East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 14, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Big Hosiery Special
for Wednesday Only
Of Dozen Childrens Black Lace
Hose nearly all sizes, Regular
25c Values for Wednesday C
Only, 2 Pair for -
30 ?!
'ozen Ladies rlam Colored
Lisle all shades and small and
lare dots, sold all season 25c
a pair Wed. Only 3 Pair
F. E. Livengood & to.
The Ladies' and Children's Store.
ore almost inseparable when they are
both at Stockholm.
Every morning the two walk (or at
least an hour In the beautiful gardens
f the royal palace, and his majesty
has been heard to declare that he of-
j ten consults her upon state matters.
Pastime pictures please all. with the queen of Sweden in Indlf-
Get your horses clipped at the Cuti- ferent health, it has devolved upon
the crown princess to do a large
amount of entertaining than would
th'TM-iR.? have been the case, and her
lather-in-law declares that she Is the
lust hostess lu Kurope.
(.'eitain'y she presides over large
juii-rines with r:trt. tact and distinction.
merclal barn.
For sale A bull. 8eth M. R ohard
son Pendleton, Oregon.
Trash hauled once a week. Phone
Prnland Bros. Black 3381.
Stop the Cheney Jersey dairy wagon
for the best milk and cream.
We make a speelaity of caring for
private horses and rigs. Commercial
Loose wheat hay. baled hay and Man Sukkth in Italian and
chopped hay fed at the Commercial ("alls it rnlwuirahle.
Barn. Tatterson, N. J. After four months
More moving pictures shown than " married life Mrs. Amelia Spinel)
any other theater In the city the ns brought suit for divorce against
For rent A nice cottage on north
side, close In. Inquire Standard Gro
cery Co.
John Pplnell on the ground of cruelty,
one form of which she stipuates In her
hill Is "excessive stuttering by the de
fendant." Testimony was heard In
the suit before Special Master Henry
For rent House corner Alta and Marelll,
College streets, opposite Presbyterian Mrs. Spinelll said that he husband
church. Apply to F. E. Judd. , ;,s all right before they were mar-
F.x up your roofs with the best rled. or at least she didn't notice his
sMcment of shingles ever received In stammering as much then.
Pendieton. Crab Creek Lumber Co.
Competent steam engineer wishes
engagement with farmer or thresher
iii.m for the threshing season. Ad
Cha. Weston, Cel lo, Ore.
i h"d of Oregon mid Idaho mules,
three to six years old: gentle and well
broke; weight from 10&0 to 1200 lbs.
Must be sold by June 14. F.. W. Doo
ly. North Taklma, Wah
For sale A prosperous livery busi
r.ew in one of the best towns In east
em Oregon. Will invol. vcr $6000.
The price is 15000 with terms. This
Is your opportunity. Call or write
C it. Jordan. I -a Grande. Ore.
For sale, 3'.'0 acres of No 1 farm
ing land five miles from station with
abundance of water for Irrigation, 150
aii. of fin- growing crop, 50 acres
summer fallow, balance pasture land
which can all be cultivated and Irri
gated. Tou got it all for $17.00.
J5e00 cash and very easy terms. Call
or rlte C. H. Jordan, Ln Grande,
"lint after we were married! Oh,
m -. it was simplv horrible." she add
ed. If lie had been English it would
not have been half so bid, but when
it was In Italian, where every vowel
iocs a Marathon with the other, It
as unbearable."
Thomas Cappa. justice of the peace,
acted as Interi reter during the tak
: . of testimony.
"Tii.tu-bu-tu-tu-bti-bu," answered
Spinelll to one of the questions.
What does be say." asked Wood
McKee, who reprsentod Mrs. Spinelll.
' He hasn't said it yet." replied Jus
Dee 1'appa.
Marshall is said to be in douht as to
vhat report he will make In the case.
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
Offielul Weather Report.
Minimum temperature, 45.
Maximum temperature, 85.
Koso Is Acting Agent.
Walter Rose is ln charge at the
O. R. & N. depot in the absence of
Agent T. F. O'Brien, who Is in Port
land attending the meeting of Pa
cific coast freight agents.
