PAGK BIX. PATLT KACT ORBQONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY. JUNE 13, 1910. EIGHT PAGES. INTERESTING CONFESSION HAY HARVEST OF MILTON DELAYED "THE VEW IDEA." We have a hobby. It concerns every man. woman and child In town. ur hobby Is but wait a moment Suppose you are sick, or one of your family Is sick. Tou consult the Vest physician you know of and he gives you a prescription. Tou have a right to take that pre scription to any drug-fist, no matter whese name Is printed on It Tou have the same right to select your druggist that you do to select your doefor. Particular people bring their pre emptions to us, because our hobby Is prescription work. We take the same sort of pride In compounding every prescription the very best way that an artist takes In Minting Uie very best picture he can; the same that the conscientious doctor takes In bringing his patients back to health. We know drugs; we know where to buy the best We get that kind. Appearances are deceptive. Two phonograph records look exactly alike, but the phonograph gets a II. 0 Melba song from one and a rag time two-step from the other. So, with drugs, the inferior look as good as the best Our hobby leads us to study each prescription to make it give the right results. There la no rule of thumb, no guessing simply, accurate, scien tific work done by men who know and love their profession. If there la any surer way than this we can't im agine what it Is. And besides Any physician who knows us will tell you "we do things right" The best way for you to know Is for you to bring your next prescription here where such work Is not regarded as a drudgery, or a necessary evil, or as a good chance to g t a big price for something but where it Is a "hobby" where it is looked upon as th ; most Important service we can render to our fellow-man. The price! We haven't said any thing about the price. That won't bother you for a moment We want all the prescription trade we can get It would be foolish for us to charge too much. We can afford to charge a little too little, for the sake of build ing up a branch of our business in which we are very keenly interested. When you have a prescription, re member our hobby. Remember, too, that we will call for your prescription and deliver the medicine phone as at any hour. Main 20. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. . A, J. McAllister. Geo. C. Hilt. Who Know Prescriptions. high win ns intk.hfkhk WITH KAHMF.IIS WORK Season Pretty Woll Along First Crop of Alfalfa Nearly in Stack Short Items of Interest of Kiist Knl Town (Special Correspondence. ) Milton, Ore., June 12. Owing to the high winds which have prevail ed in this section the past three days farmers are compelled to postpone their hay harvest. Many are in th midst of it while others lack only a day or two in having the first crop ot alfalfa stacked. Mrs. C. T. Godwin and her cousin. Miss Hamilton, returned to their 'Ba ker City home today. The ladies have been the guest of Mrs. Godwin's mother, Mrs. Eleanor Phelps. Sam Small the evangelist, Is sche duled to speak in Milton next Wed nesday night. Mr. Small has been holding revival meetings nt the skating rink at Walla Walla and has caused quite a commotion ii that city. Many people from the cities of Mil ton and Freewater have attended his meetings and a large crowd will attend Wednesday night Miss Eva Shrimf of Athena has re turned to her home after a visit of a week's duration with friends here. Mrs. Claud Steen, who was operat ed upon at a Walla Walla hospital yesterday is reported as doing nicely. Fort St. James On Lake Stuart, BRITISH COLUMBIA Tills is destined to be the Portland of British Columbia, on a navigable river and deep water lake with two trains running in next fall. Letters pour Into our office all day with applications for lots. To those who cannot come in we would do our utmost, to mnke a good selection. Price $100 and $200 each. Cash $25.00. balance $10.00 a month. A few 40 acre farms joining Fort St James townslte and Lake Stuart, $50.00 cash and $10.00 a month. Yon neetl not 'be a Canadian Citizen to Hold This. You need not Improve It, nor you need not reside on it. All this land is on or near the railroad. Grand Trunk Pacific, Alaska Yukon, and Canadian Northern railroads. Rich farm lands, $8.60 per acre, $3.00 cash, and balance $1.00 per acre per year until paid. APPLY CANADIAN NORTHERN LAND COMPANY, 301. 303 nml .100 Lewis Building, Portland, Oregon. ORDERING SUPPLIES tyTELEPHONE eHSETS A model for every figure. Ice Cream Sherbet Ices Punches Candies Pastry Made to Order We make a specialty of speci al deslgna and colorings that will match your table decor ations or lodge and club colors. Pure Materials and Skilled Workmen Out of town orders receive our prompt and careful atten tion. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Hohbach's Phone M. 80. 