East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 14, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    fAGM TWO.
Sensational $150, OOP Sale
The Greatest and Most Successful Sale of the Year
The more you buy the more largely will you profit. Get your seasonable needs at a saving
lhe lonar warm weather season is ahead the il.-iv of wrm-In.- .",.! ;,, n,.. ... -n v. 4.n ...i.. ; i . ,
V',M n Ch on ,.and Womm's Suits. Women's Dresses, Muslins, Millinery, Parasols, Piece (ioods of all kinds, Hosiery and
nderwear. Mjks, etc., Men s on.en s and Children's Shoes, Men's and Hoy's Furnishings, oys' CUMi of all kinds, Croekorv, ,,e., all at reduction
ueop anrt genuine. Mudy the list that follows and eome early for the first ehoiee from TIIKSK MOST KXCKITIOXAL KCOXOMIKS.
Great Bargains and Big Reductions in the Dress Goods Department
Our complete assortment of 27-in. Chins
ISMn. China Silks. 25r value
CiS-in. Pongee. S2.00 erade for
36-in. Chiffon Taffeta, $1.75 value for $1.09
l aiuy Ribbons, 25c values, many choice designs
and a bargain for this sale 17
Hand Bags, large assortment, $3.00 and $3.50
values $1.19
Purses, fine leather, good value at $3.50, this lot
goes 98
li'O pieces of Wash P.raids, Linen Laees, Pushing,
all th ese articles grouped together for this sale, re
gular value 35, 2 If
Ladies' Handkerchiefs, 35? grade, plain and em
broidered, for this sale 21
25c Flaxon. fine summer dress materials, come in
plain and striped, 25 grade 17
Boys' Clothing at Reductions
Our Boys' Ilereules Knickerbocker Suits are de
e'dedlv the best bovs suits von can buv in Pendle-T'"-ii.
They're all wool, taped seams throughout, re
inforced linings wherever needed, patent waist band
that will not tear the buttons off the waist. Rain
proofed by the best known process. Trousers are
l:ned throughout. Every Boys' Suit we have is re
duced for this Sensational Sale as follows:
$3.50 Boys' Suits must go for $2.95
$4.00 Boys' Suits must go for $3.47
S4.50 Boys' Suits must go for $3.93
$5.00 Boys' Suits must go for $4.27
$6.50 Boys' Suits must go for ...... $5.95
S7.50 Boys' Suits must go for $6.85
SS.50 Boys' Suits must go for $7.75
S10.00 Boys' Suits must go for $8.35
fine White Madras shirtwaist materials, and for
fine summer dresses, "0 pieces in this lot, values
up to 60, for 20c
Anderson Scotch Ginghams, 32 in. wide, 40
values 25?
French Ginghams, 32-in 20? value, this sale 15?
:0 pieces ehoiee Taffeta Silks and manv novelties,
values. up to $1.25 for '. )0
13 pieces Semi-Silks, 50? value 39?
24 pjeces Bongo Silks, large assortment of new shades
the latest silk on the American market. 75?
value , 47 l2c
Long Kid. 1.") button length, ox blood, navy, broWn,
green, tan, black, all sizes, $3.50 values $2.63
Cotton (Moves, many ehoiee colors. 25? values, this
sale .'. : 13?
F.mhroideries. edgings and insertions, 25? and
35? values 23?
50 Pieces Plain Taffeta S5? grades, for this sale. .59?
for this sale .. 8 1-3?
Millinery at Big Red.
When you are shopping be sure to visit our Milli
nery Department and see the immense display of
hats that we are showing at from $2.50 to $5.00,
you will agree with us that these hats are n revelation.
All season we have been lower than any other
store in Pastern Oregon on all kinds of millinery.
We have had virtually no competition. Xow we
come forward with this sensational $150,000 sale.
If our former prices were beyond the reach of com
petitors these prices surely are.
L'OO hats, the latest styles, beautifully trimmed, regu
lar values up to $10, while they last choice $1.98
l."0 hats, the latest shapes, large, medium and small
shapes, values up to $15.00, not an old one in
the lot, while they last, your ehoiee, only $5.00
All other Millinery is greatly reduced; it will
more than pay you to visit this department.
Spun Glass Lining, 20? grade, all colors 16?
25? Sateen, all colors, 30-in. wide 18?
pieces of our best 50? and 75? plain and novel
ty dress goods, you can buy these fabrics for 34?
Dark Outing Flannels, checks, stripes 12 1-2?
for '. 8 1-2?
American Calicoes 6?
White Shirt Waist ings, 27-in. wide, fine checks 9?
Fine Lawns, 20? for 16?
27-in. Fine Lawns, 15? for 11?
-'.'.-in. Lawns, 6 1-4? for 3 1-2?
American Ginghams, 12 12? for 9?
