Sensational $150, OOP Sale Now is the time to buy your entire summer supply of under muslins. Long White Skirts 75r .on-; White Skins. Sensational $l.r.0,000 Sale price 5S 1.00 Lon;r White Skins, Sensational i?i:0,000 79 81.25 LoiiL' White Skirt.s, Sensational !?i;0,000 Sale pr. 9S SI. 50 lon.i; White Skints . Sensational $150,000 Sale Vruv $1.17 fc-.OO Lonir White Skirts, Sensational .$150,000 Sale Pri - ?1.5S $10.00 Lonrr White Skirts. Sensational $150,000 Sale price $7.85 CHILPliK.VS Ml'SLIX UXOERWEAR. Of all kinds greatly reduced for this Sensational $150,000 Sale. Women's Knee Skirts 25c Knee Skirts, Sensational $150,000 Sale price 19 5 Knee Skirts. Sensational $150,000 Sale price 520 S1.00 Knee Skirts. Sensational $150,000 Sale price. 78 $1.50 Knee Skirts, Sensational $150,000 Sale price $1.19 S2.75 Knee Skirts, Sensational $150,000 Sale price $2.15 S3.00 Knee Skirts, Sensational $150,000 Sale price $2.3S Corset Covers 25o Corset Covers, Sensational $150,000 Sale price S5c Corset Covers, Sensational $150,000 Sale price aO- Corset Covers, Sensational $150,000 Sale price $1.00 Corset Covers, Sensational $150,000 Sale price Corot Covers Sensational $150,000 Sale price -'oriiCt Covers, sensational $150,000 Sale price $3.75 Corset Covers. Sensational $150,000 Sale price 19 23 .....38 78 $1.13 $1.57 $2.98 Millinery at Startling Reductions When you are shoppiuir he sure to visit our Millinery De partment and see the immense display of hats that we are .Wing at from $2.50 to $5.00, you will agree with us that i'tose hat? are a revelation. All season we have lieen lower than anv other store in East ern Oregon on all kinds of millinerv. We have had virtually i.ocoinpetition. Xow we come forward with this sensational 150.000 sale. If our former prices were hevond the reach of competitors these prices surely are. i'"0 hats, the latest styles, beautifully trimmed, regular value up to $10.00, while they last your choice $1.98 ! 50 hats, the latest shapes, large, medium and smali shapes, values up to $15.00, not an old one in the lot, while thev last, your choice, "only $5.66 All other Millinery is greatly reduced: it will more than pav von to visit this department. $1.25 Fancy Silks 97c In this lot we have about 50 pieces. They run from 4 to 15 ar,!iX on lnav 1'n' smrt w"'t lengths or dress lensrths. $1.25 values for only 97f Reduced t 31f. Materials such' as Albatross, i'.atisles and many other fabrics, 5 Of values .. 34 ou will find here every one new and great manv to choose from: this sale 1-2 price. 35C Fancy Collars, Sensational $150,000 Sale price 21f 35f Ladies" Vests, low neck, short sleaves. Sensational $150,- 000 Sale price 23f 12 l-2f ;5(!-in. Muslin, fine weight, Sensational $150,000 Sale price . 7c 15 Vests, low neck, no sleaves. Sensational $150,000 Sale 0J"-iee ........... 10- '-of Ladies' Colored Hose, tan, black. Sensational $150,000 Sale price ;. ISp 10c Ladies' Vests, low neck, no sleaves. Sensational $150,000 Sale price 7 35? Children's Short Sox, red and blue, Sensational $150,000 Sale price 10? 15? .Nurses Stripe Ciingham, -27-iu., Sensational $150,000 Sale price 10? 12 1-2? Dress Ginghams, 27-in., Sensational $150,000 Sale price ....... 9? 12 1-2? Turkish Towels, fringed, size, Sensational $150,- 000 Sale, price 9? 15? Turkish Towels, hemmed, Sensational $150,000 Sale , vy 11? -0? Turkish Towels, hemmed, Sensational $150,000 Sale oJ'i-iee 16? 25? Turkish Towels, hemmed, Sensational $150,000 Sale price .. 18? $1.00 SlxOO Sheets, 110 seams in center, Sensational $150,- 000 Sale price 07? 15? Percales, 3o-in. wide, fine weight. Sensational $150,000 Sale price 9? 35? Poplin in the new blue, Sensational $150,000 Sale o Pi'ice 21 1-2? -0? Spun Glass waist lining. Sensational $150,000 Sale oJi-ice 16? 25? Sateens, 30-in. wide, all shades. Sensational $150,000 Sale price 1 Sc 75 r.uniro Silks, Koiighwares, Sensational $150,000 Sale J Pi'iee .. 45c 50? China Silks, all shades. Sensational $150,000 Sale J'l'ice 39? 