I republicans In Session.
A meeting of the Republican Coun
ty Central commltte Is In session at
tho court house this afternoon. E.
W. McComas Is ln the chair and ways
and means of selecting delegates to the
state assembly are under discussion.
Oiio Drunk ln Jail.
One drunk was picked up last eve
ning and owing to the fact that today
was believed to be a legal holiday he
was not given the privilege of saying
whether he would take three days or
pay five dollars. He is simply doing
AwnnUil IJfc Diplomas.
Among those who were awarded life
diplomas at the Ellensburg state nor
mal on June 11, were Mrs. Lavelle
McDonald and Miss Mary Frances
Williams of this city. With these pa
pers in their possession they are per
mitted to teach in the state of Wash
ington so long as they live without
being compelled to take examinations.
(iiM's to Hoquiam.
Walter Eggerth, who has been con
nected with (.he local office of the
Western Union Telegraph company,
as messenger and substitute operator
for the past several months, left this
afternoon for Seattle. From that
city he goes to Hoquiam to accept
a regular position as operator in the
Western Union office. C'are Edwards
has been installed as messenger at
the local office.
M:iic Ixjiik Auto Trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson and
little daughter, Thelma, returned last
night from Willamette valley points.
having made the trip both ways with
In the west haa produced more di
versified crops under any system of
farming. Corn, generally not sup
posed to be a paying crop on dry
lands, rivals the best products of Illi
nois In quality and quantity, and he
claims, too, that he has produced by
dry farming methods every kind of
fruit that can be grown In this zone
under irrigation.
John T. Burns secretary of the dry
farming congress, has also received
advices from various parts of the
provinces of Alberta and British Co
lumbia, Montana, Colorado and Ore
gon that strong delegations and rep
resentative exhibits will be sent to
Spokane and it Is expected that Ida
ho, Wyoming, Washington and other
western states will be adequately rep
resented. "I am also advised that Colorado,
which captured many of the Import
ant prizes and trophies last year,"
said Mr. Burns, "is planning to carry
off the honors again this year."
Tiny Hut She Wore on Street
Cause of It All.
Paris. Paris is enjoying a comedy
In which Llane de Pougy, the noted
actress, Prince Khika and a beehive
hat are the principal characters.
Prince Ghika, who is a typical boule
vardler to whom Moni de Castellane Is
an athlete In appearance, was walk
ing with Mme de Pougy at Saint
German, when some passers-by in
dulged as was alleged. In certain dis
respectful remarks on a tiny hat she
wa8 wearing. A scene followed, and
the result was an assault, and battery
on the person of the prince, who lodg
ed a comp'aint. of rude language ad
dressed to herself by the party with
which they had so unluckily came in
to collision.
Court Room Crowded.
All Paris, who could possibly crowd
into thhe court room, and several
hundreds who could not, were pres
ent when the case was called. Came
lots did a great business with the
crowd with a song composed for the
occasion, entitled, "Elle Avait un
Petit Chapeau."
Piinc Ghika relating the adven
ture to the Judge said: "On Easter
Monday I went with Mme. Liane de
Poughy to Jousset's pastry shop. We
had Just been visiting some old cur
iosity shops, when we met severa' la-
the exception of ih distance htn-pn i dies who stared at my iriena s
One of them exciaimea, un, uu
hut1 What a euv!' I said to Mme
The Dalles and Portland, by auto.
From Portland they went as far south
as Brownsville and returned in time
to attend the rose festiva1. In all they
traveled 1006 m.les with their ma
chine without meeting with a single
Liane de Pougy. 'some people wouia
do well to look at themselves in the
.glass before laughing at others,
then a gentleman called me a
brute and other names.
