EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OiiKGONLAJf, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1010. PAGE THREE mi F3 L7T3 uuu V ..AM (M1TITO XANDER'S... L Hill IT AL TTT Has been one of the most successful bargain giving events ever held in Pendlelon. Notice these items given be (I low. This sale is not given' on a lot of undesirable merchandise, but on seasonable staples, such as best prints, vU I domestics, hosiery and all the merchandise you need today. We follow sometimes in giving a sale but we al JJ ways lead in cut prices. Compare our prices with others on staples you know about. Every department brimming over with values. We earnestly solicit you to visit our store before you buy elsewhere This Sale is to continue All This Week Closing Saturday Night, June 1 8 All While Goods Reduced $1.00 French Lawns 75c French Lawns 65c French Lawns 50c French Lawns 50c India Linons 40c India Linons 35c India Linons 30c India Linons 25c India Linons 20c India Linons 15c India Linons . 35c Txnr Cloth 25c Long Cloth 20c Lons Cloth 15c Long Cloth 65 50 40 30 35 . 33 l-3? 27 1 2 23 l-2, 18 16 2 3 11 12 25 18 15 12 l-2 Muslin Underwear We have the best lines of Muslin Underwear carried any place in the state. This statement can ho backed up by any one who has looked over our stock, but as every article is reduced," the underwear must go at these prices: $7.50 Val $4.75 $2.50 Val SI. 85 $6.50 Val 94.25 $2.00 Val . 91.45 $5.00 Val $3.45 $1.50 Val ?1.10 $4.50 Val $3.00 $1.00 Val 65 $3.00 Val S2.25 50c Val. , 35 Ginghams, Extra Special 35c French Ginghams, 36 in. wide 23 25c Zephyr Gingham, 36 in. wide 18 15c Drops Gingham, 27 in. wide .: 11 12 l-2c Dress Gingham, 27 in. wide 9 10c Dress Gingham, 27 in. wide 7 . DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. 35c Bod Ticking 27 25c Bed Ticking 19 20c Bed Ticking 16 1-3 15c Bod Ticking 12 12 Outing Flannel Sale 1 5c Grade, special at 21 1-2 12 1 -2c Grade, special at S 1-3 10c. Grade, special at 6 l-4f Great Bargains in Oiir Clothing Dep't. Prices that are absolutely lower than others. We quote a number of special bargains in the list below. Our great Clothing Sale, which we have been running for three weeks will be continued during this sale. Absolutely your choice of any suit in our store for $ fl 4.5 We also have a special line of two-piece suits, which we will close out for the bargain price of S5 a suit. These suits are very good val ues for double the price given and, will be worth looking over, even if you do not intend to buy. 'lo 111: ate if $7.50 $6.00 $5.00 $3.50 $3.00 $2.50 itch ;il wimtt'i Vi.ll!. VllllK-s Valium 20-in. 2-in. 20-in. Napkins Tiiblo Linens, can be sold scpar- . large size, dozen $5.45 , large size, dozen $4.25 . large size, dozen S3. 20 Napkins S2.65 Napkins $2.10 Napkins SI. 65 Your Choice of Any Ladies' Oxford or Pump in this store for $2.90 Any Misses Shoe at $1.60. Nothing resered Alexander' Ziegter PtNDLCTON Our Great Domestic Dep't. Offerings 15c Musline ...... 12 l-2t 12 l-2c Muslins 9 10c Muslins 7 S l-3c Muslins - 6 1-4 35c Sheeting 27 1-2 30c Sheeting 23 l-2t 25c Sheeting ..- 21 10 2-3c Crash Towels 13( 15c Crash Towels 12 1-2 12 l-2c Crash Towels 10 10c Crash Towels 7 CHILDREN'S HOSE. Heavy ribbed, good wearing, fast dyes, reg ular 15c and 20c values, at this sale 3 for 25f, MOSQUITO NETTING. All colors, 50 holt, S yards to bolt Great June Sale on Towels of all Kinds 50c Turkish Towels 35c Turkish Towels 25c Turkish Towels HUCK TOWELS. 25c, Sale Price, dozen 20c, Sale Price, dozen 15c, Sale Price, dozen 12 l-2e, Sale Price, dozen 33 25 18 $2.25 $1.85 S1.35 $1.15 Suits, Jackets All greatly $10.50 Wool $18.50 Wool $22.50 Wool $25.00 Wool $27.50 Wool $30.00 Wool $32.50 Wool $35.00 Wool $37.50 Wool $42.50 Wool reduced. Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits .... Suits .... Suits 88.75 S12.50 $12.50 $16.50 $16.50 $16.50 $17.50 $18.75 $19.50 $22.00 White Waisting To strengthen our White Sale we are giving still greater values. White waistings, such as white madras, white dimities, both stripe and check design, white poplins, etc. Wide range of materials and de signs, but all white 50c Values at this sale for 32 40c Values at this sale for 27f 35c Values at this sale for .. 23 25c Values at this sale for 18 20c Values at this sale for 16 2-3 Table Linen We have a splendid line of Table Linen, in fact better than ever at this season of the year. People who attended this sale Friday and Saturday know that we have real bargains, as we have what we advertise. $1.75 Satin Damask, conventional design S1.15 $1.50 Satin Damask, colored border 95 $1.25 Satin Damask, rose border S5f S5c 72-in. Linen Snow flake center 65 "Onyx" Hosiery ECHO NEWS AND PERSONAL NOTES (Special Correspondence.) Bcho, Ore., June 13. The Presby terian church of this place observed Children's Day yesterday, the exer cises being held Inst night at the Bethel chapel. A very entorta ning and appropriate program was render ed by the children. The proceeds, a generous collection taken at the e'esn of the meeting, were given for the Sunday school missionary work of the Presbyterian church. Rev. George