25? China, l'.t-in., all shades. Sensational $150,000 Sale price 19? $1.75 :;t;-in. lilark Taffeta Swi-s finish. Sensational 15o 000 Sale price f $1.09 THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Where it Pays to Trade Agents for Carhartt Overalls, II. & L. Blocks Gloves, Stetson Hats, Manhattan Shirts. 1 1 - ' 1 I FACTS FOR FARMERS How to Start Alfalfa. Alfalfa is a hard crop I Don't try to raise several breeds of j chickens on the same farm at the ; same time It won't work out well. I Lime sprinkled about the poultry j yards- and houses will help greatly to keep things clean and healthy. Lime I in a great absorbent. The incubator is an aid to religion TfM) MANY I.OVKS (iFTS LATIN PROP. IX TKOl IIU: . ,f !V',any better than this' but In" moral welfare. There are few to start. 11 tlon t believe it is nui-ngsrv t ,'. v.: ..... , I. delicate an.l ferule,- r.r.,1 t., ,!. ... " """e nwucauve ui cuss ffuniJ V " , ... si "P me use 01 tne land, and I , than the average setting hen irlLZ I W'0U; ,T thif,k Bft('r JOU haVe foUnd that Chicken, should not be k Fv!!"" "7. hP,P''8. a1,Ut an row alfaIfa follow the side the house during bright The mo- , pian 0f taking a field, thnt has hon ! ..,(i,,. t immediately, work It a month and sow it about the last of July. , If you have harvested the clover hap crop you can give up the land the last of the year to get the alfalfa started. After the oats crop it is throwing away (4 an acre ney is ordlnari'y wasted It as you would clover or most other crops. We want to prepare and enrich the land and give alfalf.i the best possible Chance to start with. If the land Is sandy, put on 20 loads of manure per acre, 30 loads would be better. You are preparing the land, not for one year, but for ten years. You can ford to do almost anything to get in snape. terla there to enable you to get nltro The land should be worked until it I g n from the air. The best method is is free from weeds. You cannot have to use soil that has bacteria in it al alfalfa prosper with weeds and foul ready. You can get this from an old grass; destroy them before you sow field where alfalfa has been growing the crop. several years, or you can get It from If you have the !and free from j "n !d patch of sweet clover, weeds and the surface soil enriched, Pof it In at the time you sow the kept In- bright sun- Many poultry diseases trace their origin to Improper ventilation or lack of protection from severe weather A Dreadful Wound. from a knife gun, tin can, rusty nail fireworks, or of any other nature, de 100 lale: rouow winter wheat mands prompt treatment with Buck lis better, and following nlnvor h is un'. a o . - ---r, .....j " wen a swiiii-a paive iu prevent diuu i best of all. Pee that the anil la In. : imIba. nAnA.AMA Tt i 1. j, - ' yutovii vi B"!5CI1. 11 B IMB (JUlUll " MKui.neu so tnat you will have bac- est. surest so that the alfalfa will live say two years, then it will grow and take care f ltMlt Alfalfa gets its roots away down be low where any other crop has been. becomes somewhat dry It is easily ecattered by hand from the wagon or from a sack which one can carry. .Sometimes it in anolierl hv means It draws phosphorus and potassium ,f nn,t SPPder or a fertilizer healer for all such wound as also for burns, boils, sores, skli eruptions, eczema, chapped hands corns or Piles 25c at Tallman & Co r.xiTEn misii league IX FASTIOXAI. FIGHT At the annual convention seed. When the soil for Inoculation of the United Irish league, Just held nere, the report dealt with the split in the Irish party and stated: "These feelings are increased and Intensi fied by the horror and disgust with which Irishmen of Great Britain view from the deeper soil. It Is not ne- , jrill Don't scatter Infeeted soil over a' Oils great hour of Ireland's oppor- cessary to apply phosphorus to alfal- lhe land and et It ,,e for many hourgj tunity, the treasonable attempts of ia mnu. ii me sou is aciu, put on . in ,he hot 8Un for mogt of the bac. lacuon to disrupt tne Irish ranlti p'enty of ground lime etone and ma- t,.rja wMI De ki'le(1. Use a wagon load anJ destroy Ireland's hope of free nure. ... ,h( .ro ,. f ,, ,v, I Institutions in the near future. The Get five cents worth of blue litmus mril th(. hpftPr Irish in Great Britain appeal to the