"I understand." remarked
Woh!enberg Dep't. Store
Better Goods for Less Money
New York. That the customs reg
ulations are no longer a respeetor of
persons Is being emphasized anew
every day under the administration of
Collector of the Port Loeb. Last week
it was former Governor Rollins of
New Hampshire who ran afoul of the
law; this week Colonel Henry C. Stu
art of Virginia, son of the famous Con
federate cavalry leader; Mrs. Henry
C. Frick, wife of the Pittsburg multi
millionaire, and Count Tedesco, of
Italy, got tangled In the meshes of
the customs net, now spread out with
more care than ever to catch those
who either by design or through lack
; of information contrive to evade the
! payment of duty on importations. The
the ! stuarts had their baggage held up
lected from would-be evasive passen
gers on the steamship piers. The
stringency of the customs regulations
under Loeb has added more than 13,
000,000 to Uncle Sam's revenue since
the 4 th of March last.
Pittsburg, Pa. An "exhibit of hus
bands" is the novel show planned tor
this month by the Women's club, one
of the most exclusive social organiza
tions of the Smoky City. For weeks
the "hubbies" have been groomed and
put through their stunts in order that
they may show up to the best advan
tage. "The husband show will take the
place of the club's annual June rose
Some time ago. when a prominent
clergyman of Pittsburg preached a
i.i.i,... ,vii i a me out wltn a ueucaie , pending an investigation or tneir (iu-
allusion to the probable word. j tiable foreign purchases and had to j sermon denouncing race suicide, and
"That's it." the prince continued. ,,av $i,S23 to secure the release of: naming club and society women as
turned round to hand my cara their property.
entleman. and receivea i'- t
Mrs. Frick neglected ! the principal offenders, the Womens
and ran away. Tin; nurses turned so
short that they broke the reach and
then dashed off down the street with
the front wheels of the wagon. They
accomplished their escape from the
wagon with such ease that not even a
cherry was spilled. In attempting
to turn into the Oregon feed yard
they e,.lided with a telephone pole
make anv declaration at all and i club held a baby show Just to disprove
Now, however, having properly ex-
Foley's Kidney Remedy may be
X v. n to children with admirable re
sults It does away with bed wettlni
and Is also recommended for us
after measles and scarlet fever
Koeppen Bros.
Three snap-.
Must se'l at once. One
h ue two blorks from depot, J1400,
two 5-room modern houses close In,
JS00 and IS50 All east fronts. Small
payments down. Inquire C. C. Hend
r (kP, over Taylor Hardware Co.
vi 'loiiilrcil 1'npito I-onrn'mg to Soar
in Franco.
t'aris. Stringent rules are beine
enforced by the French military au-
Miorities In consequence of the num
ber of strangers nttracted to Chal
ons camp by the aviation school.
One,, several of the aviation pupils-
there Is now n "flying colony"
of lifta people flew out beyond the
aveodronie over the batteries and fir
ing butts. The military commander
of Chalons has now Issued orders that
n . aeroplane l to oar out of the
flv.pg ground, and flights are now
only permitted for an hour before
17-room sunrise and after 3:30 o'clock In the
Runaway on Webb Stri-ct.
A team hitched to a wugon and ;
lift standing in front of the Empire j
lodiring house on Webb street, be- , "I
1 . ... : Vn.i theminisler'eKtntpmpnts.
fie train about 2:30 this afternoon blows. The ponce men came ui w n. n pres.-ea io saia ue ------
ii i,.m in the station. overlooked it. sne natil dutv on iz.-i uun.i, i.ao.B v
Mme de Pougy was next mierro- j (,iift worth of Kuropean oougnt goods I'luneu uauic, me numcu ins
tated. She raised a bejeweled hand in her possession and was allowed to j sire further to impress the Ignorant
She declared: "1 was depart after a delay that must have persons oi t-iuauurg nun me wn
been keenly embarrassing and humlU- mat tney are reauy ana truiy nome
ating to a women of her proud tern- lovers, even if they do belong to clubs
perament. Count Tedesco did not fare and for this purpose will give a field
s.i well. He and a companion were i day, at which they will put their
arrested on a charge of smuggling husbands on exhibition. The hus
jewelry into the couatry. An exami- bands of half the members of the Wo.