-5? L,g Cloth 18?
The greatest reductions on our Wool Dress Goods
. pieces of Jine dress goods, grouped together, val
ues run from 75? up to $1.00, for 59?
I1. pieces Wool Dress Goods. Come in plain stripes
and checks, naturals that should be used at the
present, values $1.00 up to $1.50 for 88?
Sensational Prices in Shoes
l-'or street, bouse and dress wear, each of its kind is
representative of the newest and lest in footwear
for the seasons requirements. All leathers are rep
resented. When the selling starts there will be all
sizes, but. you should be early to be certain of avoid
ing disappointment.
Women's new style oxford, and pumps in all
t;sbiomible leathers, with light, medium or heavy
solos, medium or low heels. All sizes. Regular
1 S4.50 and $1.00 values, now $3.35
Women's pumps ami oxfords in patent, gun metal
and kid leathers. All sizes. Regular $3.50 val
ues, now nlv $2.98
$3.00 and $2.50 styles will go for $2.19
Misses' ankle strap pumps in patent, kid and tan
leathers. All sizes. Regular $2.00 n,! $1.75
values. Sale price only $1.55
Roys' $2.75 and $2.50 patent and gun metal ox-
One Hundred and Twenty rive Out
of Sheep Have Recn Shipped From
There This Afternoon Eustern
Rtiyerg Pleased With Stock.
(Special Correspondence.)
Echo, Ore.. June 14. Echo still
liolils her record of being the best
shipping point in the state and thjs
year lias been the best in the "nlstory
of the station. Yesterday ten cars of
sheep belonging to J. T. Honk ins were
shipped to Duncnn for Hummer grac
ing. Thin makes in all one hundred
nnd twenty-five cars billed from here
this spring. Of these one hundred
were forwarded to Chicago via the
Ilarrlnmn system to the Missouri riv
er. The buyers were mostly eastern
stockmen, who were here last year
and were so well pleased with the
purchases made at that time, that
they came again this year and tae
heavy shipping was the result. Quite
often in the past shipments originat
ing her.' were routed via Wullula and
chipped from that point, but now on
account of the efficient service given
by the o. U. & N. force here and the
superiority of the Harrlman system,
the shipments are made direct from
these yards.
Jas. Bottger, formerly of Rathdrum,
Idaho, who purchased the Honipenger
farm consisting of 320 acres of wheat
land northeast of Echo, yesterday
bought the residence and lot on the
corner of Dale and Ruckley streets
of L. Scholl, Jr. Mr. Bottger has re
turned to Rathdrum for his family
and household effects. He will re
turn Immediately and make his home
Jos Hinkle of Butter creek, was
here yesterday transacting business
and went up to Pendleton this morn
ing. Esther Jones Is visiting friends In
Stiinfielil this week.
Mrs. U. W. Cooper and daughters.
Misses Florence and Hazel Cooper
' of Cranbrook, B. C, are here visit
ing with Mrs. ,Ios. Hinkle. Mrs.
Cooper Is Mrs. H inkle's mother.
Mrs. K. H. Stevens and Miss Alta
Huffman have returned from a visit
to Portland.
Mr. Frank Coma, one of our suc
ccsful farmers, is transacting business
in IVml leton today.
Win Walton Is visiting friends In
IVndlcton this week.
I'ncle Jesse Moore was a passen
ger en the motor car to Pendleton
this morning.
fnnK Sale price
Men's $1.00 shoes and oxfords, all leathers, all
styles, and all sizes. During this sale, only $3.25
THE PEOPLES WA R F HOI TF.. Where it Pays to Trade j
Brooklyn 1 5 1
Batteries Sallee and Bresnahan;
Hell and Bergen.
Pacific Coast League.
Kan Francisco
Los Angeles . ,
Sacramento 22
. .41
. .33
P C;
.599 ,
Trl-Clty League.
W. L. P. C.
Bllworths 8 2 .800
Seiwood 7 3 .700
Salem ( 4 .600
West Portland 5 5 .500
Vancouver 2 8 .200
Peninsula 2 8 .200
Blue Mountain League.
Wepton 10
Pendleton 9
Pilot Rock 3
Athena 2
.833 ,
.250 j
According to a letter received by i
the sporting editor from Burgo, the I
La Grande boxer who is to meet Bar- j
nty Mullin in this city the evening of
June 24, the former has started train-:
'rig in preparation for the match. He
says he has a'ready disposed of 12
pounds of surplus flesh. Despite the j
hit weather he says he is doing about
ten hours of work each day. He j
spends an hour and a half in the gym-
nasium, boxes about ten rounds be-!
sides various other work such as:
dumb bells, rope skipping, bag punch- j
ing and stomach exercises. 1
Burgo says he is feeling fine and :
i- anxious for the evening of the bout;
to draw near. He also says there will
be a large delegation of La Grande
fans accompany him to this city to
witness the match.
stood barefooted, because noise was
barred, and in whispers urged on their
respective friends.
