r EIGHT JFAQES, DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, JtJNE 13, 1910. FAGS m Summe r Dresses 500 of them in all the new Up-to-date Styles Ladies 32 to 44 from $1.50 up Misses 14 to 20from $1.50 up Childrens age 2 to 14 from .35 up We Can Fit You F. E. Livengood & Go. The Ladies' and Children's Store. LOCALS PMtime pictures p lease all, tat your horses clipped at the Com mercial barn. Oats and timothy hay fed at th Commercial Barn. For sale A bull. Seth M. Richard son. Pendleton, Oregon. Trash hauled once a week. Phone Finland Bros. Black 3391. Stop the Cheney Jersey dairy wagon for the best milk and cream. We make a specialty of caring for private horses and r'gs. Commercial Barn. Loose wheat hay, baled hay and chopped hay fed at the Commercial Barn. More moving pictures shown than any other theater In the city the Pastime. For rent A nice cottage on north slJe, close In. Inquire Standard Gro cery Co. For rent House corner Alta and College streets, opposite Presbyterian church. Apply to F. E. Judd. Fix up your roofs with the best shipment of shingles ever received In Pendleton. Crab Creek Lumber Co. nly two Leonard cleanable refrig erators Ifft at Sharon & Eddlngs. You'll have to hurry to get one of these Ice savers. Just received, a car of Rock Springs nut coal. Tills is what you need for cooking. Price $9 per ton delivered loose or $10 per ton sacked Oregon Lumber Tard. 17 head ofOregon and Idaho mules, three to six years old; gentle and well broke: weight from 1050 to 1200 Iba Must be sold by June 14. E. W. Doo ly. North Yakima, Wash. im.mi,i:to m n wiii atti:i .n:rr- .ioiis i n. in Arc ymi tfi'lnt: to v ilu- Johnson Jeffries fight July 4. The Kreatest exhibition of It Kitl.l ever pulleil olf. Why don't you try for the free roiin.l trip tlek. t at the Vo'l-s Warehouse where It liy to trade. All you Invi to do to enter the contest is t i buy our BUit there. You are Ju.t ; lt to win the tieki-t as anyone. It's worth trying. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS OrplK'nni Today's Program. 1. A Sailor's Friendship. Pathe drama, 1000 feet long. 2. All On Account of the Laundry Mark. Edison comedy, 600 feet long. Fortune's Fool. Edison comedy, ."no feet long. 4. The Little Doctor of the Foot hill. Essunay comedy, 1000 feet long. ne of the meat of many days, to night only. 5. LetSs Go Back to Babyland Song. New pictures for Tuesday's change are as follows: . . 1. Her Life for Her Love. Eclipse drama. 750 feet long. 2. Making Salt. Industrial, 250 feet long. 3. Macbeth. Pathe comedy, 360 feet long. ' 4. Oee, I'm Late. Pathe comedy. 2r.O feet long. 5. A Ilrave Little Girl. Pathe drama, G50 feet long. fi. Keilhead. Illustrated song. Tin; Pastime. Has i he following program for Tuesday's change: -The Impalement." ltiograph. 1000 feel long In this ltiograph story is shown the awful result of a man's In difference Tile Closed Door." Vitagiaph. 1, iion feet long. This picture will please with its heart story, sympathetic act ing and its exceptional pictorial qual ities. 'Capturing Cub Hear." Education al. The funny antics of the little fur bails in their endeavors to escape add greatly to the interest of the film. "Max Leads Them a Novel Chase." romedy. Tlie pursued individual fi nally escapes in a balloon. TO PROTECT THE TRAVELING PUBLIC HEALTH COMMISSIONERS EVOLVE SAFETY METHODS Will Set-It to Secure Sanitary Methods on lUiilroaibt Movement Is Coun try Wide Dr. K. E. Heg Is in Charge in WchI Other News of the Nortliwewt. Three Snaps. , Must se'l at once. One 17-room h -use, two blocks from depot. 11400, two 6-room modern houses close In. 100 and JS60. All east fronts. Small payments down. Inquire C. C. Hend ricks, over Taylor Hardware Co. Attention Knights. Iamon lodge, No 4 K. of p.. will meet In regular session this evening. W. I. UAOWA. C. t K. W. FI.HTCHKIt. IC. U S. Wi:sT POINT (;il.lUATES , INITIATED INTO Gl'NNERY New York This year's graduating lass at West Point, some twenty-seven in number, established their first ac quaintance with Uncle Sam's big shooting Irons at Sandy Hook on Sat urday. For several years It has been the custom to take the graduating r'.i.! down to the government prov- I ing grounds on the end of the Hook and show Its members the mammoth disappearing guns which sweep the Atlantic for a distance of fifteen miles and protect the harbor of New York. It was the cadets first real In troduction to the life of thrills Into which they will be ushered at the end of this month and they relished every minute of it. The sail down the bay and out into the ocean from Weehaw Ken lo Sandy Hook gave thorn zest for the Important work that followed. They were a frisky lot of youngsters .111,1 a mighty promising lot, too the l.md from which tho country may ex peel big things when big things are most needed. Wishes Iti-slg". II IS mi'" ' iked leave to London, June 12 i rra Kitchener has a j -Tin to is Nebuchadnezzar eating .1 : grass like an ox!" said one counter. I . . l 1. ...... ft,. tl. hi'iil ' I iv.ili.'