nation of his trunks showed them to i mens club don t know the nusoarras
will be
to be sworn
insulted The name of migraior
bird' was given to me."
v bird v ith a long beak, which
stands on one leg?" the Judge uuer-
, T,,... o much incrriiueiit in
i it'1. ' '
aid tin- wheels were left. The horses ,i, ,.,lrt at this.
were uninjured, but the harness was j "Exactly so," she replied, adding:'
v reeked. j -Then the prince was compared to
I,,,, compared to a fish." j
Many Vi-it Wcnalia. j -u -a all so horrible that I could
According to Pendleton people whO(lill repeat it here,
are returning from a brief stay at j "prince Ghika did not deal any I
Wenaha the springs are to be more t,iows?" j
popular this year than ever before. ) .-y0'" was the repdy "he received
The following is a list of recent visit-: ;h(.m an. The scene passed very j
ors at the resort: Mr. and Mrs. F. E. : ,Uickiy; t was real'y instantaneous, i
Judd anil son Henry. Pendleton; John ; fricn who was along with I
Keen. Athena: C. E Roosevelt, Ppn-'Im(. (le Pougy and the prince, hav
dleton; George Lamon, Blue Moun- ' '.orn,horated all this evidence. I
Sawmill; David Patch. r.lue . ,., . .,.., a w (r,. h.Td. One of!
. r.tr.A .;i the Das-i
i ieni. wno is c"uiii:ik - -
be equipped with false bottoms. In of the other half but they
on,, day more than $15,000 was col- made acquainted.
David Patch. Blue
Mountain Sawmi'l; L. Vander Pool,
Blue Mountain Sawmill; W. J. Fur-
k' shoo said that he had seen
n!sh. Portland: Mark Moorhouse. : n,1thing but had heard some rude
i noon.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Live:
Tablets will brace up the nerves,
banish sck headache. prevent de
spondency and Invigorate the whole
system. Sold by all dealers.
Copenhagen, Denmark The king
of Sweden and his pretty daugliter-ln-l.iw,
who was Princess .Margaret of
Connau'iht have been described with
great truth "as perfect chums" an 1
l trphciini Today's Program.
1. Her L'fe for Her Love Eel pse
drima. 750 feet long.
2 Mak ng Salt. Industrial, 250 feet
:t Macbeth. Pathe comedy. 350
ffct long.
4 Gee, I'm Late. Pathe comedy.
:MI feet long.
r,. A Brave Little Girl. Pathe
liaina, C50 feet long.
0 it. dhead. Illustrated song.
Tcutseh will ifo at Appleton to.
in the interests oi nis cn-
io you take t'..e Bast Oregonlant
Pendleton: K. C. Herzinger. Pen l!e-
tnti; W. ('. MeKinney. Pen lleton: C.
S. Watts. Athena; C. E. Allen, Athe-1
na; W. L. Thompson. Pendleton: Wil
liam Humphrey. Pendleton: J. R.
Stott, Pendleton; F. E. Welch, Pen
dleton; W. W Hoch, Pendleton, T.
R. Hampton. Pend'eton; Martin
Hampton, Pendleton; C. F. Dement,
Walla Walla; John Ankeney, Pendle
ton; John Lambirth. Pendleton; T. C.
Taylor and wife Pendleton; Leon
Cohen and wife, Pendleton; T. M.
Harvey and wife. Athena; H. H. Foss
and wife. Athena: Bertha Anger.
Pendleton: Mrs. J. R. Dickson. John
Dickson. H. W. Dickson and F. A.
Dickson. Pendleton; W. W. Baker and
wife. Dorsey Baker. Mildred Baker.
H D. Baker. B. M. Baker F. E.
Shaw and wife, Douglass Ball.
Frances Paine. G W. Whitehouse and
wife. W. A. Ritx and wife of Walla
Walla; J. B. Perry and wife. Miss
Jennie Perry. E. P. Marshall and
wife. Miss Neva Lane. Pendleton; J.