But someone told Miss Van Horn
that a duel to the death was going
to be fought, and while the boys were,
hammering each other, she telephon
ed Constable George Agnew and told
him without naming her favorite
that two young men were murdering
each other in a barn.
Agnew hunted for the barn, but
could not find it. He passed by the
tumbledown barn In which the near
duel was being fought, but a lookout
peeling through the crack gave the
alarm and the dueling party dis
persed. Honors were declared even by Kef
ree J. Polmann and another duel will
probably be necessary.1 unTess Miss
Van Horn names her choice.
publishing a life of the king in 15
sevenpenny parts and Hutchinsons are
following suit.
Then Gassell, Murray ami Greening
and half a dozen others are weighing
in with their contributions towards
the Edwardian pool, so that one won
ders if bankruptcy will be the reward
of patriotism. In the words of Ham
let, there is "something too much of
this." for appreciative as Engilsh peo
ple are of Edward's merits, they
scarcely are likely to store up a li
brary of untruthful history, which re
peats Itself on almost every second
page and which is no more index
of the real man than the fulsome obit
uaries which overflowed their news
paper columns. Before the authorita
tive life is issued, England will be
completely tired of the name of Edward.
National League.
At Boston R. H. E.
Cincinnati 4 10 0
Boston : 2 10 1
Batteries Burns and McLean; Cur
tis, Ferguson and Graham. (First
game )
At New Tork R. H. E
Chicago I 1
New York 2 6 7
Batteries Brown and
Ames and Myers.
At Philadelphia, R. H E.
Pittsburg 6 12 1
Philadelphia 3 4 6
Batteries White and Gibson, Ew
ing, Schettler, -Moore : ad Dooln.
At Boston R. H. E.
Cincinnati 2 4 2
Boston 5 8 4
Batteries Suggs and McLean;
Smith, Brown and Graham.
At Brooklyn R. H. E.
St. Louts i I
What a Summer Cold May Do.
A summer cold If neglected is Just
as apt to develop into bronchitis or
pneumonia as at any other season.
Do not neglect It. Take Foley's Hon
ey and Tar promptly. It loosens the
cough, soothes and heals the Inflam
ed air passages, and expels the cold
from the system. Koeppen Bros.
If you are not satisfied after using j
according to directions two-thirds of:
a bottle of Chamberlain's Stomach j
and Liver Tablets, you can have your:
.San Rafael. In a dilapidated barn
on the outskirts of this city Eugene
Archer; j liurns, champion amateur swimmer.
and William Maghetti, well known dis
tance runner, faced each other in an
affair of honor, the hand of pretty
Wilfred Van Horn, a vivacious mil
liner," being the stake.
The two youths donned ten-ounce
boxing gloves, dueling Irons being
barred, not because they were dan
gerous, but because they made too
much noise In an empty barn.
For six rounds Burns and Maghetti
banged each other with the big
gloves. The seconds, six In number,
invigorate the stomach, improve the
digestion, regu'ate the bowels. Give
them a trial and get well. Sold by
all dealers.
London. England is in for a ter
rible time An Inundating blographal
wave Is . eping over the land from
which there is no escape. There Is to
be an obession of the Edwardian era.
The virtues of Edward the Peace
maker are to be proclaimed from the
publishers' house tops at so much a
dime, and a period of appreciation
mrfelt Is in store. Every publisher
of appreciative turn of mind is pre
paring a biography of the late king.
Sir George Newnes put out a 50,
00 word booklet within 24 hours of
the king's death at the phenomenal
price of a penny. Nelson, who is rev
olutionizing the English book trade,
followed with sevenpenny paper, well
sltched and bound In cloth, and
Everlelgh Nash Is to publish a more
expensive volume In a few days" time.
In addition Sir George Newnes is
Gliul to Recommend Tliem.
Mr. E Weakley, Kokomo, Ind.,
says: "After taking Foley Kidney
Pills, the severe headache left me,
my kidneys became stronger, the so
. ... ...... . . , i 1 1. 1 ,1 ,1 nA
UllLiUIia IIUlUi'ii nilU UK wianuri iiuj
longer pained me. I am glad to
recommend Foley Kidney Pills." In
a yellow package. Koeppen Bros.
Wclirlied .( Pounds Couldn't Trav
el by Rail.
Paris. There has recently died In
France a remarkable justice of the
peace, M. Rolland, who was said to
be the heaviest and stoutest man In
the world. He weighed about 560
pounds, his height being 6 feet 2 in
ches. The size of his body was such
Unit he could not go about on. foot
or travel by carriage or rail.