.l tVi . ..nil 111 n in 1 ..iln-r. "Maybe he's trying to get i veil the Hahyionian beet trust. Mar. resign the Mediterranean comma " ' LhuVho rs ;:n:vx:-uv:hiS..nmf gust. There has recently " oner appointed t, an - , sitloo. such as viceroy or inui.i. Ing gum girl lives from louth. Koeppens' Bed Bug Destroyer Gets Them All. Even,Bed.Bug 25c The Bottle It is in liquid form nnd so thin and penetrating that it goes into all the little cracks, killing the bugs and destroying the tggs as well, heing of an antiseptic nature it gets the germs also. Each bottle is equipped with a shaker cork which makes it quite easy to apply. DC E F IP E M The Drug Store That Serves You Best. Seattle. The protection of the traveling public from disease by safe-guarding trains from Infection, regulating the travel of diseased per sons, and scientific and unremitting sanitation In every phase of travel within the states, is the plan evolved at a recent conference of health offi cers at Washington, D. C, and Dr. Elmer E. Heg, state health commis sioner of this state, has been assign ed the task of planning the work west of the Mississippi river. Dr. Heg has Just returned from Washington and Is now arranging for a confer ence In Seattle, of health officials from western states. Dr. Heg believes that even If the Owens bill, providing for a national department of health, Is not passed, the state health officers can accom plish by co-operation the same re sults for which a national department Is needed. Uniform sanitation laws to protect travelers are needed, so that epidemics will not be allowed to be Introduced from one section Into another. There Is no place where all sorts of people are brought in such close contact, with such few sanitary .precautions as on trains. Consumptives travel with impunity. Convalescent patients and half sick people use the cars where there Is no chance for taking proper precautions. All, of these conditions, Dr. Heg be lieves can be Improved by co-opera tions between state health depart ments. To Preserve Forests. An Important step toward preserv ing thp forests of the northwest from damaging fires, has been taken by the state fire wardens of Washing-1 ton. In ordering all locomotives to use I practical spark arresters. Railroads falling to comply with this order will see their engines stopped from oper ating by state officials. A great percentage of forest fires are started by locomotive sparks, or sparks from logging engines. The trans-continental lines have generally shown a will Ingess to take proper precautlos. hut even the big roads have been occa sional offenders, and smaller lines, including many logging roads have never paid any attention to the law re quiring spark arresters. The Wash ington Fire association, organized ny timber owners to protect the forests, brought the matter to the attention of the state officers nnd the law will be strictly "enforced. Other north eastern states will be asked to co operate In this plan In the hope of saving many thousand dollars worth of timber each year. Wuililngton Winner. The University of Washington won the rowing championship of the Pa cific coast from Stanford university in the race on Lake Washington May 2fi. and the winners left immediately to race against the University of Wis consin olght at Madison on June 4. The beautiful ncquntlc sport Is gain ing many followers in the northwest, and the racing enthusiasts hope to in troduce It into high schools and into such colleges as hnve bodies of water near by where rowing can be en Joyed. With the arrest In Seattle last week of "'Darin" Thel'man. the govern ment secret service officials have rounded up the last of the famous Maybray gang of prize fight and and phoney wrestling match opera tors who are said to have mane a million from their victims in the last ten years. They operated by con ducting "fixed" matches, to which the victim was given a supposedly sure thing tip. Many reliable busi ness men fell into tho trap, believing that they were the fibers. Of course the match always went wront. one of the participants feigned serous In jury, there was a fake police raid, or some other scheme to so frighten the victim that he gave up his mon ey without a murmur. The gang operated in Seattle In 1!06. fitting up a houseboat on Lake Washington, with a ring and seats for a few spectators. They were exposed by the late "Hilly" Lavigne. a thor oughly siiuaie fight promoter who