S EIGUT PAGK8, DAILY KAST OKFXMJM.W. IEXlM,KrOX, OKKGON. Tl'KSl) AY, ,.11'XK 14, 1910. AN IXPKl'KXDEXT NEWSPAPER. robilabed UallT. -etlj aod 8ml-V-'ely at Pendleton. Owmd, Lr the AST OKtCUUNlAN II'ULISUIXO CO. 8CR8CRUT10N KATK8. Pally, oni year, by mill $5.00 Iwlly, montha. by mall 2 f0 ally, thre montha, by mall l.SS ttally, one month, by mall 60 Llly. ooe year, by carrier T.50 ally, alx montha. by carrier ITS llly. three montba. by carrier 195 la.l!. one month, by carrier 65 Vieekly, on year, by mall t.50 Week!-, alx montha. by mall 75 Waeair. four montba. by mall 50 Beml-Weekly, one year, by mall.... 1.50 ami-Weekly, alx montiu. by mall... .75 ml Weekly, (our montba, by mall.. .50 The Iially F.aal Oregonlau la kept in aal at the Oregon Xeira Co., 17 8th atreet, Portland, Oregom. orthweat Na. Co.. Portland, Oregon. Cblrat:o liureau, C t Security Building. Waanlnirroa. U. C Korean, 501 Four teenth atreet. X. W. Member United l'reaa Aaoclatlon. Entered at the poatoiflce at Pendleton, .reeoa. aa aerond claaa mall matter. Valapbone Main 1 Official City and Comity Paper. - .- V -- . THE WOMAN'S PORTION. From the coast of Brittany Fisher fleets stand out to sea, Golden in the sunshine gliding, Watched by loved ones ten- derby. From their cruel caverns rush- ing, From their cruel caverns rush- and. hushing For the moment whispered 4 4 prayer, Grind, the fleet in maddened crushing! From the coast of Brittany Fisher wives peer out to sea, Hearing in the surf's wild roar- ing Screams of shipwrecked ' agony. Thus forever will it be Down the storm wind sweep, Fear and dream the woman's portion. Fear and dread and tragedy! Thomas Quinn Beesley in Ros- ary Magazine. Why is a land suit? Hamilton and and Inseparable. his cigarette one This is the birthday of the spangled banner. Long may wave. star 1 she The weather man is making amends for that one hot day and that one dust storm. Pendleton wool made into Pendle ton Indian robes at the Pendleton woolen mills! It listens good. "When your business doesn't keep ycu busy, get busy getting more bus iness." It is a goo.i motto for suc cess. When a girl loses her reticence and reserve and maidenly modesty she Is dispossessed of one of the dearest charms of woomanhood. With Teddy approaching the Am erican shore Halley's comet and the ctnsus joke have both passed into V livi.ni. The roads leading Into Pendleton j .. . . .. . at- in better condition ana tne streets are better sprinkled than ever be- fere. The street committee of the council is proving true to its trust. A few head of cattle, a small biin l ol sheep, some fat hogs and several r",o7en chickens nn every farm In Uma tilla county would mean greater pro- fits to the f:. r-r.it of living. Mid red'j"c the j In the thrr-e briefs submitted to the congressional .committee yesterday, Ballinger. pincliot an Glavis were piesontd to the public In quite con trasting colors. The decision now rfst with the American people as to which ar'ist V.n been rnot Ir his reproduction. faithful It la reported that yesterday Roos evelt mounted to theinainmast of the Kaiserin and jol liesse.i himself to old Neptune, go.i of the sea, and told him of the stern necessity of curbing the wild waves, rtnd advised the monarch of the deep to either rule the turbu lent tide or get out. Whereat, so the r'port goes, old Neptune waxed ex ceedingly wroth. PIVFltSIITRD FRMIXfi IS SAFE. Judge Lowell's advice to the farm ers of Umatilla county to adopt a sys tem of diversified farming is sound. It has been advocated long and often uy uiM paper ana ir toiioweu Uy uny j A bl(f Pennsylvania anthracite mln conslderable number of farmers would ! in company is turning Its aemimula- result In i?rat profit to the Individual and to the county as & whole. A Judge Lowell points out It Is much siifer to be depending upon two or three different crops than upon one. It there I- a total or partial failure In one or more there are still the othters to fall back upon. The Inves tor who has all his fortunes depend ing upon one investment In more like ly to