f KIU11T PAG EH. DAILY EAGTI OilKGOXlAX. PKMDLETON. UREUU.M. 1l ill.V, JINK II, 1310. PAGE THREE RESERVATION BOYS CUE DAM WORK PROGRESSING FAST An Extraordinary Piano Buying Proposition YOU CANT AFFORD TO MISS THIS We'll Place a Piano in Your Home FREE! F ItKDSKINS VHTOKIOIS ItV 9 to 7 St OKI: KSdllli.M (ill. niUTK C O. OPKX IP Til Kill CAMP VLslliiifr Teum Well Kntcrtnlncd Klcvtrlc IJifht C'n'w Finishes Jtc wlUiig Poliw Pot Horse Kicked to Death by Mule Other .News. lxw SIK of ItJvrr Knablcn Work to lie Pushed ci Hit? Furnlsh-Coe Duiii Contractors on Scene ts. t-liurgc) Tunnel Is Completed. (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Ore., June 13. Adams' baseball team played the reservation team Sunday and the score was 7 to t in favor of the reservation b oys. The boys were well entcrtalne'd and enjoyed the trip and report u. fine time. Mr. and Mrs. U. Morrison visited li the city of Pendleton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rogers and family went to Weston Sunday In the auto to visit friends and relatives for the day. The electric light crew finished their work between Pendleton and Adams Thursday and reset some poles between Adams and Athena Friday and went up to Walla Walla Satur day. J. T. Lleuallen made a business trip to Athena Thursday. Two carloads of lumber was ship ped to Adams from Cascade Locks to the lumber company of Adams. There is a good deal of lumber be ing used this spring In anil around Adams. Mr. Chadry of Walla Walla, made a business trip to Adams Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lleuallen, George Woodard and Lula Lleuallen went to the river Friday In their auto for a day's outing. Dr. McKenny nnd A. Watrus went to Pendleton Friday In the auto. Old Hie, a favorite horse of the small boys f J. T. Lleuallen. was kicked to death by one of the Lleual len mules Wednesday. Paul was on the- horse driving the mules out of the lot and one of them kicked old Hie on the neck, cutting an artery and the animal soon bled to death. The children will miss their old pet and faithful friend. F. Curl made a business trip to Pendleton Saturday. Albert Mallcy returned to Adams Friday after spending the winter In Portland. Ho will help harvest In Adams. Miss Eliza MorrlB of Athena, was the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. nd Mrs. O. M. Morris of Adams this week. Mr. Contz of Idaho, arrived In Ad ams Sunday to work for C. Glrklng. Mrs. Heorge Pradley nnd baby of Pendleton Is visiting friends and rel atives In Adams this week. E. Bonodillc of the Tum-a-lum lum ber company at Adams, went to Pen dleton Saturday and will remain over Sunday to visit friends and relatives In the c'ty. F. Blake visited In the city of Pen dleton Sunday and Monday. Misses Id.i and Guondoline Rogers came up from Pendleton Friday and will spend Sunday at home and will return to school Monday In the auto. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Adams visited In the city of Athena Sunday. E. rs. Marquis returned to his home In Adams Saturday after spending a week In Portland at the rose show. rr. McKenny nnd F. Collins and Mrs. L Price and sister, Mrs. Duffy, all went to Blnghnm springs for n few days outing. Mrs. Redford returned to her home In Iayton Tuesday after visiting with her sister, Mrs. W. Wallan of Adams for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. F. Martin returned to their hom in Adams Saturday after spending a week In Portlnnd at the roso show. They were well pleased with the city and were glad to get back to Adams. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Pager went to Athena Monday to do some shopping. Earl Semlngton and Alta Smith went to the ball game Sunday at the agency. Miss Bertha Brustcr visited In the city of Walla Walla over Sunday. Baby's Vital Point. The most delicate part of a baby Is Its bowels. Every ailment that Is suf fers with attacks the bowels also en dangelrng In most esses the life of the Infant. Mcdee's Baby Elixir cures diarrhoea, dysentery nnd all derange ments of the stomach or bowels A C. Koeppen & Bros. Eve had given Adam the apple ' I suppose," she mused as she construct ed the fig-leaf suit, "after th:s I'll always have to feed him 10 get a new dress." Subsequent developments confirmed her fears. Just received, a car of Rock Springs nut coal. This Is what you need for cooking. Price 9 per ton delivered loose or $10 per ton sacked Oregon Lumber Yard. (Special Correspondence.) ' Stanfleld, Ore., June 12. The Cnia tllla river having gotten to a stage low enough that work can be begun on the dam for the Furnish-Coe pro ject by the contractors, things are beginning to hum, at the siding at at Coe, where the surplus waters of the project will be stored, and out of which after this season a continuous flow of water at low stage periods of the river may be turned into the Fur nish ditch, maintaining "annual Wa ter" in the place of flood water for the project. Mr. Marshall, superintendent of the Furnish Ditch company, has complet ed the discharge tunned under the dam, dug down Into the solid rock, with a concrete lining and a mass. e concrete room, and this is already covered over its entire depth with earth and the whole enterprise has now been turned over to Messrs. Es baugh, Bruce & Co., the big Seattle contractors, for the completion of their part of the work. This firm last week opened its camp and started In with a gang of tblrty men, getting ready to build the trestle work