New York. Quite a shock was giv- I tn tins week to the friends of Profes I sor Harry Thurston Peck, holder of the chair of Iitin at Columbia Uni versity, distinguished essayist and critic, when it became gnown that he had been made a defendant In a breach of promise action brought against him by Kstlier Qui no, a form er newspaper woman, who demands nO,nno damages. Following the dl vr.rce of Mrs. reck No. 1 from the pedagogue, Miss Quinn alleges ho made violent love to her. In proof of it she displays more than one hundred letters, which, it Is claimed, Peck sent her, in which he avows his affection in the most endearing terms. What disturbs most the equipose of the pro fessor's friends Is the fact that he lias taken unto himself a charming sec ond wife to whom the Imputations of Miss Quinn against her husband must lie tremendously humiliating. As was reasonable to expect, the suit has caused no end of a hub-bub among the members of the Columbia faculty and in the literary set in which the Latinists has been a moving figure. Of course, he denies the charges of the fair complainant. What worries his friends most in view of th's. is the bundle of love epistles freely given to the public this week by counsel for the newspaper woman, who seemx de termined to make the most of them, holding that they prove lier case per paper from the drug store, break in Alfalfa is almost always benefited Irish people in the Motherland to ca-U two a mass of the moist soil, Insert . , , '. V I""1 ,nis (,prn"n "f dissension from a r:ee of the litmus paper, and press " their soil.' th soil f.rmly together again. j " il does not do well mow and disk , 0Xe After ten or twentv minutes re- in "e want to get nitrogen Into the ...: move the soil and allow the paper to 1 r,iI anfl consequently the soil must ( ,iiBruptlve tactics of wlllam O'Brien, rirv If th. ,lrie,l test r,ar,e Is nink 1 h" "P and porous. That is one, M T ita (miner iittrn-li, imiL.iptViir t.f n I or red, as compared with the original. "'- "'"n. "" '"" "-Inian with his record, and regarding color the so l is acid and needs the 1 ,lr ,J1 . . "" ground limestone, about one ton per ''un'ne Baby's Vital Point. The most delicate part of a ha by Is Its bowels. Every ailment that Is suf fers with attacks the bowels also en dangelrng in most cases the life of the Infant. McCee's Baby Elixir cures diarrhoea, dysentery and all derange ments of the stomach or bowels. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Disk it at first if the ground acre, thoroughly mixed with the soil. !B nara lne nr" sianimg, Tf vri h..v. ,iean. rich l.-.nd von 1 't won't cut the crowns off, and car seed alfa.'f.i earlv hut from a ! ''"n't set It so it will cut the roots gooO many years'experience we ad- D;ik t t"'1' " it Is all right, vl; sowing aifalfa between the mid- Yo can "et the disk pretty straight die of July and the middle of August. ,h; first time; thhe next time set It Hve the ground made rich the year at a sharper angle, before, and well drained. Plow the Tn,! two objects are to loosen up ground .n the spring at the time you ! ,h" ground so the nitrogen will enter would for corn, then disk It or har-! "r'l rot out blue grass and foul weeds, row .t about every week or ten days I Th" disking won't kill the deep a'falfa until you are satisfied the weeds and j roots. Fnrtworth Citizen-Star, foul grass are practically all started and killed. If it takes unti? the mid dle of August, why work It until then! When the weeds come, kill them with your harrow, In a few days there will be another crop of weeds spring up. Go on with your disk and harrow your ground, and let the weeds up as long as they will; kill each crop. You have both killed the weeds and preserved mois tnr. Then thoroughly Inoculate the ground and sow 20 to 25 pounds of rood alfalfa seed and harrow it In well. If the ground has been well manured the year before, I cannot Poultry Pointers. Erly In the season It is a good plan to pick out the best laying hens and sort out the others and dispose of them. None but good layers should be kept. The color of the shell of an egg has nothing to do with