become bankrupt than the man whose fortunes are "not all in one bottom trusted." This year for instance the crop of fruit has been enormous and the prices have been Just as good as dur ing the lean years. The same is true of the hay crop while from present indications the bumper yield of grain which was promised a few days ago w ill not be forthcoming. As a result the year will not be so prosperous for the wheat farmer as it will be for the man with fewer acres but who is not dt pendent upon any one crop for his returns. The adoption of a system of diversi fied fanning would do more for Uma tilla county than the building of an electric railroad, or any other one thing thnt could be done. It must come sooner or later and the sooner the days of the land baron are num hued the better it will be for the c tin try. A M.til.Kl'TF.O IMHSTKY. The great profits to be derived from the pork industry, which is sadly ne- 1 giectea in eastern Oregon, were rc litntly set forth In this paper. The I receipt by a Portland poultry dealer ! l .st week of 200 dozen spring chickens , from Fetaluma. California, has been I commented upon hy the press of the j r-etropolis as indicating neglect of the poultry growing opportunities In j Oregon. The Oregonian goes on to say 1 11 iit there is a much greater economic waste in the transaction than is ap. J parent at first glance, for the Califor- ;ii.i poultry-growers are obliged to buy Oregon wheat ns feed for their chick- j ens. Tlie Oregon poultrymen. if they v'ould supply the home market, would ';thus have In their favor an additional 1 margin of profit to the full amount " the freight on the feed from Ore- n to California, and on the chiek- ns from California to Oregon. As I it is reasonahle to suppose that there " : s a profit for the Californlans in thus paying freight both ways, it is itiito -clear thnt the Oregon poultry I men could make much greater profit ut of the business than is being made b the Californlans. j PATRIOTISM VS. PKTTY POLITICS. I The Jones County News, admitting j it did not vote for Governor Brown j in the last campaign, thus patrioti- ally sums up its present attitude: The editor of this sheet did not vote for Joe Brown in the primary two years ago, but he is honest enough to adait that Mr. Brown has made a good governor, and w have 110 patience with the movement on the part of some to pick any old tiling to succeed him in the office. Our advocacy of Hoke Smith did not j 11 nth that blind infatuation as to in- : 1 -iude every old politician that sup J ported him. If more editors and more voters j developed breadth of this refreshing nature, not only in Georgia, but In I politics generally, we should see a rapid decline of the bitterness, the rancor and the narrowness that every where make for inefficiency In gov ernment and causeless antagonism ! among the people. I The day of that Bourbonism In polities that never learns anything, I that never forgets, that never admits if virtue In a political adversary, and that hampers progress and tranquility .- ..lPnn T.n.A- la ". i" "- i-.ncu .0 The new citizenship that places Its civic responsibilities above personal leanings or aversions Is Insplrlngly typified In the Jones County News. I?ts have more of such examples! Atlanta Constitution. XFVF.!T NOTTS OP SOKXCK. j .T'l'rtior-o I? lii- ,iiiii i.ii miii.-M.iKe 'o I .v. n'y-two n itions or states. It requires eight times as much en- tgy to walk up stairs as on the level An Engli-h agricultural society Is I raising a fund with which to cxter- , mlnate the sparrow. ; Com pi reii with common hemp, the li; caking strain of MnnPn hemp Is i n the ratio;i of four to three. , Japan has more than 200 telephone j i xehanges, more than twice the num ber it had two years ago. X'-arly every foreign automobile I l.,,;i,l. w.... ,.,ut. nil Un .ellro1nr f his engines In a solid piece, Kentucky tobacco Is said to contain more nicotine than any other, fre quently as high as 12 to 14 per cent. I A dry cell, which will work prop ! ' rly nt normal temperature, Is said