221 E. Court St. BROTHERS HANGED 50 YEARS AGO INTERRED London. After an elapse of 50 years the funeral of the brothers nam ed McCormack was only recently held at Nenogh county, Tipperary. Seldom have so many people taken part in a funeral procession as at tended the interment of the two brothers. It was estimated that over 10.000 people were present. The McCormacks were hanged 50 years ago, after having been convicted of the murder of a man named Ellis; but the people of the locality were convinced that the men were Innocent of the crime. When, therefore, the old gaol was disposed of recently, in order to be transformed into convent grounds, the suggestion was made that the re mains of the McCormacks should be disinterred and accorded a public fu neral. This was done, the manifestation of public sorrow being intensified by the fact that most of those present show ed traces of grief at the death of King Enward. A requiem mass was first celebrat ed in the Roman Catholic church, af ter which the procession started for the graveyard, where the interment took place. Banners were placed at Intervals along the line of route, bearing such legends as "Innocent, Not Guilty," and "Innocence Rewarded." All the shops In the town were closed. Many clergymen headed the processon and following them came school children wearing black and green rosettes. The two hearses, each drawn by four horses, were followed by 600 vehicles. Interspersed among which were bands, the draped Instruments and muffled drums playing funeral music. SOME NEWSY NOTES T 802 E. Court St. Phone Main 45. Old Spots I Never come back when cleaned by the Marvelous Discoveries, mark the wonderful progress of the age. Air flights on heavy machines, telegrams without wires, terrible war Inventions to kill men, and that won der of wonders, Dr. King's New Dis covery, to save life when threatened by coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma, croup, bronchitis, hemmorrhages, hay fever' and whooping cough or lung trouble. For all bronchial affections it has no equal. It relieves instant ly. Its the surest cure. James M. Black of Ashevllle, N. C, R. R. No. 4, writes it cured him of an obstinate cough ' after all other remedies fail ed. 60c and $100. A trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Tallman & Co. FRESH FISH Meats and Sausages EVERY DAY. We handle only the purest of lard, hams and bacon. Empire Meat Go. Pbone Main 18. Lightning Strikes Bike Rider. Battle Creek Mich. With his head gashed and his right arm scarred, George E. Williams, an Advance Thresher carpenter, is lucky to be alive. Williams was riding a bicycle along Upton avenue when a bolt of lightning hit the handle bars of his wheel, ripped off the riders sleeve and burned his arm badly. Williams pitch ed forward unconscious and was still senseless when removed to his home In the police ambu'ance. Several stitches were taken in his scalp, but he will recover, though he was de lirious most of the afternoon. ASSIST NATURE. There are times when yon should aslst nature. It Is now undertaking to clean jronr system If you will take Hood's Barnaparllla the under taking will be successful. This great med icine purifies and builds np as nothing else does. Ba'lini?er will at least fill quite a space in history, or at' least in the records. (Special Correspondence.) Weston, Ore., June 11. Miss Gert rude Wheeler, who was a student at the Lewiston state normal school dur ing the past school term, has return ed home to spend the summer vaca tion. Miss Wheeler was formerly a student at the E. O. S. normal school but like many other of the students to complete her studies entered the Lewiston normal. Otis Turner. S. A. and W. A. Barnes, and Frank Price, who left during the fore part of the week for the Umatilla on a few day's fishing expedition returned last evening. They report rather poor success, and what catches were made were of rather small size. Dr. J. R. Sponagle, the Athena den tist, was a business visitor yesterday attending to more fully advertising of his business throughout this section. Mrs. W. S. Price left during the week for Mabton, Wash., to be pres ent at the reunion of the Maybee fam ily the first In twelve years. There will be present Mrs. M. J. Maybee the mother, and the following children: Mrs. A. F. Turner of Grangeville, Idaho: Mrs. George Martin, of Mab ton, Wash., Mrs. W. S. Price of Wes ton, Charles E. Maybee of North Bend, Oregon, and George W. Maybee of North Bend. Washington. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kemp returned to their home near Cornelius, Ore gon, this morning, after a pleasant visit with their son Ira M. Kemn. cashier of the bank. L. S. Wood has been appointed by the county court to perform the du ties in the two Weston precincts of registry clerk, and has received all of the necessary books and blanks. The work has already begun and the citi zens are responding to the request to register early. Weston Lodge No. 58, I. O. O. F., elected the following officers at their last meeting: Frank Price, N. G.; W. A. Barnes, V.G.; J. R. LaLande, Rec. Sec; L. I. O'Harra, F. Sec; S. A. Barnes, Treas. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Turner left on yesterday's train for Portland, to attend respectively the Masonic gland lodge, and the grand chapter of the Eastern Star. Mrs. Etta Carmlchael will also be In attendance at the con vening of the Eastern Star convoca tion. Miss Grace Gregg, who has been teaching at the White Fir school on the Reed and Hawley mountains dur ing the past year has closed her school for the season. Patrons and pupils are greatly pleased over the re sults of the school work during the term. T. S. McKInney and family, ac companied by Dr. T. B. Short and his family left today for their homesteads in the Christmas Valley, Lake county, Oregon. They will travel overland with teams, and expect to he on the road about ten days. Yesterday, Friday, the temperature as recorded by the government In struments