on the upper and lower sides of the concrete core which crosses the river some feet above the surface of the ground rt this time. From this trestle the earth will be dumped below, making the face and lower base of earth and rock with the concrete core going through the mid dle of the dam. There will be 175,000 yards of earth to move. This earth will come out of the spillway or artificial river bed built 40 feet higher than the present river bed and through which the water will flow when the reser voir has been filled to within ten feet of the top of the dam, thus prevent ing any water from running over the dam. The water will, at low stages of the river, run through the dis charge tunnel under the dam and nt high stages will run over the. spill way. The spillway will be lined with a solid concrete wall. The rock taken from the spll'way will be used to cov er the earthwork of the dam to a depth of six feet. Eschbaugh, Bruce & Co., will han dle this earth with steam shovels, re moving 1500 yards of earth during the day time nnd 1000 yards at mcht and have a contract to complete the dam, under a $25 000 bond, within ninety days after the work Is under way. Th;s firm Is now mixing concrete nnd getting ready for continuing the construction of the core of the dam while Installing the machinery, tracks, steam shovels and engines for haul ing enrth. This reservoir, when completed, will have one of the safest and best dam constructions In the whole west. It will be built precisely upon the plans of the government dam on the ad lolnine project, except that In the Coe dam the concrete core will not stop nt the regular surface of the ground t......l K,,t trn nlnnt thmiltrVl the! dam to Its top, and also has the ad vantage over most dams, in that its core is embedded in the solid rock at both sides and bottom. Other Note. The 21st Co'umbla Land company's special car arrived today with fifty people. They visited the work pro gressing nt Coe on the Coe reservoir and expressed their praise regarding the dispatch with which the work Is being put forward. Contract was let this afternoon for the horticulturist's house on Dr. Coe's ranch In Section II. Mr. George An derson, the contractor, will begin work there tomorrow morning. The well which was put down by Mr. Towers well drilling outfit on Mr ,T. E. Faucett's place on Main street, Is a great success. Soft water was struck nt ht feet water coming to, within 12 feet of the surface of the. ground. Mr. Faucett Intends to put , in a gasoline engine nnd supply some, of the people nearest him. I Last night at a meeting of the church members of Stanfield and while organizing the church of Stan-! field. Rev. Pr. R. I. Faucett was in structed to employ a missionary in India for the year following Mr. Fawcett's return there, nnd money ; was raised nt the meeting the-c last j night to defray the salary of the, church of Stnnfiebl missionary for one I I year. ; MILD MQl'ID CUKES ECKKMA. Skin Sufferers! Prop fircasy Solve and Nasty Medicines. That mild, soothing liquid. D. D. D. Prescription, stops the awful itch with the first drops. A prescription of ac knowledged value. Oct a trial bottlo nt 26c. It will take way the Itch right away and you will sleep soundly. We assure you personally of Its merits of this rem edy; for we know. Tallman Drug Co. Why Not Stop Tliat Itch? Indisputable proof has now been found that eczema can be cured not In one or two cases, but In the worst cases of many years standing. We would, of course, not think of making such a recommendation to our neighbors and patrons, were It not that years and years of success with D. D. D. Prescription enable us to spenk of this remedy with confi dence. It is a gentle, soothing wash with the mild oil of wlntergreen as a base. All the cures aeem to be per manent; at any rate, a trial bottle at 25 cents will take away the itch at once Instantly. We are sure of this. Tallman Drug Co. SPEAKIX Ol IIASEBAI.L ; DOPE READ THIS $780 now buys a $950 Piano tarts ati 8 a. n. Wednesday Don't wait Come early JT7 SALE CLOSES at 6 p. m. JUNE 23nd 1910 Player and baby Grand Pianos included in this sale. You" will certainly find some thing in this list to please you. ('bickering, irazelton, Kimball, J,ester, Marshall & Wendell, Eilers, Smith & Barnes, Clarendon, Lcland, And many others. Our Guarantee GOOD AS ANY BANK NOTE. Every piano we sell is ositively guaranteed, un conditional and unlimited. You are sure to pet your money's worth if you buy of Eilers. We guarantee qual ity nnd we guarantee price. How About the Children? YOU NEED A PIANO FOR THEM. You have been promising your children a piano for ever so long. Meanwhile they are losing golden mo ments that never can be re gained. Procrastination ever has been the thief of time and yon never will have the pi ano until you make the move. Neither will you ever know the joys of a musical home until you make it musical. You need a piano ; your children need one: your borne needs one. Your chance is here NOW. HERE IS THE CERTIFICATE Cut this out-worth $30 301 30 GOOD FOR Thirty Dollars as first payment on a piano at Special Sale Prices if presented on or before June 23d, 1010. EIL ERS PIANO HOUSE, Pendleton, Oregon. 30 Bring this Advertising Test Certificate with you select any piano in our stock. We will accept this certificate as first pay ment on the piano. You make your payment one month later. t-'.OO FOR $1.00. ' " Should you desire to pay any cash, in addition to this certifi cate, we wil! give yon a receipt for $'2 for every dollar you pay up to :;o. EXAMPLE: Proeiit this Certificate and get receipt for $30.00 Present this Certificate and pay .