to ' lose its efficiency temporari'y when cold London's present area Is about 350 times as as great as when the city was organized In the thirteenth century. The most powerful and durable saws In the world are of American manufacture, vandlum being used In the steel. Electric timing machines, which re cord the hundredth part of a second, have been perfected for automobile I raeinir tiona of coal dust for years Into ErI qllettex. Russia' wheat crop of 7S3.O0O.O00 bushels for 1909 was the largest ever produced by any country for a sin r'e year. A market for the dust collected by vacuum cleaners has been found In Iron founderlcs, which use It to dust patterns. Students In this country of the unl- vesal language, Ido, say it Is easier to master than any of its competitors. To retain dust on a broom is the idea of the Inventor of a tubular broom handle which feeds oil slowly to the sweeping end. The United States makes 135,500,--000 pounds of ropo a year, enough, if reduced to clothesline size, to encircle the earth 68 time's. The Philadelphia Mint uses a press that can exert 11 force of 1100 tons to the square inch to stamp medals for the government. Recent investigations have disclos ed that Xew Guinea contains vast stores of not less than seventy-nine kinds of valuable woods, A half million dollar electrical switchboard will control every switch in the Pennsylvania Railroad's great new yards at Xew York. A slowly-moving landslide on an Italian mountain, two miles lonjj by half a mile wide, is carrying with it a village with 1000 population. There are more medical schools a n,i more physicians have received their education in Philadelphia than in any other city in the United States. TIIK Ml CKRAKF.RS. The chaplain of the house of rep resentatives invoked the power of heaven the other clay against the "gloating tongue of the muekraker." The president of the United States at Ada, O . Friday, warned his audience against ""a class of newspapers and of magazines that are properly crit icised as 'muckrakers.' that rely for their circulation on the vicious and unfounded attacks upon the honesty ;.nd upright character and patriotic motives of men in public life, and up on those conspicuous and prominent generally." When the chaplain of the house of representatives talks about muck rakers he refers presumably to cer tain sons of Belial who speak disre speetfu'ly of that grand old political ruin. Uncle Joe Cannon. When the president muckrakes the muckrakers he is probably expressing his confi dential opinion of various writers who have dimmed the halo of that peerless patriot, Richard Achilles Ballinger. It would have been better, how ever, ir both the chaplain and the president had been more definite in their utterances. What do they mean by muckraking? And who are the Particular muckrakers that have stir re,l their bile? Much depends upon the point of view, as certain specific instances will prove. A lot of eminent gentlemen out in Denver protested bitterly against Ben Lindsay's muckraking articles in Evei-vbodv's Magazine, and made them an issue in the recent campaign. When the votes were counted it was found'that the citizens of Denver had sustained Judge Lindsay by large ma jorities to the very great damage of b..th political machines and the dis comfiture of numerous benevolent corporations. Mr. Taft himself Is waiting impa tiently for the United States supreme court to sustain the government's case against the Standard Oil com pany. That the government has .1 case against the Standard Oil com pany Is due largely to the writings of Miss Ida Tarbell, who aroused the public sentiment that fina'ly compell ed action. It was not so many years ago' that Mr. Taft himself repudiated the re publican boss of Cincinnati, and Mr Taft in this instance was influenced hugely by the public feeling which Lincoln Steffetis had aroused by his articles on boss rule and machine government In American cities. Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Dyer-Work. rnhealtliy Kidneys Slake Impure Elood Weak and unhealthy kidneys are re. 