Us richness, ac cording to scientific tests, although in some markets some colors sell more readily than others. The best egg stimulant and health promoter is a variety of good, whole some food adopted to egg production, dry, comfortable houses and sanitary surroundings. his formation of the "All for Ireland League" as militating ngainst real Irish progress, and that stps be taken to contest every O'Brien esat at the next general election. This was carried. Ttw niR Head Is of two kinds conceit and the big head that comes from a sick head ache. Does your head ever feel like a gourd and your brain feel loose i d sore? You can cure It In no time by acting on your liver with Ballard's Herblne. Isn't It worth trying for the absolute and certain relief you'll g"t?. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Men's oxfords cheap at A. Eklunda. For Sale. P. G. Smith of Burns will be In Pendleton, June 18 with 60 head of big horses to sell. Good gentle saddle horses for la dle. Commercial Barn, CALL FOR WARIIAXTS. All general fund warrants regis tered during the months of January, February and March, 1910, will be paid at my office In the county court house upon presentation. Interest ceased upon date of publi cation. Dated Pendleton. Oregon. June 11. 1910. G. W. BRADLEY, Treasurer Umatilla County. Htat c! Ob 10, City or Toledo Locm Coos Frank J. Cheney maka oath tbst ho U cnlor partner of the firm of P. J. Che ney Co., doing bnslnm In the City of Toledo, Connty and flute aforesaid, and that aald firm will pay the inn of ONR H(INf)HKI) DOI.LARH for each and etery rase of Catarrh that cannot be cured hi the oae of Hall's Catarrh Care. fBAKK J. CHriNKY. Sworn to before me cad subscribed la my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D 1KA0. A. W. OLRARON. (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Patftrrh PnM l . k . i - .- iuiri u.iii and acts directly oa the blood and mnrons urfaces of the system. Bead for testlmo alals free. r. 1. CHKWET CO.. Toledo. O. Hold by all Drngknta, The. Take Ball's Famll Pllla SPOR TS National League Standing. Clubs W. L. p. C. Chicago 28 15 .651 New York 28 17 .622 Cincinnati 22 19 .537 Pittsburg 21 2(1 . .512 ' St. Louis 21 24 .467 Brooklyn 20 25 ..444 j Philadelphia 17 24 .415 Boston ..16 29 .356 American Clubs New York . . . Philadelphia . Detroit . Boston Cleveland Washington , . Chicago St. Louis It-niTiic w. 28 28 31 31 17 21 15 9 Standing. AFTER SUFFERING FOR YEARS ham's Vegetable Compound Turk KnpidB, Mntn. "I was sick for years whilo passing throiiirh tlte Clianim of Life and was hardly able to b around. After tak ing six bottles of Lydial;. llukliam's Vegetable Com pound I gained UO pound 8. am now abli) to do niv own work and feel well." Mrs. Hit. I La Doc, Park Kap- L, p. C. 14 .667 .fLiTS s isrPff' 26 .366. 1 Jf :J. 7731 Z" , .'l:t?. TAW VM Ill'Olikville. flhln "Twna I Jt. KtNKISON, I'AtHI'IC COAST LKAGUF. Vt'riion Wliw froiii Kiktuiiiciho. Los Angeles. June 12. Vernon won the aTternoon game from Sacramento today at the Chutes, 4 to 2. Th , id.1, Minn. iiiorniut; Biime, piayea at Vernon I'ark was i'niie.1 at the end of the nlnili r.:i(l extrenu'ly nervous. A neighbor be. aus,. the time limit had exDlred. ' reconiniended Lvdiil K. IHnklmm'a ami the score was left a lit, 5 nil. 1 Vegetable Compound to me and I have uoy urasiiear saved the morning "-l"ihh nnu my Iiervt'S are mime from being n defeat for Ver non by a home run which purshed In two runners ahead of him. Ho did the same trick In the afternoon. In the sixtli iiiniii)r. bringing In one man and giving Vernon a lead. The pitchers on both shies in both games were ex ceedingly stingy, Brashear's hitting being tile only thine out of the ordi nary. Scores: Morning game: K. II. E. Vernon 5 6 1 S.ieraniento 5 6 2 Wlllott and Brown; Hunt and Gra ham. Spiesman. Afatenioon game: it. H. E. Vernon 4 5 o Sacramento 6 i Carson and Hogan; Nourse and Liruhnni. Is Angeles 1, Fortlund 4. Portland, Ore., June 12. Portland took a bitterly contested game from Los Angeles, by a batting rally In the eigiuh inning, which netted them three run. Previously to that the SMine