To go from his home to the bench
he was obliged to use a strong, heavy
bath chair. The back of the convey
ance had to be tilted upright, the
magistrate leaning against it. The
vehicle with its occupant was then
brought to an almost horizontal po
sition and drawn by a vigorous man
to the court.
Oats and timothy hay fed at th
Commercial Barn.
( Special Correspondence.)
I'niatilla. me., June in. The Uma-
' ' nine went down to defeat at the
hainis of H'erniiston Sunday, the score
being 4 to 1. The unfair decisions of
1'iiipire llonue gave several extra
s.ures to lleriniston and bent Uma
tilla out of several others, according
t 1 the opinion of the home people.
'has. A. lira m of Spokane, iyns
In re S.itui Mav and Sunday on a busi
ness trip.
J. II. Price of Mermlston was a vls
I "" !" r" on futidwy.
F. I,. Cnrr and wife of Portland,
were visitors here Saturday.
Mrs. C. E. Cross of Pendleton was
here today and if a suitable house can
he secured will take up her residence
Tin- O. R. & N. supply train gang
which has been storing cool here for
t!ie past month lias completed their
work now.
Western Union wire gang Is here
Frank Spike, a former resident of
(his county, now a resident of Buhl,
liia ho, was a visitor here today on
his way to Portland. Mr. Spike hns
a large circle of friends here who
were pleased to see him.
Jas. O'Connell has returned from
an extended visit to Idaho.
. J. W. Duncan nnd H. T. Patterson
were' away Sunday and Monday on n
business trip visiting Patterson.
The ljed Men held initiation and
celebration here on Friday night. The
meeting was well attended nnd had
the honor of visits of the Grand State
officers. Fit.Oerald and Develln. Af
ter the meeting n bnmiuet was given
at Chung's restaurant nnd was a most
enjoyable affair.
Only two Leonard cleanable refrig
erators left at Sharon & Eddlngs.
You'll have to hurry to get one of
these Ice savers.
Lame shoulder Is almost Invariably
caused by rheumatism of the muscles
and yields quickly to the free appli
cation of Chamberlain's Liniment.
This liniment Is not only prompt and
efefctua'. but In no way disagreeable
to use Solo by all dealers.
English Colonel cni-ln; lot) Ycnrt,
Slill Hale anil Hearty.
IOiidon.To have lived in six
reigns is an almost unique distinction,
but Colonel Thomas Innes ,,f I.earney,
Ah-rd shire, can claim to have
dene so. When he was bom in Oc
tober. 1814 George II was on the
throne, thus the present sovereign Is
the sixth under whom he has lived.
Though in his ninety-sixth year this
veteran Scottish laird, who is A
erdeenshlro's "grand old man," is still
In vigorous health and is offering u
prize of five pounds for a model in
clay for a statute in granite of King
lidwnrd VII. to be placed in front ot
Carischal college. Ahenli n ,in com
memoration or his late majesty's and
Queen Alexandra's visit to the granite
city in September. I'inf.. Colonel In
111s was in the ilrd Cordon Highland
ers and was married two years after
Queen Victoria ascended the throne.
Chainlierhen's Cough Remedy la
sold on a guarantee that If you are
imt satisfied' after using two-thirds
of n bottle according to directions,
your money will ho refunded. It Is
up to you to try. Sold by all dealers.
King IVIentl to Ireland.
Dublin, Ireland.-- Friendly as was
the late Ging Edward to Ireland,
King George, it is understood, is not
only to visit Ireland with Queen Mary
early next year, but is contemplating
a royal residence and spending some
lime each year In Duhlin.
How much truth there Is in the re
port of a royal residence Is not known
hut in official circles it Is received
with considerable credulence.
It is further stated that King
George is strongly in favor of grant
ing home rule to Ireland.
What Everybody Ought t Know.
That Foley Kidney Pills contain
Just the ingredients necessary to tone,
strengthen and regulate the action of
the kidneys and bladder. Koeppen
A smart Irishman was leaning
against a post when a funeral pro
cession passed. "Who's dead?" some
one asked. "I don't know," answer
ed the Irishman, "but I presume it's
the gentleman In the coffin."
Utterly Wretched
Nervous Prostration Long Endured
Before Remedy was Found.
Miss Minerva Keinlnger, Upper Bern,
Pa., writes: "For several vears I had
nervous prostration, Und wus utterly
wretched. I lived on bread and beef
tea because my stomach would not re
tain anything else. I took many rem
edies, but obtained no relief until I
took Hood's Sarsaparllla. when 1 began,
to gain at once. Am now cured."
Pure, rich blond makes good, strong
nerves, and this 1 why Hood's Sarsa
parllla, which purines and etlrlches the
blood, cures so many nervous diseases.
Get It today In usual liquid form or
chocolutex! tablets culled Sarsatabs,