'ponsible for much sicknu.-, and suiicnn rt tncrerore, u kiunev trouble it permitted tc continue, icriouj re- f'Hfl 5irr most li'k-plv ffl to follow. Your other jj) oilcans ttiaj' ived at tention, nut yo-.iv kiu lieys mot, beor.'.tst they :o most and snoiUv! 1 uve a'.toi.l.ot first. Therefore, w'aer. . our kidneys arc wck " o.-.l cf otder ..1 can understand how e.nicU'.y yov r en tir body is aiTcctK1. a:;.-! !:o-v every orjati CLr:s U full to C i'.s dutv. li you are : ic',: or " let. 1,(2!;'," fc:?t. .-iV.iri.f I'.ie f;re. l.i.l::' remrclv, iir Miner's iv.vamp-R ir,t. A trial witlcon ".tics you of its ;?rc:t rr.cnt. The mill and immediate ef.Vt ol S-waraj-Root, t!:s srrcr.i kidney un.i jl'.'.dder retiiedy, i.i soon rvaifcxJ. I. .lands thfc highest because ili re:'.L'.:l:-.b!. icakll restoring tr; crtic, liaw been ,)rovea in thousand.: ol' li:- ::r I : . :.5 ".! cases. Jf you nac-d a :uuhci::e vca liou'J liuve tiia best Sold bv dnif'ists in WftlfSJj-n Tty-cc'it an.l one-do!- fc;&z:."-Z2?.i-:. . I...' .j.jirMt r . we a sample bottle j V.OCT'JSSr r ntnil free, also a'Vrf'?: 1. 1 : ...... -.'- " -- m;:cs nve V ;jtnpmec wiling you ii,:,r.v.ai,p.i:u. -jvf to bnd out if you hrccs kidney or jladdtr trouble. Mention this jjapcr dien writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Singhanuon, v. Dorj't make a'ty mi i 'ake, but remember t!.-2 n.i;t;e, S va:nr K out, and don't let a dealer sell you -oriirthing in r-l.'iec cf Swamp-Iiuot- -if you do you will be di:Vi;;;)oint'-d. JSi!!5.bJe CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm it quickly absorbed. Give Relief at Once. It cleanie.-i, soothes, held mwl livrttnetu mm. HAY-FEVER J the disuMM'-d mem- c' brane resulting from If luiuitu unci urives awny a Cold in the lirv A ie ,:i r-enKcsoi - IV.fi'e mid S.'ci !i. Full si.e 50 eta. , at Dru? i;: or l I'.!!. In lie-.iid form, - nt L:ly .!'.-iitii-ri. r, Warren Street, New York. The East Oregonian Is Eastern Ore gon's representative paper. It leads, and the people appreciate It and show It by their liberal patronage. It Is h advertising; medium of the section. The stomach is a larger factor in "life, liberty and the pur suit of happiness" than most people are aware. Patriotism can withstand hunger but not dyspepsia. The confirmed dys pep'io "is fit for treason, stratagems and -poils." The man who goes to the front for his country with a weak stomucb. will be a weak sold'er mid n fault finder. A sound stomach makes for good citizenship as well as for health and happiness. Diseases of the stomneli and other orrfnns of digestion and nutrition arc promptly and permanently cured hy the use of Dr. PIEHGC'S Cr,D'.V MEDICAL S'Ol'EJfK. It bui-IiJa up rfte body wit Is sound tlcsls and solid musclu. The dealer v.'ho ctTcrs a substitute for the "Discovery" i only seeking to make the little more profit reulized on the aule of less meritorious preparations. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mulling only, Send 21 one-cent stamp:-, for the paper covered book, or 31 stamps for the cloth boaed. Addresj World's Dii.pensary Medical Association, R. V, I'iorce, M, D., President, kiulfulo, N.'Y. v -4, All this is part of the literature of muckraking, so called. Possibly the president thinks the country has grown so virtuous that there is no longer anything to criticise in gov ernment or business; but it will take him some time to prove it. In the meantime there are many tilings that need presidential ittten- tion more than do the excesses of the Payne-Aldrich tariff and his pro muekrakers. So far as they muck- ; ceduiv In the Bollinger matter have rake his administration Mr. Taft has j done his administration Infinitely peculiar advantages. As president of more harm than anything the muck the United States he has a larger eir- rakers have said about It. New York dilation than any of them. Through! World. A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL USE. No woman who bears children neod Buffer during the period of waiting, nor at tho timo of baby '3 coining, If Mother's Friend is used as a massage for the muscles, tendons and glands of the body. Mother's Friend is a penetrating, healthful lini ment which strengthens the ligaments, lubricates and renders pliant those muscles on which the strain is greatest, prevents caking of the breasts oy keep ing the ducts open, and relieves nausea, backache, numbness, nervousness, etc. Its regular use will prepare every portion of the system for the safety of hoth mother and child and greatly reduce the pain and danger when the little one conies. Mother's Friend is sold at drug stores. Write for our free book, which contains valuable information for expectant mothers. THE BRAD FIELD CO., ATLANTA, GAm BtWr,irfaMWaMmMll-lt . ,11. nan mail VACATION TAKE AGOOD IF you have never looked at the pages of YOUR bankbook and watched tlie "balance to your credit" grow, you yet have the most interest in;- of all books to read. If you once begin to lead in your LANK LOOK ymt'll never lose interest in THAT book, because we'll pay you 4 per cent interest on your deposits and compound the interest every six months. You'll enjoy seeinsr vour money crow. THE American National Bonk Pendieton, Oregon UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Wake Up, Harvest Is Here! ' 640 acres, 320 In wheat that will mnke :io bushels .er acre. Abundance i f witter iiiped Into house and barn. You can buy it for :nt per acre, crop ues with It. Huvini? resided in the county 'J5 yearn, and In the real estate work for 12 years, and knowing values as I do, enables me to select the very cream of the bargains. The undesirable and less attractive property thnt Is priced too hlKh, I LET GEORGE SELL IT. I have a few special bargains in residence property. E. T. WADE Office in rear of American Nat. Bank Bldg. PENDLKTOV, OK. East End Grocery Is always In front rank when Fruit and Vegetables. Don't extra choice. ' Weston Potatoes, per sack Grand Ronde Apples, per box aaaaiawni u.'rwr Patriotism Ihe newspapers lie can reach practl cally every literate voter In the coun try. If his answer to their charges is convincing, they have done him no harm and have discredited themselves in tlie court of public opinion. Mr. Taft has much more to fear from himself than from the muck rakers. His ecstatic defense of the I OOK HELP5 YOU TOKEEP COOL Telephone Main 536 It comes to fresh and seasonable forget us when you want something $1.00 $1.25 k. -rnitM i jufwis F Cold Cure 0 Will knock the worst cold in Two Days Comes in capsules. Not disagreeable to take Manufactured and sold in Pendleton, by Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists of Eastern Oregon. OLD LINK LIVE STOCK IX SUKAXCE. Indiana & Ohio Live Stock Insur ance Company Of Crawfordavllle, Indiana. Has now entered Oregon. Policies now good In every state In the Union. Organ zed over 25 years ago. Paid up Capital $200,000.00. As sets over J400.000.00. REMEMI1EU, this Is NOT a Mutual Live Stock Insur ance conipuny. Mark Moorhouse Company Agent, Pendleton, Or. 112 Kan Court fct. Ptmne Mala M. COLESWORTHY'S 5 International Stock Food I the old reliable . The best for your stock Try it 5 COLESWOSTHY S. I W b. A Its The QUELLE Gus La Fontaine, Prop. Best 25c Meals in North west First-class cookc and service Shell fish in season u.i Fontaine Blk., Main St. MM OBVIOUS JlKKUK Tou make a had mistake when you put off buying your coal until the Fall purchase It NOW and aecur the best Rock Spring co;tl the mine produce at prices considerably lowar than those prevailing In Kail aa4 Winter. By stocking up now you avoid AIM danger of being unable to secure It when cold weather arrives. ! HENR.Y KOPITTKE Phone Main 178. 1 Milne Transfer Phone Main 5 j Calls promptly answered 1 (nr all kannona l-m..f ' ring. Piano and Furniture moving and Heavy Truck ing a specialty. Curt, i' -..:; i. Pnaiimoal rOrl SALB. Old newrpapsrs wrap ped In bundle of ISO each, suitable tor wrapping, putting nndar oar pets, etc. price l.( per bundle, two bundles luc. Vnqulra this 01-flc. an utm 'b. nV DA'sl -H& l l a