had stood 1 to 1 from the fourth whi-ii Los Angeles tied the score. Portland's victory was due to a homo run by Kyan, which scored Fisher and Casey. The fielding which by both teams was gilt edged, was the feature of game. Score: It. H. K. Iais Angeles 1 2 0 Portland 4 10 t Batteries Wheeler and Waring; Kr.ipp it tit) Fisher. Oakland Wine Tu, San Francisco, June 12 Oakland is jusi one point from the top today In the pennant race. Wolverton's climbing aggregation took both much better." Mrs. Urookville, Ohio. ' Lydia h. Pinklmm's Vegetable Com pound, imuto from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotic or harm ful drugs, and to-day holds the record lor the largest number of actual cures of female diseases we know of and thousands of voluntary testimonials .are on file in the Pinkham laboratory I at Lynn, Mass., from women who have been cured from almost every form of female complaints, inflammation, ul ceration.displacements, fibroid tumors irregularities,ieriodic pains, backache, indigestion and nervous prostration. Kvery suffering woman owes it to her self to give Lydia H. Mnkharn's Vege table Compound a trial. I f you wnnt special nl vice writ XH rn. IMnklinm, Lynn, Mans., fur it. It in free iml always liHpfuL Parglnson of Kansas City calls her self Parkina; Miss May McEvllly f Helena Is Madame Montana; Miss Ither of Portland. Ore., is Colana; the former Mrs. Charles H. Becker, who used to sing at our opera, was al.vays announced as Miss Jane Nnria. It seems that they would do quite as well If they clung to their goo 1 old rnerlcan 1 names, as Mary 'larden, Oruldiiie Farrar and Minnie Tracey have dne. i lutsch will be at Applelon t )- in the interests of his c'l- Lee Te morrow ents. Kveryonc says Applelon, Idaho, Is growing to grow as Twin FaUs has Why not be one of the lucky ones that get in on the ground floor? games from San Francisco today, ' beating the lenders in the morning at There Is but one method and Freeman's park, Oakland, by a score U by hard labor. Sidney Sin'th, of .1 to 0. and In the afternoon at . . ... . . Recreation park, 2 to 1, tumbling them into third place. Lively pitch ed a remarkable game in the morn ing, allowing but one hit. Scores: Morning game It, H. K. Oakland 3 6 0 Sail Francisco 0 1 2 Batteries Miller, Eastley and Ber i ; Lively and Pearce. n. h. e. a s 1 4 0 rearce; that game Aafternoon Oakland San Francisco , Batteries Nelson Henley and Berry. ami NORTHWEST LEAGUE. Seat tie n, Tnoomu 4. Seattle, June 12. Seattle won from Tacoma this afternoon by a score of 6 to 4. giving the local players five consecutive victories and a lift out of last place. Score: R. H. E. Seattle 6 8 3 Taeoinu 4 7 s' Engle, Hall and Shea; Annls ami ' I'.rynes. SiKikano 0, VancouvcT 0. I Spokane, June 12. Spokane went ' into first place today by shutting out Vancouver, 6 to 0, making It five out of seven on the series. Bonner won ! his fourth straight victory and pitch ed magnificent ball. Kroner's batting was n feature. Score: R. H. E. tipokane, fi 9 1 Vancouver 0 .1 u Butteries r.onnor and Brooks, Mll I'iieiuiult and Sligrieli. D AS SINMKIJS OF AMERICA TAKE ITALIAN NAMES Paris. A curious fashion Is spring ing up among American slngeri of hanging their family names and softening them down into imitation Italian. Nevada, Nordica and Mellia are probably responsible for thi fashion which the younger generation has adopted. Thus Miss Elizabeth Cass Matlock, Prop. -BEST PICTURES -MOKE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES aim linuiratcu songs the city. in Shows afternoon and eve--iiimrs. Kofi nod and en tertaining for the entire family. AVa-f to Frrnch Restaurant Entire change three time each week. Be euro and ee the next change. Adults 10c. Children under 10 years, 5c. 1" Ml , . . n Etyers' Best Flour Tu made from the choicest wheat that prows. Good bread is assured when HVERS' BEST FLOUR i9 I19ed. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon. Ii Orpheum Theatre 1. P. ifRnimwtri ii d- . HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children SEE PROGRAM IN TODAY'S PAPER. Program Change on Sundays, Tucday'B and Frtday'a.