Sprattler, pastor of the German Lutheran church near Pen dleton, held preaching services here yesterday at 2 o'clock p. m., at the Bethel chapel. The meeting was well attended. Rev. Sprattler expects to be here again in the near future. J. T. Hosklns shipped two carloa U of fine mutton sheep to Portland 'u-t Friday which was sold at the Union stockyards. Mrs. Percy Jarman and little daughters returned Friday from Portland, where they had been at tending the rose show. Roy Durham returnod with his bride Saturday evening from Port land. Mr. Durham Is associated with his father In the management of the Hotel Echo, and will continue to make his homo here. At about 10 o'clock Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Durham were treated to a charavarl by a number of their enthusiastic friends, who wore invited in and a pleasant reception followed. Dr. F. U. Dnrn made a short busi ness trip to Pendleton Saturday eve ning, returning home yesterday morn ing. Travis Ilosklng returned home Sun day from a business trip to Portland. Mrs. Nellie Horton's mother, Mrs. Sarah A. Hlue and little daughter. Heraldlne Horton, both of Pendleton, visited with her here on Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Young returned Saturday from a pleasure trip o Port land. Chas. Hosklns and Wm. Hoffnagle are In the mountains near Mcacharn looking after affairs preparatory to receiving the Hosklns sheep for ih:ir summer range. W. Harvey Wells of Portland, rn Insurance adjuster, spent Saturday here. Ho was up to adjust the loss of Orin Steel's at Nolln. Mrs. E. H. Bown of Stanfield vis ited here yesterday and today. Ed Marshall of Pendleton return ed to his home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. llagga went to Pendleton this morning on the motor. ma PouintY show TO BE HELD IX FAI.I. Seattle. One of the chief features of the second annual Western Wash ington Fair, to be held In Seattle, September 19 to 25, will be a gTeat poultry show, to be housed in a special building now under construction at Hie fair grounds at Madison park. The show will be in charge of J. L. Anderson, who was superintendent of the big boultry exhibit at the Alaska-Vuknn-Paclfic exposition last fall. According to assurances already re reived from leading exhibitors of the Northwest, there will be more than ;.00f entries for the show, of which 1.200 are already officially entered for the many premiums to be offered by the association. Superintendent An derson said recently that the coming show will surpass the exposition ex hibit, both in number and class of entries. The poultry will be housed In spe cially constructed pens, arranged In a Me building, with 12.000 square feet nf floor space. In addition to the many exhibits of domestic fowls, there will he a special exhibit of game birds and wntrr fowl. Tn addition to the pens of fowl of every description there will be an in teresting exhibit of young chicks of tunny breeds. With this exhibit there will be a "battery" of Incubators. In which will be eggs timed to hatch out during the week of the fair. Premium lists for the fair will be issued this week, and can be obtain ed from Secretary Guy Mad Rich ards. Globe Pudding, Seattle. XEEDKVIi KXOWI.EDGE. Deep wnterways ought to be one of the main planks In the temperance platform. Pendleton People Should T.onrn to Detect the Approach of Kidney Plxeflso. Tlie symptoms of kidney trouble are so unmistakable that they leave no ground for doubt. Sick kidneys excrete a thick, cloudy, offensive urine, full of sediment, irregulrr of pssage or attended by a sensation of scalding. The bark aches constantly headaches and dizzy spells may occur anil the victim is often weighed down by a feeling of languor and fatigue. Neg'ect of these warnings and there Is danger of dropsy. Prlght's disease or diabetes. Any one of these symp toms is warning enough to begin treating the kidneys at once. Delay often proves fatal. You can use no better remedy than Doan's Kidney Pills. Here's Pendle ton proof: S P. Hutchinson, proprietor of feed store, 1610 W. Webb street. Pendle ton, says: "I was annoyed by a dull pain below my kidneys and at times the secretions from my kidneys were retarded. Since learning of Doan's Kidney pills. I have used them and they have always brought' me relief from troubles of this kind. I am pleased to give this preparation my endorsement." For sale by all dealers. Prlro 60 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the Unit ed Statets. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. 1 LET AN ELECTRIC MOTOR DO YOUR WORK Steadiest, cheapest and moat reliable power for small or heavy work. Less danger and easier to operate you tnm a lever and It doe the work. The Housewife's work will be lessen ed when Electricty and Gas come Into. the home COOK WITH GAS Make the work easier for her and save on your fuel aa well. No dirt, dust and excessive heat No fuel to handh and Area to kindle and It costs leaa. For Herke, put Raskin your, home befo;e thehot weather arrives 0tU t - i i ; vfc.-.;iJ.. I COLUMBIA LIGHT & POWER. COMPANY Successor to N. W. Ga and Stectrle C. Matlock Building. Phone Main 10.