klenberg, Sch-wr-rln from d'-ath by drowning. The ' grand duchess had Just stepped into j a boat when It suddenly capsized. Her I royal highness was plunged headlong j into the water, which is six or seven : feet deep. The flrand Duke Nicholas, who was standing on the pier, grasped the slt ' uation with cooiness and sprang Into ! the watvr to rescue his aunt, who had 'already gone under. His strength was j not sufficient to draw the grand 'Jii'h'-ss' body to the surface, but he cal'ed loudly for help and held her fast until aid arrived. The grand duke of Mecklnburg?Schwerln has con-f'-rred the grand duchy's medal for j l f"-savlng upon the lltle royal herp. Kept 1m Kins; at Home. "For the past year we have kept the king of all laxatives Dr. King's New Life Pills In our home and they have proved a blessing to all our fam ily," writes Paul Mathulka, of Buf falo, N. Y. Easy, but cure remedy for all stomach, liver and kidney troubles. Only 26c at Tallman & Co. Savs money by reading today's ads. mmm ',.,.V.N-..-. ."r.'J'Tl., . 1. -. A 1 44 and the UNDERWOOD stands Out as the best machine- one permitting the greatest latitude of work, doing more and better work per, given ef fort, and is "The Machine You Will Eventually Buy" l It is mechanically perfect. It stands up under every trying condition and is simple in construction. The Un derwood Type Bar Stroke has but three elements: the Key Lever; Connecting Link and Type Bar. i Underwood Typewriter Company INCORPORATED 68 Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon Jap-A-Lac The Home Beautifier Murphy Bros. The paint men will tell you about Jap-A-Lac FRESH MEATS SACS AGES, FISH LAKD. AND Always pure and delivered J promptly. If you phone the Central Meat Market I 108 K. Alta St., Phone Main It. Important Notice On account of. my dwelling house burning, I will only be at my office In the John Schmidt building THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATUR DAY Each week till further notice Dr. F. A. CLISE Eye Spedallnt. 0111 mm. Every Woman la lntnrMtodand nlio'il,' aranillha wonnnrrnl , Marvel wii,!,n i;yuu,is fi.rf.J,'A-ic4 t - IM.f . ST aar t vonr "lrneiriK If hfi rimnut oipply It. tli MARVKL. arri-Dt no o'hpr. h it Hand stnnm r tllm intod book eld. It elwn Mil Diirttrnlara anil directions InriUaahls 'aUtUoa. MARVEL CO 44 S, 234 St., k r r inlVt ar. S V nm itrltfiar. vr, ii.il. MEN AND WOMEN. Um Bis & for oontoml dltchkrRM.lnOftmiiiKtiona, trrlUMons or ul.br tloo of rnuoont racmbrto. rr....u citttm. Piinleia, and not Mtrln. I'lEv.'HSCHlMICIICO. fnl or pot-nnoul. Bold by Urnnuu, or Mnt in Dlaii wraprwr. hr aiarMM, prepiild, for 1.00,1. t botll" ,2 76. circular aaa, sa I