reached 102 In the shade. This Is the highest temperature re corded In the month of June during the past twenty years. The grain crops were more or leRs affected by the Intense heat, but. it Is not thought that any serious damage has been done except perhaps to the grain on thin alkali lands. Today the tempera ture has fallen to below normal, and a slight rain fell In the early morn ing hours which was accompanied with a Btrong wind, but doing no dam age. Anson Woods Is over from Walla Walla looking after his farming Inter, ests In this section. Charles Plnkerton. deputy assessor for this locality, Is about through with his assessment work, and Is recuper ating In the mountains and at the same time looking after his crop pros, peots held there by him. Glad to Rcommenil Them. -Mr. E. Weakley, Kokomo, Ind., Is glad to recommend Foley Kidney Pills. After taking them as directed he says: "The severe backache left me. my kidneys became stronger, the secretions natural In color and my bladder no longer pained me. I am now over my trouble and glad to rec ommend Foley Kidney Pills. A. C. Koeppen A Bros. What a Rnmmer Cold May Do. A summer cold if neglected la Just as apt to develop into bronchitis or pneumonia as at any other season. Do not neglect it. Take Foley's Ho ey and Tar promptly. It loosens the cough, soothes and heals the Inflam ed air passages, and expels the cold from the system. Remember the name Foley's Honey and Tar, and refuse substitutes. The genuine is in a yel low package and contains no opiates and no harmful drugs. A. C. Koep pe A Bros. THE retail merchant's telephone serves not only as a salesman, but also as a purchasing agent. When a merchant finds that he is going to run out of a line of goods, he calls up the wholesaler or factory and not only orders a new stock, but conies to an agreement on the price and the time of delivery. The unexpected needs of his customers can he met with the least possible delay. If the merchant cannot find what he wants in town, the Long Distance Service of the Bell System brings him into immediate communication with other cities and other markets. The Pacific Telephone & TflporrarVi Cr Every Bell Telephone is the Center of the System. RARK'JT- PROMT '."v V:-:'i "-v --j-. '' .ass Hflt a. . T ' '. Berlin Dye House Jack Webster, Mgr. Dry, Wet, Chemical and Steam Cleaners. Work called for and delivered. s O O 0 rS, c Hoi.. Oregon, located cornet of Seventh and Stark Street, extending through the block to Park Street, Portland. Oregon. Our new Park Street Annex is absolutely fireproof. Rates $1 per Day and Up. European About 1 5,000 Acres of Sherman County, Oregon, (BDBADKI FASSKl TIIOITiTI amvf: IX FTFSn TIF. IS T.FGATXY DFAD t-nriH. ine Marseilles police are puzzled at a curious mlxup which they are trying to solve In face of rigid red tape. Joseph Edel, a convict returned from one of the pena", settlements, died In a hospital In the Southern city. A few weeks later the police arrest ed Joseph Kdel in the mntn street of Marseilles. The man who had died In the hospital had escnped from the convict settlement, bavin stolen Joseph Fidel's papers. The police are now in a qtiandry. Joseph Edel hns been arrested, and onjrht to go to prison for returning to a country which does not want him. hut lesrally Joseph Edel Is dead and burled, and may commit any crime he likes. Including murder, without fear of punishment; for, be ing dead, he Is beyond the reach of the law. now under Crop Leases in varying sized parcels re newable or subject to can cellation at buyer s option. Price about $40.00 Per Acre (Crop rental 1910 reserved) Terms Part Cash Part on Time Apply to Eastern Oregon Land Company Care of Balfour, Guthrie & Co. Board of Trade Building Portland, Oregon A Sparkle Burst or a burst of sparkles, Is the only way to freely describe the beautiful gems to be seen at this store. DO YOU WANT A PURE WATER DIAMOND? We guarantee every stone we sell, ts be Just as we represent it. OXXR DIAMONDS ARE GEMS BUT THEY'RE REASONABLE. A. L. Schaefor Jeweler 726 MAIN STREET. Jap-A-Lac The Home Beautifier Murphy Bros. The paint men will tell you about Jap-A-Lac FRESH MEATS SAUSAGES, FISH AND LARD. I Always pure and delivered promptly. If you phone the Central Meat Market 108 E. Alta St., Phone Main It. Important Notice On account of my dwelling house burning, I will only be at my office In the John. Schmidt building THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATUR DAY Each week till further notice Dr. F. A. CLISE Eye Specialist. Daily East Oregonian, by carrier, 15 centa per week. Ttoe Well Known Chinese Doctor! Cures any and all dls eases that the human flesh Is heir to. Mj wonderful and powerfal roots, kerbs remedies are compoaod o Chinese buds, barks and vegetables that are entirely! unknown to medical science of the present cay. They are harmless. as we use no poisons or drugs. No operations. No knife used. We cure stomach troubles, liver. money, catarrn, lung, throat, aath ma, nervous debility, female com plaints and rehumatlam and all disorders of the blood. We cure to stay cured, and guarantee to cure all kinds of Piles and Private Diseases of men and women. Call and see him or write. Consulta tion free. If you are unable to call and see him. send two cents in stamps ror symptom blank. Ad dress: THE L. CTTTTNO WO CHINESE MKDIUI1TE OO. S09 W. Rout) St. Walla Walla. Wn FOLEYSHONErTAn stop th coutf k& and heals Itanjp