B. Catron and v!fo. John Casper and
wife Miss Mary Thomas. Oscar
Pruiiihcllcr and wife. Doris Drumhel
ler. Marion Drumhetler. William
Diumlieller, T. J. Drumhel'er and
.v f-. Burton Brown Drumheller, J.
lr state. Walla Walla: A. II
was a goon
I language. j
I "Tell me." said the judge, "nobody
! will hear vou. Did his asasilant slap ,
! the prince with his open hand or
' closed T"
t don't know, but it
i slap." was the answer.
"Ah. yes! A first-class slap." was ,
! the" Judge's comment, and there was.
i a r .ar of 'aughter. I
i The magistrate declared that he j
, was unable to d. cide an issue involv
: eriticism of Mme de Pougy's hat.
.ud he therefore sent the ras,
to the
, treasury de- ;
Washington j
porus plaster,
asked to issut .
Middleton. N. V. Th
partment officials at
. will shortly receive a
. f. r which they will be
. ., tr,n hill A week ago a mercnanl r
of this city on retiring for the night. ,
. L a some Uib- 1: :'"' " ' . fl
dresser. Ho had a lame oa k am.
'asked his wife to prepare a porus
! plaster. She did so. but aft. r beat-
... it neetdentlv dropped it in lb-?
j diesser. In picking it up she did not j
notice the $50 bill still clinging to it:
Klrby ' .... ..nniied it i.. her husband's back.;
Get Your Name down lor an 5J
Appleton Tract before 10 a. m.
Tuesday, June 14.
Opportunity for such a small
investment with such
probable returns come
but seldom
and wife
B. Woodward.
The bill w
miss. .1 and servants
ted of having stolen it.
vo!ii:i cimr i mi.i iti'.
Koeppens Bed Bug Destroyer
GetuTT hem All. Even'BedBugs
25c The Bottle
It is in liqni'l 'h'n Hm rcnetratin5 fhat it pow
into nil thr little rnicks, killing tlie bugs ami destroying the
tggs as well, Ix'ing of an antiseptic nature it gets the germs
also. EhcIi lx'ttle in equipped with a shaker cork which
makes it quite cany to apply.
K0 EPF El5
The Drug Store That Serve You Best.
Spokane. Wash. W. Heiisel of ;
Walerville. Wash., Tl years of age. '
who has not suffered a crop failure i
In the last 2 ears wi I be a dele-j
gate to the f fth dry farming congress;
in Spokane, also an exhibitor at the j
international exposition. October 3 I
to S. entering dry farmed products in i
the avrious competitions, which are i
open to the world.
Mr. Hensel farmed in Minnesota I
until I8S6. when he located on a farm I
at Watervllle. While Campbe'l and
others were experimenting ln soil cul
ture theories in Nebraska and Colo
rado, he determined to work out his
salvation in the face of what were
then believed to be unsurmountable
obstacles. By watching the results of
various schemes of sou treatment he
discovered the secret of dry farming
and gradually increased his yields of
wheat from 20 to 40 bushels and oats
from 30 bushels to 100 bushels.
, w ere sus
Iti... whole household worrie
!th. matter until the merchant remov-(
his pons plaster, and the bill was
; ,-..ur.,l sticking to it so firmly that it f
iculd not be removed without tearing!
!?: to pieces. The merchant will send
'the plaster to the treasury department j
for redemption.
Real Estate and Insurance, Pendleton, Ore.
550 Main Street Phone Main
Ib-rlin. The international congress
f anarchists at
Halle decided by a
large majorltv to abandon their prop- .
agnnda of deeds in favor of a purely
p Aceful propaganda.
liv the Berlin peace authorities
(!.; new tact of the anarchists is ac-
ccpted with very considerable reser- 1
vation. It is not. in fact, believed
that it will have any effect whatever,
on the violent anarchists and their
ii.aganda of dynamite.
His books a'so show, that no farmer manlca
Ho long 11s a man secketh his own
will and his own highest good be
cause It Is his and for his own sake,
he will never find it; for, so long as
he doeth this, he is not seeking his
own highest good, and how, then,
should he find it? Theologia Ocr-
Fresh Hood River
See Window