re fused to mix in their crooked deals. Xo arrests were made and the gang left Seattle. Finally the government agents began an investigation which lead to scores of indictments by a grand Jury at Council liluffs. Iowa, on charges of fraudulent use of the mails Maybray. the lender, is serv ing time, as are Joe Carroll and Pert Warner of Seattle, and Win Harris of Spokane, and members of the gang from other stales. Thellman Is the last one to be arrested. The opera tion of tho "Nig stores" gang, the biggest swindlers of recent years, are now a matter of history. The Methodist minslters of Seattle at their last meeting passed a reso lution endorsing equal suffrage and urging the passage of the amendment to the constitution of the state of Washington which comes before the voters In November. The women who are making an active campaign for the right to vote are one by one win ning over Influential organizations In their behalf. The northwestern states will enjoy one of the finest fruit crops In their history this year, according to enrly reports. Finn the Yakima valley comes word that Ki00 men will be needed to handle the crop, the supply of peaches being especially abundant. If this Is tho case In one small section there will be a great demand for la bor throughout the northwest. The market will also be good, as the middle western fruits have been bad ly damaged by frost. ? A Ten Days Clearance Sale At Wohlenberg Department Store The Prices Hold Good Until June 15 Sensational Reductions ( on Combination Suits During this Clearance Sale, All All All All All All All All All All All All All $1.35 Combinations now . $1.50 Combinations now $1.75 Combinations now 2.00 Combinations now $2.25 Combinations now $2.50 Combinations now $3.00 Combinations now $3.50 Combinations now $4.00 Combinations now $5.00 Combinations now $6.00 Combinations now $7.50 Combinations now $10.00 Combinations now 08 $1.15 $1.35 $1.65 $1.85 $2.15 $2.35 $2.85 $3.25 $3.05 $4.95 $6.35 $7.95 Silk and Kid Gloves at th ese pnees 65c Silk Gloves, all colore, at $1.00 Silk Gloves, all colors, at $1.25 Silk Gloves, all colors, at "$1.25 Kid gloves, all colors at $1.50 Kid Gloves, all colors, at $1.75 Kid Gloves, all colors, at $2.00 Kid Gloves, all colors, at 48 $1.25 $1.45 $1.70 White India Linens Persian Lawns, Swisses and these clearance sale prices. All 10c Grades, now All 12 l-2c Grades, now All 15c Grades, now All 20c Grades, now All 25c Grades, now All 35c Grades, now All 45c Grades, now Dimities at WOHLENBERG DEFT STORE "Better Goods for Less Money" CliEVKLAXD TEAM. GETS CRACK COLLEGE STAR The Cleveland team got one of the best pitchers In the college ranks In B. Harrison De Mott of the Layfayette college nine, of Easton, Pa., accord ing to the Portland Journal. DeMott is the man who blanked the Prince ton team with one scratch hit recent ly. He also has two no-hit shutouts to his credit this season. De Mott is 21 years old, 6 feet, 1-4 inch In height, and weighs 180 pounds. He has speed, a ball with a big break to It, and good control. De Mott is also an unusually hard hitter. He has made a number of home runs this season. Sam Kennedy, the Cleve land scout, went to Eaton and obtain ed his signature to a contract. The Layfayette star will join Cleveland after graduating. During the twelve years from 1895 to 1907 the employment of men in Germany decreased 20 per cent, while the number of women employed in creased 57 per cent. A full third of the economic labor of the empire is at present being carried on by wo men Christian Science Monitor. Fresh Candy Just Arrived 15c a pound at r. J. DOXALD80X. Reliable Iixsstot. ill For safe at the East Oregonian office Large bundles of news papers, containing over 100 big papers, can be had for 25c a bundle. When You BUILD, Build to STAY! Re-enforced concrete and concrete blocks are cheaper in the end; are prettier, more substantial and far more comfortable in either cold or warm weather, . Concrete stands unsurpassed for Basements, Founda tions, Walls, Fences and Curbing. It looks better and lasts longer than stone See my many beautiful designs in concrete blocks DeTore you buildjyour home. 1 will furnish your estimates for any class of work on application. D. A. MHY Contractor and Builder Cor. Railroad amd WillowrSts. Pendleton. Ore SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! PEACOCK NOVELTY GLASSWARE All Colors, All Designs. The prettiest and the greatest Special Price offer we have ever attempetd Bon Bon Dishes Fruit Saucers Olive Dishes Pickle Dishes Jelly Dishes Footed Jelly Dishes Your Choice 15c FRUIT BOWLS BERRY BOWLS FLOWER VASES Each 25c See Window Display Electric Vacuum Carpet Cleaner for R.ent. INGRAM'S GROCERY Bi"er sLtSS. w" E,er