$5 in casli and get a receipt for .' ..$40.00 Present this Certificate and pay $10 in cash and get a receipt for 1 $50.00 Piesent this Certificate and pay $1." in cash and get a receipt f,,r $60.00 Present this Certificate and pay $20 in cash and get a receipt for .'. $70.00 Present this Certificate ami pay $25 in cash and get a receipt for $80.00 present this Certificate and pav $30 in cadi and get a receipt for ' ,$90.00 t I w Y h f 8 Was Now $475 $380 l: ( .J-J 1 m 88? In Hip lino of bascbnll dopo as it Is Roni'rnlly priMlod and the vocabulary that Is accepted M the proper thing In talking inte!llRpnt ball, the fnn u cili'd to tlio following compilation from the columns of an exchange. "Tho game waR called with Molass es at the tslck. Smallpox was catch ing. Coal was in tho box and had lots of steam. Horn was playing first base and Fiddle second bnsc. Corn was In tho field and App'e was the umpire. When Axe came to bat he j but Soap cleaned them up. chopped and Coal let Brick walk and i EILER.S PIANO OUSE Pendleton's Home Store Mrs. Piano Needer Xo matter how much or bow little you wi-h to invest in a good piano, you can't afford to miss this opportu nity. Prices and terms have been drastically reduced, yes even lower than ever before. You must act quickly as the sale starts prompt at eight o'clock Wednesday morning and closes Thursday the 23, making ten days in which to receive the benefit of this 2 for 1 proposition. A Warning XO TIME TO LOSE. If you come at once you will still be able to secure one of these high-grade pi anos at the lowest sale prices ever quoted in this sec tion. Cut out the certificate and bring it in tomorrow and get a piano placed in vour home free. Which Sells For Less? THE LATvGE OR SMALL DEALER ? Eilers is the largest Piano House on the coast, and we buy pianos in train loads. We buy a hundred pianos where the small dealer buys two or three. Tt stands to reason that the house that operates over 40 stores and represents 38 manufactur ers can and does undersell bis "minor competitors." r - ' iV.Tir.o i, . , . i nr , a -, ii 1 J HIM 813 Main Street first base. There was lots of betting n the game and ligg went Drone, heat Sawdust fill the bases. Pong made a hit and Twenty made a score. Every Foot of ground kicked and said Apple was rotten, rtalloon started to pitch, but went up In the air. "When Spider caught a fly the crowd cheered. Old Ice kept cooling the g:me until Coal burned him with a pitched ball. Ton should have heard lee Cream. Cabbage had a good head and kept quiet. Organ refused to play and Bread loafed around and put him out. In the fifth inning Wind began to blow about what ho could do and Hammer began to knock; then the Trees began to leave. Knife was put out for cutting KKAT1I OF COX VICT KKCAI.I.S IUTCHEKY Paris. The announcement of the "They all kicked when in the of the game Coal was put out and his death at the French penal settlement future temporarily coked, but not be-jin Guiana of the convict Brierre re f"fe lie roasted Pork good and hard, i alls one of the most terrible butcher for his pigheadedness Balloon wentjies in criminal history and also what up in the air again and Pig began to In the opinion of many people was a root. The score stood 1 to 0 when j grave judicial error. Brierre had App'e told Fiddle to take his base, j bet-n In Guiana 10 years and it was Oats was shocked, not having a grain announced only a few weeks ago that of sense. Song made another hit and! be was to be pardoned. The crime Trombone, tried to slide, but was put! tor which he was sentenced to death out. Meat was playing for a big! the sentence was afterward com steak, but was put out on the plate muted was that of murdering hts after having roasted the umpire. The I five children, the eldest of whom was score was 2 to l and the game was H. over. Eugene Ueglster. Do you take the East OreffonlanT The tragedy occurred in April, 1901, at Corances. a village near Chnrtres. Bierre spent the evening at the cafe, leaving his 16-year-old daughter, Clara, In charge of her brother and three sisters. In the early morning Brierre was found outside bis house groaning and complaining of injuries which ho said had been inflicted on him by two individuals who attacked him as he was about to enter the house, Inside the house the five children were found dead, horribly murdered by means of a knife and a plough share. Brierre's version was not believed and he was arrested on the charge of murder'ng the children, the alleged motive being that he wanted to rid himself of them In order to marry again. There was a sixth child, Qer malne. who happened to be In Paris. During Imprisonment Brierre never ceased to write to Germalne protest ing his innocence and she fought harder than any one for a revision of the trial. " "It cured me." or "it saved ...e life of my chill are the expression you hear every day about Chamber lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy This is true the world over where this valuable remedy has been introduced. Xo other medicine lo ue for diarrhoea or bowel complaint has received such general approval. The secret of the success of Cham ber'aln's Ci!ie. Cholera and Diarrho Remedy is that it cures. Sold by all dealers. The business of a promoter la t persuade your money into h.s pocket